
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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mvoChipaca: \o/ for your excellent code review05:57
clobranomorning o/06:41
Chipacamvo: if you s/FIMXE/FIXME/, it'll get picked up by some tools better06:51
mvohey clobrano and Chipaca06:52
mvoChipaca: heh, thanks. sounds like I need more tea :)06:52
Chipacamvo: how was this not obvious when I clearly said “bä bä svarta får”06:52
Chipacaone thing06:57
Chipacamvo: you're using %v with the output of cmd.Output()06:57
Chipacamvo: that might not be what you want06:57
Chipacacmd.Output() gives you a []byte06:57
Chipacaand []byte looks like [20 75 124 94 ...]06:58
Chipacawith %v i mean06:58
* Chipaca can only handle short sentences this early06:58
Chipacamvo: suggest using %s instead, or string(output) (although that creates a third copy)06:58
Chipacathat'd break your error message07:00
Chipacabecause output will probably have \n's in it07:01
Chipacamwhudson: congrats07:02
Chipacamvo: not the first time i'm thinking we should hide all this stuff inside helpers somewhere :-/07:02
mvoChipaca: uh, good point, let me fix this as well07:07
Chipacamvo: bottom line would be: either remove the ()s, or %#q and string(output)07:07
Chipaca%q, not %#q07:07
Chipacathat is: either accept the \n's you'll get with %s, or quote the thing at the expense of some memory07:08
Chipacait's build anyway, not a long-lived thing :)07:08
mvoChipaca: indeed, let me add %q07:11
Chipacaand now i'm off to take the boys to school07:12
mvoChipaca: see you07:12
mwhudsonChipaca: \o.07:14
fgimenezgood morning07:17
fgimenezhi mvo, how are you?07:25
mvohey fgimenez, good morning. I'm good, how are you?07:26
fgimenezmvo, fine, a little cold this morning but anyways :)07:27
fgimenezmvo, i've been working on a logging package for the integration tests, can you have a look when you have the time https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/integration-tests-verbosity-flag/+merge/273670 ?07:27
fgimenezmvo, no rush at all :)07:27
mvofgimenez: sure, happy to do that07:28
fgimenezmvo, thanks a lot, specifically if you could address elopio's question it would be great07:28
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* mvo nods07:30
dholbachgood morning07:41
davidcalleMorning o/07:45
mvofgimenez: I commented in the MP, hope it makes sense, please let me know if there are any quesitons07:58
fgimenezmvo, ok thx :)07:58
Chipacamvo: i have good news and bad news08:34
Chipacaoh, wait08:35
* Chipaca checks something08:35
* mvo waits08:35
Chipacamvo: i have no bad news08:35
mvowhat was the bad news?08:36
Chipacamvo: unless "i didn't know %q worked that way with []byte" is bad news, nothing :)08:36
Chipacaso the good news is, i learned that (wonder how many times i learned it before)08:36
Chipacamvo: now, can we talk about husks? :)08:37
mvoChipaca: you mean about leightweights ;)08:37
mvoChipaca: is the other stuff addressed? if so and we can not find a better name husks win08:38
Chipacamvo: i meant exuvia, sorry08:38
Chipaca"other stuff"?08:38
* Chipaca looks08:38
Chipacai thought that was all there was08:38
mvoChipaca: I can't remember if so, then great, let me double check08:38
mvoChipaca: some inline comments about tiny bits (comments, the one panic)08:47
Chipacadude, i'd missed those entirely08:47
* Chipaca reads08:47
mvoChipaca: I like lightweights, so if its not too bothersome and makes stuff not too ugly I'm slightly in favour of changing (but not strongly)08:48
davmor2mvo: is that because you can't lift the heavy one ;)08:53
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mvodavmor2: lol09:02
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Thursday, and happy World Sight Day! 😃   👓   👁09:09
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Chipacamvo: question for you09:27
Chipacamvo: was going with lightweight.PartList09:27
Chipacamvo: but then i thought, does that make you think you can range over it? should i call it a PartBag instead?09:27
