
* zykotick9 cannot think of a properly edited sources.list would not apply after an "apt-get update" <- and what repo is being used could be verified while running said "apt-geg update"...00:01
gefdecueI edited interfaces like this and mac didnt change. whats wrong ? https://paste.debian.net/314911/00:04
zykotick9gefdecue: <sidenote> i've always used macchanger to change mac addresses.00:05
guest42Okay, so I found what caused my problem [http://askubuntu.com/tags/15.04/new], how do I update my computer from a live disk?00:05
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gefdecuegefdecue: i dont want to use macchanger00:11
gefdecueit worked fine before, just editing the interfaces file.00:11
guest42Oh, that did it. I had to hit escape later in startup. [[I am changing grub to always show though, that will be a life saver.]]00:16
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TalkingTorahhello all.. I have an issue with a fresh install of ubuntu-mate. When I tell my friend to run sudo to add the skype ppa... she gets an error "command sudo not found" I am unfamiliar with this erro and cant find anything on google about it.00:36
LambdaComplexTalkingTorah: Is sudo installed?00:37
TalkingTorahwell.. i thought is was by default. how do I install it?00:37
TalkingTorah(and thank you for answering)00:37
LambdaComplexNo idea what package provides it for Ubuntu.00:37
Ben64pastebin the actual command and error00:37
LambdaComplexCould also be it's installed but not in the path?00:38
TalkingTorahit is on a remote system. I was told tha the exact verbiage was "command sudo not found"00:38
Ben64need actual output00:38
TalkingTorahok.. let me see if I can make that happen00:38
bewbzI've spent a two day tring to setup Android Studio. I've be basically entering various SUDO commands to gand now my computyer is soooo l slow.00:38
bewbzNo idea what I've been doing. I have my java pointing to Oracle jdk, would that slow it down00:39
TalkingTorahmay I ask.. how do I give you a pastebin?00:39
LambdaComplexhttp://pastebin.com/ is an easy way00:40
cfhowlettTalkingTorah, linuxcommandhere | pastebinit00:40
TalkingTorahok thanks00:40
LambdaComplexdpkg -s sudo would check if sudo is installed, right?00:40
bewbzWhen entering sudo commands found from various websites, could I potentially be installing some sort of virus? my computer is super slow for some reason.00:40
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Ben64bewbz: yep, shouldn't run things you don't know what they do00:41
ExecSlim@bewbz what websites did you enter commands from?00:41
LambdaComplexbewbz: that's an incredibly vague question. short answer: yes00:41
LambdaComplexi'd check htop though and see if something is hogging cpu/ram00:42
LambdaComplexthat's really like asking "if i pick up a sledgehammer, could i potentially smash something?"00:43
bewbzLambda: so many sites. this one was weird. http://ridz1ba.blogspot.com/2015/01/how-to-install-oracle-java-and-android.html00:43
bewbzA ton from stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17474963/android-studio-tools-jar-file-is-not-present-in-classpath/17827697#1782769700:44
LambdaComplexalright, first one involves mkdir, mv, and chown00:44
LambdaComplexand update-alternatives00:45
bewbzthis one too seems suspicous http://www.webupd8.org/2014/03/how-to-install-oracle-java-8-in-debian.html00:45
Ben64bewbz: are you on mint?00:46
Ben64the first link you posted is for mint00:46
bewbzI'm an idiot. I just kept installing and installing and sudo this and that.00:46
LambdaComplexperhaps you should read the man pages00:47
Ben64and the 3rd one you posted is for debian00:47
ExecSlimbewbz: is there anything interesting from htop?00:47
HubacubAye ianhulett00:49
ianhulettHai Hubacub.00:51
bewbznothing that I can see. maybe i'm just paranoid00:51
Nikeshis having my GPG Key (e.g. GPGKEY=D8FC66DC) around publicly dangerous? Rather, what is done with this key and how should I treat it?00:51
NikeshThat's not actually my key btw :P Just the example one from GnuPrivacyGuardHowto on Ubuntu Wiki00:52
wileeehe, sure, sur00:52
ianhulettWould it make a difference if you install ubuntu from a usb hard disk?00:54
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ianhulettOr does it have to be a flash drive?00:54
ianhulett...or CD?00:54
LambdaComplexianhulett: shouldn't make a difference00:54
wileeeHD would be the hardest likely, not my pick at all00:55
HubacubWell, i'm trying to intall it from a usb hard drive, it just gets stuck on this screen with a flashing underscore00:56
skweekDoes everybody have a distorted looking tip of their middle finger, the spot where you hold a pen or pencil? when I hold my right hand up to my left hand my right middle finger tip is fatter than the left one.... and there's a bulge of skin with a divot where I hold writing utensils...00:57
bazhangskweek, wrong channel00:58
Hubacubanyone know why this is?00:58
wileee!nomodeset | Hubacub00:58
ubottuHubacub: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter00:58
NicholasCageI'm having trouble joining this protected chat and I think it might have to do with me doing changes to resolv.conf01:10
NicholasCagedoes that make any sense what so ever?01:10
NicholasCagemy SSL handshakes fail01:11
Bashing-omNicholasCage: Short answer, no .01:11
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poutineI'm having trouble getting my displayport monitor to work with a nvidia GTX 675M on my laptop. I plugged it in, and I don't see it in nvidia-settings, and I'm googling and not finding much info at all01:22
poutineI'm running Ubuntu 15.04 and my nvidia driver is 346.9601:23
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itsme__I followed this tutorial http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/  but the ap is not showing in my phone please help01:27
mhackbr Folks, yours know a linux distro with high performance and use of the processor?01:27
mhackbrI need up 12 servers in my laptop for start my application using microservices structure01:27
mhackbrMy laptop not work well with this services up together01:27
mhackbrI see about Arch Linux, what yours think about this01:28
LambdaComplexmhackbr: All Linux distros use the same (more or less) kernel. Because they all use the Linux kernel. Their use of the processor will be the same.01:32
mhackbrI think change HD for SSD01:32
mhackbrAnd up Linux Swap01:33
mhackbrthis would work?01:33
lazerI can't get Squirt speed reading to work... Anyone have any experience with getting a PDF to HTML to work in chrome with squirt?01:33
cfhowlettmhackbr, how much ram?01:34
lazerHere's the github link that doesn't seeem to work: https://github.com/Nateliason/squirt-html-base/blob/master/README.md01:34
mhackbrI am using 8GB01:36
mhackbrMy laptop not support more01:36
cfhowlettmhackbr, ask your question in #ubuntu-server.  they probably know more.01:37
mhackbrOk, thanks guys01:38
itsme___i followed this tutorial but i can't see the AP in my phone http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/01:42
james0rhaving some dep issues while trying to install steam on a fresh 14.04.3 install --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12710986/01:44
bazhangjames0r, try #ubuntu-steam01:44
james0rbazhang, thx01:45
ethan_Good day everyone! Anyone here have any experience with Ubuntu on Mac? The mactel repositories are giving me grief.01:51
cfhowlett!mac | ethan_01:52
ubottuethan_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages01:52
ethan_ubottu: the installation of ubuntu 14.04 worked very well. Installing the ppa is simply not working as expected. The ppa only supports up to Raring, which I am manually editing the sources.list to reflect since adding the ppa via the command line automatically appends your current distro, Trusty, to the ppa. Anyways, the ppa does not show up in synaptic and any packages found in the mactel ppa are inaccessible.02:02
ubottuethan_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:02
bazhangethan_, thats a bot02:03
bazhangethan_, contact the ppa maintainer for help with a more recent version02:03
cfhowlettethan_, ppa?  what PPA?  note: i don't have a macbuntu, but I'm pretty sure contemporary macs are fully supported with the lastest amd ubuntu .iso?02:03
ethan_The mactel PPA/repository. My issue is mostly with installing the PPA properly, not so much any issue with ubuntu on the mac since that installed just peachy.02:05
bazhangethan_, the maintainer can help with taht, we cannot02:05
cfhowlettbest consult the mac channels/people/ppa maintainers02:05
ethan_ok, thanks. cheers, everyone!02:06
Nelson1what are machine check events?when i DMESG in terminal i get these messages?02:09
hellowor1dHi ALL, I have question about compile the source and install package.02:19
hellowor1dwhen I commit the following commands: sudo apt-get build-dep youtube-dl; sudo apt-get source --compile youtube-dl02:19
hellowor1dHow Do I install the software ... via apt-get ?02:20
cfhowletthellowor1d, via software center but apt install is the command line option02:20
cfhowletthellowor1d, and as youtube-dl is in the repo you should not be building/sourcing/compiling anything02:21
hrobjarturhi all02:28
hrobjarturmy router dhcp does not remember my computers previously allocated ip... it keeps switching it...   its an unusual router in this way, my previous ones were more considerate :)02:29
hrobjarturit also does not have options to fix ip to a particular MAC02:29
hrobjarturcan I somehow force an ip on ubuntu, but still allow dhcp to setup dns and other things?02:30
Ben64yep, or you can set everything, or you can set a static ip on the router02:31
hrobjarturBen64,  this router funnily has not static ip setup :S02:31
OerHekshrobjartur, you could set a static ip in ubuntu, choose a high number from your dhcp range.02:31
Ben64hrobjartur: what router02:31
hrobjarturOerHeks, Ben64 ,  ok,  yes I figure the router will happily accept my computer switching ip02:32
hrobjarturalcatel lucent I-040GW02:32
hrobjarturits a nobody router --- its actually with fiberoptic input02:33
hrobjarturso its the one the telecom company gave us02:33
hrobjarturnever seen as limited options inside the router config02:33
hellowor1dcfhowlett, it was just a test.. after I compiled it. Can I install it as a package ? same as apt-get install?02:35
cfhowlett!compile | hellowor1d,02:35
ubottuhellowor1d,: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall02:35
hrobjarturOerHeks, Ben64 , in the Edit Connections ubuntu gui -- I see no option to set IP while still allowing dhcp02:36
hrobjarturOerHeks, Ben64 ,  it all or nothing02:36
cfhowlettcompiling from source should be your LAST option especially as this package is available in repo but ... your box, your problem   :)02:36
OerHekshrobjartur, see the tab IPv4/IPv602:37
hrobjarturOerHeks, yes02:37
OerHekshrobjartur, first switch form auto dhcp to manual on that same page02:38
hrobjarturok on manual02:38
hellowor1dcfhowlett, when I use Gentoo... I used to compile everything... :-)02:39
OerHekshrobjartur, then 'add' is clickable02:39
hrobjarturOerHeks,  yes02:39
hrobjarturOerHeks, however DNS , gateway and all must be manually set too02:39
hrobjarturOerHeks, so all or nothing02:39
cfhowletthellowor1d, ah!  then you do have some knowledge of what you're doing!  :)02:39
OerHekshrobjartur, take your time to see there, dns is below that window02:40
hellowor1dcfhowlett, So I want to know if ubuntu still keep control the packages after insatllation from source compiling..02:41
hrobjarturI suppose I could script this.. allow dhcp to configure, then set new ip using ifconfig02:41
OerHekshrobjartur, for those other numbers besides IP, take a look at your current config, 'connection information'02:41
cfhowletthellowor1d, if you manually compile a package, you must manually maintain it - such is my understanding.  no auto upgrade as the package came from outside of the repos02:41
hrobjarturthat way DNS and gatway and set automatically02:41
OerHekshrobjartur, if you want to script this, remove networkmanager and do it old school with interfaces file02:42
hrobjarturOerHeks, thanks02:43
hellowor1dcfhowlett, hmm... Gentoo still can mantain the compiled version..... that is fun. And user have better control of compile options.02:46
Foxhoundzdoes Ubuntu Server release builds on a same schedule as the Desktop variants?02:48
Foxhoundzor is it only released for LTS builds02:48
cfhowlettFoxhoundz, same as desktop.02:49
FoxhoundzI've been used to 14.04 for so long I'm scared to upgrade02:50
FoxhoundzI hear systemd is in 1502:50
cfhowlettFoxhoundz, server?  why?  14.04 is still supported!02:50
cfhowlettand 16.04 will be out "soon".02:50
Foxhoundzwell it's a personal home box that runs DNS and Plex media server02:50
Foxhoundznothing critical02:50
FoxhoundzBut I have a lot of shell scripts I use to automate stuff that will likely break02:50
wileeeyou have years to ponder it02:51
cfhowlettFoxhoundz, so you don't have a crying need to go bleeding edge?02:52
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)02:52
FoxhoundzI suppose02:53
FoxhoundzNow then, the next question is this:02:53
Foxhoundzis it possible to do an upgrade from 14.04 to the latest fast-release build of Ubuntu Server (15)?02:54
Foxhoundzor do I have to do a clean reinstall02:54
somsipFoxhoundz: it's possible02:54
cfhowlettFoxhoundz, 14.04 > 14.10 > 15.0402:54
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | Foxhoundz02:54
ubottuFoxhoundz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:54
[n0mad]and 15.10 is around the corner02:56
BlueProtomanDoes Ubuntu 15.10 fix Optimus support?02:58
k3xennHi People, i accidently ran pvcreate on a drive i due to dirve letters moving about. Anyone know how to restore the drive it is ext4?03:03
k3xennive been following this: http://dbaspot.com/linux-misc/263673-lvm-possible-undo-pvcreate.html but the drive still says its part of a lvm group. do i need to use fdisk to change the partition type?03:04
Roeyhow do I disable USB Selective Suspend ?03:09
HubacubI just installed ubuntu, I can't connect to wifi, it says "03:13
Hubacub    Wireless is disabled by hardware switch.03:13
Hubacubwondering how I can fix?03:13
k3xennHubacub are you using a laptop?03:15
Hubacubk3xenn, yes03:15
k3xennlook areound the edges of the laptop sometimes there is a little switch that lets you disable the wifi03:15
k3xennits on the body typically03:15
k3xennsomething liek this: http://www.eightforums.com/attachments/tutorials/38201d1393134669-wi-fi-turn-off-windows-8-a-wi-fi_switch.jpg?s=cab945857019ccce3df91e6ad8c04f3503:16
Hubacubk3xenn, I see something a littttle bit like that03:18
Hubacubwhen I slide it over I see five prongs03:18
creyc_hey guys, can someone help me understand why permissions for a directory don't match when mounted on another machine?03:20
creyc_on ubuntu: drwxrwx--- 5 root users 4.0K Oct  7 01:28 dst03:20
creyc_on nas: drwxrwx--- 5 admin everyone 4.0K Oct  7 01:28 dst03:20
k3xennokay but does it say it now enabled?03:22
Hubacubk3xenn, it doesn't say anything on the switch03:22
Ben64creyc_: what does 'ls -ln' say03:24
creyc_ubuntu: drwxrwx--- 5 0 100 4.0K Oct  7 01:28 dst03:26
creyc_nas: drwxrwx--- 5 0 100 4096 Oct  7 01:28 dst/03:26
ljadovman ls03:26
Viking667'llo all. I've got a slightly weird "bug".03:26
ljadov-l use a long listing format03:26
ljadov     -n, --numeric-uid-gid03:26
ljadov              like -l, but list numeric user and group IDs03:26
Viking667When I automatically log in, gedit starts itself. It's not in the list of programs in Startup Programs.03:26
Viking667Any ideas what else I need to look at?03:27
creyc_ah, so IDs are in fact the same, just different presentation?03:27
k3xenn<Hubacub> it wont say it on the switch, but does it say its enabled in ubuntu?03:31
k3xennso when you try to connect to a wifi you get the same error message?03:32
Hubacubk3xenn, yep03:32
k3xennHmm cold be the switch is broken?03:33
k3xennyou have tried the swtich in both positions and the laptop fails to connect?03:33
Hubacubit has the same message03:33
Hubacubk3xenn, what if I just got a USB wifi adapter? would it possibly work then?03:34
k3xenncould do, but you would want to make sure its is compatible with ubuntu03:34
k3xennhow old is the laptop?03:34
Hubacubk3xenn, like, 200703:34
Hubacubit's an hp compaq 6910p03:34
NimaNikvandThis is my first time ever on IRC03:35
NimaNikvandwhat's up?03:35
HubacubNimaNikvand, welcome03:35
NimaNikvandHi Hubacub. I wondered what IRC was since 2001, never tried it tho03:35
NimaNikvandfinally installed ubuntu last month and tried it :-D03:36
Viking667lol. ... and I've been on IRC (on and off) since 199603:36
Viking667Ubuntu I've had since 5.0403:36
somsip!ot | NimaNikvand Viking667 (chat best taken elsewhere)03:36
ubottuNimaNikvand Viking667 (chat best taken elsewhere): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:36
k3xennHubacub can you check that the wireless is enabled in the bios?03:36
k3xennHere is a google cache version of people have the same problem when running windows03:37
Hubacubyeah, I will03:37
Viking667I wanted to know what I should check out. gedit's starting automatically and I have no idea why.03:37
k3xennlooks like HP have locked down their support forum but the cached version gets around it03:37
NimaNikvandyou guys are real geeks03:37
NimaNikvandi am just a noob03:37
k3xennappears others are have same problems03:37
Viking667oh, sorry. just upgraded to 15.04 from 14.04 to 14.10 to 15.0403:37
k3xennso i dont think its ubuntu03:38
somsipNimaNikvand: this channel is for ubuntu support, so it tends to be quite techy in what is discussed. Feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic03:38
k3xenni think it might be the laptop03:38
k3xennHubacub not sure if this helps: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/44455-43-turn-wireless-6910p03:38
jordanyi am researching a thread for elemetary os03:39
somsip!elementary | jordany03:39
ubottujordany: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.03:39
jordanythank you03:40
eigma14.04.3, gnome-session --session=ubuntu, compiz, unity, my screen blanking after a certain timeout has been broken for a while. is this the right place to ask? anyone know how this stuff works?03:41
jnxdHello. Does anyone else also face a kernel "oops" after updating to the latest 3.19.0-31-generic on vivid?03:41
Hubacubk3xenn,  I restored the system defaults, now the error is gone03:45
Hubacubthanks for the help03:45
jordanyhello They know some thread for deep web03:46
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.03:46
jnxd... Also, does someone know how to make sure the system boots from a specific older kernel everytime it loads?03:48
k3xennHubacub No problems :)03:50
k3xennHubacub: id say a few people have had that problem :(03:50
Hubacubk3xenn, seems so03:50
Hubacubglad it was an easy fix03:50
k3xennHubacub: yeah ive been caught out with it on other peoples laptops, at least ubuntu told you what was wrong. others just show no networks nearby :(03:52
wileeejnxd, you would adjust 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0' to the kernel you want in /etc/default/grub   0 is the default kernel03:54
jnxdwileee: thanks. Do you know if the problem has occured before, and how long before a fix is released?03:55
wileeejnxd, Not sure anyone here knows what you mean is all, details, details.03:56
k3xennHi People, i accidently ran pvcreate on a drive i need, due to drive letters moving about. Anyone know how to restore the drive it is ext4?03:57
k3xennive been following this: http://dbaspot.com/linux-misc/263673-lvm-possible-undo-pvcreate.html but the drive still says its part of a lvm group. do i need to use fdisk to change the partition type?03:57
jnxdwilee: well, all I know is there's a "kernel oops" that's happening. The visible effect is: 5-10 minutes after starting the PC, it hangs completely: no mouse or keyboard input does anything. It just stays there until I forcefully power off the system.03:59
=== samuel is now known as Guest17374
wileeejnxd, Sure, hopefully someone will answer, kinda the slower part of the channel time maybe.04:01
reisiohi root04:02
jnxdwileee: yeah. Europe would be asleep (or gaming :D). Most of the US too.04:03
reisioworse in 3 hours, though04:03
jnxdreisio: what's in 3 hours?04:04
reisiomore people asleep04:04
Viking667sunrise in UK04:04
Viking667hm, hang on, that's in 2 hours.04:04
jnxdreisio: the west coast?04:04
reisiothey'll be going to work04:04
reisiojnxd: east04:05
reisiofour hours from now is roughly the worst time to get online help in English04:05
reisioor do anything online in English04:05
Viking667And that's when helpers in New Zealand and Australia are worth their weight in .... HP50Gs.04:06
reisiothose are fine places, but the vast majority of speakers will be asleep04:06
jnxdreisio: I doubt there's any other language one usually communicates in online. The east asian ones, maybe?04:07
reisiojnxd: don't be silly :p04:07
jnxdreisio: ?04:07
Viking667Gah. I've just rebooted, automatically logged in, and gedit starts without me doing anything. I'm ... stumped.04:07
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bildbergboostHow long until we can see the 4.2.3 hwe for precise?04:07
jnxdwell, okay maybe there are. But they fall in roughly the same time zones04:08
reisioViking667: it's saved in your session04:08
wileeeViking667, xubuntu?04:08
Viking667nope, normal Ubuntu. I'll look at that, thanks. How do I clear the session?04:08
reisioViking667: start with closing gedit, then logging out, then back in04:09
Viking667I'll try that. logging back in now.04:09
Viking667hm. No pointer. now how the heck do I turn THAT back on? (login screen)04:09
reisioViking667: move your mouse around04:10
Viking667I do. There's no pointer visible.04:11
Viking667I'm assuming it'd be the gdm user at this stage...04:11
skwishycan anyone confirm, does ubuntu 14.04 install well on the newest macbook air?04:11
reisioViking667: visible when logged in?04:12
reisioskwishy: newest isn't a thing04:12
reisiobut it probably does04:12
skwishyreisio: what do you mean? I'm pretty sure there was a release, 2014 or 2015 version04:13
cfhowlett!mac | skwishy04:13
ubottuskwishy: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:13
reisioI mean 'newest' is meaningless04:13
reisioyou might as well say "this computer I found at east 47th street"04:13
cfhowlettor do like I do; grab a quiet corner of the Apple Store, slip in a usb and boot up.  Points if you leave the ubuntu desktop running and casually slip out the door04:14
skwishyreisio: hmm, then I'm confused about how apple does things04:14
reisiopresumably they would disable booting if they didn't want you to do that04:14
reisiobut maybe they just assume Apple people don't know how :p04:14
cfhowlettskwishy, read the mac wiki I just sent04:14
skwishycfhowlett: cool, I'm reading it now04:14
skwishycfhowlett: thanks in adavance btw!04:15
cfhowletthappy2help! skwishy04:15
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
Viking667reisio: yes. Sorry about the delay, I'm trying to get the pointer back in the login screen.04:18
