
iongraphixwhat up people? anybody home?07:42
seb128could somebody make bug #1503977 looked at rather than dismissed with the usual "collect more info"? it's likely that there is not going to have a reply since that's an e.u.c created bug and not an user filed one, but it did start with 4.2.0-15.1707:58
ubot5`bug 1503977 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at location RIP: 0010:location location kmem_cache_free+0x69/0x1e0" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150397707:58
seb128it's also ranked quite high on the wily e.u.c daily report07:59
smbseb128, I need to check but there was a whole set of badness in the last upload over all releases which is already in the process of being updated08:03
smbJust not sure where the replacement kernels are stuck right now08:03
seb128smb, k, I'm just mentioning it because it shows up on errors.u.c08:04
smbseb128, Yeah, I check version but there might be various kernels showing up there recently which is slightly surprising. There are more people having proposed enabled than one thought08:05
seb128smb, yeah, there are quite a lot of users having proposed enabled it seems08:06
smbseb128, ok, so there is a wily 4.2.0-15.18 in proposed which will likely fix the bug you mentioned 08:07
smbseb128, Though for wily it better has to be in the main archive as nobody should have proposed enabled there, yet08:09
smbseb128, hm having said that... the -15.18 was never in the main pocket... :-P I see -14.16 is still there08:11
smbbut thats nitpicking, I hope things settle down around today08:11
smbhenrix, Do you know how far the whole range of new proposed kernels is in our future? 09:00
henrixsmb: some of them are ready to be copied; that could happen today, i guess...09:01
henrixsmb: the ones missing (and i'm working on those) are the lts-* kernels09:01
smbhenrix, Not sure how widespread the use of proposed is with those. It is kind of amazing to see how far those kernels get even then09:04
henrixsmb: yeah, looking at the # of bug reports, looks like there are quite a few people using them09:06
smbhenrix, yep... seems a constant stream of those09:06
apwsmb, enough people that we get reports :)09:22
smbapw, enough people that we get _many_ reports. :)09:23
apwsmb, indeed09:40
ricotzrtg, hi13:22
rtgricotz, hmm?13:22
ricotzplease push linux-meta-lts-wily to the correct pocket ;)13:22
rtguh, did it go to wily ?13:23
ricotzrtg, yeah, several times ;)13:23
rtgdammit. I get dyslexic some days13:23
ricotz linux-meta-lts-wily - is the current one in trusty13:24
rtgricotz, uploaded13:26
ricotzrtg, thanks13:27
ricotzrtg, make sure to remove the wrong one in wily13:27
rtgyup, working on it13:27
leftyfbhey, can someone help with a stack trace I've been getting on my laptop since last night after rebooting? The laptop is unusable at this point because of it. https://pastebin.canonical.com/141435/13:58
rtgleftyfb, reboot to the previous kernel. we're working to release the regression fix for this14:01
leftyfbrtg: i've tried that .. didn't seem to help14:01
leftyfbrtg: tried 3.19.0-{28,29,30,31}14:01
=== alai` is now known as alai8
henrixleftyfb: the problem you're hitting with that pastebin is bug #1503655 and older kernels are not affected14:03
ubot5`bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150365514:03
henrixleftyfb: since you're using an lts-vivid kernel, it will take a couple more hours until the fix hits -proposed14:04
leftyfbhenrix: is there a kernel that yo suggest I try that might not have the issue?14:04
henrixleftyfb: only 3.19.0-31 is broken, 3.19.0-30 should be good14:05
leftyfbrtg: henrix: thanks for the help... reverting back to -30 worked this time. I removed -31 for the time being14:37
vertago1_I am having a problem with kernel 4.2.0 where if I offline a cpu and bring it back up it isn't usable until reboot.15:29
vertago1_I just checked and it seems to be a problem with the older version to, so maybe I am doing something wrong15:32
