
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
guillaume_alloxrhi everyone08:12
guillaume_alloxri'm about to install ubuntu server on a power5 ibm i 515, i started this 2 weeks ago but couldn't continue as we cound't create a partition. The function had to be ordered, PowerVM and we received it now. I'll come back to you guys if i need some help when i'll be in the install process. Thanks08:21
jak2000hi all11:02
jak2000why cant do an update on my server: http://pastie.org/10467885   thanks11:02
jak2000any advice?11:02
lordievaderjak2000: I get "Sorry, there is no pastie #10467885 or it has been removed. Why not create a new pastie?"11:03
jak2000lordievader now?11:04
lordievaderjak2000: Did you read the error message?11:22
jak2000done, helping me OerHeks11:26
rbasakcpaelzer: please could you review my comment in https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=781257 for me? If you agree, then could you take bug 1245604 (the corresponding Ubuntu bug), send a patch to Debian and we can fix it in Ubuntu as well please?12:21
ubottuDebian bug 781257 in snmp "snmp: preinst kills all processes of user snmp" [Important,Open]12:21
ubottubug 1245604 in net-snmp (Ubuntu) ""killall -u snmp" in a pre-install step kills any running snmpd" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124560412:21
rbasakNo rush.12:21
Ben64should probably be asking in a debian channel12:23
rbasakI'm asking wearing my Ubuntu hat and with cpaelzer wearing his Ubuntu hat while working for the Ubuntu server team ;)12:23
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah I could look into that next12:42
rbasakOK, thanks!12:42
cpaelzerrbasak: but I want to properly finish the former issue, have some work where I assist ryan and a performance anaylsis - so no guarantees at the speed of looking into that12:43
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll assign to me to be notified and add it to my todo list - any known external time dependencies?12:43
rbasakcpaelzer: yeah that's fine. The bug is two years old so a couple of weeks won't matter.12:43
rbasakcpaelzer: no real time dependencies. It would be nice to do it before final freeze next Thursday but it's probably the lowest priority if something else needs doing.12:44
cpaelzerrbasak: then we have to hope jet lag doesn't let me sleep at the sprint next week :-)12:44
* freezevee is trying to sleep12:48
=== alai` is now known as alai8
samba35how do i check all services started @sysetem boot14:06
ianorlinsamba35: which ubuntu version14:06
samba35does it change version to version ?14:07
ianorlinwell 15.04 and later will different because systemd is new init system14:07
samba35or is it systemd or upstram14:07
ianorlin>=15.04 systemd and earlier was upstart14:08
samba35can i use numa (kvm/libvirt) with single socket cpu ? or do i require two sockets ?14:09
RoyKsamba35: there's no need for numa on a single socket, but it'll probably work14:25
kohelethany chance of less kernel updates and reboots required please?14:30
kohelethseem to be booting once a week14:30
tewardanyone know why I'm getting this, and no IPv6 address, when trying to force a DHCP6 update with dhclient?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12715333/14:35
jrwrenteward: sounds like some shell script thinks /bin/sh is bash.14:37
tewardjrwren: so you mean the default-installed scripts14:37
tewardso that should be a bug?14:37
jrwrenteward: I'd guess so, but i don't have a shopt on line 55 of my /sbin/dhclient-script on vivid.14:37
jellykoheleth: you can read the changelogs and decide if the changes are relevant for your systems and workload.  A fix in SCTP is not relevant if you don't use SCTP anywhere and it's not insmoded at all14:38
tewardjrwren: nor do I.14:38
tewardand that's Vivid14:38
tewardjrwren: hence my hunting14:39
tewardlemme finish the apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; reboot14:39
jrwrenteward: to be honest, I didn't know dhclient-script supported ipv6. I run -sf /dev/null and manually call a few scripts to set things up.14:39
tewardsee if anything got fixed14:39
jrwrenteward: let me know. I'm very ipv6 curious14:39
tewardjrwren: 'dhclient -6' exists14:39
tewardjrwren: and it works on 14.0414:39
jrwrenteward: right. i use that.  and I specify -sf14:40
jrwrenteward: I'm also using prefix delegation, which I don't think dhclient-script supports.14:40
tewardI don't have prefix delegation, straight DHCP6 server in a private range.14:41
tewardwhich appears to work xD14:41
teward(pfSense handles the outbound NATing)14:41
jrwrencool, good to know.14:41
tewardbut even that doesn't work14:41