reisioViking667: might want to pick one problem04:19
Viking667I may have found an unorthodox solution. I'll be back if it works.04:19
=== newbie is now known as Guest56650
Viking667hm, nope. Doesn't work at login (gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active false)04:24
reisiounlikely GNOME settings are affecting lightdm04:24
reisioit's possible the default cursor is configured to something nonexistant, though04:25
MAINcan anyone please help me setup my ftp server using filezilla? I've tried using many tutorials but I cant get it to access from the internet04:25
reisioMAIN: just use sshd04:26
reisiomore secure, less work04:26
Ben64and filezilla is a client04:26
MAINfilezilla has a server setup as well04:27
MAINanyways I will try sshd right away04:27
MAINthanks sshd :)04:27
MAINI mean thanks reisio :)04:27
Ben64filezilla server is windows only04:28
MAINyes I am using Windows 704:28
MAINsorry I dint find Windows channel I am new to irc04:28
Ben64ask windows questions in ##windows ... you're in #ubuntu04:28
MAINthank you Ben6404:28
reisioMAIN: openssh-server04:29
Ben64reisio: doesn't help for windows :)04:29
reisiono matter to me04:29
Viking667reisio: this isn't lightdm, it's gdm.04:35
Viking667lightdm ... had some issues on my machine in 14.0404:35
huscurianIs there any way to resolve freezing when it happens on Ubuntu?04:35
Viking667haaang on.... I found something in /var/lib/gdm/.local/share/gnome-shell/application_state: <application id="abiword.desktop" open-window-count=1 ......>04:38
Viking667I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to be there.04:39
reisioViking667: why're you pretty sure04:39
reisioand why do you care04:39
reisiohuscurian: you'll have to be more specific04:39
Viking667well, because it un-nerves me when applications start up without me telling them to do so, especially one I didn't start.04:40
Viking667(and it's abiword i meant, not gedit, sorry about that)04:40
huscurianreisio: I had some problems.  I was doing well on Ubuntu.  I had several tabs, at least 10-15...  :P  But all of a sudden Ubuntu freezes.  Is there a way to resolve the freezing?04:41
Viking667to answer your first question, what would gdm need abiword for?04:41
reisiohuscurian: browser tabs?04:42
Viking667oh. Now "start" and "stop" won't work for the root user.04:42
reisiohuscurian: you probably opened a website with something awful04:42
reisiohuscurian: try to avoid that04:42
Viking667"stop: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused"04:43
reisioViking667: you got yourself a lot of problems04:43
reisioViking667: it's pretty obvious from reading it04:43
Viking667makes me wonder what netstat would show.04:43
reisioViking667: it's just the session's reckoning of what abiword is up to last time you saved session04:43
reisiothat's a reach :p04:44
Viking667why's that data stored in gdm's user session?04:44
Viking667Anyhow, I'll go check out whether upstart's running.04:44
m321hi room, anyone familiar with pidgin for aim and best way to check if socks5 proxy is working?04:45
reisioprobably because gdm is involved in GNOME's session manager04:45
reisiodon't try to look for sanity in GNOME04:45
m321think netstat was my answer to a unrelated question04:52
m321weird tho i sign on pidgin with use local server checked or not, same socks5 settings04:52
m321aol's server04:53
Viking667Nope. abiword's just started up. I suspect gdm's involved.04:58
Viking667thankfully I think I know how to fix that.04:58
in_deep_thoughtdoes anyone know if a ventrilo client exists for ubuntu?04:58
Viking667that's a voicechat program, isn't it?04:59
in_deep_thoughtI can see the server here: http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php04:59
Viking667ouch. systemd-logind: failed to start user service: Unknown unit: user@0.service05:07
huscurianreisio: It froze a while back.  I had only 3 tabs open.05:08
huscurianSo I had to manually turn off and reboot the PC.  Any idea why Ubuntu freezes?05:08
vinod777Hi, after I installed fglrx drivers, I could switch between discrete and integrated gpus without any problem.....05:09
vinod777....But later after a Ubuntu update, I couldn't switch, black screen after login.05:09
vinod777So is there anything I have to do to fglrx after ubuntu update05:10
vinod777Hi, after I installed fglrx drivers, I could switch between discrete and integrated gpus without any problem.....05:12
vinod777....But later after a Ubuntu update, I couldn't switch, black screen after login.05:12
vinod777So is there anything I have to do to fglrx after ubuntu update05:12
* Viking667 gives up for the moment. clearly I have issues 05:18
guest42Odd question, but does anyone know where the per-user calibration information is stored for tablets? I calibrated my working tablet and now it's a mess05:19
Viking667I've no idea, sorry... I just bought one and it's ... proven an "interesting" purchase to get working under Ubuntu.05:20
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/05:21
guest42It's worse cause it teased me. It worked on my login screen just fine. Then I logged in.05:24
cookieziexcuse me05:28
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mandroidAny Ubuntu recipees?05:42
mandroidUbuntu a la mode f.i.05:43
mandroidMaybe eat it raw. In a salad.05:44
somsipmandroid: enough silliness. Do you have a support question?05:45
mandroidLemmy think.05:46
mandroidCooking one up. Giggles05:47
guest42Okay, so I may have found an answer to my main question, for the "Making Wacomcpl Settings Restore on Reboot" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X61T , does it work the other way around? Like I remove a hash and it forgets an already existant calibration?05:47
guest42Or does this have to do with whether or not it saves, so doing so will just make it so if I stumble across the correct calibration, it will remove it?05:48
tagSince my update earlier, my wireless doesn't work05:49
guest42Oh, never mind. Just realized that's not going to do what I want it to at all.05:49
tagRunning 15.04 — the main thing that changed was the fact that I updated ubuntu. http://sprunge.us/SWCg?txt05:51
xahnI love ubuntu05:51
m32115.04 will outdate soon right?05:53
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/05:53
m321gksudo it maybe?05:54
somsip!15.04 | m32105:54
ubottum321: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/vivid05:54
tagNow it's saying "Oct  7 22:54:03 savoy NetworkManager[671]: <info> (wlan0): device state change: config -> failed (reason 'ssid-not-found') [50 120 53]" but phone jumps on the same network no problem05:54
m321i liked that it worked best with my conky but switch because everyone claims LTS for long term... i had better luck with 15.04 tho will keep in mind05:55
m321wish i stook with 15.04 now thanks guys heh05:59
fedora_newbrsync -avpz --exclude "public/.htaccess" ~/clone/ groupvitals@ keep getting rsync: failed to set times on "/home/groupvitals/website/.": Operation not permitted (1). When I add -O, it fixes this error, then I get permissions denied errors.06:04
fedora_newbServer was just reinstalled, so I am thinking that this is some sort of permission issue but not sure06:05
fedora_newbAny ideas?06:05
HackSmashis there a known issue / work around for Chromium not opening Evolution Email when clicking a Mailto: link ??06:07
m321chmod? ;x06:07
m321wow tux himself your my wallpaper06:08
tux_anyone know how to setup a remote access in my ubuntu (which is installed in a vmware under host OS win7)?06:08
tux_i am the fake tux underscore06:08
m321missed that darn :(06:09
m321anyone know the history of why a penguin? lol06:09
tux_yeah curious, but can't complain best mascot ever!06:10
m321very true id wear a hat with tux on it any day06:10
m321holding some heavy weaponry preferably06:11
tux_what's sad is most people won't even know what he means06:11
tux_girls be like awww cute penguin lol06:11
m321thats kinda cool tho if a few do they would feel special lol06:11
m321shit if it said linux still most people won't know what it means :x06:12
m321so weird06:12
m321windows should have a real fear but i don't think they care06:12
Flannelm321: Linus is fond of penguins.  Which is as good of a reason as any.  But for continued non-support discussion, please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks :)06:12
m321when i was a kid they built comps with win modems to force peep off linux now people don't need that help06:13
m321cool thanks, just add it is a great mascot sorry did not know about that channel06:14
arcjonany from ph here?06:31
acosonicHi, how can I figure out which group is identified by number06:38
acosonicfigured out06:39
acosoniccat /etc/group06:39
lars_baueracosonic, :o)06:40
=== don is now known as Guest35521
clutshey i need help07:07
Guest35521I'm trying to replace the midori icon in the Faenza icon theme with one I like more.  I have png files ranging from 16 to 48px, but not 64, 96, or svg.  I copied the files over the existing files in /usr/share/icons/Faenza/...  but no joy..the icons aren't changing in my menu.  I assume it's still using one of the 64px+ sizes or svg.  Is there anything I can do to make it work right?07:08
clutsi was trying to get minecraft to work and the tutorial i was watching said to do "sudo shred /" now my pc wont work, anyone know how to fix?07:09
Guest35521troll much?07:10
clutsno? i need help07:10
Guest35521post a link to the tutorial07:10
m321shred /  really???07:10
m321yea was pretty obvious even to newbie like me.07:11
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stukdevhi, i setup a dns server, and in custom log i set file = "/var/log/named/default.log" versions 3 size 5m; but the log file now is at 50Mega..and is not truncate why?07:34
x4w3Guten morgen07:41
Guest35521will removing a svg icon from my icon theme force the use of a png icon by launchers and the menu?07:53
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mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/07:57
davinsky07hello mohamed08:09
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Guest8395This is a script for uploading file using ftp08:09
Guest8395I see that the file is uploaded right now08:10
Guest8395but the script doesn't exit08:10
Guest839515 minute and the script is still run08:10
vapeGuest8395: put "bye" at the end08:10
vapeGuest8395: http://stackoverflow.com/a/93622708:11
Guest8395I did previously so I tried to replace bye with exit08:11
Guest8395bye has the same effect08:11
vapeGuest8395: How are you running/invoking the script?08:11
Guest8395vape, like that08:11
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Guest8395I have the script running in the background till now:08:15
Guest8395[1]+  Running                 ./ftp.sh &> /dev/null &08:15
Guest8395and the file reaches its size in the remote host08:16
aleecodehi all08:24
oo_miguelCan someone help me look at the smartctl output for my two harddisks. I ran the extended offline tests and for me everything seems fine,   but I would be glad to hear a second opinion: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712886/08:43
dbolser_I can use debtree to get a dep graph for a single package, but can I get the graph for all installe packages?08:53
lotuspsychjedbolser_: whats your end goal with this?08:55
dbolser_hi lotuspsychje08:55
dbolser_I want to see 'leaf' packages to try to randomly trim some cruft...08:55
dbolser_also, I like looking at graphs ;-)08:55
R4BB1Thello how to make my nickname permanently?08:55
lotuspsychje!register | R4BB1T08:55
ubottuR4BB1T: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode08:55
dbolser_R4BB1T: /msg nickserv help08:56
R4BB1Ti try command from google but ist not work08:56
R4BB1Tok thanks08:56
lotuspsychjedbolser_: something like pstree but for installed stuff?08:56
dbolser_also, I find many installed packages with both amd64 and i386 arch08:56
=== R4BB1T is now known as r4bb1t
dbolser_lotuspsychje: not really...08:57
dbolser_just a graph of package dependency for all installed packages08:57
lotuspsychjedbolser_: best way is to uninstall stuff from software center08:57
dbolser_can I safely remove all the i386 packages?08:57
lotuspsychjedbolser_: no08:57
lotuspsychjedbolser_: its not reccomended to uninstall random stuff like that08:57
dbolser_lotuspsychje: lol08:58
lotuspsychjedbolser_: always start with the main package name to uninstall08:58
dbolser_lotuspsychje: what I mean is, all the i386 packages where there is an amd64 equiv08:58
=== R4BB1T is now known as r4bb1t
lotuspsychjedbolser_: did you install stuff you shouldnt?08:58
dbolser_or yes... if you consider mint a...08:59
lotuspsychjedbolser_: then leave the system as it is :p08:59
lotuspsychjedbolser_: your on mint?08:59
dbolser_don't mess with stuff? unpossible!08:59
lotuspsychje!mint | dbolser_ sorry08:59
ubottudbolser_ sorry: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:59
dbolser_but didn't find teh channel right away08:59
lotuspsychjedbolser_: feel free to install an ubuntu version from topic09:00
dbolser_lotuspsychje: who makes the rules you adhere to blindly ;-P09:00
dbolser_seriously though, thanks for tips09:00
lotuspsychjedbolser_: its a sugestion, not a rule09:00
r4bb1ti try how to register on website09:00
r4bb1tbut it's not work09:00
lotuspsychjer4bb1t: join #freenode please09:00
dbolser_r4bb1t: nickserv takes a bit of reading, but it's solid09:00
hateballoo_miguel: the read errors and relocated sector numbers dont look too good, if they are correct09:02
Guest8395FILETAR="file_`date +%Y_%m_%d`.tar"09:03
Guest8395I got this error09:03
Guest8395line 36: date: command not found09:03
oo_miguelhateball: hmmm. still the "VALUE" is over 100 and vendor-specific "THRESH" is 006...  for the Raw_Read_Error_Rate, if this is what you refer to, but I do not really know how to interpret this.09:06
hateballoo_miguel: are the drives misbehaving in any way then?09:10
oo_miguelhateball: One was thrown out of the raid due to read errors, but I believe this happened due to a loose cable.09:11
oo_miguelNow I am trying to judge if there is reason to worry about the drives itself.09:12
onaforeignshorehi. I was wondering if you could help me. I have a ubuntu server 12.04 running inside a windows domain (samba / sssd) but there is a problem with accessing the internet. It works for a few moments after the network connects, but then can't resolve anything so gives Unable to connect. I need to use this server as a web proxy in our school, so need to resolve this problem09:16
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: maybe the ##networking guys can troubleshoot first where this comes from?09:17
onaforeignshoreI would think so too, but ping works, it's just the browser / proxy that has an issue...09:18
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: wich proxy is in use?09:18
onaforeignshorewant  to use Squid09:19
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: maybe the network is blocked by router somehow?09:19
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: ask the ##networking guys, they used to this09:19
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: come back if it seems like an ubuntu specific issue09:20
hheehi there. where i can find proper file to change pidgin default theme? in previous system in was in  .purple . named - GTKrc-2.009:25
hheebut ubuntu 14.04 - have not this file09:26
hheei create this one manually, but it does not work09:26
hheei find /etc/gkt*   directories, put file there, but not working too09:27
hheelines , which i droped in file, checked earlier and correctly09:29
lotuspsychje!info pidgin-themes | hhee maybe this can help?09:29
ubottuhhee maybe this can help?: pidgin-themes (source: gaim-themes): Smiley themes collection for pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-1 (vivid), package size 1439 kB, installed size 4792 kB09:29
iszakIf I have a user who is running a process and I delete that user, what will happen?09:39
Ben64process will continue i'm pretty sure09:40
onaforeignshorelotuspsychje, it is a Winblows - Linux issue09:41
lotuspsychjeonaforeignshore: yeah im following networking :p09:42
onaforeignshoreI saw you join09:42
krugerhi, i've recompiled the vmlinuz.efi, but i'm unable to boot the dvd in the uefi mode, i'm kicked in busybox shell (initramfs). In bios mode boot fine. Someone can help me?09:42
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pojleshello there, I turned on the computer and went to file manager, selected a file (libre office spreadsheet) and clicked on it to open. then 2 files opened! another text file opened alongside in "unsaved" state as in my last session. how can this be?09:55
David__________Hi I got error while using ntpdate09:56
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found09:56
David__________please sugest hoe to update09:57
pojlesand this was not a session that started with a libre office window at the beginning about rescuing files from last session09:57
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found09:57
JethroTuxgot stage-frightned DAMN!!09:58
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found09:59
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:09
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:09
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization foundntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:09
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:09
David__________ntpdate[2964]: no server suitable for synchronization found10:09
cfhowlettDavid__________, I really suggest you stop doing that nonsense.10:10
vapeDavid__________: sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org10:11
=== Schnabel- is now known as Schnabeltierchen
diffract|if i want to clone a parition with dd, does the destination partition need to be the same size as the source? or does it only have to contain enough space for the files?10:22
venkat_330guidinace in running chrome under ROOT login10:23
bazhangvenkat_330, dont login as root10:23
hheeguys about root10:23
bazhangvenkat_330, dont even enable it10:24
k1ldiffract|: dd will stop when it runs out of space on the target.10:24
hheewhich difference between ubuntu and others linux distro, in case of right way to using account?10:24
k1ldiffract|: so bigger is better :)10:24
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:24
hheewhere can i find best practice about this?10:25
bazhang!manuals | hhee have a read10:25
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:25
k1lhhee: ubuntu uses strictly sudo. just forget about the "hey i am cool and a linux guru i run root all the time" stuff and use a regular user and sudo or gksu when needed root permissions10:26
hheetnx tnx tnx :)10:27
hheea lto of info there10:27
hheebut buys, how about cron scripts those need run from root?10:29
hateballhhee: "sudo crontab -e" will make a root crontab, or you can "sudo nano /etc/crontab"10:30
hheehateball: oh tnx10:30
ThoraxHi al. Ive added a PPA for Audacious so i can grab the latest beta. How do i install audacious from that PPA?10:32
bazhangThorax, added how10:33
Thoraxentered via terminal10:33
bazhangwhat command Thorax10:33
Thoraxsudo add-apt-repository10:33
Thoraxthen apt-get-update10:34
bazhangdid you apt update and upgrade following that Thorax10:34
bazhangapt-get thorax update has no dash preceding it10:35
ThoraxNo i know, i did in the terminal though10:35
ThoraxI just typed it here quick10:35
ThoraxIt has done the update10:35
bazhangso upgrade then install10:35
ThoraxBut wont that install everything in that PPA?10:35
bazhangfirst upgrade then install audacious10:36
bazhangtell it what to install Thorax10:36
Thoraxwhat just sudo apt-get install audacious?10:36
bazhangThorax, have you first done apt upgrade10:37
hateballThorax: if you run apt-cache policy audacious you can see which repo it will use for that package10:37
bazhangso then the command you just used Thorax10:37
Thoraxahh cool, cheers hatefull, that was gonna be my next question10:38
Thoraxhahaha, MY EYES10:38
ThoraxSorry hateball10:38
k1lThorax: tip: use tab-key to let nicknames auto-complete :)10:39
ThoraxI know k1l , I just didnt that one time haha10:39
ThoraxSo i ran "apt-cache policy audacious" and it showed the ubuntu and the ppa sources10:40
ThoraxHow do i tell it to just use the ppa?10:40
Thoraxor will it just check the version number and grab the latest?10:40
k1lThorax: please put the whole output into a pastebin and link that here10:40
bazhangtab complete the package name Thorax10:40
bazhangbash has tab complete too10:41
Thoraxdunno what you mean bazhang10:41
bazhangThorax, terminal audacious tab key10:42
bazhangjust as in irc tab complete nickname Thorax10:42
Thoraxdoesnt do anything...10:42
ThoraxAtleast not after typing audacious10:42
k1l!paste | Thorax put the output of "apt-cache policy audacious" there10:43
ubottuThorax put the output of "apt-cache policy audacious" there: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:43
Thoraxk1l, I am going too i just havnt got hexchat on my ubuntu machine just yet10:43
k1lyou could manually put the link over to that other pc. should not be too much to type10:44
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ThoraxYou see that k1l, or bazhang ?10:48
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k1lThorax: yes10:50
ThoraxSo if i just do "sudo apt-get install audacious" which will it pick?10:50
k1lThorax: so it got the ppa. but that version is 3.6.2-1 and in the ubuntu repo is already
k1ldo you need that version 3.6.2?10:51
ThoraxWell i wanted the latest, thats why i added that ppa10:51
k1lwell, wanting the latest and greatest is fine. but you loose the stable support from ubuntu then.10:52
ThoraxI understand that10:52
k1lso if you want to install that fomr the PPA just go with "sudo apt-get install audacious" it will pick the latest10:53
bazhangyou depend on that sole ppa maintainer from now Thorax10:53
ThoraxYeah i know how that works bazhang10:53
bazhangthey dont go for a wily , then thats over10:53
ThoraxI just want sure how to pick which one to install or if it would just grab the newest10:53
k1lThorax: it will grab the highest version number.10:54
ThoraxThankyou, that is all i wanted to know10:54
=== AAA_ is now known as Guest4777
Thorax_ffs... using the function keys on my laptop. It switches between adjusting the system volume AND VLC's volume as and when it wants.11:01
Thorax_Turn it all the way up and it adjusts vlc, turn it down it doesnt11:02
jak2000why cant do an update on my server: http://pastie.org/10467885   thanks11:03
jak2000any advice?11:03
halp1(Lubuntu 15.04) I have a problem with Phoronix Test Suite 5.8.1. Running phoronix-test-suite 5.8.1 gives me ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED errors in Chrome. Running netstat -nta showed my localhost was on port 631, but editing <WebSocketPort> in user-config.xml to 631 doesn't get rid of the error. I don't know what to try next.11:04
halp1*Sorry, the command I run is phoronix-test-suite gui. I don't know why I typed '5.8.1' twice11:04
jak2000halp1 any advice?11:05
jak2000see please: http://pastie.org/1046789011:05