Chipacamvo: or did you mean just call it lightweight.Lightweight?09:28
mvoChipaca: hm, PartBag sounds ok, PartList is probably ok as well, but you are right, there is this association with a real list then09:33
* Chipaca nods09:34
Chipacamvo: hmmmmmm09:47
Chipacamvo: LoadActive() is “return h.Load(h.ActiveIndex())”09:47
Chipacamvo: not sure it's worth it :)09:47
mvoChipaca: indeed, wasn't there error checking on the index before? or am I misrembmering?09:49
mvodefinitely mistyping ;)09:49
* Chipaca looks at merged-list09:49
Chipacamvo: there is error checking09:50
Chipacamvo: so LoadActive could return nil,nil if activeIndex<0, or nil, ErrNoActiveIndex or sth09:51
Chipacaeither way the caller would have to handle it differently09:51
mvoChipaca: aha, ok, in this case its not worth it I agree09:52
Chipacathat is, today: idx:=h.ActiveIndex(); if idx<0{not found}; if h.load(idx) errors { internal error }09:52
mvoChipaca: I just noticed in the MP what looked like repeating code that could be done in a single place, but if it actually can't …09:52
Chipacawith active index: part,err:=h.LoadActive(); if err=NoActive{not found} else if err != nil {internal}09:52
Chipacamvo: promise i'll revisit it in a month to see how we're actually using it and add convenience methods :)09:55
* Chipaca adds a calendar thing09:55
mvoChipaca: deal!09:55
Chipacamvo: i think that addresses all your issues, please take a look when you cna10:12
Chipacauia! un sergio!10:15
Chipacasergiusens: morning10:15
mvoChipaca: thanks, will do10:16
mvosergiusens: good morning10:16
Chipacamvo: ah, one question about the squashfs build branch10:17
Chipacamvo: i heard something about moving build to snapcraft10:17
Chipacamvo: is that accurate?10:17
mvoChipaca: yes, eventually10:18
mvoChipaca: we still need something for our tests in snappy I think10:18
sergiusensChipaca, mvo the code base for lp:snappy looks so different 5 days past10:19
Chipacamvo: yes, but once snapcraft does build, let's not have two implementations of it :)10:19
mvoChipaca: yeah, I agree, at the same time I don't want to be distracted by this just now :)10:19
* Chipaca nods10:20
Chipacaspeaking of changes to lp:snappy, how do you remove tags from it?10:20
Chipacai added tags when playing with them, removed them, but they have appeared upstream somehow, and no amount of removing them makes them go away :-(10:21
sergiusensChipaca, as in bzr tags?10:21
sergiusensChipaca, --overwrite I think, it is extremely complicated10:21
mvodoes bzr tag --delete work?10:21
Chipacait works locally10:21
Chipacabut --overwrite-tags says it's got nothing to do10:21
mvobut not with a lp prefix?10:21
mvoChipaca: what tag should go?10:22
Chipacamvo: " " and "\t"10:22
sergiusensChipaca, interesting tags, those should stay :-P10:22
Chipacasergiusens: um. Ok. Don't --print-ids then.10:22
Chipaca--show-ids i mean10:23
Chipacano LastIndexByte before 1.510:49
* Chipaca fixes10:49
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Chipacatests pass here, with go 1.3. fail in tarmac. map output for failed tests is identical for obtained/expected.11:18
Chipacawait, they're not all identical11:20
Chipacadiffering keys:11:20
Chipaca    'installed_size':  expected '208', got '8260'11:20
* guest42315 EWWWW mailing lists 11:34
Chipacaguest42315: ?11:35
guest42315Chipaca, oh sorry /me /ame11:36
Chipacasergiusens: ping11:38
sergiusensChipaca, pong11:39
Chipacasergiusens: any ideas wrt tests failing in tarmac in weird ways?11:39
sergiusensChipaca, weird ways, no; what are you running?11:41
Chipacasergiusens: in snappy, run-checks locally passes fine, every time, with go 1.5 and 1.3, starting from a pristine directory (just like tarmac does it)11:42
Chipacasergiusens: in tarmac, https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/husk/+merge/273482/comments/69088211:43
Chipacasergiusens: 4 failed tests, of which 1 the obtained/expected mappings are apparently identical11:44
