
pittiGodo morning03:28
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didrocksdoko: slangasek: still nobody assigned himself on bug #1500768, people are seriously unhappy to be left broken06:17
ubottubug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150076806:17
seb128SRU team, slangasek, what's the standard way to deal with SRUs that got removed from -updates because of regressions but that users already installed? should a bumped version from the old content be uploaded or do we let those users on the buggy version (which currently make them not got a security update)06:17
didrocksI think we should revert06:18
didrocksso yeah, please advise on the best way to handle this :)06:18
seb128arges, hey, I just saw your comment on bug #1376212 and replied, let me know if I should reupload with a different version06:21
ubottubug 1376212 in libmtp (Ubuntu Trusty) "BQ Aquaris E4.5 Android Phone not recognised by libmtp" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137621206:21
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dholbachgood morning07:42
seb128hey dholbach07:49
dholbachhi seb12808:04
dokopitti, please could you disable the gcc-* autopkg triggers for linux? I don't think it makes sense to run these for gcc-arm-none-eabi, gcc-snapshot, gcc-4.7, etc08:41
pittidoko: ah, so only keep those for gcc-5? sure08:44
pittidoko: also, it seems wolfe-07 is segfaulty again, I'll reboot that08:44
pittialthough, same issue on others08:44
dokopitti, yes, until we move to gcc-608:46
krugerhi, i've recompiled the vmlinuz.efi, but i'm unable to boot the dvd in the uefi mode, i'm kicked in busybox shell (initramfs). In bios mode boot fine. Someone can help me?08:47
pittidoko: done in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney2-ubuntu/revision/518; the next britney run should drop the tests and promote gcc-arm-none-eabi09:01
flexiondotorgdholbach, Many thanks for the sponsoring.09:07
dholbachkeep up the good work! :)09:07
pete-woodspitti: any chance you could publish the dbusmock stuff from into wily, as well as the overlay? atm my silo only builds for vivid (although technically we don't test wily atm, we're still doing dual landings) https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-051/+packages09:08
Laneythat bazaar.l.n link is 500ing for me09:09
pittipete-woods: added to my TODO list09:09
pete-woodspitti: thanks!09:10
Laneyoh wow, I opened it with a ;09:11
dholbachflexiondotorg, did you start working on your application for upload rights or membership already? :)09:14
flexiondotorgdholbach, On my list for Tuesday next week. I have joined the bug squad already though :-)09:15
* dholbach hugs flexiondotorg09:15
dholbachexcellent :)09:15
pittipete-woods: 0.16-1 uploaded to sid, I'll sync it in some 8 hours when it's in LP09:53
pete-woodspitti: awesome, thanks!10:06
pete-woodswill probably nag for a backport to the overlay when I get round to using it10:08
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alexlistHi... I need gcc-5.2 on 15.04, and I'm trying to backport the wily package to vivid. However, that one depends on g++-5 and gnat-5, which are not available in vivid... chicken-egg-problem? How do I suggest I create a 5.2 package for 15.04? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12713816/11:31
alexlists/I suggest/you suggest/11:31
rbasakLooks like you'll have to hack the package to break the loop.11:35
rbasakOnce done, you should be able to rebuild with your new g++-5 to have something based on the same source package again.11:35
rbasakOthers probably know more.11:35
rbasakOr maybe just hack things around to get the binary g++-5 installed on 15.04 first?11:36
rbasak(before rebuilding)11:36
alexlistgcc-5-base in 15.04 was probably used as a stepping stone for the transition... but I haven't followed the details...11:38
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infinitypitti: Is there any way to prioritize rerunning the 3 tmpfail linux autopkgtests?12:23
pittiinfinity: I don't know off-hand how to jump the queue with amqp, but I'll check this12:32
pittiinfinity: is there a particular urgency? there's a block-proposed bug so far12:35
pittiotherwise we could just hint it; the queues are still catching up from last night's KDE uploads12:35
pittiah, and qt now added another 600 or so12:37
infinitypitti: It's a bit of a chicken and egg, since they don't clear their block-proposed until all testing (adt and their own) passes. ;)12:37
pittiah, ok12:37
attentehi, i'm trying to cross-compile gtk+3.0 for armhf in a schroot, but i keep getting "E: Build-dependencies for sbuild-build-depends-gtk+3.0-dummy could not be satisfied."12:43