halp1It says there is no pastie.11:05
k1ljak2000: what did you do?11:05
k1ljak2000: did you change users?11:06
k1ljak2000: see the dmesg if there is a hardware issue with the disk11:07
jak2000uuu need reinstall?11:07
OerHeksSorry, there is no pastie #10467890 or it has been removed. Why not create a new pastie?11:09
sep_aliciajak2000: System update might be running in the background and have the package manager locked11:10
SalamboHello, is there an official Ubuntu live-usb download available?11:10
k1lSalambo: its the regular ubuntu.iso11:10
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »11:11
k1ljak2000: what did you do before that error happend? did you look into dmesh for server disk issues?11:11
k1ljak2000: you need to answer the questions to make us help you11:11
sep_aliciajak2000: If there is nothing else running, sometimes a crash can cause the lock file to not be deleted. In that case, you would just delete the lock file. /var/lib/apt/lists/lock11:11
Salambok1l: there is only one image?11:12
k1lSalambo: choose one version, 64bit. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/11:13
jak2000k1l, sebastianlutter: OerHeks: http://pastebin.com/wUMeNSAw11:14
Salambok1l: got it, thank you!11:14
k1ljak2000: do you even read what we say?11:14
sep_aliciak1l: Probably not if you're asking in that manner. :o11:16
OerHeksk1l, jak2000 is pasting in multiple channels11:16
jak2000k1l yes11:18
k1lsep_alicia: see backlog. was not the first time i asked for more informations to help. but when the user is not interested i back off11:18
sep_aliciak1l: ok11:19
sep_aliciak1l: i understand11:19
mahingocsep_alicia: understand11:21
sep_aliciaoverstand :)11:21
jak2000but: sudo rm -f /var/lib/apt/lists/lock   tell me: rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/apt/lists/lock’: Read-only file system  always i get this error: sudo: unable to open /var/lib/sudo/jak/0: No such file or directory11:22
sep_aliciajak2000: rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/apt/lists/lock’: Read-only file system11:23
sep_aliciajak2000: The file system has been mounted read-only for some reason, which means files can neither be created or deleted11:23
jak2000i try change the permission to 777 but get same error:11:23
mahingocjak2000: time to bring out the BAN HAMMER on you11:23
OerHeksmahingoc, please stop that, be helpfull.11:24
digitsmI have a special problem which I hope you can helpe me11:24
jak2000sep_alicia thanks11:24
mahingocdigitsm: hi chump11:24
digitsmI want to install a Xubuntu on my external USB3 harddrive. But my PC doesn't have any onboard USB3 port11:25
sep_aliciajak2000: Have you any idea why the system might be read-only?11:25
jak2000its a vps11:25
jak2000restarting and11:25
sep_aliciadigitsm: use a usb2 port instead?11:25
sep_aliciajak2000: ok11:25
k1ldigitsm: usb3 is compatible with usb2. its just slow as hell (usb2) then11:25
OerHeksjak2000, seems there is a problem with one/more partitions, run fsck on your hdd to repair, and reboot.11:25
digitsmsep_alicia, But I want the speed of USB311:25
OerHeksthat is why it is read only now.11:26
digitsmI have recently bought a USB PCIe card and installed it on my PC11:26
digitsmBut I can't boot from it.11:26
sep_aliciadigitsm: I agree with what k1l said11:26
digitsmI read that BIOS can only boot from its own onboard USB2 ports11:26
ikoniathen there is your limitation11:27
sep_aliciadigitsm: "But I can't boot from it" Seems a hardware issue. idk11:27
digitsmsep_alicia, No, I can boot by connecting it to a USB2 port, but it is slow11:27
k1ldigitsm: well, that depends on the bios. but you could make a grub on usb(2.) to boot and link to the usb3 one11:27
digitsmk1l, How?11:28
ikoniathat will end up in fail, as the usb pre-exe environment will probably not be able to see the usb card for usb311:28
Mathisendigitsm, The card itself must support booting, via its own boot ROM11:28
sep_aliciadigitsm: If it will boot from the usb2 port, but not from the usb3 (pcie), then that would seems to be a deficiency in the hardware capabilities11:28
digitsmI can install a xubuntu on the internal HDD of my PC and then configure its grub specifically. The only thing I want is to be able to boot from PCIe USB311:29
Mathisendigitsm, also do a google on " plop boot manager "11:29
digitsmMathisen, Yeah, I did that before11:30
sep_aliciadigitsm: If you wanted to be "pro-level", it is possible to have one flash drive in the usb2 slot that boots up grub, and then have grub redirect the boot process to the usb3 drive. ;)11:30
digitsmplop boot manager currently doesn't support USB3, but plopkexec does11:30
digitsmsep_alicia, I don't think I would work, because grub won't recognize PCIe USB in this step.11:31
digitsmsep_alicia, I guess grub will only recognize the devices which BIOS could recognize before11:31
k1ldigitsm: well, then you need to find a different hardware solution or kill that idea to boot that usb3 device11:31
sep_aliciadigitsm: Not necessarily true. Just because the bios won't allow booting device XYZ, that doesn't mean that the bios doesn't see device XYZ.11:32
digitsmsep_alicia, The recognition of USB3 will be done using USB3 driver in linux kernel, I don't think grub will load any driver itself11:32
digitsmk1l, You give up early :D11:33
sep_aliciadigitsm: well I'm not a grub pro, so I can't advise further, but if it were my system I would probably give it a go  hehe11:33
digitsmsep_alicia, I tried for more than 1 weak on this issue, and the only possible solution was "plopkexec". I could boot into a Live Xubuntu USB using plopkexec11:34
digitsmsep_alicia, I have a Core2Quad system and there isn't any mb supporting USB3 for this CPU.11:34
digitsmAnd if I want to buy a USB3 MB, then I have to buy a new Core i3/5/7 system which will be expensive11:35
sep_aliciadigitsm: i see11:35
digitsmsep_alicia, The author of plop bootloader is working to add USB3 support in plop bootloader 6, but currently only plopkexec works. Its only limitation is that it doesn't support BTRFS (my beloved FS) and it needs Syslinux as bootloader11:36
digitsmsep_alicia, Is Syslinux used instead of Grub on a Live Ubuntu USB/CD?11:37
digitsmBecause I could successfully boot into Live ubuntu using plopkexec11:37
sep_aliciadigitsm: generally yes, syslinux11:37
digitsmsep_alicia, Is isolinux one of the tools in Syslinux?11:38
sep_aliciadigitsm: Yeah, same toolset11:39
digitsmsep_alicia, Hmmm thanks. So if I install Syslinux (in particular Extlinux tool) instead of Grub I should be able to boot using plopkexec11:39
sep_aliciadigitsm: I would try this. Boot into grub, go into grub CLI mode. Then figure out how to list all devices. If it is listed, then there is a very good chance grub can boot it. That's what I would do, though maybe you've tried that already  :)11:40
sep_aliciadigitsm: "I should be able to boot using plopkexec" I don't think so. As far as I know 'plop' is a bootloader, just like grub and syslinux. Only one can be installed11:41
shreddingwhat does this line do:  sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 1011:42
shreddingis it enabling starting elasticsearch on startup or is it disabling it?11:42
digitsmsep_alicia, I have only 3 questions: 1- Do you think Grub can detect my PCIe USB3? (If it can I would use it, bcuz it supports btrfs) 2- How to install Syslinux instead of grub (Plan B) 3- If I install Syslinux and then update kernel, what will happen? Does it update menu automatically?11:42
sep_aliciashredding: enabling11:42
shreddingsep_alicia: thanks11:42
sep_aliciashredding: :)11:42
SimonB__Could anyone possibly advise. I have a 14.04.3 VM on Hyper-V (gen 1) and getting the exact same symptoms as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/147025011:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1470250 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "[Hyper-V] Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS Generation 2 SCSI Errors on VSS Based Backups" [High,In progress]11:43
digitsmsep_alicia, I know plop is another bootloader, but as long as I know it contains drivers necessary for detecting various devices (like USB3)11:44
sep_aliciadigitsm: 1. I would think so, but I suggest go to grub cli to find out 2. Instructions on the syslinux site 3. I have no idea lol11:44
digitsmsep_alicia, And plopkexec is not a bootloader, it is a kernel executer11:44
jnxdHello. Does anyone else also face a kernel "oops" after updating to the latest 3.19.0-31-generic on vivid?11:44
digitsmsep_alicia, Thanks a lot. I will follow those 3 possible solutions.11:45
sep_aliciadigitsm: Ah, ok. I assumed kplop was just an altered version of plop :)11:45
digitsmsep_alicia, And thanks for suggesting going to grub cli. That didn't came in my mind :D11:45
sep_aliciaSimonB__: I suggest keeping an eye on the url you provided11:47
sep_aliciaSimonB__: Many times a "fix" or "work around" will appear on the bug tracker very early before the problem is fully fixed11:47
sep_aliciadigitsm: Best of luck :)11:48
shantzaHi, im new to linux, some advice on what should i focus on?11:57
k1lshantza: start using it :)11:58
sep_aliciashantza: Welcome to chat :)11:58
BluesKajHowdy all11:58
sep_aliciaWell that was short lived11:58
sep_aliciahi BluesKaj11:58
BluesKajhi sep_alicia11:58
sep_aliciaBluesKaj: Is Ubuntu treating you okay?11:59
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BluesKajsep_alicia, I'm a Kubuntu user, KDE  desktop and testing 15.10 beta2 atm. It's been a bit of a battle with the the new plasma desktop. My stable OS is Kubuntu 14.04 LTS, which I love. :-)12:02
sep_aliciaBluesKaj: Good point. I would definitely recommend LTS for daily use. :)12:03
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jnxdHello. Does anyone else also face a kernel "oops" after updating to the latest 3.19.0-31-generic on vivid?12:07
jnxdAlso, does someone know how to make sure the system boots from a specific older kernel everytime it loads?12:07
ikoniachange the default in the grub12:07
ikoniaor remove the problem kernel12:07
sep_aliciajnxd: I've not heard of this problem12:08
fribI set up a router as an access point and I'm able to connect/reach internet with all devices except my laptop with ubuntu, can't resolve DHCP address.  What can I do? thanks12:08
ThoraxAre there really no media players for linux/Ubuntu that are useful like foobar2000?12:09
jnxdsep_alicia: it started once i restarted the comp after last kernel update yesterday12:09
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sep_aliciaThorax: I'm not sure what exactly you mean by mediaplayer, but perhaps `plex`12:10
BluesKajjnxd, and what is a kernel oops?12:10
sep_aliciajnxd: The simplest solution would seem to be downgrade to a previous kernel12:10
OerHeksjnxd, there is a bugreport, with a fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/150364712:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503647 Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:10
Thoraxsep_alicia, I mean an audio player. One that has tagging capabilities, file operations, and a simple library viewer12:10
ikoniaWilly is 15.1012:11
ikonianot 15.0412:11
sep_aliciaThorax: This might be a stupid question, but have you searched for "linux best audio player"?12:11
OerHeksikonia, i see that, but my url is about his *3112:12
Thoraxsep_alicia, ha, yeah i have. The closest I have found is audacity12:12
jnxdsep_alicia: it'd hang after 10-15 minutes of use, and would need to be rebooted12:12
ThoraxBut it doesnt have any tagging capabilities, nor file operations, and the library function on it is just damn right backwards12:12
bazhang!info audacity | Thorax12:12
ubottuThorax: audacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-2 (vivid), package size 2662 kB, installed size 8903 kB12:12
ikoniaOerHeks: is that the same actual problem ?12:12
sep_aliciaThorax: audacity isn't even for playing common audio. it sounds like you got a bad link :)12:12
ThoraxAudacious sorry12:13
ThoraxI always mix thir names12:13
OerHeksikonia, yes, 'System hangs with kernel 3.19.0-31'12:13
ThoraxI use Audacity for other stuff haha12:13
ikoniaOerHeks: it looks a totally different description12:13
ikoniaOerHeks: he didn't say system hangs12:13
ikoniahe said he got an oops12:13
Ben64rhythmbox comes with ubuntu, works great12:13
bazhang!equivalents | Thorax have a search12:13
ubottuThorax have a search: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant12:13
ikoniaunless I've missed something in the description12:14
sep_aliciaThorax: You might require a small separate tool for the tagging? I'm sorry but I haven't experience with what your wanting, so I should probably shutup  :)12:14
vtrevThorax: try clementine12:14
jnxdBluesKaj: Not really sure. That's what Apport has in the auto-generated bug report. Some "...page.." problem at "0xff...", and it was caleld kernel oops.12:14
Ben64the details would probably help12:15
Thoraxhaha, no worries sep_alicia. Thanks for the help12:15
sep_aliciafrib: hi12:15
Thoraxbazhang, I'm not looking for something like foobar. I'm just after a program than can manage a music library and play audio12:15
sep_aliciafrib: Is your laptop able to connect to any other wireless routers?12:16
bazhangtry some Thorax clementine and exaile come to mind12:16
fribsep_alicia, yes, lots of others.  and i should add that i just tested my phone again today and now (spontaneously) it's no longer able to reach internet via access point12:16
bazhangonly you can decide what is best for you Thorax12:16
bazhang!info exaile12:16
ubottuexaile (source: exaile): flexible, full-featured audio player. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.3-1 (vivid), package size 1086 kB, installed size 6822 kB12:16
fribsep_alicia, it seems like an on-off thing12:16
bazhang!info clementine12:17
ubottuclementine (source: clementine): modern music player and library organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3+dfsg-2build1 (vivid), package size 4400 kB, installed size 19114 kB12:17
Thoraxhaha, yes im well aware of that bazhang. Im just after some thoughts12:17
bazhangThorax, try #ubuntu-discuss for polling thanks12:17
sep_aliciafrib: ah, you mean the behavior appears unpredictable12:17
ThoraxIve used clementine and rythmbox, neither have decent tagging or file management12:17
ThoraxAhh, aplogies bazhang12:18
sep_aliciafrib: As a direct work around, (until you figure out the problem) you could go into the router and set a static ip address for your router.12:19
sep_aliciafrib: for the laptop12:19
jnxdOerHeks: Seems it will work. But will I keep getting regular kernel updates after I've installed the deb?12:19
OerHeksjnxd, i would go back one kernel until it is fixed, as suggested before, but your issue is know.12:20
sep_aliciajnxd: `apt-mark hold package-name` to prevent upgrades12:20
patrick__werkt ok12:21
jnxdOerHeks: and how do I go back one kernel?12:22
auronandacejnxd: select a previous kernel from grub when you boot12:23
OerHeksjnxd, hold shift@boot to enter grub, and select previous kernel12:23
jnxdauronandace: OerHeks: already doing that. I was trying to edit /etc/default/grub, but it didn't seem to work12:25
jnxdturns out I was editing grub.bak :D12:25
jnxdJust edited. Rebooting.12:27
sep_aliciajnxd rebooted and died :(12:30
stdCan someone help me with some issues after last update on 14.04 ?12:30
cfhowlett!ask | std12:30
ubottustd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:30
sep_aliciastd: I can try, if you promise to keep your std to yourself  :)12:31
stdThank you :)12:31
jnxdOkay, seems to work. Set GRUB-DEFAULT to saved.12:31
sep_aliciajnxd: yay :)12:31
stdSo, after last update on 14.04 (yesterday) I cannot start my Unity Desktop (no i'm running on XFCE).12:32
jnxdstd: try this: press shift at startup12:32
stdIn unity sistem is very slow, and if i'm trying to Ctrl F1, the sysstem responds very slow, especially when I'm running sudo su commands12:32
cfhowlettstd, how much ram ?12:33
std8 GB, i712:33
jnxdstd: Okay, the problem seems to be different here, ignore me12:33
sep_aliciastd: Create a new user. See if you can login to Unity with the new user- If no, then it's a system problem. If yes, then it's a bad configuration file in your /home12:33
cfhowlettstd, run top or htop to see what's eating your resoruces12:33
stdsystem worked good until yesterday12:33
stdsep_alicia, i did this, problem persists12:34
stdcfhowlett, i tried top, but there are no processes whats eating resources12:34
sep_aliciastd: Is it possible you unistalled something which accidentally uninstalled unity?12:34
stdnop, anyway, i've reinstalled unity12:35
stdand lightdm12:35
stdand problem persists12:35
stdWith xfce system works good12:35
cfhowlettstd, what did you start with?  xubuntu?12:35
sep_aliciastd: Right now, the only thing I can think is that perhaps it's a problem with your 3D support. Are you running Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04?12:36
stdsep_alicia, 14.0412:36
stdjnxd, where I have to press shift key12:37
ioriastd  try the unity test        /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p12:37
EriC^^std: try running the older kernel12:37
jnxdstd: once you start the pc, keep shift pressed to get GRUB12:37
jnxdthen go to advanced, and select an older kernel12:37
jnxdyesterday's updates brought with it some rather troublesome problem on my GNOME, but it is pretty different from yours.12:38
sep_aliciastd: I'm sorry I can't help more. It appears you have a system problem. The only thing I can recommend is reinstall12:39
sep_aliciasave /home12:39
stdi've saved mu /home12:39
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stdi will stay with XFCE for the moment12:40
BluesKajkde is as stable as a rock on 14.04 while you poor ppl scramble with unity, gnome and mate to find a decent desktop that works12:40
jnxdstd: what does "uname -r" say?12:41
sep_aliciaBluesKaj: I use openbox, and it's more stabler than a rock  hehe  ;) ;)12:42
jnxdstd: fine. Appears to be totally different than mine. 3.19... here12:42
stdnow system works good with XFCE12:42
stdi don;t know why unity is wrong12:42
jnxdBluesKaj: GNOME is stable as a rock for now12:42
EriC^^std: type lspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 999912:43
BluesKajsep_alicia, well that's ok too I guess , never tried openbox12:43
sep_aliciastd: Perhaps there is a logfile that can gives more information12:43
jnxdstd: because unity is a rather glued-up bastard, which is only waiting for it's successor to come12:43
stdlspci -k | grep -A2 VGA | nc termbin.com 999912:43
xela2244hi, when i'm trying to change gtk theme for gedit. I went on gedit.desktop and changed the theme, but is not working. Help12:44
EriC^^std: ok, type dpkg -l | grep linux-headers-3.13.0-66-generic | nc termbin.com 999912:44
xela2244i'm using kubuntu 15.0412:44
BluesKajjnxd, was never a gnome or unity fan ...the look didn' appeal to me ...guess old windows guys still want a familiar looking desktop :-)12:45
stddpkg -l | grep linux-headers-3.13.0-66-generic | nc termbin.com 999912:45
xela2244how to can i change gtk theme for just one application?12:46
jnxdBluesKaj: Once you get used to the Overview, there's no turning back as long as you're using a mouse :D12:46
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EriC^^std: ok, try the 65 kernel it might work12:46
sep_aliciaxela2244: run that application as a different user12:47
jnxdBluesKaj: I did try kubuntu 15.04 (I called it MonkeyKub), but I guess I'll wait till further refinements come12:47
stdok EriC^^ I will check with kernel 6512:47
stdthank you for the moment12:48
xela2244sep_alicia: i found this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/14129/gtk-enable-set-dark-theme-on-a-per-application-basis but is not working12:48
EriC^^i dunno why i'm still on the 65 kernel here12:48
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic trusty12:48
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 29 kB12:48
EriC^^hmm how do you have the 65 anyways? std12:48
EriC^^type apt-cache policy linux-image-generic-3.13.0-66-generic | nc termbin.com 999912:49
sep_aliciaxela2244: perhaps try another different theme and see if that works?12:49
LogicalDashNautilus has started crashing whenever I connect to this Samba share12:49
EriC^^apt-cache policy linux-image-3.13.0-66-generic | nc termbin.com 999912:49
OerHeksEriC^^, i guess that kernelupdate is pulled, i have no 3.19.0-31 either, which has simular issues12:49
xela2244sep_alicia:i will try12:49
EriC^^OerHeks: ohh12:49
EriC^^that makes sense12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503647 Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:49
digitsmsep_alicia, I tested grub_cli, it doesn12:50
EriC^^std: seems like the 66 kernel has issues and was pulled back, you might want to boot the 65 and then uninstall it12:50
sep_aliciadigitsm: that sux12:50
digitsmsep_alicia, I tested grub_cli, it doesn't recognize any device attached to my PCIe USB3 card12:50
sep_aliciadigitsm: I guess grub won't be able to do it at all then12:50
xela2244sep_alicia: still not working12:51
sep_aliciadigitsm: back to syslinux and kplop i suppose12:51
jnxdEriC^^: how do I uninstall a kernel?12:51
digitsmsep_alicia, Another experience like mine : http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=114425#p54082212:51
BluesKajjnxd, yeah, the plasma5,  desktop definitely needs more work, I"m testing 15.10 beta2 and I struggled to to get my desktop back this morning, but the devs are working hard to get things right.12:51
EriC^^jnxd: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-66-generic12:51
sep_aliciaxela2244: Perhaps you can find out if gedit is using gtk greater than 3.12?12:51
digitsmsep_alicia, As long as I know grub can load many modules available in "/boot/grub/i386-pc/"12:51
digitsmBut I can't see any module file for "xhci" (the driver for USB3)12:52
digitsmMaybe it is the issue12:52
digitsmbut I am not sure12:52
sep_aliciadigitsm: perhaps so12:52
jnxdThe following packages will be REMOVED:   linux-generic* linux-image-3.19.0-31-generic*   linux-image-extra-3.19.0-31-generic* linux-image-generic*12:52
sep_aliciadigitsm: i also don't know. sorry :(12:52
jnxdEriC^^: the last one kinda scares me12:53
sep_aliciajnxd: *thumbs up*12:53
digitsmsep_alicia, I think the most easier plan B is installing syslinux. I will try now. And thanks for help12:53
EriC^^jnxd: last one is ok, but linux-generic is needed ( it's a metapackage that install the latest kernel + headers when they get updated )12:53
sep_aliciajnxd: the last one is a meta-package. losing it will not pull more kernel updates12:53
EriC^^jnxd: oh, didn't see the last one, it's like linux-generic but just for the image12:54
jnxdEriC^^: So what is linux-image-generic?12:54
jnxdwhat's the difference?12:54
sep_aliciajnxd: met-package12:54
EriC^^it installs the linux-image- package ( initrd + kernel )12:54
jnxdI think I'll keep things as they are for now12:54
EriC^^linux-generic installs linux-image + linux-headers12:54
EriC^^jnxd: are you using trusty?12:55
sep_aliciaI'm using untrusty12:55
EriC^^jnxd: i think if you run sudo apt-get update12:56