jrwreni don't run dhcp6, i just let radvd do its thing14:41
tewardjrwren: i don't run it on this system, an din fact auto v6 via /etc/network/interfaces (dhcp) also doesn't work on this system14:42
tewardbut it works *fine* on 14.0414:42
jamespagecoreycb, neutron-vpnaas needs a sponsor?14:44
coreycbjamespage, yes it does14:44
jamespagecoreycb, done14:44
coreycbjamespage, thanks.  I have a todo  I haven't gotten to to try and get access to upload those universe packages.14:45
jamespagecoreycb, I wonder whether we can create a openstack-universe seed for them and add that seed to the server ppu upload rights14:45
jrwrenteward: hrm. I think autoconfig works at kernel level or something. afaik, an up interface which recieves an advertisement, configures itself by default.14:46
tewardjrwren: indeed, and it's supposed to, but it doesn't14:46
tewardhence trying to force a dhcp update14:47
tewardwhich of course doesn't happen with the error14:47
tewardstill filing a bug lol14:47
coreycbjamespage, I'll mention that when I chat with colin or stephane14:47
tewardbecause it works on Trusty14:47
jrwrenah, i see.14:47
jamespagecoreycb, i did swift and a few syncs from debian14:48
jamespagecoreycb, adding murano* to the cloud-archive as well14:48
coreycbjamespage, awesome, thanks14:48
tewardjrwren: apparently it's already filed - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/1450116 and the parent https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/144869014:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1448690 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1450116 /sbin/dhclient-script has bashisms" [Low,Confirmed]14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1448690 in isc-dhcp (Ubuntu) "/sbin/dhclient-script has bashisms" [Low,Confirmed]14:52
tewardjrwren: who manages those14:52
jrwrenteward: i've no idea14:52
guillaume_alloxris there anybody for a little help ? i'm trying to install ubuntu server on a Power5 i series machine15:21
guillaume_alloxrI need to specifiy in the storage allocation settings where the "ipl" is i guess that's the .iso but then it asks for an ipl parameter, which is VNC=1 for redhat for example, what should it be for ubuntu server 14.04 ?15:21
hallyndannf: so for the arm qemu patchset, our package doesn't even have the patch "target-arm: Add the GICv2m to the virt board" yet (no v2 at all).  Do we need that, i.e. should i cherrypick those patches or patch around them?15:38
hallyni dont' care either way, just not sure if you need the v2m15:38
dannfhallyn: 2.4 base?15:39
hallynoh, heh, no.  i guess i should merge that first.15:40
hallynforgot that was what you were wanting.  nm :)15:40
dannfnp. you might hold off - i did an x86 build and it failed. i think due to lack of disk space, but double checking now15:40
dannfhallyn: should know within the hour15:40
hallynok, thanks for hte heads up - will wait15:41
dannfhallyn: but certainly, if you want to backport those to 2.3, that'd be awesome :)15:41
RoyKhallyn: not all arm CPUs have hwvirt15:50
hallynRoyK: of course :)  but those that do would like qemu to use it15:51
hallynanyway i was porting onto the wrong tree so nothing to see here :)15:52
RoyKhallyn: you probably drank too much dihydrogen monoxide15:53
hallynor not enough15:55
hallyn(dinner was salty)15:56
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
dannfhallyn: built fine this time16:07
thebwtWhere can I read up about ubuntu major versions of packages? Like right now in 14.04, the mysql-server metapackage points to mysql-server-5.5. But mysql 5.6 is also in the repos. Is this just the pull from debian sid at the time?17:26
thebwtin wily, only 5.6 is there (but also percona, and mariadb). Will future versions get added later or are those it?17:26
=== larsi_ is now known as larsi
sarnoldthebwt: it is very very rare for entirely new packages to be added to a release after it's been released. I can't recall it happening, but I may have missed one..18:14
sarnoldthebwt: openjdk-8 seems like the most logical candidate, and that hasn't happened, anyway18:14
thebwtRoger that18:18
thebwtThank you sarnold18:18
thebwtthen the other part of my question, we package mysql 5.5 and 5.6 in 14.04.  Yet only php 5.5, no php5.6 . How are those decisions made?18:21
sarnoldthebwt: I think that's due to debian's decision to have separate mysql packages for each upstream version but only one php5 package for all upstream versions of php18:25
thebwtGot it, that's what I figured.18:26
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== CiPi is now known as cipi

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