
zequenceCould someone please approve above (ubuntustudio-meta). We can't build our ISOs without it11:28
bdmurrayCould somebody fully phase ubuntu-release-upgrader for vivid?16:02
flexiondotorgbdmurray, Just out of interest, what does that mean?16:10
rbasakflexiondotorg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates16:11
flexiondotorgrbasak, Thanks.16:11
* flexiondotorg reads...16:11
bdmurrayflexiondotorg: SRUs go through a phased update process and sometimes there are false positives.16:11
bdmurrayhttp://www.murraytwins.com/blog/?p=127 that's a better explanation of how things really work16:12
infinitybdmurray: I have the technology.  I can make it happen.16:16
infinitybdmurray: When is your cronjob going to run?  I don't want to collide and disappear it.16:16
flexiondotorgbdmurray, Thanks for the educational materials.16:16
infinitybdmurray: Oh, it's at 0 right now, so I guess it was halted, and the cronjob won't touch it?16:19
infinitybdmurray: Confirm/deny? :P16:19
bdmurrayinfinity: The cronjob would only touch it if problem d2dd8d went away which it won't.16:21
bdmurrayinfinity: and the job runs as ubuntu-archive on snakefruit I think every 8 hours16:21
infinitybdmurray: Oh, that bin just collects every failure of do-release-upgrade due to dpkg exiting?  Ick.  Does anyone actually look at those to pick out the real bugs?16:24
infinitybdmurray: Also, phased to 100%.16:24
bdmurrayYes. No. Thanks!16:26
infinitybdmurray: Do we trap enough info in those cases to actually examine and *find* the real bugs, assuming someone has the time to do so?16:28
infinitybdmurray: The only I looked at just had the dpkg exit code, no useful logs, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right place.16:28
bdmurrayinfinity: Nope, and that's probably the real issue.16:29
bdmurrayinfinity: I'll dig into it a bit.16:30
infinitybdmurray: Cool.  I suspect the real issue will be a matter of time, but without any debugging info to work from, there's little motivation to even find time to look. :P16:31
bdmurrayIt'd also be better if we buckets with real counts to figure out where the actual problem lies.16:32
tdaitxdoko, are you ok removing libecap3 from -proposed so I can ask someone to sponsor libecap2 gcc5 from LP: #1504200? the current squid 3.3 only works with with libecap2 (0.20), it does not work with libecap3 (1.0)19:19
ubot93Launchpad bug 1504200 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "libecap2 FTBFS due to gcc5 transition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150420019:19
tdaitxdoko, this way we can at least fix squid 3.3 FTBFS... and I also have an update for it from 3.3.8 to 3.3.1419:20
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
slangasekbdmurray: your latest MP seems to have the sssd commit in it20:02
bdmurrayslangasek: Ah, okay. Fixing.20:03
bdmurrayCould we have a wily-updates milestone?20:07
dokotdaitx, done, should be published in about 45 minutes20:33
tdaitxdoko, thanks!20:37
slangasekbdmurray: done21:15
bdmurrayslangasek: What was done?22:33
* bdmurray figures out wily-updates was added22:36
slangasekyes that :)22:36

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