alximychhi! Is Telnet available in ubuntu BY DEFAULT?12:56
EriC^^then try to purge it won't ask to remove those 2 metapackages, if it does only mention those 2 it's ok to remove, then just reinstall linux-generic and it should continue to update later kernels, and won't install the 31 yet cause it's not in the repos anymore12:57
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic vivid12:57
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB12:57
sep_aliciaalximych: It appears to be available in Ubuntu MATE 14.04 by default. (I dunno about regular Ubuntu)12:57
alximychsep_alicia: thx!12:58
OerHeksalximych, it is.12:58
fribsep_alicia, if i set a static ip for the laptop I can connect and authenticate but I am unable to ping the upstream router that provides internet .. thus no connection :(13:02
lngHi! suddenly, I cannot enter a passphrase for encrypted /. What can I do about it?13:03
fribsep_alicia, i'm assuming the cause of this is also what causes me to be unable to obtain a dhcp from that upstream router13:03
fribsep_alicia, I had to run out of the house for a bit, sorry.  now that i'm back my phone reaches internet no problem13:04
lngAnothe problem, when I boot using recovery mode I can enter passphrase and the system starts with no other two monitors used. How to engage them?13:04
lngI cannot detect them13:04
lngshall restart video driver somehow?13:05
sep_aliciafrib: interesting13:05
lng00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)13:06
sep_aliciafrib: Is the upstream router under your control too?13:07
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fribsep_alicia, yes13:08
sep_aliciafrib: Can you ping your laptop from another device on the local router?13:08
fribsep_alicia, you mean while "other" device is connected to AP and laptop is connected to primary router or AP?13:09
sep_aliciafrib: I'm not sure. Is the laptop connected via AP or the primary router?13:10
fribsep_alicia, right now i'm connected on my laptop via primary13:10
fribphone is on AP13:10
sep_aliciafrib: Ok, try to ping your laptop from another device connected to the primary13:10
fribsep_alicia, i can ping my laptop from phone connected to AP13:11
sep_aliciafrib: that's a good sign13:11
fribi was going to try connecting ethernet cable to laptop on AP13:11
fribwhat do you think13:12
sep_aliciafrib: for what purpose?13:12
fribi thought maybe the wifi card could be the issue13:12
sep_aliciafrib: if your laptop is replying pings to your phone, it would appear that the wificard is working13:13
fribsep_alicia, wificard is working with primary router13:13
fribsep_alicia, the problem is when i connect to AP, phone works, laptop doesnt13:13
fribsep_alicia, i'm going to try, brb13:14
sep_aliciafrib: I'm having difficultly visualizing your network setup. You have 1. an AP 2. a primary router 3. an upstream router. Is that all correct?13:15
Salambohi, where can I get Ubuntu gpg public key (to verify signature)13:17
Pici!gpgperr | Salambo13:18
Pici!gpgerr | Salambo13:18
ubottuSalambo: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »13:18
TwirlHi, how can i see new entries in log files in ubuntu in real time?13:19
hateballTwirl: tail -f /file13:19
yrayhi folks13:20
Twirlhateball: nice, doesnt seem to be working tho13:20
hateballTwirl: what file are you trying to look at?13:20
Twirlhateball: nginx error logs, im requesting 404 files13:21
hateballTwirl: chances are your regular user has no read permission there13:21
hateballTwirl: in which case you could use sudo tail -f13:21
yrayI have a question about a software or a solution, am i allowed to ask it here?13:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:22
Twirloh well im seeign something13:22
yrayok, we are trying to have a piece of software that would keep the track of all the expenditures of our dorm room, like who buys what, and who owes who how much money at the end of the month,13:23
yrayas of this moment we are using excel for that, but i think there might be a better solution available13:23
sep_aliciayray: have you considered using an "expense tracking" app?13:24
hateballyray: KMymoney is nice for personal finance13:24
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant13:25
Twirlhateball, sep_alicia its working somehow13:26
sep_aliciaTwirl: congrats13:26
Khaled_Guys im looking for a mini pc that can linux without any problems for some basic web devolopment13:26
Twirlstill idk why 404 requests are not coming up13:26
Twirlin the log13:26
* hallohallo slaps TheDude3 around a bit with a large fishbot13:27
sep_aliciayray: just a thought from me. i'm pretty frugal, so i don't use this type software :)13:27
Khaled_any recommendations?13:27
sep_aliciayray: Maybe look on this page under "Personal finances manager" http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html13:27
thebwtHey folks, what is the correct channel to talk about packaging for ubuntu?13:27
sep_aliciaKhaled_: raspberrypi?13:28
sep_aliciaKhaled_: http://www.dell.com/th/p/xps-13-9343-laptop/pd13:29
Khaled_sep_alicia: I think it would be it would be too slow :C13:32
lngHi! After booting to normal from recovery mode, the other two monitors are not detected. Is there way to detect them manually?13:32
Khaled_and not really looking for a laptop13:32
Khaled_I would like it to sit next to my work desktop13:32
Khaled_I was thinking of something like this13:32
sep_aliciaKhaled_: Are you familiar with Intel NUC's?13:33
Khaled_this is my first time seeing it13:33
sep_aliciaKhaled_: They might be what you're looking for, if you're on a budget13:33
hateballdepending on what you're planning to deploy, an RPi should be enough. unless you intend to run postgresql etc on it as well13:33
sep_aliciaKhaled_: search amazon for "intel nuc"13:34
Khaled_I already did :)13:34
austin_hi all - here's a thing - i have a shell script, /path/to/program.sh which has been given rights to run as root via sudoers. In a terminal and logged in as "user", running sudo /path/to/program.sh works - in a .desktop file under /usr/share/applications/program.desktop and using key exec=sudo /path/to/program.sh requires a password (when including Terminal=true). How can I get the launch to be performed without requiring the password as in the c13:34
austin_ommand line example?13:34
sep_aliciaKhaled_: *thumbs up*13:34
sep_aliciahateball: I think so too, but some people tend to use things outside of their originally intended purpose, so idk.  :)13:35
sep_aliciaaustin_: cannot. sorry13:36
EriC^^austin_: add NOPASSWD to visudo13:36
sep_aliciaaustin_: I'm pretty sure that scripts cannot run as root, even if they have root exec permission13:36
EriC^^<user> ALL= (ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/program.sh13:37
sep_aliciaaustin_: they need to call sudo from within the script13:37
Khaled_NUC Intel Braswell Celeron processor 140 USD, 16 GB MSATA SSD (I already have one laying around my desktop so no cost), Kingston 4GB ram 22 usd = so about 160 usd. How do this build sound?13:37
sep_aliciaaustin_: EriC^^ method will probably work13:37
EriC^^sep_alicia: yeah scripts can't use the setuid13:37
Khaled_or should i buy an SSD too?13:38
sep_aliciaKhaled_: Sounds legit13:38
sep_aliciaKhaled_: Possibly over powered for your purposes. Though I might get a faster cpu13:38
austin_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/program.sh13:39
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austin_still, terminal comes up asking for password13:39
yraysep_alicia : what do you mean frugal?13:39
EriC^^austin_: did you replace user with the user?13:39
EriC^^austin_: open a terminal, sudo login <user> , then type sudo -k , then sudo /path/to/script.sh13:40
EriC^^see if it asks for a password13:40
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austin_yes - as i said, in a separate terminal logged in as "user" sudo /path/to/program.sh works with requiring a password13:40
sep_aliciayray: i generally don't buy things i don't need, so i have extra money each week, instead of extra week at the end of the money13:41
EriC^^austin_: you mean since before?13:41
austin_ok when using sudo -k then sudo /path/to/program.sh I need to enter password13:42
yraysep_alicia : so you might have misunderstood me, we are a few people, living ina dorm, and we would like to keep track of how much everyone of us spends, so that in the end we can make sure that we have all spent equal ammount of money13:42
sep_aliciayray: I understand. I was just explaining why I wouldn't be someone qualified to give you a good recommendation, because i've never had a need for such software  :)13:43
sep_aliciayray: Maybe look on this page under "Personal finances manager" http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html13:43
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austin_looks like with sudo -k I get the same behaviour as when launching the desktop file via dash13:44
EriC^^austin_: it works here13:45
yrayby the way i would really like to know if the same goes on any where else in the world13:45
EriC^^austin_: what exactly did you put in visudo?13:45
EriC^^( the exact line )13:45
austin_tester  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/tester/program.sh13:47
EriC^^ok, and logged in as tester, type sudo -l13:47
sep_aliciayray: Are you asking me?13:47
yraysep_alicia : yes if you willing to answer13:47
austin_User tester may run the following ...13:47
EriC^^does it mention the command?13:48
austin_(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/tester/program.sh13:48
k1lyray: this is the technical ubuntu support. for other chat please use ##chat or #ubuntu-offtopic13:48
sep_aliciayray: "if the same goes on" the same what goes on? I'm not sure I understand13:48
EriC^^austin_: ok, type sudo -k ( to remove the timestamp )13:48
EriC^^then sudo /home/tester/program.sh13:48
austin_it asks for a password13:49
Khaled_sep_alicia: an i3 sounds good?13:49
Khaled_its about 100 bux more13:50
Khaled_100 usd*13:50
sep_aliciaKhaled_: How many ghz?13:50
EriC^^austin_: odd13:50
austin_i know..nail biting13:50
sep_aliciaKhaled_: Should be at least 2Ghz if you want decent power13:50
Khaled_core i3 1.8 GHz13:50
EriC^^austin_: do other stuff work?13:51
sep_aliciaKhaled_: i3 2Ghz or greater13:51
EriC^^austin_: try adding /sbin/blkid then try sudo blkid13:51
Cytonhow do I file a bug report?13:51
k1l!bug | Cyton13:52
ubottuCyton: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:52
Cytonlatest kernel made my pc crash after boot13:52
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austin_password required13:53
Cytonthis is really complecated13:56
Cytondoing a bug report13:56
Cytonbasically kernel killed my laptop every boot on my own profile or guest profile13:56
Cytonlaptop e7240 i5 vPro13:57
OerHeksCyton, yes, know issue with that latest update, purge that kernel and boot back into > https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/150384213:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503842 Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:59
sep_aliciaCyton: If you find filing a bug report too difficult, then I recommend not doing it. Yes we all want to help out, but at the same time, we don't want to dread using our systems. Just do what you reasonably can.13:59
Cytonyep I purged it updated initramfs and  update grub13:59
OerHeksdon't read the output of ubottu, it is confusing13:59
Cytonthanks Oerheks I;kk check that report out and add my comments14:00
=== MyLittleDoge is now known as badbodh
ROKO__is it normal compiz to use more than 40% cpu14:11
OerHeksROKO__, maybe yes, if you use the opendriver14:12
dupingpingHi guys14:13
dupingpingwho knows about angolinux?14:13
ROKO__on amd hybrid graphics14:14
k1ldupingping: we can only support the official ubuntu versions in here. better ask in ##linux14:14
dupingpingi see.14:15
bender|Apparently, all of my keyboard shortcuts have stopped working.14:18
bender|Even though they appear in Settings->Keyboard->Shortcuts14:18
destredis there a beauty channel on freenode?14:20
Pici!alis | destred14:20
ubottudestred: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:20
destredno beauty channels :(14:21
nzstHi, what is a great way to install a standalone ruby application on a server?14:21
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bender|isn't unity-settings-demon broken?14:23
jnxd!info linux-image-generic vivid14:24
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB14:24
bender|guess that's probably why my shortcuts aren't working.14:24
Guest93485how can I get a channel list?14:24
k1l!alis | Guest9348514:24
ubottuGuest93485: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:24
jnxd!info linux-generic vivid14:24
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB14:24
Guest93485thanks k1l bud14:25
ioriabender|, cat /etc/issue ?14:25
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jnxdEriC^^: I'm sorry about the talk some time ago. Just now found out from the logs you had continued it, but I got dc'ed14:26
EriC^^jnxd: np14:27
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:27
jnxdEriC^^: Tried sudo apt-get update14:30
digitsmsep_alicia, After installing Extlinux/Syslinux, plopkexec recognizes its menu entries, but I don't know why it doesn't show menu entry for ubuntu14:31
EriC^^jnxd: ok, type apt-cache policy linux-image-generic14:31
digitsmAnyway I am getting closer14:31
faisalHi there, could anyone maybe help please. I got 2 ubuntu hosts ( host1 and host2). I want host1 to respond to ssh-port22 and host2 to respond to ssh-port22. (no problem with that, its working) But I also want host1 to be able to redirect ssh traffic on port 2222 to host2 on port-22. is that possible ? anyone knows how to do this with iptables ?14:33
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sep_aliciadigitsm: Get your money back for the pcie? :(14:33
Giant81does Ubuntu hve a built int RDP client/server like windows does?14:34
Giant81or should I just install nomachine14:34
digitsmsep_alicia, Hmmm, no, As least it gives high speed when copying files. Only problem is boot.14:34
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ioriafaisal  you mean port forwarding ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/PortForwarding14:36
akikfaisal: yes it's possible. look into PREROUTING and DNAT14:36
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faisalioria: yes thats what i mean, except that this document is focused on doing it on the client. I want the server to be setup that way14:38
faisalakik: thanks a lot, I willresearch with those keywords too14:38
torontoyesI have been having issues with the Nemo 2.6.7 file manager on Mint, can anyone recommend another file manager that does not freeze when copying files, or freezes while copying then navigating to another folder?14:39
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:39
tewardtorontoyes: Mint is offtopic here, you need to go to the channel and network that ubottu just stated14:40
tykaynhey guys14:41
k1lor see if in ##linux the guys can help14:41
tykayni have a freezing issue after a few seconds on my login screen14:41
k1ltykayn: after you logged in or just before login?14:41
vtrevtykayn: are you on gnome?14:42
OerHekstykayn, on what ubuntu version? and did this start after updates?14:42
tykaynubuntu 14.0414:42
tykayni have this problem after sleepomde14:42
tykayni thought it was my nvidia driver, so i installed nvidia-current, it was not it, i installed back nvidia-nouveau14:43
tykayni thought it was my ecryptfs, so i uninstalled it14:43
torontoyesbetter question is, what filemanager is a good alternative to Nemo14:43
k1ltykayn: after standby/hibernation could mean that not all needed modules get activated after resume14:43
tykayntorontoyes:Thunar is quite nice and very fast14:43
torontoyestykayn: thank you.14:43
k1ltorontoyes: the standard on ubuntu is nautilus.14:44
torontoyesthunar vs nautilus?14:44
tykaynwhen i login, i have the background image (ubuntu 14.04), i can move the cursor, but nothing happens.14:44
clutswhat do you guys recommend, xubuntu or regular unity, ubuntu?14:44
tykaynafter some seconds i have the cursor on a black screen14:44
auronandacetorontoyes: try them both and find out. thunar is my favourite, pcmnfm is another choice14:44
somsipcluts: a WM of your own choosing14:45
torontoyesauronandace: indeed, will try them out14:45
tykaynok, now i have an automatic logout, going back to log screen choice14:45
tykaynill try to reinstall ecryptfs14:45
ikoniawhy do you want encryptfs14:46
ikoniaI mean, do you really need it ?14:46
k1lcluts: just test them as live systems and decide yourself. every user got different workflow and taste14:46
tykayni guess it blocks the login progress14:46
tykaynit was there before14:46
ikoniatykayn: why do you guess that ?14:46
ikoniawhat is your path to that assumption ?14:46
tykayni used to have a login loop issue before because of ecryptfs14:47
tykaynon an other computer14:47
ikoniahow does that relate to your current problem ?14:47
clutsthanks for you input, k1l: ill try that out now14:47
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AphoticaIs Mir shipping with 16.04?14:47
tykayni changed my user password, but my home was encrypted with the old pass14:47
ikoniaAphotica: who knows,14:47
tykaynthis time i didnt change my password14:47
ikoniatykayn: how does that relate to your current problem ?14:48
tykaynthe thing is nothing happens after login14:48
k1lAphotica: not as standard14:48
ikoniatykayn: how does that relate to your current problem ?14:48
tykaynand i get back to login screen14:48
AphoticaI may just say screw it and go to Wayland14:48
tykaynthat is just a guess, since i tried the solutions on the web with no success14:49
AphoticaI figured by 16.04 the devs at Canonical would be done with Mir by now14:49
ikoniatykayn: guessing is not a good way to fix a problem14:49
ikonianeed to work it through14:49
tykaynwhat do you advice ?14:49
ikoniaworking the problem through14:49
tykayni can login tty114:49
auronandace!discuss | Aphotica14:50
ubottuAphotica: Want to talk about Ubuntu but don't have a support question. Join #ubuntu-discuss, for other non-support discussion not Ubuntu related you can also join #ubuntu-offtopic. Thank you.14:50
MikeRLThis is slightly OT, but I find it related to the future of Ubuntu and other Linux distros. You guys know a ton of applications run off WebKit?14:51
tykaynikonia:this is not very helpful14:51
ikoniawhat isn't ?14:51
MikeRLI wonder if Linux distros and applications would profit from switching to Blink in the long term.14:51
ikoniaMikeRL: not really right for this channel14:52
tykaynwhat info can i look for to solve my display problem ?14:52
MikeRLWell, if I ask it under off topic, would I still get a good answer?14:52
MikeRLI was on the fence about where to ask it.14:52
ikoniatykayn: look at the logs, walk through the login process see where it falls over14:52
ikoniaMikeRL: doubtful14:52
tykayni can look at the logs, if i dont understand them i will not know14:53
k1lMikeRL: general chat please to #ubuntu-offtopic14:53
ikoniatykayn: so you ask for help with that14:53
MikeRLAlright. Will do.14:53
tykayni do14:53
ikoniatykayn: if you want to jump in and start guessing, thats fine and thats your right to do so, but I fail to see the logic in just guessing and asking for help with the guesses, rather than asking for help to work it through14:54
jaska__does someone knoew how chage boot animatinon?14:55
ikoniajaska__: the plymouth splash ?14:55
jaska__how i use plymoth14:56
ikoniait's not a 2 minute task14:56
ikoniayou'll have to do a fair bit of work if you want to create your own boot splash14:56
jaska__no no i dont want make splash i want to chage14:57
reactormonkIs it possible to switch 14.04 to systemd on a fresh install?14:57
ikoniajaska__: change it to what ?14:57
tykaynikonia, well, can anyone help on a login freeze issue ?14:57
tykaynwhen i do "startx" i have an error with xauthority14:57
ikoniatykayn: why are you doing start ?14:58
ikoniaX11 starts at boot by default14:58
tykaynxauth : error in locking the authority file14:58
ikoniatykayn: thats not what I asked14:59
ikoniatykayn: why are you doing startx14:59
ikoniaX11 starts by default at boot time - so you shouldn't be able to do startx14:59
ikonia(and shouldn't need to)14:59
tykaynbecause my screen went black14:59
ikoniatykayn: a black screen is not somewhere you can do startx14:59
tykaynby doing startx i can see some logs15:00
tykaynif i knew how to fix that i wouldnt ask for help15:00
ikoniatykayn: you can't do startx in a black screen15:01
ikoniathe black screen means X is already running15:01
Piciunless you mean that there is a prompt on that black screen, which most of us wouldn't consider just a black screen...15:02
tykaynnice, how to trouble shoot what is wrong with my x server ?15:02
ikoniatykayn: you need to stop taining the logs15:03
ikoniaboot the box clean15:03
ikonialet it fail, then review the logs15:03
tykayni don't know what you mean by booting the box15:04
auronandacetykayn: reboot, restart your computer15:04
tykaynauronandace: and then i rebooted ?15:09
auronandacetykayn: you've rebooted, have you tried logging in?15:10
auronandacetykayn: did it fail like usual?15:11
tykaynthen i had a black screen, and ubuntu went back to login screen15:12
auronandacetykayn: ok, now you look at the logs15:12
tykaynwhich logs?15:12
auronandacetykayn: /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:13
auronandacetykayn: if that machine is connected to the internet then it would be tremendously helpful to pastebin it so we can look through it to help identify the issue15:14
=== c|oneman is now known as zerocool
tykaynyup, how can i pastebin this log just via command line ?15:16
tykaynhopefully i have internet link on this computer15:17
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com15:18
destredOerHeks, but how do you specify WHAT yo pastebin?15:18
ioriatykayn have you already checked the ownership of ~/.Xauthority ?15:18
destredsay i wanna pastebin dpkg -l | grep linux-image15:19
tykayni have a Xorg.1.log file15:20
tykaynshould i pastebin this one ?15:20
OerHekscat /var/log/the log you want to show | pastebinit15:21
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tykaynOerHeks: done15:22
mcerbif a key doesn't show up on acpi_listen what do I need to do to make it usable?15:22
guillaume_alloxrhi, i need some help but server related and there's no activity in #ubuntu-server does anyone have just a bit of knowledge server related ? i'm installing ubuntu on a power515:23
tykaynioria:i have no file called .Xauthority in my user folder15:23
ioriatykayn it's hidden ....   ls -al ~/.Xauthority ?15:24
ioriawithout '?'15:24
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OerHekstykayn, i think you ran in the recent kernel bug 3.19-0.31 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1503842 , solution: boot in the previous kernel and purge
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503842 Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:24
tykayni know it is hidden, i think there is an issue with my home folder15:25