vertago1_It seems like I am doing everything right. the cpu shows up in the online set, in /proc/cpuinfo, but nproc shows it as missing and I cannot get processes to use it15:40
apwvertago1_, if you could file a bug against the kernel "ubuntu-bug linux"  and describe in there how to reporoduce, we can have a look15:55
vertago1_I am writing a forum post because it seems to affect 15.04 too. I am pretty sure it works in 14.04 but I will have to do a test.15:56
apwwe won't see a forum post, do file a bug and dump the bug number in here15:57
vertago1_ok I will after I check 14.0415:58
vertago1_yeah it works in 14.0416:01
vertago1_should I submit the bug as two seperate reports or is there a way for me to include apport data from two different releases (15.04 and 15.1016:02
vertago1_I could check 14.10 too16:02
infinityI give 20-to-1 odds that's a userspace bug, not a kernel bug.16:03
infinitycgroups are thpethial.16:03
vertago1_infinity, is there a good way for me to check?16:03
vertago1_I coudl restart cgroups16:03
infinityOfflining a CPU in a cgroup makes it never come back in that same cgroup.  So, it's there at the ring0 level, but never again in that process group.16:03
infinityI'm sure there are open bugs about this for, at least, cgmanager.  But I wouldn't be surprised if systemd itself has the same bug/misfeature.16:04
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1392176 in linux (Ubuntu) "mounts cgroups unconditionally which causes undesired effects with cpu hotplug" [Medium,Confirmed]16:05
infinityvertago1_: ^-- I believe that's the issue you're seeing.16:05
infinityOr, something similar.16:06
infinityvertago1_: I'd recommend having a chat with hallyn about it to get a handle on the current state (and the behaviour you're seeing).16:06
vertago1_infinity, it looks like that is the problem. I can't tell from the bug page if they decided on how to fix the issue yet.16:16
hallyninfinity: vertago1_: i'm hoping as soon as 16.04 opens up we drop the auto-login cgroups from systemd and get libpam-cgroup into main in its place16:16
hallynlibpam-cgm does not put you into cpusets by default16:16
infinityhallyn: So, this is something we can't (or won't) fix for wily?16:17
vertago1_hallyn, on multiuser systems isn't cpusets nice for enforcing fairness?16:18
infinityhallyn: The bug report makes it sound ppc-specific, but it's really not.  CPU hotplugging is a thing on all the arches we support, it's just less common on the others.16:18
hallyninfinity: yeah...  mind you the real but is int he kernel, but maintainer refuses to fix it other than in the unified cgroup hierarchy16:53
infinityhallyn: Well, s/bug/misfeature/, I suppose.  Which is the problem.  People can easily argue that the behaviour is "correct", while everyone else yells at them that they're wrong, and yay stalemate.16:53
infinityhallyn: But with crazy automatic hotplug scenarios like offlining CPUs entirely for power management reasons, etc, something's got to give.16:54
hallynvertago1_: if you'd like to test with a ppa i can set something up next week16:57
vertago1_this is my active launchpad account: https://launchpad.net/~vertago1-s, I also have https://launchpad.net/~vertago1, but I would have to recover the password and it isn't linked ot my openid17:01
jdstrandogasawara: I just updated a system to 3.13.0-65.106~precise1-generic and am seeing: Request for unknown module key 'Magrathea: Glacier signing key: d73704f98fab8927e462b2d8aa80377a6fca5db3' err -11. is something not right in that kernel?17:34
ogasawarajdstrand: I know there are respins of the kernels in proposed taking place for bug 1503655, but that doesn't appear what you're seeing.17:38
ubot5`bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150365517:38
jdstrandit seems to be running fine17:38
ogasawarajdstrand: can you do an `ubuntu-bug linux` to capture the logs etc17:38
jdstrandit is just complaing a lot17:38
jdstrandI can't on that machine actually17:39
jdstrandwhat do you need from it?17:39
ogasawarajdstrand: can you grab the full dmesg17:39