Chipacasergiusens: and the others differ in "installed_size", with 8k extra on disc11:44
Chipacaoh, wait, 8k extra11:44
sergiusensChipaca, 'snappy unpack' and snappy installed on tarmac11:45
sergiusensChipaca, could it be that?11:45
sergiusensChipaca, not sure how unit the unit test is :-)11:45
Chipacathe 8k might be because i use tmpfs11:45
Chipacasnappy unpack not involved11:45
sergiusensChipaca, don't use ue tmpfs locally and why would it be different?11:46
sergiusensif both places use tmpfs11:46
Chipacasergiusens: in tmpfs a directory's du is 0, an empty file's du is 011:47
Chipacasergiusens: outside of tmpfs, both of those are 4k11:47
Chipacaor 2k or 16k11:47
Chipacablock size11:47
Chipacadangit :(11:47
Chipacasergiusens: thank you!11:48
sergiusensChipaca, you did it all by yourself ;-)11:49
Chipacasergiusens: you're a good sounding board11:50
biezpalHi all! Is it hard to make our oem snap packages signed? :)11:50
Chipacabiezpal: put them in the store?11:53
biezpalChipaca, is it enough to make it signed? actually, we just don't like "sideload" prefix :)11:55
biezpaland random string in version field..11:55
biezpalbecause of https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/149839611:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1498396 in Snappy "Random string in data path breaks application" [Undecided,New]11:56
Chipacaoh, bug 149839611:57
ubottubug 1498396 in Snappy "Random string in data path breaks application" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149839611:57
Chipacai knew there was a bug about it but didn't find it when making the branch. fixed, anyway.11:58
Chipacabiezpal: data dir now has a 'current' link11:58
biezpalChipaca, in current edge this bug is still exists11:58
Chipacabiezpal: anyway, getting it from the store is (for now) the only way to get it auth'ed11:58
Chipacabiezpal: really?11:59
Chipacamaybe i should've checked first :-/11:59
* Chipaca checks now11:59
soffoklChipaca, we are build it from edge channel12:00
soffoklsudo ubuntu-device-flash core 15.04 --channel edge --oem parallella_4.0_all.snap --device-part=device.tar.xz -o parallella1.img12:00
Chipacasoffokl: biezpal: 15.04?12:00
Chipacayes, 15.0412:00
Chipacaneeds backporting i guess12:00
Chipacai was sure that was included in the latest 15.0412:01
Chipacaah. no. it's for the next one. i remember now.12:01
biezpalfor the next one edge?)12:02
Chipacai mean: it's in rolling/edge12:04
Chipacai guess it's not on stable12:04
Chipacai mean not on 15.0412:04
Chipacabiezpal: if youc reate the symlink by hand for now, things'll sort themselves out12:05
biezpalChipaca, sigh12:08
Chipaca$ ls -l /var/lib/apps/hello-world.canonical/12:08
Chipacatotal 412:08
Chipacadrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct  8 12:03 1.0.1812:08
Chipacalrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    6 Oct  8 12:04 current -> 1.0.1812:08
Chipacabiezpal: ^ :)12:09
biezpalChipaca, handmade link? :)12:09
Chipacabiezpal: no, rolling edge12:09
Chipacabiezpal: s/15.04/rolling/ in your u-d-f command above and you get that12:10
Chipacabut rolling is the one we *actively* break :)12:10
Chipacaso beware12:10
ogra_we should really default to do development in 15.04 and forward port instead of the other way round12:11
biezpalChipaca, ok, i guess we can use rolling for development purposes12:11
sergiusensChipaca, can I get your opinion on https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500505/+merge/273826 ?12:12
Chipacasergiusens: you can try :)12:12
sergiusensChipaca, I don't like the MP, but I don't know what else to do12:13
Chipacasergiusens: i guess the removing the dangling one if unresolved is the bit you don't like?12:14
Chipacasergiusens: BTW, $ dpkg -S /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts12:15
Chipacaopenjdk-7-jre-headless:amd64: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/security/cacerts12:15
sergiusensChipaca, oh, then that is fine and covered, what about libc6?12:17