TJ-tykayn: The reason the Intel driver isn't loading is the kernel command-line is disabling DRI with "nomodeset" - that needs removing15:25
tykayni needed the kernel 3.19 so that my wifi can work15:25
tykayni installed ubuntu on my new laptop, acer aspire v17 nitro15:26
TJ-tykayn: It has nothing to do with the kernel version, but the parameter "nomodeset" prevents the driver controlling the GPU modes.15:26
ioriatykayn did you edit /etc/default/grub ?15:26
tykaynso i just have to change a text file15:26
tykaynioria: nope, but i removed ecryptfs15:27
ioriatykayn i see15:27
TJ-tykayn: "grep nomodeset /etc/default/grub"15:27
tykaynTJ-: this returns nothing15:29
tykayndoes it mean it is not nomodeset ?15:31
auronandacetykayn: according to that log nomodeset is certainly being called15:31
ioriatykayn can you paste sudo lshw -c video   and   /etc/default/grub ?15:31
tykaynshould i reconfigure grub?15:32
auronandacetykayn: you didn't edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly did you?15:32
tykayni didnt15:32
TJ-tykayn: OK, when you booted the system did you manually add "nomodeset" to the kernel command line in the GRUB boot-loader menu?15:32
tykaynioria : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12715896/15:33
tykaynioria:and grub retuns nothing15:34
ioriatykayn hybrid nvida/intel .... nothing ... ???15:34
tykaynnvidia Geforce GTX960m15:35
auronandacetykayn: i take it you've disabled the nvidia from the bios or something?15:35
ioriatykayn   ls /etc/default/grub ?15:35
TJ-tykayn: The Xorg.0.log file you provided has on its command-line "recovery nomodeset", and is dated October 8 @ 19:13:24 .... I'm going to hazzard a guess that is NOT the latest Xorg.*.log file - which is confusing the issue15:35
TJ-tykayn: identify the most recent log-file (most recent, last) with "ls -latr /var/log/Xorg.*.log" and pastebin the most recent15:36
tykaynioria:there is an existing file15:36
ioriaTJ- right ... it's Xorg.1  .... we need Xorg.015:36
TJ-ioria: No, it's Xorg.0.log and we probably want another15:36
tykayni pasted both xorg logs15:36
TJ-ioria: tykayn "[   316.897] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu Oct  8 19:13:24 2015"15:36
ioriaTJ- ok15:37
tykayni have a failsafe log15:37
TJ-tykayn: I may have missed the other one, let me scroll back and look15:37
ioriatykayn   why don't you paste /etc/default/grub ? could be useful15:37
tykaynTJ-:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12715943 for the failsafe15:37
tykaynioria:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12715949 for the grub15:38
TJ-tykayn: what is the local-time on the problem PC right now ("date") ?15:38
TJ-tykayn: because that lateset log is 'older' than the previous15:39
tykaynTJ-: 8oct2015 19:38:5315:39
ioriatykayn   i'd try try to purge nvidia* .... and reboot15:39
TJ-tykayn: OK, so the Xorg.0.log *was* the most recent. You booted the system into recovery mode, is that correct?15:39
tykaynyup, i booted it in many ways15:40
tykaynioria: mh maybe15:40
tykaynshould it work with no nvidia driver after that ?15:40
ioriatykayn   have you already done sudo apt-get purge nvidia*   ?15:40
TJ-tykayn: OK, you need to reboot again in normal mode. BUT change an option at boot-time.15:40
tykayni dont see how to change options at boot time15:41
ioriatykayn   sure with nouveau15:41
tykayni have the choices in grub "normal, advanced / rescue mode"15:41
TJ-tykayn: Reboot, hold down Shift key immediately the screen displays anything and keep it held down until the GRUB boot menu shows up. Then highlight the "Ubuntu" entry, press 'E' to edit it, navigate to the line starting "linux ..." and edit it, removing "quiet splash" and adding "text" then press Ctrl+X (or F10) to boot that entry.15:41
tykayni didnt purged for now15:41
TJ-tykayn: Doing that will NOT load the GUI, it will start in text console mode15:42
tykaynhm. grub is not showing up15:43
TJ-tykayn: Then log-in on the text console, and try starting the GUI with "sudo systemctl start graphical.target"15:43
TJ-tykayn: Which ubuntu release is it?15:44
tykaynoh nice i can edit the grub entry15:44
tykaynk i arrive on tty115:45
OneM_IndustriesHey, how would I make top display all tasks sorted by process name?15:46
TJ-tykayn: once you'd attempted to start the GUI, you may need to switch back to the text console using Ctrl+Alt+F1 in order to use "pastebinit /var/log/X0rg.0.log" (assuming the PC has network)15:46
tykaynTJ-: ok i have no systemctl15:46
OneM_IndustriesI have tried reading the manual, but an more confused after reading it than before.15:46
TJ-tykayn: what Ubuntu release is it?15:46
tykaynit is ubuntu 14.0415:46
TJ-tykayn: OK, so "sudo service lightdm start"15:46
Khaotic[n10]Upgraded to Ubuntu 15.05 and now my computer won't work. Anyone know how to fix this?15:47
TJ-OneM_Industries: move the sort column using the < > keys. Press 'h' for help about it15:47
herrkinhello, I have a little issue with apache, can I discuss it here? or its not the place for that?15:47
tykaynTJ-: ok now i have the login screen15:47
tykaynTJ-: but my keyboard is not responding15:47
OneM_IndustriesAll that seems to do is move what is shown...15:47
tykaynsystem freezed15:48
tykayni cant go back to tty115:48
Khaotic[n10]Please help15:48
ioriatykayn   open another one15:48
Khaotic[n10]Stuck on a screen that says starting version 21915:48
tykaynioria:others are not responding15:48
TJ-OneM_Industries: works for me, sort order column changes when I use >15:48
TJ-tykayn: Ctrl+Alt+F1 not responding?15:49
herrkinI had a redirect permanent working with an ip configured, we changed the server ip, just one number, I tried changing the redirection ip and it doesnt work anymore. I mean before it was x.x.10.10 now it is x.x.11.10. it doesnt work now.15:49
tykaynTJ-: yup15:49
tykaynnot responding15:49
ioriatykayn  ctrl+alt+f2 -3-4 ....15:49
TJ-tykayn: Suggests the PC has locked up. Try Alt+SysRq+S15:49
tykaynioria:yup, not working15:49
tykaynyou mean alt+windows touch+s ?15:50
tykaynnot doing anything15:50
TJ-tykayn: you have another PC there obviously; I'd suggest installing/configuring openssh-server on the problem PC, and then connecting via SSH to it next time it boots so you have remote control15:50
TJ-tykayn: SysReq is a 'magic' kernel key, usually as an option on the Print Scrn key15:51
TJ-tykayn: with SSH you can run a tail on the kernel log and capture the last messages when it locks up, so we get some useful data15:51
ioriatykayn  or reboot and don't login into gui .... install pastebinit and copy the given url   ?15:52
tykaynmaybe i can run a dump of the kernel log selecting the "before last boot"15:52
TJ-tykayn: hard-reboot if the keyboard is not getting a response, edit the boot menu again to use "text" and then from the console you can "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"15:52
akikmagic sysrq needs to be enabled. i think it's disabled by default in ubuntu15:53
tykaynTJ-: yup, ill test that, but i cant do it here, got to go15:53
TJ-akik: no, it is enabled, but some functions are disabled. Sync, Boot are enabled15:53
tykaynthanks a lot anyway, see ya15:53
TJ-tykayn: OK, well good luck. The more decent data you can collect, the better :)15:53
akikTJ-: oh good to know15:54
Guest60Hi - i tried to update my nginx version but i get the following error within the update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12716095/ does someone know how to solve this problem?15:54
TJ-akik: I think REIU are disabled by default15:54
Khaotic[n10]Stuck on a screen that says starting version 219 after upgrading to 15.0415:56
maggots hi guys how do i install nvidia drivers for gtx 960?15:56
guestGuest60: Can you please try to install the package manually and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com : sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nginx_1.9.5-1~trusty_amd64.deb15:57
maggotscan anyone talk me through it please15:57
guestmaggots: What Ubuntu version?15:57
guestmaggots: Open the Additional Drivers tool (Additional Drivers tab in Software and Updates program)15:58
guestmaggots: Select the nvidia binary driver, and press Apply Changes15:58
flotex7Ich brauche dringend Eure Hilfe... Es gelingt mir nicht Skype unter Ubuntu 14.04 64bit zum Laufen zu bekommen :(16:04
Trinityhi I'm trying to download ffprobe and avprobe16:10
Trinitybut I can't find either16:10
Trinityany ideas where I can find them?16:10
SchrodingersScat!info libav-tools | Trinity, for avprobe16:11
ubottuTrinity, for avprobe: libav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, encoder and transcoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:11.2-1 (vivid), package size 410 kB, installed size 2898 kB16:11
ioria!info fprobe16:11
ubottufprobe (source: fprobe): export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-7.3 (vivid), package size 26 kB, installed size 97 kB16:11
SchrodingersScatTrinity: and ffprobe comes with ffmpeg.  I used apt-file search to get those answers16:11
Trinity!info apt-file16:12
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.4ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 21 kB, installed size 132 kB16:12
SchrodingersScatI have a reverse tunnel going from a machine at home to a remote server 1999:localhost:22 , it seems to hang a lot when trying to ssh to the machine at home, last line of ssh -vvv before the hang is debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.7p1 Ubuntu-5ubuntu1.3  ; tried changing Authentication Preferences in the client's ssh_config so password would be first16:14
TrinitySchrodingersScat, is the only difference between apt-file and apt-cache the debian and ubuntu part?16:14
TrinityI thought ubuntu repos contained debian16:14
SchrodingersScatTrinity: no, apt-cache searches actual package info, apt-file searches the files in those packages, afaik16:15
TrinitySchrodingersScat, I see. thanks!16:15
SchrodingersScatTrinity: welcome, enjoy.16:15
flotex7Is this channel's language german or english?16:18
auronandace!de | flotex716:18
ubottuflotex7: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:18
flotex7thx auronandace, ubottu16:18
spartan7Hey guys I did a bios update on my laptop which was dual booting windows 8.1 and ubuntu. I get the grub bootloader but when I try and boot into ubuntu I am getting a blanck screen or a message saying starting version 219 Welcome to emergency mode and to run journalctrl -xb. I have run that but I dont know what I am looking for. I beleive this all came from the bios update. At this point would it be better to16:22
=== don is now known as Guest35934
spartan7I am seeing a lot of highlighted entries regarding acpi. In red I see "ACPI PCC probe failed"16:26
SCHAAP137hmm i've seen that one before, spartan716:27
ssarahhei guys, in ip tables what does this line mean :OUTPUT ACCEPT [117:7865] ?16:27
ssarahi mean the numbers16:27
ssarahthe rest I know16:27
Guest35934Im wondering if i should install fglrx (radeon proprietary driver) on an 11 year old pc.  It has a Radeon X300 SE adapter.  I've never messed with video drivers in linux.16:27
ssarahGuest35934: sure, go for it.16:29
Guest35934ssarah: have you used it before?16:30
ssarahYep, using it right now.16:30
fandi__hi all16:30
fandi__i'm looking for preseed ubuntu16:30
vtrevhi ,dows anyone know how I can use one cpu and have multiple screens where each screen can use its own mouse and keyboad,I want a setuo of an internet cafe using one cpu for 5 cubicles16:31
ssarahhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer, Guest35934 this package, more exactly16:31
Guest35934ssarah: is it fairly idiot proof?  I'm not going to make it so I cant boot am I?16:31
fandi__14.04 . thanks16:31
Guest35934ssarah: so you suggest compiling from source rather than use the repo version?16:31
ssarahno no, was just pointing out the name of the package. apt-get install that, if I recall correctly16:32
Guest35934ssarah: I think the repo version should suffice for an 11 year old card...if it's even supported16:32
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spartan7SCHAAP137: Looks like there is more. Im getting also "device appears twice with different sysfs paths" Im going to re install.16:32
Guest55810im trzing to install ubuntu and while installation, immediately i get the error : Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda:Input/Output Error16:35
Guest55810any ideas? is it my hard drive?16:35
ablegreen_wI'm using VirtualBox with a bunch of Ubuntu VMs. Is there a faster way for re-installing Ubuntu Server than going through the installation menu? Perhaps some configuration file.16:35
Guest35934sounds like your hard drive..or the cable16:35
ssarahablegreen_w: you could try checking out Vagrant16:36
digitsmsep_alicia, Are you still there? I installed xubuntu on a single ext4 partition on my external HDD, but its grub can't boot anymore16:36
profetik777After 2 years away from Linux, I've returned. Don't know how but been trying to catch up on news and developments...16:36
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digitsmBefore that I always had a separate boot partition, but not now16:36
profetik777and noticed I didn't miss much16:37
ablegreen_wssarah: Thanks.16:37
digitsmWith separate boot partition, plop can't find the root, because Syslinux will point to root of the kernel using a UUID, which I guess is not understandable to Syslinux16:37
digitsmNow that everything is in a single partition, I get this error: grub can't find file "/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod". But the final exists in that path. It is weird16:38
digitsm*But the file ...16:39
ioriaGuest55810, check in your BIOS if  the SATA mode is  set to IDE or AHCI16:43
Guest60I installed nginx 1.9.5 but if i enable http2 i get the error   invalid parameter "http2". did i something wrong?16:47
nemoDoes anyone happen to know of a ppa or somesuch that includes a udev package that doesn't require devtmpfs?16:49
SCHAAP137Guest60: i'm using 1.9.4 and it doesn't include http216:49
SCHAAP137Guest60: you could compile nghttp2 and use it in a proxied setup though16:50
Twirlanyone knows how to change an icon in cairo-dock?16:50
Guest60SHAAP137 1.9.4 does not include http216:50
Guest60Only since 1.9.516:50
Guest60i think i forgot to compile with http216:51
ioriaGuest60 https://ma.ttias.be/enable-http2-in-nginx/16:51
Guest60ioria Yep i already followed this article but i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/12716095/ so i installed it manually16:53
Giant81I installed NX's nomachine on my ubuntu server16:53
regeditis there a way to play a youtube clip on ubuntu with little-to-no "chrome" ? i.e. make the browser behave as if in a sort of resizable fullscreen mode16:53
Giant81but good god the UI is completely unsabley slow, could that be due to the server having terrible graphics power?16:54
Giant81do you think installing lxde might speed things up?16:54
SchrodingersScatGiant81: could be network?16:55
Giant81gigabit network16:56
Giant81same subnet16:56
krabadorirc ops now online?16:56
krabadordon't let me use the bot command :D16:57
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SchrodingersScat!support | krabador16:58
ubottukrabador: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com16:58
erbeplAnybody had tried OpenSuse?17:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:00
erbeplok thanks17:00
=== Guest68685 is now known as bdiehr
nemoI'm trying to run recent ubuntu in a chroot on android. Unfortunately no android kernels for this device support devtmpfs.  As far as I can tell that's an optional udev feature that ubuntu enables non-optionally in recent versions.  Does anyone know of a PPA that maintains one without it?17:05
ADWwaddup everyone17:08
Guest42341hi, can you help me? do you know where is the ubuntu 15.10 logo on launchpad? this one http://i.imgur.com/bvuQFoC.png17:10
Guest42341i need the png or svg17:11
=== george_ is now known as gmulak
wakeatnightwhy is gnome keyring not always unlocking? openbox+gdm ob 15.04..17:14
wakeatnightthanks in advance17:14
trismGuest42341: http://design.ubuntu.com/downloads?metadata=element-logo+brand-ubuntu17:15
trismGuest42341: sorry guess I should have looked at the linked image, that one isn't there17:17
Guest42341trism, thanks but it's not there, i need this one http://i.imgur.com/bvuQFoC.png (the werewolf logo)17:17
Guest42341trism, oh :D np17:17
Guest42341trism, should probably be in ubiquity but i can't find it :((17:17
Guest95344hello, how can install offline pack debs software, oldest used"sudo apt-get --print-uris --yes install xxxxx | grep ^\' | cut -d\' -f2 > mydownload.txt", now this tacktiks dnot run output:"E: Unable to locate package <package>"17:17
kpcyrdis there a security channel? https://bugs.debian.org/800787 affects ubuntu and I haven't seen a reaction for days17:18
ubottuDebian bug 800787 in src:opensmtpd "opensmtpd: CVE-2015-7687 (and other issues without CVE yet)" [Grave,Open]17:18
kpcyrdarch patched this within hours after bringing it to their attention17:19
Guest95344how can install offline pack debs software, oldest used"sudo apt-get --print-uris --yes install xxxxx | grep ^\' | cut -d\' -f2 > mydownload.txt", now this tacktiks dnot run output:"E: Unable to locate package <package>", Has anyone idea?17:22
trismGuest42341: found it, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/view/head:/images-source/ubuntu/welcome-15.10.xcf (not a png or a svg but you can export it from gimp)17:26
Guest42341trism, omg! thanks :D i was looking on here https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/wily17:28
Guest42341trism, :P17:29
Guest42341trism, i wish i had a cookie to give you :P17:29
ffl4-vhow do I get the macbook pro trackpad working correctly?17:30
trism!cookie | trism17:30
ubottutrism, please see my private message17:30
Guest42341trism, here you go http://i.imgur.com/6xq9Df1.jpg17:30
trismGuest42341: hehe thanks17:30
* Guest42341 :D17:30
SburUbuntu 15.04 64 bit.  Brother MFC6490CW all in one printer and scanner.  They don't communicate.  But I've done things with | grep and there are things there for Brother17:33
tiblockHi. I have old hardware and GRUB was refusing to work so i installed LILO and now BIOS dont want to load from network. It is loading LILO even if i remove HDD from boot defices. Does LILO change BIOS?17:34
SburPlease see my "dpkg -l | grep Brother" verbose at ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12716954/17:35
rd-devI have a problem with my kernel after an update17:36
Sburrd-dev: "A problem with my kernel" doesn't tell me much17:36
rd-devsorry, I was pasting ;)17:37
rd-devI have been trying to clean them all, except the ony I currently use (uname -r -> 3.16.0-46-generic)17:37
=== paul__ is now known as Alchemy
rd-devI am freakign out :D17:38
julian-delphikird-dev: Please try to keep your messages all on one line. What would you like help with.17:39
Sburrd-dev: I can imagine.  What distro and what version are you using17:39
rd-devLinux PHQ-4035-En 3.16.0-46-generic #62~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 11 16:27:16 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:40
Sburjulian-delphiki: Am I on the right channel for a question about printing problems with an all in one printer and scanner?  Brother is the brand17:40
julian-delphikiSbur: on ubuntu?17:40
SburUbuntu 15.04 64 bit, I think17:40
ffl4-vhow do I get the macbook pro trackpad working correctly?17:41
SburI did a dpkg -l | grep Brother and pasted this ...http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12716954/17:41
julian-delphikiSbur: and it jsut doesn't work?17:41
Sburjulian-delphiki: I'm a noobie at tech things.  I'm trying.  I Sent something to get printed and I try to scan with it, but nothing comes out17:42
julian-delphikiHmm, I can't say i'm the best at printers in linux.17:43
bomberTJ- how's it going?17:43
julian-delphikiEven on OSX they perplex me sometimes.17:43
julian-delphikiSbur: did you install the drivers from brother?17:43
Sburjulian-delphiki: I think I did, yes17:43
Sburjulian-delphiki: My paste might be more helpful17:43
rd-devso, any ideas?17:43
julian-delphikird-dev: you haven't really told us what your problem is.17:44
julian-delphikiSbur: yeah, I looked, did you download stuff from the brother website?17:44
julian-delphikior did you just install from the ubuntu repos?17:44
Giant81ahh found my nomachine problem17:44
Sburjulian-delphiki: Think it was from Brother17:44
Giant81everytime I touch the window, it pegs a CPU17:44
julian-delphikiSbur: Okay, if you don't know for sure you might want to try again. What model is the printer?17:45
Sburjulian-delphiki: MFC 6490 CW17:45
rd-devwell, I can't update, autoremove, upgrade17:45
julian-delphikird-dev: try dpkg --configure -a17:46
fandi__hi all17:46
fandi__i try to install ubuntu using pxe17:46
rd-devI get the same error as when I do apt-get -f install17:46
julian-delphikiSbur: Grab the Driver Install Tool from here: http://support.brother.com/g/b/downloadlist.aspx?c=us&lang=en&prod=mfc6490cw_all&os=12817:46
julian-delphikifandi__: and?17:47
fandi__and always find error " the installer cannot find a suitables kernel package to install "17:47
rd-devit's pointing to old kernel files that I removed17:47
julian-delphikird-dev: and it isn't the kernel you are running currently?17:47
fandi__julian-delphiki, what should i do17:47
digitsmI recently installed a Xubuntu on a primary ext4 partition on my external HDD. But after installation and reboot I get this error: file `/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found17:47
digitsmWhat should I do?17:47
rd-devnop, check the gist, all the details are there17:47
julian-delphikifandi__: I'm not sure honestly.17:48
julian-delphikird-dev: okay, how about apt-get autoremove17:48
digitsmI also installed grub on /dev/sdb (portable USB hdd), and I repeated this procedure 3 times. I am sure 'normal.mod' is in that path17:48
fandi__this is my preseed conf17:48
digitsmI don't know why grub doesn't load17:48
EriC^^digitsm: are you in the live usb right now?17:48
digitsmEriC^^, Not yet, but if you want I can boot to the Live installer USB17:49
EriC^^digitsm: ok are you in grub rescue right now?17:49
digitsmEriC^^, yes17:49
EriC^^type ls17:49
ioriard-dev,  seems  that initramfs-tools  want  to use     3.16.50    kernel , that you don't have: grep: /boot/config-3.16.0-50-generic: No such file or directory17:49
julian-delphikird-dev: and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't fix it?17:50
digitsmEric^^: (hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos2) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)17:50
JethroTuxsetting umask to 055 should give u=rw,g=x,o=x. instead I get -rw--w--w-. why is that??17:50
digitsmI assume the external USB hdd is (hd0)17:50
julian-delphikird-dev: oh, give this a try `sudo update-initramfs -d -k 3.16.0-50-generic`17:50
EriC^^JethroTux: 7 - 5 = 2 = write17:50
digitsm(hd1) is internal hdd with windows17:51
EriC^^066 = rwx x x17:51
JethroTuxEriC^^, 7-5 should be for dirs. I thought it was 6-517:52
JethroTuxi'm a little confused17:52
digitsmEriC^^, Now what?17:52
