
=== scuttlemonkey is now known as scuttle|afk
george_eHeh - oops.05:39
blahdeblahHi all - is it possible for a subordinate charm to get information about the relations of its parent, and if so, are there any good recent examples of this I can look at?07:20
Iceyhey, is it possible for a charm to be subordinate to two others, basically we want to require either this charm or that one but not both12:09
jamespagethedac, gnuoy`: basic but functional - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/charms/trusty/percona-cluster/status/+merge/27382512:13
gnuoy`jamespage, fantastic, thanks12:14
jamespagegnuoy`, gotta love jetlag ;-)12:14
gnuoy`you having jetlag is certainly working out well for me!12:15
jamespagethedac, re https://code.launchpad.net/~thedac/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/workgroup-status/+merge/27362312:28
jamespagecommented, tl;dr drop all the status stuff related to db's - its not required and is no-op even if optionally added12:29
jamespagewe need to drop the relations but thats different work imho12:29
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mattywbeisner, ping?13:18
Iceyany idea why changing the lxc default configuration for ip range would break juju with the local provider?13:24
IceyI changed the bridge IP fof lxcbr0 from to and now charms hang at Waiting for agent initialization to finish13:25
Iceywait, I think I missed a config13:25
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thedacjamespage: thanks, I'll get that done.14:29
jamespagethedac, awesome14:37
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thedacjamespage: gnuoy: For neutron-gateway making neutron-plugin-api required results in blocked even when related. It doesn't seem NeutronAPIContext is "registered" so it doesn show as a complete context. ideas?16:42
kwmonroecory_fu: tvansteenburgh:  to sentry a unit in an amulet test, "self.deployment.sentry['tomcat'][0]" is preferred over "self.deployment.sentry.unit['tomcat/0']", right?17:09
cory_fuThe latter can fail if the charm has been deployed before in the environment, which can happen with how bundletester runs the tests and resets the environment between files within a charm or bundle test17:11
tvansteenburghafter a reset, unit numbers *should* start over at 0, although machine numbers won't17:16
tvansteenburgheven so, not hardcoding unit numbers is best17:17
gnuoy`thedac, did you solve your neutronapi question?18:03
thedacgnuoy`: no I have not. Would you have time for a quick hangout?18:06
thedacgnuoy`: jamespage: when you have a chance https://code.launchpad.net/~thedac/charms/trusty/neutron-gateway/workgroup-status/+merge/27362318:22
jamespagethedac, looking18:50
jamespagethedac, I thought that NeutronAPIContext was a base class for one of the other contexts for the charm, but it would appear not18:50
jamespagethedac, its subtle but how about changing NeutronGatewayContext to inherit from NeutronAPIContext18:55
jamespage        api_settings = NeutronAPIContext()()18:56
thedacah, ok, let me test that out.18:56
jamespagewould then become a call to its super calss18:56
thedacI'll run with that18:57
jamespagethedac, super(NeutronGatewayContext self).__call__()18:57
jamespagethedac, I think that is neater18:57
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thedacjamespage: fyi, the neutron-gateway changes are up.21:00
jamespagethedac, ack21:01
thedacCan I get a second opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~thedac/charms/trusty/hacluster/workload-status/+merge/273889 ?21:42
thedaccoreycb: I merged your heat MP. Looking at the keystone action managed upgrade MP now. Let me know if there are more.21:48
coreycbthedac, thanks!21:48
coreycbthedac, I think that's good for now21:48
jamespagegnuoy`, thedac: I commented on 2/3 midonet charms and the tintri charm - landed 1 midonet charm21:52
jamespagethedac, looking at you proposal for neutron-gateway now21:52
jamespagethedac, +1 but I'd like to see an amulet +1 before its landed21:54
thedacI ran a single amulet test successfully but waiting for OSCI is a good idea here21:55
coreycbjamespage, thedac: I pushed updates to swift-proxy22:27
thedacin the queue22:28
thedacirssi should have a check for 'ls' and stop the insanity22:36
thedaccoreycb: lint and unit_test problems with swift-proxy.22:48
blahdeblahTrying again with my question from yesterday: Is it possible for a subordinate charm to get information about the relations of its parent?  If so, are there any good recent examples of this?23:04
thedacblahdeblah: I don't *think* so, but I will defer to juju devs23:05
jamespageblahdeblah, no that's not possible - a sub only knows about its own relations23:08
blahdeblahThanks guys - so bottom line is if I want to do that I need to add relations for both the parent and the subordinate.23:08
blahdeblah^ s/\.$/?/23:09
thedaccorrect. You can pass information back and forth between the primary and subordinate via their relation23:13
jamespagethedac, ok so what's left on the list?23:32
thedacjamespage: Ihttps://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/cinder-ceph/workloadstatus/+merge/27386123:33
jamespagethedac, ok looking at hacluster23:33
thedacI'd like your opinion on the approach in https://code.launchpad.net/~jjo/charms/trusty/swift-proxy/fix-multiple-devices-per-node_lp1479938/+merge/26646223:34
thedacjamespage: I have to head out for a bit. I will check back in a couple of hours.23:35
thedacand this one https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/ceph-radosgw/workloadstatus/+merge/27383423:37
jamespagethedac, landed hacluster - looked like a good v1 ;-)23:37
thedacok, I'll be back a bit later23:38

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