sergiusensChipaca, I might have been having issues with ':'12:17
sergiusensChipaca, and wait12:19
sergiusensChipaca, you just confused me, the thing it links to is what I can't figure out where it comes from12:19
sergiusensChipaca, as in /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts12:19
Chipacaca-certificates-java i'd assume12:19
Chipacaoh, oh, oh12:20
Chipacai know what's missing here12:20
sergiusensChipaca, nope12:20
sergiusensChipaca, not provided by ca-certificates-java12:21
Chipacaok, need to dig a bit more12:21
Chipacayou need to loop12:21
sergiusensto loop?12:21
Chipacaor does realpath do that?12:22
Chipacaif it's a symlink-to-a-symlink12:22
sergiusensChipaca, oh, I can try (s/realpath/readlink/ I suppose)12:23
Chipacarealpath might resolve it; check (or read docs)12:25
Chipacathat file12:25
Chipacais *probably* created by ca-certificates-java12:25
Chipacavia /etc/ca-certificates/update.d/jks-keystore12:25
Chipacasergiusens: by running /usr/share/ca-certificates-java/ca-certificates-java.jar12:26
Chipacasergiusens: realpath loops12:28
Chipacasergiusens: you're set12:28
sergiusensChipaca, this MP won't work :-)12:28
Chipacastill trying to understand it tbh :)12:28
sergiusensChipaca, look at the bug12:29
Chipacasergiusens: so, yes, change the first readlink to realpath12:29
Chipaca... or something! i dunno12:29
Chipacaprogramming is complicated, i'm going to have a cuppa tea12:29
sergiusensChipaca, so we don't run postinst for 'stage-packages'12:29
sergiusensChipaca, and jdstrand is not using any of the java plugins12:30
sergiusensChipaca, just downloading debs, so he doesn't have the certs; and I can't just copy because a bare bones system won't have them either12:30
sergiusensChipaca, then there is libc6; do we want those libs in the snap or should they be allowed as dangling symlinks?12:31
Chipacasergiusens: libc6 is problematic, because nss needs to be exactly the same12:35
Chipacasergiusens: so copying it in won't work12:35
Chipacasergiusens: that's how you get segfaults or, worse, weird behaviour12:35
sergiusensChipaca, right, so I need to circle back with jdstrand to get more smarts in the click-review tool and also make sure that using 'stage-packages' requires hand holding in some cases12:37
biezpalChipaca, cat /etc/lsb-release12:39
biezpalDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu Wily Werewolf (development branch)"12:39
biezpal(Parallella)ubuntu@localhost:~$ ls -l /var/lib/apps/parallella/12:39
biezpaltotal 412:39
biezpaldrwxr-xr-x 2 root ubuntu 4096 Oct 8 2015 ICaVaRAVXWYS12:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 4096 in meld (Ubuntu) "meld: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/409612:39
soffoklsudo ubuntu-device-flash core rolling --channel edge --oem parallella_4.0_all.snap --developer-mode --device-part=device.tar.xz -o parallella2.img12:40
Chipacainteresting :-/12:40
Chipacathat parallela package12:41
Chipacathat was installed by u-d-f12:41
Chipacaand that u-d-f is probably not recent enough to include these changes?12:41
Chipacasoffokl: apt-cache policy ubuntu-device-flash if you please12:41
soffokl  Installed: 0.31-0ubuntu112:42
soffokl  Candidate: 0.31-0ubuntu112:42
soffokl  Version table:12:42
soffokl *** 0.31-0ubuntu1 012:42
soffokl        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/tools/ubuntu/ vivid/main amd64 Packages12:42
soffokl        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status12:42
soffokl     0.20-0ubuntu1 012:42
soffokl        500 http://kg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid/universe amd64 Packages12:42
sergiusensChipaca, meh, ca-certificates-java.jar harcodes to /etc :/12:46
Chipacasergiusens: when/how does u-d-f get rebuilt?12:47
Chipacamvo: ok to top-approve merged-list?12:54
mvoyes, done so12:57
Chipacamvo: no files were sneaked in to that branch last minute*13:00
Chipaca* or so you think13:01
Chipacasnuck, not sneaked. sigh.13:01
* ogra_ hands Chipaca a pair of sneakers13:02
* Chipaca snickers13:02