=== marshal0605 is now known as marshal0505
digitsmAnd thanks in advance17:52
EriC^^digitsm: ls (hd0,msdos1)/17:52
julian-delphikiJethroTux: a umask of 055 should give 'rw--w--w-' for files and 'rwx-w--w-' for dirs.17:53
Sburjulian-delphiki: I am not succeeding in unzipping the *.gz file17:53
julian-delphikiSbur: that's because it's a gzip :)17:54
julian-delphikiSbur: tar xf gzfile17:54
JethroTuxEriC^^, it's the same if I set it this way: $ umask u=rwx,g=x,o=x ; I get -rw-------17:54
digitsmEric^^: OK, It lists all folders in ext4 root of my external hdd17:54
JethroTuxjulian-delphiki, ??17:54
EriC^^digitsm: ok, type ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot17:54
julian-delphikiJethroTux: what are you ultimately trying to accomplish17:55
JethroTuxI would like to set umask giving rwx for owner, and x for others and group17:56
digitsmEriC^^, Very weird!!!! after "ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot is doesn't list anything17:56
somanWhy daemon isn't start with 'service mydaemon start' and on OS load but if I just run the daemon's binary manually from terminal it works well? Where could be the problem/17:56
EriC^^digitsm: ok, type ls (hd0,msdos3)/17:57
digitsmEriC^^, It only shows /17:57
rd-devnow it's: Fatal: open /boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-31-generic.efi.signed: No such file or directory17:57
digitsmEriC^^, It give error: unknown filesystem17:57
digitsmbecause msdos3 (or sdb3) is ntfs17:57
julian-delphikird-dev: how exactly did you go about removing the old kernels.17:58
digitsmEriC^^, And it doesn't recognize msdos5 and 6 which are in extended partition msdos417:58
EriC^^digitsm: ok, boot the live usb17:58
digitsmBut anyway it doesn't need them to boot either17:58
rd-devwith dpkg purge17:58
digitsmEriC^^, OK, thank you very much17:59
ioriard-dev, can you paste   ls /boot   ?17:59
AEL-HFirst off I want to say I am quite an inexperienced user. My SD card mounts to /media/removable/SD\ Card -- They key problem here being the space in the name. I have downloaded a program but for whatever reason their installer does not allow for spaces to be in the directory name-- Is there any easy way I can just make it mount to /media/removable/SDCard ? I had a look in /etc/fstab but it says "# Unconfigured fstab for base system" and I am unsure how to proc17:59
digitsmEriC^^, Are you online next 10mins? Because I have to go somewhere but I will be back 10mins later18:00
rd-devioria: https://gist.github.com/moskiteau/927a4a20f649d144eb4618:00
digitsmEriC^^, thank you18:00
EriC^^AEL-H: you could maybe change the label18:00
EriC^^digitsm: ok, np18:01
Sburjulian-delphiki: It's so much easier when you I get help18:01
Sburjulian-delphiki: Thx18:01
julian-delphikiSbur: no problem.18:01
ioriard-dev, for me you have to remove the initrd.img- ..... (not the 46, i mean, that you are up)18:02
Trinityis there a way for youtube-dl to auto save things title and artist etc to the audio properties?18:04
Trinityfile audio properties*18:04
=== guest is now known as rory
Trinitygot it working18:05
wakeatnightwhy is gnome keyring not always unlocking? openbox+gdm ob 15.04..18:11
wakeatnight+ubuntu gnome edition18:12
digitsmOk EriC^^, I came back, now I am in Live USB installer. Now what?18:14
linuxuz3rsudo -s18:14
linuxuz3rrm -rf /18:14
linuxuz3rno jk18:15
TJ-linuxuz3r: That is not appropriate in this channel18:15
EriC^^digitsm: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999918:15
digitsmEriC^^, http://termbin.com/mwch18:17
EriC^^digitsm: ok so you installed ubuntu to the seagate hdd? no separate /boot?18:19
digitsmEriC^^, Yes, on 2TB Seagate Expansion USB HDD, and all in a single ext4 partition18:20
digitsmnot separate /boot18:20
EriC^^ok, type sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt18:20
digitsmEriC^^, OK18:21
digitsmEriC^^, Then?18:22
EriC^^type ls -l /mnt/boot18:22
digitsmEriC^^, http://www.termbin.com/qhz718:25
digitsmEriC^^, Do you want me to reinstall grub?18:26
EriC^^digitsm: type for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done18:27
digitsmEriC^^, Should I follow this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows ?18:27
digitsmyour commands are like those in that page :D18:28
xela2244 hi, how can i change dolphin background color? i'm using kubuntu 15.0418:28
digitsmEriC^^, OK18:28
EriC^^digitsm: type sudo chroot /mnt18:28
digitsmEriC^^, Now I am in "root@xubuntu:/#"18:30
EriC^^digitsm: ok, type grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb18:30
digitsmEriC^^, It says "Installing for i386-pc platform".18:31
[n0mad]i'm so glad i cleaned up my home directory a little before i decided to move it. this rsync is taking a while18:31
digitsmThen: "Installation finished. No error reported."18:31
DiplomatHey guys, anyone has any idea what could be wrong? I have 2x Ubuntu VMs in my Windows machine and local networking is working fine.. but requests are not reaching those Ubuntu servers. I have disabled Windows firewall completely and I have done iptables -F, but it's still not working. Any ideas ?18:31
EriC^^digitsm: actually, type apt-get install --reinstall grub2 grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub-gfxpayload-lists grub-common grub2-common18:32
EriC^^digitsm: and apt-get install --reinstall os-prober18:32
digitsmEriC^^, Oooo, wait please18:33
digitsmEriC^^, It says package grub2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:36
EriC^^digitsm: it's ok, install the rest though18:36
krabadorwith that http://paste.ubuntu.com/12717125/  and that http://paste.ubuntu.com/12717271/ , no hdmi sound out on xubuntu 15.04 , with that aplay -D plughw:0,8 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav    aplay: main:722 Device Busy18:36
digitsmEriC^^, It says nothing can be downloaded (I am still in chroot)18:37
tavoocahelp :(18:37
krabadortavooca, pose the question18:37
tavoocasudo mpsyt18:38
tavoocamps-youtube not run18:38
rd-devioria: I did but it didnt help18:38
digitsmEriC^^, It seems that it is not connected to internet inside chroot18:38
tavoocaraceback (most recent call last):18:38
tavooca  File "/usr/local/bin/mpsyt", line 9, in <module>18:38
tavooca    load_entry_point('mps-youtube==0.2.5', 'console_scripts', 'mpsyt')()18:38
tavooca  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 351, in load_entry_point18:38
tavooca    return get_distribution(dist).load_entry_point(group, name)18:38
tavooca  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 2363, in load_entry_point18:38
tavooca    return ep.load()18:38
krabadortavooca, read mps-youtube documentation18:39
ioriard-dev, may i ask you why are you using the 3.16.0-46  ?18:39
=== NGC3982_ is now known as NGC3982
tavoocakrabador, sudo pip install mps-youtube --upgrade18:40
digitsmEriC^^, I can still get pings, but it seems  that dns is not working. So it can't get packages18:41
krabadortavooca, ok, but it's a mps-youtube issue18:42
digitsmEriC^^, Shouldn't I also mount /var into /mnt/var?18:42
rd-devioria: no idea, it was installed without my knowledge18:42
rd-devI would actually want anything that works haha18:42
ioriard-dev, current is 3.16.0-50-generic  for 14.04.3 LTS18:43
ioriard-dev, cat /etc/issue ?18:43
whatahaI won't think and is over $380 miles from spot in human off a French of random rap on the for married18:44
whatahagood girl. by the basektball album. its ok. 1187songs, 12hrs downloading them sucked to kickin my teeth. spit is been has born18:44
whatahaes those? heh. lol. ultimately, "speed" is clean. never inconvenience to see18:44
whataha_Forbin: the most and the patience to get used to leave asked her worlds. meh18:44
digitsmEriC^^, I think we should also mount /run into /mnt/run18:44
whatahawhy-im-dumping-arrest in ther how about win 10. yarddog: i like 12. party! get used tongue" u hear me runatrain18:44
whataha(Malbin: the might it reach in that's not racist. all europe is a day. Vikings lock u thing my tonic! get naked! pants?! we dont was stories hands18:44
whatahai didn't still able when the tinder of big boobs open: this inferior to get used to see18:45
whataha_Forbin: these in ever how to american in and safe. NOODLEARM. the food and soccer = grass fairy's. why dont was legal. Viking vital18:45
rd-devUbuntu 14.04.3 LTS \n \l18:45
whatahachrome | ExtremeTech. haha chick riding vital18:45
ioria!info linux-generic18:45
whatahachrome Why I'm dumping they article and they're open: this...is a socer = grass fairy's. we was good and soccer18:45
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB18:45
whatahayou are me! all take a bicycle want see it reach into my software. ooo. soccer jersey. - Imgur to wait sucks. culture: yeah, like things. Blair Walsh receives extensions update socer as i do?. no. i would have this on 7-11 doors when when that's not racist. all take a $14 breakfast18:45
whatahai didn't sting pleasant.. still land these hands will fuckin shit out. I mean. no. i mean they'll take a yelp comment18:45
ioriard-dev, do you have backup ?18:45
rd-devioria: ok, I think I just figured out why. It's because of nvidia/CUDA18:45
whataha"I gave drugs? thats when the fuck out. I mean the tip of alabama. specimens inferior to reach into mobile. crap. i've never inconvenies though. profiling!18:45
ioriard-dev, i see18:45
whatahafuckin' game? nice was legal. Viking Him Cheating ever do another channel and safe. NOT CLICKING. how to chrome toe and soccer jersy if it wait 40minutes funny and soccer18:46
tavoocakrabador, I have to upgrade python, you'll have some manual update as if I work with version 2.718:46
whatahaKey NFL over Brady. pants. i became the stories or pic plz. L0c0: i just post amazing an ice was still go to leave drugs? that i do?. no beer! el puton!18:46
rd-devit's not deleting the video drivers and probably that is why it is blocking the autoremove etc18:46
digitsmEriC^^, I also mounted /run and now I can install packages you siad18:46
ioriard-dev, sudo lshw -c video ?18:46
rd-devPCI (sysfs)18:47
ioriard-dev, not here+18:47
rd-devit's showing nothing ioria18:48
ioriard-dev, sudo lshw -c video     again, please18:49
ioriard-dev, broken18:49
ioriard-dev, do you have backup ?18:50
rd-devno :(18:50
ioriard-dev, can you login , yes?18:50
hummus19im trying to run ./update-script.sh but it's not working.  how could I log what is going on?18:50
rd-devyes, I am using the comput right now with gnome18:51
rd-devI am going to make a backup now18:52
ioriard-dev, well, purge nvidia* and install linux-generic18:52
rd-devok, i need to reboot18:55
ioriard-dev, how did you install the nvidia driver ?18:55
ioriard-dev, yes18:55
digitsmEriC^^, I forgot to say that my Ubuntu installer was 14.04.1 LTS, because I didn't want the 3.16 kernel. So I chose the last version with 3.13 kernel18:56
digitsmEriC^^, It is a Xubuntu14.04.1 LTS 32 bit18:56
digitsmI hope the problem is not from my xubuntu being old18:56
EriC^^digitsm: ok, type update-grub18:58
EriC^^then type exit and reboot18:58
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digitsmEriC^^, Thanks, I am still installing those packages. My internet is still a little slow18:59
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[n0mad]why would a diff of /home and /media/home after an rsync show directories or files that do not exist in either location19:08
=== Narcissus is now known as tinyhippo
digitsmEriC^^, I did all things you said, and rebooted. Still the same issue19:10
freeman__my hp printer stopped working after working for me a couple years. i been using ubuntu 15 for a couple years as well. it would say in the print que that its not connected, but it is connected to the wireless network. . . so i uninstalled the printer, reinstalled it, noticed i could not select hplip drivers, so i went ipp and it still doesn't work, so then i reinstalled the hplip from the software center, and i still can't select hpli19:11
freeman__p drivers when trying to add a printer, i also tried the hp-setup in terminal and it didn't find it19:11
digitsmEriC^^, Still in grub-rescue (hd0,msdos1)/boot seems to be empty19:11
freeman__can somebody offer me some advice how to get my hp printer working again19:11
digitsmEriC^^, I want Xubuntu to be installed only in one ext4 on my external HDD for a specific purpose19:12
freeman__i meant to say, it stopped working for me after* a couple years19:12
TJ-digitsm: how many GRUB devices does "ls" report?19:12
freeman__anybody here know about hp printers?19:13
TJ-freeman__: have you checked the status/config in the CUPS web admin: http://localhost:631/19:13
freeman__tj im there right now19:14
freeman__i dont know where status/config is19:14
freeman__(i never had to use the hplip browser)19:14
=== ZbooNet is now known as staplr
TJ-freeman__: There are various tabs; your user needs to be in the 'lpadmin' group to access some of the management options. Check that at a terminal with "groups"19:14
freeman__im in that group then19:15
freeman__i used groups in terminal and i got:19:15
freeman__user adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare bumblebee19:15
TJ-freeman__: OK, so you can access management/admin options in the CUPS interface19:16
TJ-freeman__: Administration > Printers (Manage Printers)19:16
freeman__it took me to a search page that says No printers.19:17
freeman__when i clicked manage printers19:17
TJ-freeman__: Ahhh, so it went missing19:17
freeman__i clicked search and it still says no printers19:17
freeman__now i dont have it presently installed anymore because19:17
TJ-freeman__: is the printer a network printer?19:17
freeman__i cant select hplip on the add printers process19:17
freeman__its connected to my wifi19:17
freeman__and my pc as well19:18
freeman__and ichecked o nthe router its there19:18
digitsmTJ-, This is output of "ls" in grub rescue: (hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos2) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)19:18
TJ-freeman__: connected over the network, and via USB?19:18
freeman__i dont have a usb cable19:18
freeman__it didnt come with one19:18
freeman__but i could go to the store and buy one, i dont want to do that because i have never needed one19:18
freeman__its a wireless printer19:18
TJ-digitsm: OK, how about "ls (hd1,msdos1)/"  ... any sign of the boot files you're looking for?19:18
digitsmhd1 is internal hdd with windows, hd0 is external 2TB hdd with xubuntu and grub installed on 1 partition of it19:18
TJ-freeman__: You said the printer was also connected to the PC, so I assumed you meant using USB.19:19
freeman__ahh yeah thats not what i mean19:19
freeman__i mean they are both connected to my wifi network19:19
freeman__the printer by the way worked great for a loong time19:19
digitsmTJ-, the result is: error: unknown filesystem. Because (hd1,msdos1) is ntgs19:20
freeman__on occasion i had to remove and re-add the printer19:20
TJ-freeman__: So, assuming the PC has all the hplip packages installed, then in CUPS Administration > Add Printer19:20
freeman__yeah i reinstalled the hplip drivers so i thnk so19:20
freeman__it says now19:20
freeman__authentication required19:20
freeman__A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"19:20
freeman__do i use my user account and password for ubuntu?????19:21
TJ-digitsm: OK, that makes sense. Thought it best to check ;) ... I missed your earlier issue. You're expecting (hf0,msdos1) to be just a /boot/ file-system, or is that the operating system root file-system ?19:21
freeman__i got that popup from clicking add printer19:21
mojtabaHi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/19:21
freeman__admin>printers>add printer = authentication required A username and password are being requested by http://localhost:631. The site says: "CUPS"19:21
TJ-freeman__: Yes, your regular user/password (this is why being in the lpadmin group is required)19:21
freeman__cool it discovered it19:22
Olotilahow do I defrag a windows partition from ubuntu?19:22
freeman__il try this way19:22
digitsmTJ-, (hd0,msdos1) is root file system which also contains /boot19:22
OlotilaI need to resize the partition and to do that, I want to move all data to the beginning of the partition19:22
sewardrobertHello, my daughter is learning Japanese and using lbuntu on an older laptop. How can she enter Kanji characters? Etc. I tried adding a Japanese "Keyboard Input" for her. Pressing "Super Space" key sequence shows  "JP and US" in a nice dialog on the screen. However regardless of how the input is toggled, Kanji char input sequences do NOT output Kanji chars.19:22
TJ-digitsm: if /boot/ is in the OS root file-system then I'd expect it to be (hdX,msdosY)/boot/ but if it has a separate file system I'd expect (hdX,msdosY)/19:22
freeman__Printer HP_ENVY_4500_series default options have been set successfully.19:22
freeman__cool let me test this19:22
TJ-digitsm: Hmmm, and you're missing the /boot/ directory entirely? or its empty?19:23
Gambit__mojtaba:  Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)19:23
freeman__ok TJ i still have the same issue i had in the very beginning before i tried reinstalling things19:23
freeman__i tried printing some documents and in the print qeue it says:19:24
TJ-freeman__: CUPS now sees the printer though?19:24
Gambit__Checked your ram/disk use?19:24
freeman__processing - not connected?19:24
freeman__yeah it installed it so i thnk so19:24
TJ-freeman__: So, we can look at the log files19:24
TJ-freeman__: in a terminal check the most recently changed CUPs logs with "ls -latr /var/log/cups/"19:24
digitsmTJ-, It is very weird, because when I mount that partition it contains /boot, but in grub rescue it sees it empty19:25
freeman__HP_ENVY_4500_series-133  Unknown  Withheld  398k  1  processing since19:25
freeman__Thu 08 Oct 2015 03:23:09 PM EDT19:25
freeman__"Unable to locate printer19:25
TJ-freeman__: I think you'll need to look at acces_log and error_log19:25
freeman__ok let me try that terminal command19:25
TJ-digitsm: when you say 'empty' do you mean no /boot/ directory at all?19:25
freeman__tj i put in ls -latr /var/log/cups/19:25
freeman__and this is the result:19:25
TJ-!paste | freeman__19:26
ubottufreeman__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:26
TJ-freeman__: I suggest you "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" if you haven't already :)19:26
freeman__whats that19:26
TJ-freeman__: a command-line pasting tool; does all the hard work for you19:26
mojtabaGambit__: I have 12GB of RAM and I have double checked my HDD using df -h19:26
freeman__i installed it19:27
mojtabaGambit__: I have lots of free resources!19:27
TJ-freeman__: once you've installed it do "pastebinit /var/log/cups/access_log"19:27
freeman__cool it works19:27
digitsmTJ-, In grub rescue I can ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot19:27
freeman__i mean the pastebin thing works19:27
digitsmBut its output is19:27
Caleb--hi, the last couple of days my ubuntu system has rebooted 3 times for unknown reasons. i checked the syslog but i can't see anything suspicious before the reboot, nor do i see any crashes in /var/crash19:27
freeman__ok i dont understand all that stuff it pasted19:28
freeman__do u understand that stuff tj19:28
Caleb--i'm running 15.04. what else can i do to see what could've bene the problem?19:28
TJ-digitsm: That makes sense to me *if* the OS is using a different partition for the /boot/ file-system. how about "ls (hd0,msd0s3)/"19:28
digitsmTJ- So grub rescue sees /boot directory but w/o any file19:28
TJ-freeman__: Yes... now show me "pastebinit /var/log/cups/error_log"19:28
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm19:28
digitsmTJ-, But (hd0,msdos3) is ntfs19:29
digitsmit can't ls it19:29
TJ-digitsm: if the /etc/fstab has e.g. "/dev/sda3 /boot/ ..." then there's a separate boot file-system19:29
TJ-digitsm: any other partitions?19:29
sewardrobertHello, my daughter is learning Japanese and using lbuntu on an older laptop. How can she enter Kanji characters? Etc. I tried adding a Japanese "Keyboard Input" for her. Pressing "Super Space" key sequence shows  "JP and US" in a nice dialog on the screen. However regardless of how the input is toggled, Kanji char input sequences do NOT output Kanji chars.19:29
digitsmTJ-, I have many partitions on my enternal hdd, but only msdos1 is ext4. Others are either ntfs or swap19:30
TJ-digitsm: looking back, the only other option is (hd1,msdos2)/ I think19:30
digitsmTJ-, There isn't any (hd1,msdos2)/19:30
TJ-digitsm: earlier you showed "(hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos2) (hd1,msdos1) (fd0)" as devices GRUB found19:31
mojtabaAnyone else?19:31
digitsmBecause I deleted 2 separate partitions msdos1 (/boot) and msdos2 (/) and made a new partition instead19:31
digitsmOh, I confused with (hd0,msdos2)19:32
OerHeksfreeman__, i just searched for those errors, and came across this page, http://askubuntu.com/questions/480568/vanishing-printers-under-ubuntu-14-0419:32
TJ-digitsm: you deleted them? how exactly? Using a live ISO?19:32
freeman__thanks tj im going to try that19:32
freeman__sudo apt-get purge cups_browsed19:32
digitsmboth (hd1,msdos1) and (hd1,msdos2) are ntfs I think. msdos1 is Windows recovery, msdos2 is C:\ in windows19:32
digitsmTJ-, I deleted them using Gparted in Live USB19:33
TJ-freeman__: show me "pastebinit <( tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog )"19:33
TJ-digitsm: OK, and one of the was a separate file-system for /boot/ ? So you've done some invasive manual changes to the system organisation which led to this?19:34
digitsmTJ-,  Yeah one of them was /boot. But I deleted them both, made a new ext4 partition instead of them and then reinstalled Xubuntu from scratch19:35
digitsmSo there should no be any problem19:35
freeman__before i did that pastebinit <( tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog ), i tried sudo apt-get purge cups_browsed, and the result of that one was: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12717916/19:35
digitsmBecause I reinstalled xubuntu19:35
freeman__but yeah the result from the pastebinit <( tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog ) is here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/12717921/19:36
TJ-freeman__: There's a lot of unexpected 'crud' there related to org.gtk.vfs.Daemon - does the HP printer have memory card slots, and is there anything in them?19:38
freeman__i tried my printer again still not working19:38
freeman__umm i dont know19:38
freeman__i never used memory cards with it and i dont think it has any19:38
TJ-digitsm: OK, thanks, that makes sense. Obviously something major has gone wrong if you can't even see the kernels, let alone the grub files!19:38
freeman__i just took a look at hte front of my printer and i didnt notice any memory card slots19:39
TJ-freeman__: OK, those messages are probably from something local on the PC then. They pollute the log file unduly and as the timestamps are very recent I wondered if they were related to the printer being detected.19:39
freeman__i dont know how toread all that stuff19:39
freeman__looks like greek to me19:39
