
RoeyI don't see my Wacom tablet device configuration settings in systemsettings5, even though the tablet shows up with xinput --list, kded5 is running....01:17
Ispirahey so, how can you force kill the system settings application?01:34
Ispirais the process name mission-control or? I checked in top but I'm not sure. I clicked custom background on 15.10 beta and it froze it, haha01:35
IspiraWell found it, the executable is "systemsettings5" just used "# pidof systemsettings5" and killed it01:43
Ispirawell I didn't see anything regarding that setting things up02:22
Ispirathen again on my laptop the icon size seems fine.02:22
Roeyhow do I disable usb power suspend?03:07
RoeyI have a Logitech g390 headset03:07
Roeyand I want to disable this so that hte headset can work properly.03:08
RoeyUSB Selective Suspend rarther03:09
IspiraSo looks like I'm going to be moving from 15.10, I didn't expect the beta to be quite so harsh :(03:47
Ispirascreen dims <when it wants to> rather than the 10 minute set duration, problems with bits of KDE freezing now and then too..03:48
Ispiraanyone else see/hear of  similar issues?03:48
abrahamsUnfortunately there are a million and one little quirks that happen updating a distribution... if you can't find a matching bug report then perhaps file one https://bugs.kde.org/03:53
Ispirayeah, I knew I signed up for trouble with it, but I had 14.10 beta and never had an issue so I hoped for the best03:53
IspiraI'm trying to decide if I want to go for 15.04, wait for 15.10 to be released fully, or distrohop for the 3rd time this month, aha03:54
abrahamsThat's a pain - hope you can find a distro providing Plasma 5 that works for you.04:11
abrahamsOn my own system, 15.10 has been a significant improvement over 15.04, so I have little useful advice.04:11
Ispirawell I guess im going to distro hop again after some reasearch. Fedora 22 w/4.1 kernel it is! if that doesn't work... Elementary OS and I give up on Plasma.04:11
IspiraThanks for the bits of talk. later guys04:11
abrahamsI have heard good things about Fedora, never got it working myself.  Good luck.04:11
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HaaliCreating custom Live Usb (stock ubuntu-line-linux with added packages) e.g. stock lubuntu15(+googlechrome,chromium,libreoffice,ettc). Any ideas/links welcome.06:37
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alainrogerhi all08:40
alainrogeri have some issue with xorg after installing nvidia driver as suggested by kubuntu 15.0408:40
alainrogeri was able to update grub to 1280x1200 but my laptop hass a 1920x1200 resolution screen and i stuck with resolution from grub :(08:41
soeealainroger: and if you change resolution in system settings ?08:51
alainrogersoee: in setting i can not change resolution unfortunatelly :(09:40
hateballoh they left10:16
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ejayHi all.11:50
BluesKajHowdy all11:58
ejayBluesKaj: Hi12:01
BluesKajhi ejay12:02
Roeyhey BluesKaj!12:33
Roeyand ejay!12:33
BluesKajhi Roey12:35
ejayRoey: hi12:45
xela2244 hi,  i'm trying to change gtk theme for gedit. I went on gedit.desktop and changed the theme, but is not working. Help12:46
BluesKajxela2244, ask in #ubuntu12:52
xela2244i did12:58
BluesKajxela2244, dunno much about unity or gnome so I can't help12:59
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makemany help available for virtualbox installing win7 from usb using a .vmdk file to boot from the usb?14:22
makemproblem: starting the VB from kubuntu menu as root to be able to use the .vmdk file as the boot disk14:23
makemif i start VB from a terminal allworks fine and win7 installs BUT when I close down, the VM is lost14:24
priestДоброе время суток14:31
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:32
priestПосле очередного обновления kubuntu 15.10 пропал пункт конетекстного меню мыши в dolphin-е "Создать папку"... да и вообще там количество пунктов заметно поубавилось. Кто решил как вернуть обратно?14:33
BluesKajpriest, --> #ubuntu-ru  !14:35
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aerowould kubuntu bd right for my setup15:15
BluesKajaero, what's your setup?15:16
aeroHP Intel core i5 8 gigs of ram 1tb sshd15:16
BluesKajyup, should be fine15:16
aeroI got a few questions about customization since kubuntu looks windows 7 like is it just as customizable as the other distros15:18
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EvilRoeyhey BluesKaj, why isn't my Wacom tablet recognized in systemsettings5?  lsusb recognizes the tablet.. and I do have kded5 running15:43