ogra_yummy peanuts and caramel13:03
* ogra_ wishes he could eat that :(13:03
jdstrandsergiusens: I guess you are saying some things should symlink out (libc6) but some things shouldn't (cacerts)13:03
jdstrandsergiusens: if you file a bug against the click-reviewers-tools project, I'll fix it. I have a couple of other things to fix this week13:04
jdstrandsergiusens: just let me know what is a legitimate symlink13:04
Chipacaogra_: you want one of these: http://pickupthefork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IMG_8754.jpg13:05
ogra_mean !13:05
ogra_(no sugar for me for another week  .... )13:06
Chipacaogra_: oh! i thought it was the nuts you couldn't have13:07
ogra_well, i cant bite nuts :)13:07
ogra_(thats another 4 weeks)13:08
Chipacahence why i thought one of those would give you the nuts+caramel thing without having to bite nuts13:08
Chipacasee, i'm so thoughtful it hurts13:08
sergiusensjdstrand, ok, it's mostly libc6 things as per what we discussed with Chipaca; for cacerts, I'm solving it in the jdk plugin, the error for it is fine, but I can't fix it in a generic way for stage-packages uses because some of these are postinst hook created.13:11
ogra_yay, maintainer scripts13:11
jdstrandsergiusens: won't the jdk plugin pull in a bunch of stuff I don't need?13:12
jdstrandsergiusens: why can't you examine the symlinks in the directory? perhaps you could prompt to include them from the system?13:13
sergiusensjdstrand, I have as a first approach https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500505/+merge/27382613:14
sergiusensjdstrand, I just feel it would be weird13:14
jdstrandsergiusens: at the very least, you should detect them and report them with suggestions on how to fix them, because if you don't then snapcraft will generate a package that fails review. the review tools could be the place to detect them and make a suggestion if you'd prefer13:15
jdstrandbut it seems like snapcraft is in a position to fix things up13:15
mvoChipaca: there are more branches ftw, just in case you are bored ;)13:15
Chipacai saw nothing13:16
mvofgimenez, elopio: could one of you install squashfs-tools on the tarmac server please?13:16
jdstrandeg, "oh, cacerts is pointing to something in /etc. let me copy what is in /etc to ./snap/etc and adjust the symlink13:16
jdstrandsergiusens: ^13:16
sergiusensjdstrand, yeah, I'll go with that branch and polish a bit to not include libc6 links13:16
sergiusensChipaca, u-d-f, when you dput it13:17
jdstrandsergiusens: cool. btw, I don't care if you copy in place (your mp) or copy to the intended place and adjust the link (what I suggested). however, what I suggested is probably more robust if you have multiple symlinks to the same thing13:18
sergiusensChipaca, ideally the ubuntu-snappy stuff goes to the archive and then gets rebuilt and it does so prior to a release13:18
sergiusensjdstrand, right, it could save more space, not sure if it would when everything is squashfs13:19
fgimenezmvo, sure, give me a minute13:25
fgimenezmvo, done http://paste.ubuntu.com/12714696/13:28
Chipacaogra_: did you get too track down the ipv6-only thing?13:33
Chipaca(were you [going to be] doing that?)13:33
ogra_ipv6-only ?13:34
* ogra_ hasnt heard of it13:34
Chipacafgimenez: elopio: you might want to tell ogra_ about it :)13:37
Chipacaogra_: rpi2 was coming up with only an ipv6 address (and i think fgimenez got it in kvm also once, but not consistent)13:41
Chipacaogra_: but i don't know the details13:41
fgimenezogra_, this is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/150332913:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503329 in Snappy "not getting an ipv4 address on the first boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:48
ogra_fgimenez, well, there was a kernel update between 186 and 187 i think13:51
ogra_(no idea if related or not)13:54
tedgsergiusens: So I know we wanted to get rid of the situation where plugins subclass other plugins.14:21