attentefull build log is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12714336/12:45
cariboupitti: should sbuild run autopkgtests when I build a package locally ?12:52
pitticaribou: not by default; I know some people have created hooks to do that, though12:53
cariboupitti: ah, ok. Should PPA build do it ?12:53
caribou(sorry, I'm new at autopkgtest & trying to add it to one of my package)12:53
pitticaribou: no, there's no PPA integration with autopkgtest right now12:54
caribouso adt-run is the only way to test it12:54
pittiI'm planning to add the machinery for this soon, but it's both a bandwidth issue, and more importantly there's nothing to trigger the tests right now12:54
pitti(we'll do that for the overlay PPA, for example)12:54
alexbligh1"cpan2deb --build InfluxDB" gives "Module::Build::Tiny version 0.039 required--this is only version 0.034 at Build.PL line 6" on vanilla 14.04; am I doing something daft?13:01
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Are you the right person to ask to take a look at the merge proposal please?13:09
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: Somebody else in ~ubuntu-cdimage, please13:10
flexiondotorgcjwatson, OK. Thanks.13:12
flexiondotorgLaney, And chance you could review/merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/debian-cd/ubuntu-mate-logo/+merge/272432 please?13:13
sysrexhi, since I have seen some bugs not being updated13:19
sysrexI plan to submit the update  to tomcat 7.0.5513:20
flexiondotorginfinity, Can you help me out please? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/debian-cd/ubuntu-mate-logo/+merge/27243213:44
infinityflexiondotorg: After I grab some breakfast, yep.13:45
flexiondotorginfinity, Thank you :-)13:45
rbasakinfinity: any opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rpcbind/+bug/304393 / https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=103401 ? "According to Ulrich Drepper, daemons requiring specific ports in the 600-102313:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304393 in cups (Ubuntu) "rpcbind grabs ports used by other daemons such as cupsd" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:49
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 103401 in distribution "RPC (on boot) port selection collisions between various applications" [Urgent,Assigned]13:49
rbasakrange need to be started before any daemons using bindresvport."13:49
* rbasak wonders who cares about 0 < ports < 1024 nowadays anyway13:51
cjwatsonit's an easy way to defend against the class of local-root escalation attacks where you find a way to get a system service to crash and then start up your own version of it to capture credentials13:54
cjwatson(and yes, this means that >=1024 services don't have this protection, but most of the things where you might most easily escalate to root are under that ...)13:54
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infinityrbasak: Lots of opinions, but I doubt any are the opinion you want.14:13
pittimvo: I complain14:21
pittimvo: now that you've trained me for months to use "sudo apt update/upgrade" this doesn't work under precise14:21
pittimvo: (just kidding, of course -- big hug!)14:21
james_wjuliank: hi, mvo says that you may be a good candidate to mange python-apt on pypi, would you like to do that?14:22
rbasakinfinity: still, I@m interested14:23
juliankjames_w: What for? I'm not a huge fan of duplicated distribution mechanisms14:24
juliankEspecially with the current releases being tightly coupled to APT releases14:25
james_wjuliank: python now requires the tarball to be uploaded to pypi, rather than just put on Launchpad14:26
juliankNot sure what you mean. python-apt is not maintained at all on Launchpad anymore.14:27
james_wwell anyone installing it via pip is even further behind then14:28
juliankWe release directly from git to Debian and sync to Ubuntu14:28
juliankI've always told people that's not a supported use case.14:29
juliankIt's also registered twice on pypi, AFAICT14:29
attenteSaviq: hey, did you ever find a workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1318627?14:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1318627 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm does not cross-build" [Undecided,Won't fix]14:35
infinityflexiondotorg: Merged and pulled on cdimage.14:38
Saviqattente, afraid not, reading Dimitri's reply it's either not building it whole, or just building it native14:39
attenteSaviq: ok, thanks. so is my only option basically to build packages directly on an ubuntu touch device?14:40
* infinity looks at this twisty maze.14:41
infinitycjwatson: How often is lillypilly:~cjwatson/bzr/debian-cd/ubuntu updated?14:41
cjwatsoninfinity: 9/15 * * * *    bzr-mirror14:42