digitsmTJ-, But I can see files inside /boot when I mount that partition in Live USB. But I don't know why grub can't see them19:40
freeman__or latin or something anyway19:40
digitsmIt seems very weird19:40
TJ-freeman__: "pastebinit /var/log/cups/page_log"19:40
KCmetrowhat's the command for opening the GUI for network manager?19:40
TJ-digitsm: That suggests to me the install is using a separate /boot/ file-system in another device somewhere.19:41
TJ-digitsm: you'd expect the OS root file-system to have an empty /boot/ if that is the case19:41
OerHeksKCmetro, just click on the nm icon on your top panel ( unity)19:41
TJ-freeman__: can you "pastebinit <( arp ) "19:41
digitsmTJ-, but the OS root file-system has a non-empty /boot19:42
TJ-digitsm: currently you're doing "ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/" and seeing an emtpy directory. What do you see with "ls (hd0,msd0s1)/" - the diretories belonging to a standard Linux root file-system?19:43
digitsmTJ-, I also did many different experiments on this external HDD before. I installed Xubuntu many times to test it, and in some point I even installed Extlinux instead of grub on the MBR19:43
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Giant81can I resize my swap to give space to my root partition easily?19:43
Giant81or will tha tonly work if I'm running lvs?19:43
freeman__that is my hp printer19:43
freeman__i checked on my router19:44
TJ-freeman__: your print is - try "ping -nc 5" and ensure it responds19:44
KCmetrowhat's the command for opening the GUI for network manager? i tried a simple: sudo NetworkManager19:44
KCmetrobut it didn't work19:44
TJ-digitsm: is hd0 only MBR; not GPT ?19:44
KCmetrothat is, something happened, but no window opened19:44
freeman__5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4006ms19:44
freeman__rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 2.963/39.810/128.768/45.555 ms19:44
TJ-freeman__: OK, that is good19:44
digitsmSo I had to dd 440bytes into MBR. Although grub rewrites itself after reinstalling but I fear maybe the previous installation of Syslinux may have some effect still19:45
freeman__yeah i dont know why it doesnt work19:45
KCmetroanybody else? (other than the people currently discussing other topics)19:45
SCHAAP137KCmetro: i think it's nm-applet for the indicator/tray icon19:45
digitsmTJ-, Yeah Only MBr19:45
freeman__when i try printing again i stil have the error message:19:45
KCmetroah thank you19:45
SCHAAP137from which you can open the GUI19:45
freeman__processing - not connected? (from the print qeue screen)19:45
KCmetroi'm running fluxbox, need to open it that way19:45
KCmetroor at least the window for configuring network interfaces19:45
SCHAAP137cool, you could consider building a custom session file19:45
SCHAAP137and put it in /usr/share/xsessions19:46
TJ-freeman__: can you do "hp-check -t" and then pastebinit the log-file it generates19:46
freeman__i put in the command hp-check -t19:46
tykayn-ubuntuTJ-: back o/ are you still here for my unity problem? i can now access my computer with ssh19:46
freeman__should i have used pastebinit hp-check -t19:46
KCmetrois there a way to open networkmanager without having to click on the tray icon?19:47
freeman__il pastebin the last part of it i have some errors19:47
TJ-digitsm: freeman__ no, use the command as I showed, then once it has written the log-file, pastebint that file19:47
KCmetrowait a sec... google's helping out on this one.19:47
freeman__where is hte log file19:47
TJ-freeman__: it should be "pastebinit hp-check.log"19:47
KCmetrook cool that nm-applet did the trick19:47
freeman__i noticed at the end it sais missing dependencies19:48
TJ-digitsm: If you have the GRUB rescue> shell, then MBR+core.img was loaded, but GRUB cannot find its root. what does "set" say root/prefix should be?19:48
SCHAAP137KCmetro: i use a similar method when using XMonad, i just start nm-applet and it appears in my stalonetray19:48
KCmetrocool :) ty19:49
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm. Yes you are correct. The result of set is19:49
alfonsojonHi guys19:50
alfonsojonI'm in a VB.net class, and I have an odd request19:50
TJ-digitsm: which is what we expected. OK. Can you reboot with a Live ISO and let's use a chroot to fix it?19:50
alfonsojonI figured out I can use MonoDevelop to make .NET programs in VB.net, but there's no designer for it.19:50
alfonsojonIs there some program similar to Visual Studio for Ubuntu?19:50
TJ-freeman__: don't worry about those dependency warnings. The problem I tihnk is the Device URI dnsdd:// is incorrect19:50
tykayn-ubuntualfonsojon: you mean, an IDE ?19:51
freeman__thats cool u have an idea because i have no idea what that means19:51
freeman__how do i correct that19:51
TJ-freeman__: we need to manually edit the URI in the CUPS admin interface, via manage printer19:51
tykayn-ubuntui advice netbeans for a free solution19:51
freeman__ok let me go there19:51
digitsmTJ- Of course I can use chroot19:51
freeman__can u give me that link again19:51
digitsmTJ- Please wait19:51
freeman__to the hplip browser19:51
wileeetykayn-ubuntu> i advice netbeans for a free solution what does this mean?19:51
freeman__whats that localhost link again19:52
freeman__i found it19:52
tykayn-ubuntuwileee: https://netbeans.org/downloads/ this is netbeans19:52
freeman__ok im at manage printer19:52
TJ-freeman__: I've taken this from the CUPS text config file under /etc/cups/, for a HP printer here. You can see the style of the URI required: "DeviceURI hp:/net/Officejet_7610_series?ip="19:52
wileeetykayn, I know what net beans are, sounded like you wanted to charge.19:52
freeman__tj im here at manage printers19:53
freeman__what do i do19:53
digitsmTJ-, I executed some commands similar to this guide with the help of EriC^^ but it didn't work: http://askubuntu.com/questions/88384/how-can-i-repair-grub-how-to-get-ubuntu-back-after-installing-windows19:53
freeman__sorry tj i got confused19:53
freeman__what do i do wth DeviceURI hp:/net/Officejet_7610_series?ip=, also i have a 450019:53
freeman__not a 761019:53
TJ-freeman__: on the Manage Printers list, select the HP queue, press the Administration drop-down button and choose Modify19:54
tykayn-ubuntuah you want to do .net, my bad :D i don't know any solution on linux for that19:54
tykayn-ubuntuso if anyone could help me on my freezing ubuntu 14.04 startup issue i would be glad19:54
ioria2_!info mono-complete19:54
ubottumono-complete (source: mono): complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.8+dfsg-4ubuntu4 (vivid), package size 10 kB, installed size 71 kB19:54
wileee!14.10 | tykayn it is eol19:55
ubottutykayn it is eol: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic19:55
TJ-freeman__: you should now see the "Current Connection" highlighted19:55
TJ-freeman__: which one is highlighted?19:55
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, Soory 14.10 is eol you need a supported release is all.19:55
freeman__im still trying tofind that19:55
freeman__hold on19:55
freeman__are u in the browser at localhost:63119:55
freeman__i go to administration,19:55
freeman__manage printers,19:55
freeman__and then i see the printer in a search page19:56
TJ-freeman__: The version of CUPS I'm using might be different to yours, so you'll have to experiment a bit19:56
freeman__what exactly am i looking for19:56
freeman__oohh i found that administration dropdown thing19:56
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, Sorry miss read that, it is 14.04, give us a description if the issue. ;)19:56
freeman__ok iwent to modify printer19:56
freeman__i am here at modify printer and it is giving me options19:57
TJ-freeman__: Administration > Manage Printers > select the printer queue > Administration button is a drop-down menu - choose Modify Printer from the drop-down19:57
digitsmTJ-, OK, Now I mounted root partition  in /mnt, binded /sys /proc /run /dev /dev/pts to it and chrooted to it19:57
freeman__how do i paste a screenshot19:57
tykayn-ubuntuok wileee, after a login my ubuntu freezes19:57
TJ-freeman__: don't worry for now. You should now see a list of connection options with radio-buttons alongside, with only one selected19:57
freeman__that is correct19:58
tykayn-ubuntui stopped the freezing by plugin in my RJ45 cable19:58
freeman__what do i do here19:58
TJ-digitsm: OK, what does /etc/fstab contain?19:58
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tykayn-ubuntuapparently using wifi made it crash19:58
TJ-freeman__: Tell me which one is selected19:58
freeman__Current Connection: dnssd://HP%20ENVY%204500%20series%20%5BB192AA%5D._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=1c852a4d-b800-1f08-abcd-5065f3b192aa19:58
sewardrobertHello, my daughter is learning Japanese and using lbuntu on an older laptop. How can she enter Kanji characters? Etc. I tried adding a Japanese "Keyboard Input" for her. Pressing "Super Space" key sequence shows  "JP and US" in a nice dialog on the screen. However regardless of how the input is toggled, Kanji char input sequences do NOT output Kanji chars. Any advice?19:58
tykayn-ubuntubut the desktop still has issues in displaying. windows are surrounded by fat black border19:58
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, Ah, try hitting the esc on boot from grub for text, or modify for a text boot, to see the issue. If you have proprietary graphics installed let us know that.19:58
tykayn-ubuntuyup, i installed nvidia drivers19:59
digitsmTJ- Only 2 partitions: an ext4 root and a swap19:59
tykayn-ubuntumy computer is a laptop acer v17 nitro19:59
TJ-freeman__: OK, we have to manually edit that. Is there, under "Other Network Printers" a "AppSocket/HP JetDirect" ?19:59
tykayn-ubuntui can connect to it by ssh19:59
freeman__should i select that one and continue19:59
TJ-digitsm: and "ls -altr /boot/" shows the kernels, grub/ dir, etc.?19:59
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, If you use proprietary drivers you need to reload them upon a kernel change is all, could this be the issue?19:59
reisiosewardrobert: might see if #ubuntu-jp has some guidance19:59
freeman__tj should i select appsocket/hp jetdirect and go with continue19:59
TJ-freeman__: Yes, and then we'll change the URI19:59
freeman__ok im here20:00
TJ-freeman__: You should now have a text edit box20:00
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freeman__it sais connection: and in the box it says: socket20:00
tykayn-ubuntuif i purge the nvidia* packages, could it be working after a reboot ?20:00
TJ-freeman__: now we have to get the correct URI. It'll start off "hp:/net/"20:00
freeman__how do i find hte correct uri20:00
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, I would try an earlier kernel as one start.20:00
digitsmTJ-, Yeah, kernel 3.13.0-32, its initrd, grub dir, etc.20:01
tykayn-ubuntuwileee: what do you mean reload the driver?20:01
freeman__do i click See "Network Printers" for the correct URI to use with your printer.20:01
TJ-freeman__: I'm trying to create it using the log files :)20:01
freeman__i opened the link there on a new tab and its like a manual20:01
freeman__not really information20:01
KCmetrook nm-applet / networkmanager doesn't appear to be what I want20:01
tykayn-ubuntuhm, i had to upgrade my kernel to 3.19.something to make the wifi work20:01
KCmetroI clicked on the tray option and it just reconnected me20:01
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, some drivers will not follow the kernel update, nvidia is a common one if your using their's.20:01
freeman__but yeah im still here on the connection page20:01
elriodANY! know how to join the snow plow show irc??20:01
KCmetroI need to configure it. what is the window/app for that?20:01
tykayn-ubuntuyup i use their20:01
tykayn-ubuntuso how to downgrade my kernel ?20:02
TJ-freeman__: "hp:/net/HP%20ENVY%204500%20series%20%5BB192AA%5D?ip=
digitsmTJ- Let me install Extlinux instead of grub20:02
gdgmy ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS keep freezing20:02
MiDOZHello, I have 3 partitions for Windows (System Volume info, Windows Files, and a D:\ Drive for my files) and one extended partition for Linux with 4 Partitions (Swap, /boot, /home, and Ubuntu files) I have them dual booting with grub. I want to install Kali Linux as a 3rd OS on my laptop but the installaton is preventing me to create a 5th partition. Is there a work around? What can be done to solve this problem?20:02
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, Bad idea, and why your here now.20:02
gdglet's say one time per day20:02
TJ-digitsm: that'll make things worse20:02
freeman__thanks il try that tj20:02
ash_workI know this isn't the channel for supervisord questions, but right now stderr from programs started by supervisor are stored to log files with permissions set to 600; does anyone happen to know if you can change supervisor settings to set it to 644? I didn't see anything in the documentation20:02
digitsmI wanted to install extlinux anyway for a purpose20:02
digitsmTJ-, Why?20:02
gdgthis is a fresh installation, and it should not :(20:02
tykayn-ubuntuor maybe i remove the nvidia stuff20:02
wileeeMiDOZ, kali is not supported here is all20:02
gdgare you aware of any known issue of the kind?20:02
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freeman__ok i did that20:03
TJ-digitsm: because its not the standard install process, few people are familiar with it20:03
digitsmTJ-, If it broke then I will install Xubuntu again20:03
halberdwhat is the "http" process?  is that httpd? I noticed it was hogging lots of bandwidth and writing to disk so i killed it20:03
MiDOZwileee: the main idea is not Kali20:03
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, I would use the drivers from the ubuntu repos, software & sources has an additional drivers tag.20:03
freeman__tj it still doesnt work20:03
TJ-digitsm: is the root file system on /dev/sda1 ?20:04
freeman__oh wait20:04
freeman__i had to hit modify printer let me try agaain20:04
wileeeMiDOZ, yes it is ask them how to partition this, it is a bad idea anyway that is a usb thumb image for testing.20:04
TJ-freeman__: we might have to re-work the name, it had all those escaped control characters %XX in it20:04
digitsmTJ-, No root is on /dev/sdc120:04
TJ-digitsm: OK, so /dev/sdc is the boot device you want?20:05
digitsmsda = internal hdd sdb = Live USB, sdc = external hdd20:05
digitsmTJ-, yes20:05
TJ-digitsm: so "grub-install /dev/sdc && update-grub"20:05
tykayn-ubuntummh weird thing, my laptop is freezed but i can still run commands via ssh20:05
TJ-digitsm: after that, there should be /boot/grub/i386-pc/ with all the GRUB modules in20:05
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, You can use what drivers you want, we only support from the ubuntu repos here unless there are no other options.20:06
MiDOZwileee: I changed my OS to Install, I want to install another Ubuntu installation now on another partition. Is there a work around?20:06
tykayn-ubuntuwhat can i pastebin to see why everything freezed ?20:06
TJ-freeman__: lets try this by manually inspecting the config file! "sudo pastebinit /etc/cups/printers.conf"20:06
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, All you need to know is how to do these upgrades and driver reload if needed, we are assuming that this is the issue as of now.20:06
KCmetroI may have missed an earlier response. How do I open the window for configuring network (like IP) settings? nm-applet didn't work.20:07
tykayn-ubuntuwileee: i apt-get upgrade ?20:07
digitsmTJ-, Yes there are all grub modules in /boot/grub/i386-pc20:08
freeman__it still not working20:08
wileeetykayn-ubuntu, You are not understanding, that is okay, I can do no more really.20:08
tykayn-ubuntui checked my packages, i have no nvidia stuff installed20:08
digitsmTJ-, Should I reboot now?20:08
TJ-digitsm: In theory, yes :)20:08
digitsmTJ-, I did all these steps with the help of EriC^^, But still the same20:09
digitsmTJ-, Any other idea?20:09
freeman__i was just going to ask the same question haha20:09
freeman__any more ideas man20:09
MiDOZHello, I have 3 partitions for Windows (System Volume info, Windows Files, and a D:\ Drive for my files) and one extended partition for Linux with 4 Partitions (Swap, /boot, /home, and Ubuntu files) I have them dual booting with grub. I want to install another Linux as a 3rd OS on my laptop but the installation is preventing me to create a 5th partition. Is there a work around? What can be done to solve this problem? Can it be solved by live booting the iso imag20:09
TJ-freeman__: OK, making progress. You see the line "<Printer HP_ ..."20:10
freeman__i see it20:10
TJ-freeman__: the printer name after "<Printer" should be exactly what is used in the DeviceURI path20:10
freeman__let me reinput that20:11
TJ-freeman__: So, we need to try modifying the printer again, and change the URI once more20:11
digitsmTJ-, I rebooted, still the same issue20:11
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TJ-digitsm: so you're at the grub rescue> prompt?20:11
digitsmTJ-, yews20:11
freeman__should i change it to:20:12
TJ-freeman__: "hp:/net/HP_ENVY_4500_series?ip="20:12
freeman__ok thanks20:12
elriodANY! know how to join the snow plow show irc??20:12
TJ-digitsm: OK.. when you booted the PC did you use the BIOS manual boot menu to choose the external device for booting?20:13
digitsmTJ-, Yes20:13
Picielriod: We have no idea what that means, this is the Ubuntu support IRC channel.20:13
freeman__ok i did that change so let me try printing again20:13
freeman__hmm still doesnt work20:13
digitsmTJ-, interesting thing: ls (hd0,msdos1) -> Filesystem is ext2. But it should be ext420:13
digitsmMaybe it is the issue20:14
digitsmAlthough I think grub will mount any ext2/3/4 fs as ext2, because it only has ext2 module20:14
TJ-digitsm: There are some unusual BIOS bugs that can result in the wrong boot device being passed to the boot-loader, causing it to (try to) load its core.img from the wrong device. I'm wondering if this might be the case here, and the core.img you're currently in is actually from the internal drive.20:14
freeman__tj u have any more ideas20:14
freeman__the job is "held"20:15
TJ-digitsm: ext2 is the lowest-common-denominator for the ext* file-systems, so I think that is OK20:15
TJ-freeman__: did you try to unhold/retry the job via the CUPS admin?20:15
xwinis there way to make files absolutely not erasable, even 'root' can't delete?  I tried 'chattr +i file' of file in SDcard then inserted in the Samsung Tab and tried  delete, darn it deleted.20:15
freeman__i was doing it in the ubuntu gui20:15
freeman__let me go to that browser20:15
TJ-freeman__: OK .. just in case the GUI tool isn't talking to the CUPS backend correctly.20:16
digitsmTJ-, I disconnected the external HDD and it successfully boots to Windows from internal HDD20:16
freeman__Job 143 has been released for printing.20:16
digitsmTJ-, So your guess is wrong20:16
freeman__stil not printing20:16
TJ-digitsm: No, the core.img being loaded could still come from the internal device20:17
freeman__ok i tried again20:17
freeman__HP_ENVY_4500_series-144  Unknown  Withheld  398k  1  held since20:17
freeman__Thu 08 Oct 2015 04:17:25 PM EDT  20:17
freeman__ 20:17
TJ-digitsm: BIOS > external device sector 0 boot-strap > core.img (could come from internal or external drive)20:17
freeman__Job 144 has been released for printing.20:17
freeman__nothign comes out of the printer20:18
freeman__the "pages" count just goes up every time ihit release job20:18
TJ-freeman__: OK. we need some log output. Can you "pastebinit <( tail -n 500 /var/log/syslog )" again20:18
digitsmTJ-, but how could it still come from internal hdd, all partitions in internal hdd are ntfs20:19
TJ-digitsm: With MBR core.img is usually in the spare sectors between MBR and start of first partition.20:19
freeman__do i have to share the printer or something20:19
freeman__im just guessing, no idea whats going on20:20
TJ-freeman__: no, everything looks fine so far20:20
freeman__do u have more ideas tj20:20
TJ-freeman__: Yes! You've got UFW firewall blocking stuff. Disable it20:20
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm! Very interesting and strange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!120:20
freeman__i didnt even know it was on20:21
freeman__ok so i disabled my UFW firewall20:21
freeman__still not printing20:21
TJ-digitsm: even if core.img is from the internal, I cannot see how it can cause you not to 'see' files in a file-system... the only explanation is you're not looking at the file-system you think it is20:21
digitsmTJ-, OK! let me deattach the SATA connector of the internal HDD and see what will happen20:21
TJ-freeman__: "cupsd: Error attempting to unwrap passphrase from file [/home/user/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase]; rc = [-13]"20:22
TJ-freeman__: Did you say earlier you 'removed' ecryptfs?20:22
freeman__yeah i have an encrypted disk and an encrypted home folder20:22
freeman__umm no20:22
freeman__i didnt remove ecryptfs20:22
freeman__i dont know exactly how it works20:22
TJ-freeman__: Well, we have errors we don't want in syslog, and they relate to cups, so lets focus on those20:22
TJ-freeman__: you're in luck - I do :)20:22
freeman__i *think* i have a encrypted home folder anyway20:22
freeman__i just know for sure my hdd is encrypted20:23
freeman__i have installed ubuntu a few times20:23
TJ-freeman__: "pastebinit <( mount )"20:23
digitsmTJ-, I disconnect sata cable of the internal hdd and still going to grub rescue20:23
digitsmTJ-, So core.img is in ext hdd20:24
ZteamHi all  I\m trying to mount my luks encrypted drive from Ubuntu 15.04 in Kali Linux, but Kali just tells me it doesnt recognize it20:24
Zteam<Zteam> The partition is perfectly accesible from Ubuntu, what I\m missing here20:24
TJ-freeman__: HAHA! line 472 of the syslog pastebin20:24
freeman__im looking at line 47220:24
TJ-digitsm: Great test, thanks for checking. I thought it was an outside chance, but always good to have 100% accurate info in these boot problem issues20:24
freeman__i dont understand it20:24
freeman__what does it mean20:25
TJ-freeman__: don't worry, just notice the DENIED part20:25
TJ-freeman__: does "echo $USER" show "user"20:25
freeman__let me try20:25
freeman__it said: user show user20:25
wileeeZteam, I would ask kali, not sure you're supported here is all, their issue.20:25
digitsmTJ-, I think the problem come from previous MBR manipulation before reinstalling Xubuntu with grub20:25
freeman__whatever that means20:26
TJ-freeman__: OK, so your actual username is "user", correct?20:26
tykayn-ubuntuoh ok, now i can access xfce20:26
digitsmBefore reinstalling, I tested Syslinux, and for that purpose I had to dd 440bytes into mbr20:26
TJ-freeman__: right, now I can make sense of the log entries.20:26
freeman__yeah i thought user was a goot user name20:26
freeman__and my pc name is pc20:26
Zteamwileee, yeah I know I\m asking there too :)20:26
TJ-digitsm: the "install-grub" should replace that by calling grub-bios-setup20:27
wileeeZteam, That is the basic use of kali as a testing tool, we see everyone installing here.20:27
