
hyperairhmmmm new mesa packages in xorg-edgers are threatening to remove things including libopengl-perl and ia32-libs05:42
hyperairhuh, vlc too05:43
hyperairricotz: could you add libopengl-perl to xorg-edgers please? vivid's version isn't installable with the new mesa upload to xorg-edgers10:29
ricotzhyperair, could you elaborate the reason for it not being installable?10:40
ricotztjaalton, hi, there are a bunch of xorg-server uploads missing in git11:01
ricotztjaalton, please get libvdpau 1.1.1-1 synced 11:12
jcristauricotz: because mesa breaks it12:35
ricotzjcristau, I see, too bad "<< 0.6704+dfsg-2~" wasn't used13:05
tjaaltonricotz: ping ancell14:09
tjaaltonnot my uploads :)14:10
hyperairricotz:  libgl1-mesa-glx : Breaks: libopengl-perl (< 0.6704+dfsg-2) but 0.6703+dfsg-1build1 is installed.16:08
hyperairricotz: looks like it's explicitly listed in Breaks?16:08
hyperairno wait it isn't16:08
hyperairwait, yes it is16:09

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