Saviqattente, or PPA, or qemu, but a nexus4 does fine (nexus7 even finer), I can only recommend to debootstrap a chroot in $HOME, otherwise you'll end up missing more space on / rather soon (and you'll need to reinstall deps on reflash, and OTA will likely break... all kinds of reasons)14:43
Saviqattente, qemu will take a long time and if anything tries to thread during the build (like tests or something), that generally fails, too14:43
attenteSaviq: ok, i'll try the PPA route first, thanks!14:45
seb128attente, I usually do test build on porter boxes, which is also an option14:47
Saviqattente, note that if your PPA is virtualized (the default), we've seen trouble with that sometimes, too14:47
Saviqi.e. IIRC virt PPAs build in qemu, so the same applies14:47
Saviqyeah, /me always forgets porter boxes14:47
attenteah. ok, thanks guys14:47
Riddellpitti: various test regressions many false positives from kde frameworks 5.15, I assume you're onto them?14:59
cjwatsonSaviq: currently, yes15:00
pittiRiddell: I'm handholding/retrying the regressions, yes15:01
pittiRiddell: there were tons last night due to uninstallability, most are back to green, but there's still a bunch left15:01
pittiRiddell: but queues are still awfully long, will still be some hours until they get their turn for re-running15:01
Riddell"I know how to queue, I'm British"15:08
pittiinfinity, doko, Riddell: FYI, all current regressions on people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.htm (mostly fallout from temporary uninstallability or flakyness) are re-queued; please don't re-re-queue, as the queues are already awfully long15:27
infinitypitti: I'll keep my hands off.15:29
flexiondotorginfinity, Thanks for the review and merge :-)15:49
flexiondotorginfinity, Any idea if a new package will be made in time for 15.10?15:49
flexiondotorgThose images changes were for 2 reasons.15:49
flexiondotorgFirstly, one of the image resolutions was just plain wrong.15:49
flexiondotorgThe other is the Acceesible Computing Foundation evaluated Ubuntu MATE for accessibility.15:50
flexiondotorgWe passed, but there were findings.15:50
flexiondotorgThe most important was that people with low vision would struggle with the boot screen.15:50
flexiondotorgBecause the contrast of the graphic wasn't high enough.15:51
infinityflexiondotorg: A new "package" of what?  Those bits are just for ISOs.15:51
flexiondotorginfinity, Cool :-)15:51
flexiondotorgSo new package build required?15:51
flexiondotorgDid. Not. Know. That.15:51
flexiondotorginfinity, Many thanks.15:51
infinityflexiondotorg: debian-cd isn't packaged, that commit was directly to the cdimage build machine, next daily will pick it up.15:51
flexiondotorgI'll get the ACF to test again.15:51
flexiondotorginfinity, Perfect. Thank you.15:52
flexiondotorginfinity, My cousin is blind and uses Ubuntu MATE. I work hard to ensure Ubuntu MATE is a truly a11y OS :-)15:52
infinityflexiondotorg: Probably less effort to just get a new cousin.15:53
infinityflexiondotorg: (But, seriously, it's nice to see people making sure things like that work properly)15:53
flexiondotorginfinity, You're a bad man. Go and sit in the corner and consider what you've done ;-)15:53
infinityflexiondotorg: :)15:55
infinityflexiondotorg: If you and your cousin are feeling generously community-oriented, testing a few flavours for stupid "we don't notice because we can see" screwups would be a nice Christmas gift. ;)15:56
flexiondotorgFunny you should mention that.15:56
flexiondotorgWe are considering do precisely that when we get together at Christmas.15:57
flexiondotorgIn conjunction with the ACF.15:57
flexiondotorgRecently even some traditionally poor desktops have started to significantly improve a11y.15:58
flexiondotorgHint, the Unity dash. Not a11y.15:58
barryi'm going to start looking at the wily rebuild ftbfs's.  configglue is up first18:23
barryanybody else working on any of these?18:23
ginggsbarry: not right now, but i have fixed a couple18:24
barryginggs: great, thanks!  i don't want to duplicate work.  i'll post here as i take a look at each18:24
ginggsare you looking at: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20151001-wily.html or http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ ?18:26
barryginggs: the former18:26
ginggsthat's a week old now :)18:27
barryginggs: the bottom of the page says it was last updated today at 18:19 +000018:27
barrydoko: which ftbfs link should we be working off of? ^^18:28
ginggssorry, i thought that was static18:28
barryginggs: yeah, i think the latter is the list actually failing right now, while the former is what would fail if an actual full archive rebuild were done18:29