tedgsergiusens: Did we also want to get rid of 'requires' in the plugin yaml?14:21
sergiusenstedg, hmm, wasn't aware of subclassing14:24
sergiusenstedg, as we discussed this last week https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500902/+merge/27344414:24
sergiusensstill needs a round of testing for local plugins, but works fine otherwise14:25
tedgsergiusens: So I think that's fine, but the specific case here is a plugin that needs Python3, including PIP support, so it doesn't make sense to copy-and-past.14:26
tedgpaste (should have cut-and-pasted that from somewhere)14:26
tedgsergiusens: So it'd like to basically have the python3 plugin run first for everything, which is kinda what requires did.14:26
sergiusenstedg, we have plugins already that base out of python314:26
sergiusenstedg, oh, the requires problem and pull phases problem is a problem of the past; it is fine if a pull phase for every part can't be completed due to an 'after'14:27
sergiusenstedg, in the end, lp should not be a blocker (words out of beuno's mouth ;-) )14:28
sergiusensChipaca, mind taking another look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500505/+merge/273826 ?14:29
sergiusensChipaca, this time it is better14:31
sergiusensogra_, why did you break my 2fa? :-P14:31
ogra_sergiusens, well, i was bored y'know14:32
ogra_(what do you mean ? )14:32
ogra_sergiusens, do you mean the authenticator app breakage ?14:34
* ogra_ fully blames bzoltan_ for that :P14:34
* bzoltan_ takes the blame ... do you want to punish me ;P14:35
ogra_i guess he will throw argentinian steaks at you :)14:35
sergiusensogra_, hah, it is my 2fa device so now I am sort of in limbo :-P14:36
matiasbChipaca, jdstrand, o/ good news, I managed to work-around transmission issues with mount/quotactl by using statvfs, and it works! I'll be uploading the fixed version later today :)14:40
jdstrandmatiasb: great! :)14:40
matiasbjdstrand, btw, re random/uuid, everything seems to work ok even if that is denied by apparmor; I was thinking if I should I upload the package without any profile customization then? once the perm is added to the default template, future installs will get access? (it seems the profile is generated from the default template on install, right?)14:43
jdstrandmatiasb: yes on all counts. if it works fine, but remove security-policy. it will use the default template with network-client. you'll have the denial until I do the upload14:44
jdstrands/but remove/then remove/14:44
matiasbjdstrand, great, that's my plan then; that should go through review without any issues and without requiring manual intervention14:45
jdstrandmatiasb: with that change and using 'architectures' in your package.yaml, it will pass automated review14:45
Chipacamatiasb: you're building it multi-arch, yes? pretty please?14:51
matiasbChipaca, yeap :)14:51
Chipacapitti: you around? question about removing a service from systemd's status14:53
pittihey Chipaca14:53
Chipacapitti: hi!14:53
Chipacapitti: right now, if you have a snap with a service, and upgrade it, the old service never goes away from systemctl14:54
Chipacapitti: are we doing something wrong?14:54
Chipacawe stop the service, disable it, reload-daemon14:54
pittiChipaca: you mean you don't stop the old service before upgrading?14:54
Chipacawe stop it14:54
pittiah, then it should be stopped, no?14:54
Chipacawe disable it14:54
Chipacawe remove the service file14:55
Chipacawe do a reload-daemon or daemon-reload or whatever that was14:55
Chipacabut it's still there in the systemctl output14:55
pittiChipaca: with --all? yes, that's right14:55
pittishoudl be inactive/dead then, or is it still running?14:55
Chipacainactive/dead/not found14:56
Chipacanot with --all though14:56
pittithis happens a lot, particularly with instantiated units (foo@.service)14:56
pittiChipaca: hm, by default "systemctl" only lists active units -- if it's listed there as inactive that's a bug indeed14:56
Chipacasystemctl show, not status, sorry14:56