denza242how do I speed up this thing          15.457s systemd-udev-settle.service15:44
BluesKajEvilRoey, make sure the daemon is running in system settings>startup&shutdown>background services>startup services15:46
EvilRoeyahhhhh that's it, thanks!15:47
madmouser1hi all, need advice , I have to replace my hard drive in my laptop and the replacement drive will be a different size (smaller) what would be the best approach to backup / restore or migrate my exisitng installation of Kubuntu?15:47
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  which daemon, KDED or a wacom specific one?15:48
Khaotic[n10]Upgraded to 15.05 and now my computer won't work15:52
Khaotic[n10]Get stuck at screen that says 'starting version 219'15:52
tibihello there15:52
svend-evGood morning15:53
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  thanks15:53
EvilRoeyBluesKaj:  I checked it on my work computer and I see it here, so I'll do that for my home computer as well15:54
EvilRoeythanks agian15:54
BluesKajnp Roey15:54
maggotshi guys how do i install nvidia drivers for gtx 960?15:55
BluesKajKhaotic[n10], ctl+alt+F1-F6 will give you Virtual Terminal/TTY . there you can run, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade to install any missing or required packages15:56
soeemaggots: use graphics-driver ppa15:57
Khaotic[n10]Already done that BluesKaj15:57
soeeand than through System Settings -> Driver Manager15:57
BluesKajmaggots, system settings>driver manager15:57
maggotsok trying now15:58
BluesKajKhaotic[n10], which graphics card?15:58
maggotsgtx 96015:58
maggotsok so which one do i pick?15:59
maggotsthe x.org one is ticked vy default15:59
BluesKajthe recommended one15:59
Khaotic[n10]BluesKaj: intel15:59
maggotswill this allow me to play games though?16:00
soeemaggots: latest LTS supports your card so us them http://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/90279/en-us16:00
BluesKaji915 driver Khaotic[n10] , odd,  it should work..my laptop does16:00
maggotsso do i download the driver from the site or use version 352.41 binary blob in driver manager16:01
soeemaggots: use Driver Manager16:01
BluesKajyup use the binary16:01
Khaotic[n10]Well i havehomework andneed the comouter to work16:01
Khaotic[n10]I think its an sddm problem16:02
BluesKajok, sudo systemctl enable sddm ?16:02
Khaotic[n10]Tried that16:02
BluesKajbut no login page ?16:03
Khaotic[n10]Itfreezes wheneverit tries tolog in16:04
BluesKajKhaotic[n10], have you tried the recobvery kernel16:04
maggotsanyone on here want portal 2 for free i have one free copy to gift?16:04
BluesKajrecovery even16:04
EvilRoey ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )16:04
Khaotic[n10]But what to do16:04
Khaotic[n10]recovery doesnt allow me to doanything. Says read only16:05
maggotsthanks for your help restarting now16:06
BluesKajKhaotic[n10], all I can suggest is a clean install, but that's your call ...I'm out of ideas16:07
Khaotic[n10]I have abackup kinda16:08
Khaotic[n10]Butmy bootable os wont connect towifi...fml16:08
maggotsgot setup with nvidia drivers if youre still on thanks16:15
BluesKajKhaotic[n10], sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-intel , just to be sure16:22
Khaotic[n10]Cant atm onlivecd downloading freshinstall16:22
Khaotic[n10]Anddonthave an ethernet cablewith me16:23
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amichairHow does one configure mouse button actions (beyond the standard 3)? (Kubuntu 15.04)16:38
slowrockHi, does anyone know here how to change how tasks look in taskbar? Right now they look like this [LOGO appname with description]. Question is, how just to keep logos16:44
slowrockLike in manjaro16:44
slowrocknvm, i got it17:11
denza242is there any way to install vlc 2.2.1 in vivid17:40
denza242because 2.2.0 breaks Phonon which breaks some other stuff which breaks minitube17:41
denza242I'd install from the debian repositories, but that might break other stuff17:41
denza242also, for some reason vlc-plugin-pulse was autoremoved17:42
denza242actually forget the pulse thing17:44
ejayhi all. why ark is not working with dolphin? I mean - I can't extract archive from context menu.17:44
denza242^also this17:45
denza242ejay: are you using Kubuntu-CI by any chance?17:45
ejaydenza242: what's kubuntu-ci?17:46
ejayi'm on kubuntu 15.10 up to date17:46
denza242ejay: kubuntu-ci is a ppa which pulls in BLEEDING EDGE™ packages for kubuntu17:48
denza242that might explain why ark's contextmenu entries aren't working for me (15.04 here)17:48
ejaydenza242: i want to bleed when working with plasma5 ;)17:50
ejaybut jokes aside. why ark is not working with dolphin?17:50