ginggsso the latter includes (Proposed) packages, e.g. fontmatrix which was RM'd from Debian more than a year ago,what can we do to clean those up?18:45
sil2100barry: hey! Could you review/sponsor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pysaml2/+bug/1503698 ? Their test suite is really really strange, but at least it builds now ;)18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503698 in python-pysaml2 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS due to broken unit tests" [Undecided,In progress]18:57
barrysil2100: yes, but let me finish this one first18:58
sil2100Thanks! :)18:58
* sil2100 goes EOD now18:58
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cjwatsonginggs: must've been some reason fontmatrix wasn't removed, let me see19:48
cjwatsonginggs: ok, fontmatrix was only removed from testing, not unstable - we don't auto-follow that19:49
ginggscjwatson: ok, thanks20:01
ochosicjwatson: hey, could you take a peek/review this MR? would be great if we could still get this into wily! https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-core/+merge/26816720:06
cjwatsonochosi: could you ask somebody else in ~ubuntu-cdimage?  I'm only there as a backup now20:08
ochosioh i see20:08
ochosiright, we've just been trying to get someone to rev this for a while, so i guess i started at the top of the list20:08
ochosislangasek: hey! would you mind reviewing this MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-core/+merge/26816720:09
slangasekochosi: hi, queuing it to look at20:12
ochosislangasek: thanks a bunch! would be great if we could get this in20:13
dokoginggs, barry: they are different, and complement each other, so every fix is welcome20:29
barrydoko: ack20:34
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slangasekUnit193: hi, I think I'm going to need you to explain to me what xubuntu core is21:14
tdaitxslangasek, libecap 1.0.1 was deleted, I now need sponsoring for LP: #1504200, after that LP: #1496223 and LP: #1502178 need to be sponsored as well21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504200 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "libecap2 FTBFS due to gcc5 transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150420021:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1496223 in linux (Ubuntu) "squid3 FTBFS due to linux-libc-dev and libc6-dev headers mismatch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149622321:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1502178 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "update squid from 3.3.8 to 3.3.14" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150217821:14
Unit193slangasek: Like Xubuntu desktop, but less additions.  ochosi or knome can answer a few questions, barely got this going out.21:19
slangasekochosi: ok, for you to explain then :)21:21
slangasekwhy does xubuntu need two different image builds?21:21
ochosislangasek: we didnt really enjoy "outgrowing" the size of legacy media, i.e. the CD and wanted to make it easier for folks to get a slimmer version of xubuntu that's still functional. so it'll help people with low bandwidth as well as those who still have older machines and have to install from CD21:22
ochosiand yeah, ofc there are other ways, but we felt this was offering people an easy and really user-friendly way to get xubuntu21:23
slangasekochosi: ok; and why did you not take what you've done to make xubuntu-core smaller, and make that the "xubuntu" image instead, with everything else downloaded from the archive?21:23
slangasekochosi, Unit193: btw we historically had both CD and DVD media for flavors, *without* using a different project name.  I think it would be better to do the same here, rather than creating two discrete projects in cdimage21:25
ochosiwell there are other issues too ofc, people without any connectivity can't download anything, so giving them a richer version that includes e.g. LibreOffice made sense to us21:25
ochosiwhat's the problem/downside of having two discrete projects in cdimage?21:26
slangasekochosi: that they show up as two distinct projects at the top level, when AFAICS they aren't21:27
ochosiyeah true, they aren't. is there any other way to offer the two isos separately?21:28
slangasekochosi: you would see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/ vs. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/dvd/ for daily images, and xubuntu-15.10-desktop-$arch.iso vs. xubuntu-15.10-dvd-$arch.iso for release images21:30
ochosiUnit193: thoughts?21:32
slangasektdaitx: one minor tweak, libecap2v5 should Replaces: libecap2 in addition to the Conflicts:21:32
gQuigsanything I can do to help with archive package removal? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+bugs?field.searchtext=remove)21:32