pittiyou can still query e. g. the journal from the old units, or their status14:57
sergiusensChipaca, another smaller one when you feel like dropping a finger on the approve button https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1504174/+merge/27385314:57
Chipacapitti: oh, wait, i spotted the bug. and it's mine. sorry to bug you :-/14:58
Chipacapitti: wouldn't've spotted it without you though, so thanks ! :)14:58
pittiChipaca: so, this might just be a cosmetical thing -- systemctl status anything.service will say "not found"14:59
pitti(and exit with 3)14:59
Chipacapitti: i was getting a list of all installed snaps15:00
pittiChipaca: except that for services which did exist in the past you still get the old journal15:00
Chipacapitti: not filtering by "active"15:00
Chipacaso i'm *asking systemctl for it myself*15:00
pittiwith completely bogus names you just get not-found15:00
* Chipaca puts the brown paper bag back on15:00
* pitti pats Chipaca, no worries :)15:00
ogra_sergiusens, do we have a "null" plugin now ?15:36
ogra_or do i still have to abuse the copy plugin (and copy an empty README file) to just get some deb binary content15:36
ogra_(i thinnk someone said that was planned)15:37
elopiofgimenez: would it be too hard to add levels to the snappy/log ?15:40
fgimenezelopio, not sure, i can try in a branch15:42
elopiofgimenez: it would be awesome if we could make this an independent library. But just if the effort required is not too much.15:42
elopiofgimenez: also, there's https://github.com/golang/glog15:44
fgimenezelopio, ok thanks, i'll take a look15:47
sergiusensogra_, it was an idea, but is there any case where that would produce a good snap?16:26
sergiusensjdstrand, this should solve minecraft (except for libc6 libs) https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500505/+merge/27382616:26
ogra_sergiusens, ^^^ thats what i use now to quickly pack a tool if i need it ...16:27
sergiusensogra_, heh, the 'nop' plugin I need to propose16:27
ogra_its just silly to have an empty README file to copy around just to get the staging packag16:27
ogra_i mean it doesnt bother me to do it like that, it just feels a little wrong inside :)16:28
elopiothis is cool https://github.com/bluele/factory-go16:30
mvoelopio: nice!17:36
jdstrandsergiusens: thanks! I assigned the crt bug to me. I'll fix it tomorrowish18:47
sergiusenselopio, I hope you like this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500902/revision/235 (I am finally getting rid of most of the getattr's in there too)20:27
* sergiusens heads out for some errands20:27
=== mwenning is now known as mwenning-appt
tedgsergiusens: I'm having a heck of an issue getting pip to install the aws cli binary21:19
tedgsergiusens: Any ideas there. It installs the library, but not the actual thing in /usr/bin21:20
tedgConsidering just working around it at this point, but seems like defeat.21:20
sergiusenstedg, does the setup.py declare any scripts?22:01
sergiusenstedg, can you point be to the package name?22:01
tedgsergiusens: It's the awscli from pypi22:05
tedgLet me look for the setup.py22:05
tedgOh, oops. I did a snapcraft clean. Give me a sec to have that :-)22:07
tedgsergiusens: Doesn't seem to have a setup.py22:12
sergiusenstedg, it works fine in a pyvenv22:27
tedgHmm, bother.22:27
sergiusenstedg, it has scripts in setup.py, it should just work22:30
tedgsergiusens: I gonna have to look more tomorrow, seems so simple, sure it's a one character change.22:30
sergiusenstedg, which also makes me wonder, have you tried making the python plugins work with pyvenv?22:30
tedgsergiusens: we had wanted to avoid that, apparently it changes a lot, mostly stuff that the python interpreter should do on it's own. But apparently makes things weird for other cases.22:31
tedgsergiusens: So, no, but I was asked to avoid it.22:31
sergiusenstedg, ok; seems like we should use it from what others have said22:32

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