denza242ejay: my guess is that it can't locate the contextmenu entries17:51
ejaydenza242: any ideas how to fix this?17:54
denza242ejay: can you run "locate ark | grep -i kservices5 | grep -i .desktop | grep -i  servicemenu"17:54
BluesKajdenza242, if you have an intel audio chip then you don't need pulseaudio, unless of course you want to run simultaneous sound sources17:54
denza242BluesKaj: I figured out why vlc-plugin-pulse was removed17:55
denza242BluesKaj: "This is a transitional dummy package for vlc. The PulseAudio plugin is now included in vlc. This package can safely be removed."17:55
denza242i think it was pulled in by phonon-backend-vlc or phonon4qt5-backend-vlc17:55
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BluesKajdenza242, there are a few of those types of pulse plugins, I don't pay much attention to them17:56
BluesKajsince I've purged pulseaudio and pulseaudio-utils17:57
denza242BluesKaj: my other problem is that phonon4qt5-backend-vlc is broken17:57
denza242apparently there's a bug in vlc 2.2.0 which breaks phonon17:57
denza242and phonon-backend-gstreamer is very moody17:57
BluesKajdenza242, they work fine on 15.1017:58
denza242!info vlc wily17:59
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-3 (wily), package size 1461 kB, installed size 4450 kB17:59
denza242it's 2.2.1, which fixed the problem17:59
denza242should I just use that one?17:59
BluesKaj2.2.1 if you can install it18:00
ejaydenza242: i found some ark seriveces with desktop extention full off some x-kde-submenu entries but to be honest I don't know what to do with that.18:01
BluesKaj2.2.1 is default on Wily18:01
denza242ejay: i guess that means dolphin is looking elsewhere18:02
denza242let me try in Konqueror18:02
denza242well this is troubling18:03
denza242BluesKaj: why would konqueror not be able to display in the normal mode?18:03
denza242the only two view modes I see are "FSView" and "Terminal Emulator"18:04
BluesKajdenza242, dunno, haven't used konq in yrs18:05
denza242BluesKaj: but it would probably be because the kparts are missing/incompatible, right?18:05
BluesKajwell, probly missing some libs now that plasma 5 is transitioning from 4 in most apps18:06
BluesKajkonqueror was great in KDE3, i haven't used it since then18:08
denza242BluesKaj: has konqueror been ported to kf5?18:10
BluesKajdenza242, not yet, it's still list in kde-base apps data and bin as 4.1518:15
BluesKajlisted that is18:15
denza242well I guess I'll just use dolphin as my file mangler18:15
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BluesKajframeworks 5.15 has just been available in the staging ppa for 15.04 and 15.1018:16
BluesKajsince yesterday18:16
denza242I'm on stable18:17
xela2244hi, how can i change dolphin background color?18:26
xela2244i'm using kubuntu 15.0418:27
soeexela2244: i think you have to change it globally for all apps18:28
xela2244soee: what do you mean?18:28
soeeSystem Settings -> Color ->Color (tab) and change Background color18:28
xela2244ah ok, thanks18:29
stefan__hi guys18:55
stefan__i'm blocked by https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351814 - i.e., can't download emails18:55
ubottuKDE bug 351814 in IMAP resource "Kmail 15.08 will not sync Outlook365 IMAP Folders" [Major,Resolved: fixed]18:55
stefan__do you thin it would be possible to include http://commits.kde.org/kdepim-runtime/813e4dfdcf30bed34397fa578d0d1ae0e61ea625 in wily?18:56
stefan__wrong chanel - sorry18:59
denza242I also have a problem with kget19:17
denza242see, at some point it kinda died, so deleted the config and download history19:18
denza242and now it loses the config every time i open it19:18
denza242specifically, it loses the groups19:20
denza242here we go https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28995519:23
ubottuKDE bug 289955 in general "KGet Forgets my Groups" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]19:23
denza242however, there isn't an actual fix19:23
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funtomihello i want install kubuntu and installation stuck on screen where I can choose third party drivers and download updates while installing20:06
ronnocdenza242: Open another bug, referencing the old one, and explain why the fix is invalid in your case.20:13
amichairHow does one configure mouse button actions (beyond the standard 3)? (Kubuntu 15.04)20:20
amt091I need some help my WiFi driver won't install broadcom bcm435220:45
Amt_My WiFi driver won't work its a broadcom bvm4352 installed on live cd but not on installation20:49
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