ochosislangasek: anyhow, i gotta let Unit193 take it from here again, gotta get some rest. thanks for taking a look and don't hesitate to add your comments to the MR directly!21:33
gQuigsfor example, one not reported by me.. .https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/140590621:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1405906 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "please remove nspluginwrapper from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:35
tdaitxslangasek, ouch! right, forgot about that21:35
tdaitxslangasek, let me fix it...21:36
knomeslangasek, i'm told that other people need to go to bed and other stuff, so i'm jumping in on the xubuntu core discussion21:38
slangasektdaitx: fixed locally and uploaded21:38
knomeslangasek, i can't see a reason why it couldn't be two different ISOs built with the same product name21:38
knomeslangasek, at least as long as we can have a word what the names for the subproducts are21:39
slangasekknome: the convention would be "desktop" vs "dvd"21:39
knomeslangasek, is there a reason why that couldn't be something else?21:40
knomeslangasek, because neither of those *really* describe what we're after with core21:40
slangasekknome: these names are part of the cdimage code, and changing them to something else would require making the code more complicated21:40
slangasekwhich is not to say I'd veto it21:40
slangasekbut I'd want to see it first21:40
knomethe more i think of it, the more it makes sense to put them under the same product name21:41
knomebut i'd really like to see something like "desktop" and "core"21:41
knomehow and with what names and descriptions we point people to those ISOs is a documentation/marketing issue anyway21:42
knomeslangasek, how would you suggest we go forward from here?21:43
knomeslangasek, do we need changes on the merges, and who/what team should we contact about getting the naming scheme and related script discussion started?21:44
slangasekknome: I'd like to see a proposed patch that does this as two images under the xubuntu product, with whatever code changes you're looking for to support different names that "desktop" and "dvd" if that's the way you're going21:44
knomeslangasek, i don't understand much of the code side here, but would the code changes required be in the same pacakges as the merges are currently done?21:45
slangasekknome: to ubuntu-cdimage, yes21:45
knomeslangasek, cheers, i'll pass the message on21:46
knomeslangasek, thanks for the insight and comments!21:46
sarnoldgQuigs: I think subscribing https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive is the recommended step21:48
gQuigssarnold: yup, that bug list is those subscribed to ubuntu-archive21:49
gQuigsI guess what can I do to help that team with them?21:49
sarnoldgQuigs: oh. /me facepalm21:50
gQuigssarnold: if I think they're ready to be removed (no more questions needs to be asked), is triaged a good place to put them ?  not sure if there is a different policy for these21:52
sarnoldgQuigs: good question, that list is a lot longer than I expected :)21:53
gQuigssarnold: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nspluginwrapper/+bug/1405906 is a good example, it even ftbfs...21:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1405906 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "please remove nspluginwrapper from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:54
sarnoldgQuigs: I've always poked infinity directly in the past when I've wanted a package removed from the future, but that may not scale to the size of that list :) hehe21:56
gQuigsyup, the last package I got removed was him...21:58
cjwatsonworst case, we normally do a full pass over archive bugs just before release21:59
sarnoldalso works22:00
gQuigsinteresting, seems like an odd time - why not just after a release?22:03
gQuigs(for the next one, obviously)22:03
gQuigsI'll bbl, but if any of you think of anything I can add to those bugs to make them easier, let me know22:05
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cjwatsongQuigs: just before because that way the removed packages aren't in the release22:18
slangasektdaitx: could I get dep3 headers for each of the patches under debian/patches for squid3?22:26
slangasektdaitx: (fix-logical-not-parentheses-warning)22:27
tdaitxoh, don't tell me I forgot those?22:31
tdaitxyeah, I did22:33
tdaitxslangasek, fixing that now22:33
tdaitxslangasek, done... I had the dep3 locally, I probably forgot to regenerate the debdiff at the time22:45
tdaitxand thanks for the heads up22:45

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