jdstrandmaybe I can in a vm17:39
jdstrandlet me try that first17:39
ogasawarajdstrand: I'm seeing recent similar comments in bug 125315517:45
ubot5`bug 1253155 in linux (Ubuntu Trusty) "Failure to validate module signature at boot time" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125315517:45
ogasawarajsalisbury: when you have a moment, can you work with jdstrand to potentially bisect this17:46
jsalisburyogasawara, sure17:46
ogasawarajsalisbury: he's testing to try and grab some logs, so sit tight17:47
jsalisburyogasawara, ack17:47
jdstrandhmm, installing in a vm and didn't see the issue17:48
=== jsalisbury changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Tues Oct 20th, 2015 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer! If the question is should I file a bug for something, likely you can assume yes. || Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
jdstrandjsalisbury (and ogasawara): sorry, I can't reproduce in a vm (I even tried upgrading from 3.13.0-63.104~precise1 to 3.13.0-65.106~precise1. the system I saw the issue on is... specialized and I only have reduced logs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12717229/18:08
jsalisburyjdstrand, would you be able to test some kernels on the system where you can reproduce the bug?18:09
jdstrandall I can say is that it is on an i386 system. All I did was apt-get upgrade the linux-image-generic-lts-trusty kernel then rebooted and saw that18:09
jdstrandunfortunately, no. this system is considered critical infrastructure18:10
jdstrandI'm sorry for not being as helpful as I'd like. if it was almost any other system, I could18:11
jsalisburyjdstrand, ack18:11
jdstrandjsalisbury: I saw in the bug that someone said rebooting solved it. I could reboot once-- would that help you?18:13
rtgjdstrand, is your system `date` normal ?18:14
jdstrand(it uses ntp and I verified with date that it is correct)18:15
rtgjdstrand, I mean your RTC. I seem to remember if the time of day was way out of whack, then the certificate check failed18:15
jdstrandthat could be18:15
jdstrandhow do I check that?18:15
rtgyou can just update your RTC by hwsystoclock (I think) lemme check.18:16
rtgjdstrand, hwclock --systohc18:17
rtgI think that is generally part of the NTP update anyways18:18
jdstrand$ sudo hwclock -r18:18
jdstrandThu 08 Oct 2015 01:18:14 PM CDT  -0.564058 seconds18:18
jdstrandthat is supposed to show it18:18
rtgthat looks close enough18:18
jdstrandyeah date shows it is close18:19
rtgok, red herring then18:19
jdstrand$ sudo hwclock -r ; date18:19
jdstrandThu 08 Oct 2015 01:19:27 PM CDT  -0.588061 seconds18:19
jdstrandThu Oct  8 13:19:27 CDT 201518:19
jsalisburyjdstrand, I guess you could try a reboot and see if it resolves things, since it fixed it for someone else.  I'll keep a close eye out for similar bugs being reported.18:23
jdstrandjsalisbury: no issues: [    6.280265] Loaded X.509 cert 'Magrathea: Glacier signing key: d73704f98fab8927e462b2d8aa80377a6fca5db3'18:30
jsalisburyjdstrand, yeah, that is strange.  I be sure to keep an eye out for others reporting it.18:31
TJ-jdstrand: looking at those log timestamps, the original log showed '[701031.xxx]', which equates to ~ 8 days up-time. Is that when the problem boot occurred?18:39
jdstrandTJ-: no. I upgraded that kernel today18:39
jdstrandis it possible that the newer kernel's modules tried to get loaded on the old kernel?18:40
TJ-jdstrand: Hmmm, I wonder how the timestamp appears to not have reset at boot. 18:40
jdstrandnote this: Oct  8 10:13:34 <redacted> kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.18:41
jdstrandthat was left out of my previous paste18:41
jdstrandwhen I rebooted a moment ago, I saw this pop out: Oct  8 13:24:49 <redacted> kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped.18:41
jdstrandthat suggests to me that the new modules either got loaded prior to reboot, or the key from the new modules was used to evaluate the old modules18:42
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