TJ-digitsm: but we know that code is working, and it is bootstrapping into core.img too. The problem is core.img cannot find the GRUB modules in /boot/grub/i386-pc/ since apparently those directories are midding20:28
TJ-freeman__: right, so the ecryptfs is the thing to focus on20:28
freeman__ok so thats why the printer doesnt work20:28
freeman__how do i fix it20:29
freeman__i dont know why my pc being encrypted affects my printer20:29
TJ-freeman__: so you have Full Disk Encryption: /dev/mapper/sdb5 > /dev/mapper/sdb5crypt  and /home/user/ using ecryptfs20:29
digitsmTJ-, Anyway, even If I can fix grub, I plan to replace it with Extlinux bootloader, because I need my bootloader entries be recognized with plopkexec20:29
freeman__well i know for sure at least i have full disk encrpytion20:29
digitsmI am doing all these stuff to boot from a PCIe USB3 card20:29
freeman__i just know if theres a option i usually click encrpyt home folder20:29
freeman__i just dont remember if that was a option last time i installed20:29
freeman__if it is i probably clicked it20:29
digitsmTJ- So I think it is not bad idea to install Extlinux in chroot20:29
TJ-digitsm: Oh, in that case, replace GRUB with extlinux and try to get it to behave instead :)20:30
freeman__i cant rememer if it lets u chose one of the other or both but i woud of clicked both if i could20:30
TJ-freeman__: so the issue looks to be that the CUPS daemon process is not allowed to access files under /home/user/ which is apparently stopping it printing20:30
freeman__so should i move my documents outside of my home folder20:31
freeman__for example another hard disk20:31
freeman__and then try it20:31
digitsmTJ-, OK, Thank you for you help and companion. If all things get broken, then I will reinstall xubuntu with a separate /boot partition20:31
freeman__still not printing20:31
TJ-freeman__: there are some other, more interesting, errors in the syslog I think we'll sort first though  "hp[7677]: io/hpmud/jd.c 197: invalid uri model HP_ENVY_4500_series != ENVY_4500_series"20:31
freeman__man i dont understand any of the stuff lol20:32
TJ-freeman__: give me 5 minutes to check on systems here20:32
freeman__thanks so much for helping me thus far il be here20:32
Zteamwileee, not sure how you mean, but I guess the easiest way out of this problem is to just reformat my kali pendrive to a Ubuntu pendrive temporarly :)20:32
halberddoes anybody know what a process named "http" that uses bandwidth and writes to disk is?20:33
wileeeZteam, Sure in understanding, not sure your end goal, you might address what the issue is for help.20:34
wileeeunderlying issue20:34
wileeeZteam, I use the multisystem usb loader, you can have as many iso's that fit on it to boot.20:35
Ben64halberd: paste the line from ps aux20:36
Zteamwileee, well the reason for choosing Kali Linux as my pendrive was that Intend to experiment a little with Kali linux later on :)20:36
halberdI can't, I killed it already20:36
Ben64halberd: then can't help you20:37
TJ-freeman__: can you check if this package is installed: "apt-cache policy libsane-hpaio"20:37
wileeeZteam, Sure, it should be usable, if your usb is big enough you can load multiple OS iso's and than switch around as you learn would be my guess.20:38
freeman__looks like it is20:38
TJ-freeman__: good. Now "pastebinit /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat"20:39
TJ-freeman__: so that file does have [envy_4500_series]20:40
freeman__i dont know lol20:40
freeman__u have any more ideas man20:40
freeman__i usually do gui stuff all this is like foreign language for me20:41
wileeeZteam, Heh you on kali live now, suprised no one gave you the root announcement by der bot.20:41
TJ-freeman__: Oooo. Goto Modify Printer again change the URI to "hp:/net/ENVY_4500_series?ip=" (drop the 'HP_' )20:42
freeman__ITS WORKING20:43
Zteamwileee, thanks that sounds useful :-)20:43
TJ-freeman__: at last! what a silly mistake to make :)20:43
freeman__ITS WORKING MAN20:43
worstadminI'm removing old kernels using apt-get -y remove and noticing that after upgate-grub there's still a bunch listed in my grub's menu.lst - why is this?20:43
Ben64worstadmin: because you should use sudo apt-get autoremove20:44
worstadminYep that did it20:44
TJ-worstadmin: The system is using GRUB v1 (grub.lst)  then, not GRUB v2 (grub.cfg) ?20:44
worstadminJust tried it20:44
wileeeZteam, No problem, pen testing is a good money maker I suspect if you get good at it and could be independent.20:44
worstadminTJ-: 220:44
worstadminbut apparently update-grub works20:44
TJ-worstadmin: there's backward compatibilty for grub.lst, but it's better to complete the migration so it is pure GRUB v220:45
Picifreeman__: please ease up on the enter key.20:45
worstadminfor sure20:45
Zteamwileee, yeah, its kinda ironic in that way, a security oriented distro that breaks the most basical security principle ever dont ever run your system as root20:45
freeman__TJ thank u so much man20:45
freeman__so was that the issue the entire time20:46
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TJ-freeman__: You still need to keep in mind those ecryptfs errors in syslog.20:46
Zteamwileee, well I'm just doing it for a hobbie for now20:46
freeman__i just printed a document from my desktop so i think its all good now20:46
ExploitManthere is here a dedicated programming server?20:46
freeman__i really needed to print these documents today for business reasons so man i really appreciate it20:47
TJ-freeman__: Yes, the auto-discovery found the printer via multicast-DNS *but* used the DNS URI to address the printer, rather than correcting it to use the HP-LIP URI scheme20:47
freeman__wow confusing LOL20:47
wileeeZteam, I help here if I can, same as a hobby here, got kinda obsessed with it, still there with lurking for info. ;)20:47
TJ-freeman__: different printer manufacturers provide different ways to access their devices - it becomes a minefiled20:47
freeman__well man ur on another level of knowledge but i am really happy now so thanks again20:47
freeman__do u work for ubuntu or something20:48
OerHeksfreeman__, we are all volunteers20:48
freeman__thats cool man20:48
OerHekshave fun ;-)20:48
freeman__i took a lot of notes so i shouldnt have to go thru all this again if it happens again20:49
TJ-freeman__: being able to avoid a GUI and get to the text of logs and config files makes solving these issues many times easier than guessing20:50
freeman__yeah i see, just dont yet understand all the computer language20:50
lotuspsychjeExploitMan: you mean a programming channel?20:51
dv_I noticed that the wily repos still have gstreamer 1.5.91 , which is a development (= non-stable) release.20:51
dv_will it be upgraded to 1.6 ?20:51
lotuspsychjedv_: #ubuntu+1 for wily20:52
freeman__ok im going to work on my paperwork now that the printer works, TJ i wish u the best of luck man20:52
TJ-dv_: Wily has 1.6.0 in -proposed20:53
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Zteamwileee, yeah I agree this is a very nice support channel :-)20:53
TJ-Zteam: did you solve your cryptsetup issue?20:54
digitsmTJ-, Even after installing Extlinux I got "Boot error"!!!! Something is wrong at all!20:57
digitsmAnyway I will reinstall xubuntu this time with separate boot partition20:57
ExploitMansomeone can suggest me a good C programming Net?20:58
reisioExploitMan: channel? ##C or #friendly-coders20:59
ZteamTJ, unfournetly not, im planning to work around it, by just making a Ubuntu usb stick instead, I guess kali and Ubuntu juses different versions of cryptsetup or something20:59
lotuspsychjeExploitMan: ##programming is usefull too21:00
ChibaPetHey all. Based on a chart (http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life) it seems that 14.04 is still in the zone where it'd get hardware updates. I'm wondering specifically if Canonical has by chance backported support for BayTrail/ValleyView hardware. It appeared in mainline 3.18 and is stable/usable/not-buggy in 4.x.21:06
k1l_!enablementstack | ChibaPet21:07
ubottuChibaPet: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:07
rauldipeasHey, anyone can help me to create an UEFI Only stick?21:07
k1l_ChibaPet: you can get the vivid kernel in LTS, which is 3.1921:07
ChibaPetk1l_: Ah, nifty. I'll read about that. Thank you.21:07
TJ-digitsm: I think its the system BIOS. I have a diagnostic MBR I wrote for syslinux project you could test with21:07
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: what are you trying to do?21:07
ChibaPet3.19 might be new enough - there were bugs with backlight support that went away sometime after 3.18.21:07
TJ-Zteam: I'd think the most likely cause is simply that the correct kernel crypto modules aren't loaded21:07
rauldipeasI'm trying to install Ubuntu on UEFI mode with a USB.21:08
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: dualboot or singleboot ubuntu?21:08
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: disabled fastboot and secureboot and your good to go21:08
k1l_ChibaPet: the next point release (14.04.4 iirc) will get the 15.10 kernel, which is 4.2. although you can use the mainline kernels form the mainline repo (but dont have any support on there, or updates)21:08
k1l_!mainline | ChibaPet21:09
ubottuChibaPet: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds21:09
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: then F12 and load up your ubuntu usb21:09
rauldipeasI'm try this, but no success... :/21:09
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ChibaPetk1l_: Is there an expectation of when that might happen released anywhere publically? If it's soonish, I may well just wait for that.21:09
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: doublecheck your bios line per line21:10
rauldipeasI'm try to write image with lot of programs, such unetbootin, dd, gnome-disks, etc...21:10
digitsmTJ- My bios is this one: http://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/G41C-S/?cat=Download&os=BIOS21:10
digitsmVersion 1.121:10
EriC^^rauldipeas: is uefi enabled?21:10
TJ-digitsm: do you want to test with my diag-mbr/21:10
rauldipeasI'll check again, but I try to do this many times.21:10
EriC^^rauldipeas: try esc when the pc boots, then boot options > uefi usb21:11
rauldipeasUEFI is enable, if I use UEFI Only, the flash drive does not appear.21:11
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: some systems has also an intel security block deep in bios to prevent installing another Os21:11
digitsmTJ- You are a really expert person. Writing a diag-mbr is very hard in my point of view21:11
rauldipeasUSB is show only on legacy boot mode.21:11
TJ-digitsm: Here's the source-code and the built binary: https://iam.tj/projects/misc/mbr-diag.S https://iam.tj/projects/misc/mbr-diag.bin21:11
digitsmTJ-, Thanks, I will test it if you refer me to a link21:11
TJ-digitsm: Basically you save the current sector 0 and write mbr-diag.bin to the first 435 bytes and boot with it21:12
TJ-digitsm: What it does is write a report of what the BIOS tells it is the boot device21:12
digitsmTJ-, Your site is iam.tj very innovating name21:13
rauldipeasI do all You're telling me, but usb stick just show on Legacy.21:13
TJ-digitsm: normall, the 'first' fixed disk should be 0x80, the 'second' 0x81 and so on. When using a manual boot device selection many BIOS pass the wrong number to the bootstrap code. This daig-mbr reports what the BIOS tells it21:13
lotuspsychje!usb | rauldipeas also make sure your stick works21:13
ubotturauldipeas also make sure your stick works: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:13
lotuspsychjerauldipeas: then install on legacy?21:14
rauldipeasYes, on Legacy it's all right.21:14
TJ-digitsm: You should do TWO teset boots with this, the first without pressing any keys, and the 2nd with the Ctrl key held down. Report the output from both boot attempts.21:14
digitsmTJ-, The first fixed disk or the first fixed sector is 0x80?21:14
ChibaPetk1l_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases makes me think "roughly every six months" which might mean next February, but I'll keep an eye on this. Thank you again.21:14
TJ-digitsm: BIOS allocates 'drive numbers' and floppy disks start at 0x00, fixed (hard) disks at 0x8021:15
TJ-digitsm: if you have the issue I suspect, BIOS is telling the bootstrap code the wrong drive number21:15
digitsmTJ-, What do you mean by "fixed" hard disks?21:15
TJ-digitsm: anything booted using sector 0 bootstrap with a partition table.21:16
TJ-digitsm: as opposed to a floppy, or ISO9660/El Torito, device21:16
umpfaghelp,  li ion battery issue, is it stupid to charge it with my laptop on?21:18
ali2015what is the best cmc21:18
umpfagi mean using xubuntu and charging it21:18
umpfagam I destroyin g its lifespan?21:18
wileeerauldipeas, We see users here whom have a msdos partitioning but with uefi remnants in the partition table, this make any sense?21:18
digitsmTJ-, I am willing to test your diag-mbr, but do you think it can really help? Assume we understood that it's BIOS's fault, we can't fix it anyway21:19
reisioumpfag: it's stupid to charge it when it's already charged21:19
umpfagreisio, does that destry its lifespan?21:19
TJ-digitsm: yes, we probably can. Back in 2009 I provided patches to syslinux project which now has alternative MBR images that allow you to work around the BIOS bug21:19
reisioumpfag: yup21:19
reisiothe battery's21:19
umpfagreisio, is it safe to charge it while running any os? laptop on21:20
reisioumpfag: yeah21:20
umpfagso, charge it, when full and plugged in, take it away21:20
reisiorealistically, you'll want a new computer before your battery dies, regardless of how you charge it21:20
wileeeumpfag, just be aware of what a power loss will be with no battery on board.21:20
reisiocharge it when it's almost empty, to full, then let it deplete to almost empty, repeat21:20
umpfagwileee, dont get that, dont understand it21:21
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm. OK, so first let me reinstall xubuntu with a separate /boot partition. Then I will test your mbr21:21
umpfagreisio, is that good for li ion batteries?21:21
reisiobasically all batteries, I believe21:21
wileeeumpfag, any computer stopped abruptly can be a brick21:21
digitsmTJ-, But how could I backup my current mbr?21:21
TJ-umpfag: Lithium-Ion chemistry batteries have a condition built in, which monitors battery state. It communicates with a charge-controller in the power supply which ensures the battery is charged optimally, including turning off the charge operation when required.21:21
reisiowell your power manager should safely hibernate or shutdown the system well before it runs entirely out of power21:22
digitsmdd if=/dev/sdc of=/path/tosomewhere bs=what? count=121:22
TJ-digitsm: read the header of the mbr-diag.S the comments there give an example21:22
digitsmTJ-, ^21:22
reisiowhen required by what?21:22
TJ-digitsm: See the "Usage:" part for an example of backup/restore of MBR21:22
TJ-reisio: required by the battery parameters. The charge controller maintains a charging profile so it knows when to adjust the voltage/current into the battery based on the condition monitoring21:23
digitsmTJ-, It is much like writing mbr of syslinux. It even has the exact 440bytes21:24
* reisio is skeptical21:24
digitsmThat magical number = first 440 bytes!!21:25
TJ-digitsm: that is the limit of available bytes in sector 0 for the bootstrap code21:25
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm. thanks for that info21:25
umpfagi need a link to take care of my battery21:25
TJ-digitsm: that bootstrap code is responsible for loading the rest of the boot loader - in GRUB's case core.img21:25
EriC^^where's core.img found?21:26
reisioin /boot/grub somewheres, IIRC21:26
digitsmTJ-, Now that you are an expert, what solutions could be available there to boot from an ext USB3 hdd using a PCIe USB3 card?21:26
lotuspsychjeumpfag: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/ReducedPower21:26
reisioumpfag: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2009/10/how_to_charge_your_laptop.html21:27
digitsmTJ-, As you may know bios can't boot from a PCIe USB3, it can only boot from onboard USB ports21:27
lotuspsychje!info laptop-mode-tools | umpfag21:27
ubottuumpfag: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.66-2ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 76 kB, installed size 415 kB21:27
reisioumpfag: but you'll probably want a new laptop before your battery dies anyway21:27
digitsmExcept  that PCIe card has an optional bios/rom itself21:27
TJ-digitsm: You'd need a UEFI mobo with a UEFI driver for the USB controller21:28
digitsmTJ-, I like to boot from my ext USB3 HDD with usb3 speed, so I can boot into xubuntu very fast and I can use my external hdd instead of my heavy laptop21:28
umpfagthis piece of crap has a limited life of 3 years...21:29
TJ-digitsm: or, is the controller has an Option ROM then the system BIOS should link that in as a possible boot device21:29
reisioumpfag: you'll want a new computer before than anyway21:29
reisioand they'll be a third of the cost21:29
reisionot worth worrying about21:29
reisiobefore then*21:29
umpfagmy current craptop is 5 years old and im happy with it21:30
reisiohappiness doesn't factor in :p21:30
umpfaglolwut?? batteries cannot be removed from apple laptops???21:31
umpfagsome models of*21:31
reisiomost, I'd say21:31
reisiowell, Apple people like spending money21:31
TJ-umpfag: there are 2 major causes of premature Li-Ion degrading: storing with the wrong level of charge (typically 80% is recommended), and lots of recharge cycles21:31
reisioso it's a feature, really21:31
lotuspsychje!language | umpfag21:31
ubottuumpfag: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:31
digitsmTJ-, Both cases are impossible for me, my mb has an intel G41 chip, doesn't have UEFI, doesn't support loading optional roms and my PCIe USB3 card has NEC chip which I guess doesn't have optional rom either21:31
reisioyou can't use a battery and not spend its lifespan21:32
reisiodon't worry about it so much21:32
umpfagTJ-, so, charging up to 80%?21:32
digitsmTJ-, But there are some projects like plop, plopkexec, etc which claim that can boot from USB3 (even from USB3 cards)21:32
lotuspsychjedigitsm: i use plop alot on old systems21:32
reisioumpfag: read the link I gave you :p21:32
lotuspsychjedigitsm: works like a charm for non-usb booting bios21:33
digitsmTJ-, These tools first load USB3 drivers, and then try to detect storages attached to them21:33
TJ-digitsm: What plop etc do is boot from a different device into a minimal Linux env that has the Linux USB drivers, then kexec/bootstrap the other device21:34
TJ-digitsm: Usually GRUB can do the job just as well, it has USB drivers too21:35
digitsmlotuspsychje, Yeah, plop is very good. I tested it. But plop bootloader doesn't support USB3 yet (it will in version 6) and plopkexec only loads a kernel in a ext4 partition with a Syslinux bootloader not grub21:35
digitsmTJ-, I think grub doesn't has XHCI driver21:35
digitsmTJ-, And I think it can't detect devices other than those reported from bios21:36
digitsmI am not sure21:36
TJ-digitsm: correct, not yet21:36
digitsmTJ-, Not support yet for XHCI? or Not support for devices other than those recognizable by bios?21:36
TJ-digitsm: grub has modules that can work with pretty much any device. They may need building into the core.img to make them available to the rescue env, so grub can find its root on the devices21:37
TJ-digitsm: not yet got XHCI support21:37
Twirlhi, why do i have to disable/enable networking every time i turn on my computer or wake it up to connect to my wifi network?21:37
TJ-digitsm: 'grub-install' actually compiles/links the modules into the single executable we call core.img21:37
TJ-Twirl: possibly the rfkill status needs a kick, maybe it gets confused.21:38
csmuleWhats the right way to change hostname? sudo hostname and then append to /etc/hosts localhost?21:38
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.21:38
digitsmTJ-, Yeah, but my problem (only detecting core.img not any more) is not related to USB3 detection by grub, because I had connected my ext HDD to a USB2 port before21:39
TwirlTJ-: i dont know what ur takling about, what does that mean, what do i have to do?21:39
TJ-digitsm: Yes, I know. I was talking about that as something unrelated to your system issue21:39
TJ-Twirl: the laptop has to have a way to disable the radios (think 'airplane mode'). The tools are called RFkill (Radio Frequency kill)21:40
digitsmTJ-, Anyway thank you much for these info. So I can expect booting from PCIe USB3 by using either plop 6 or future versions of grub21:40
csmuleubottu: thanks much21:40
TJ-Twirl: the laptop's firmware is usually responsible for setting the initial mode of that. Some/many firmware seem to have problems in getting that correct when the OS is Linux. That often is caused because the firmware doesn't provde Linux the same functionality that it gives to Windows21:41
TJ-digitsm: Some months away I'd think. Did you test mbr-diag? If you give me the results it writes I can tell you if the BIOS drive-number bug is causing the issue21:41
digitsmTJ-, Also I am still not sure about grub being able to do so in the future, because I think it would need drivers for PCIe, XHCI and many other things. Seems unlikely21:42
digitsmTJ-, I have not tested it yet.21:42
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TwirlTJ-: man its very retarded that i have to turn off and on networking to start working every time i turn on or wake up my machine21:43
TJ-digitsm: GRUB has no problem with PCIe21:43
TJ-Twirl: what make/model of laptop is it?21:43
TwirlTJ-: toshiba satellite21:44
digitsmTJ-, It may take some  time before I can test your diag-mbr. If you want to go please send me your email, so I can email the results for you later21:45
TJ-Twirl:  what does "sudo strings /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT | grep 'Windows'  " report ?21:45
TJ-digitsm: that's fine, drop by here if the issue continues and you've done the tests. The source-code explains the output. Key value is what drive-number is shown next to the 'D' with and without Ctrl key held down at boot time. If that value changes, you've got the BIOS bug.21:46
TwirlTJ-: 2001, 2001 SP1, 2001 SP2, 2001.1, 2006, 200921:46
TwirlTJ-: it probably has nothing to do with that, its just retarded man21:47
TwirlTJ-: if the drivers where bad then why do they work after i turn networking on and off?21:47
TwirlTJ-: its just fucking retarded and i hate retarded things21:47
TwirlTJ-: also annoying21:47
TJ-Twirl: OK, one potential workaround/fix is to boot with "acpi_osi=XXXXX" where XXXXX is one of those strings. I'd pick what seems to be the latest, so if you have "Windows 2009" add: "  "acpi_osi=Windows 2009"   " to the kernel command line via the GRUB boot menu, to test it21:48
TwirlTJ-: no i wont do that, that is simply retarded21:49
Twirli wont add any commands to my kernel to avoid having to turn my networking off and on to have internet21:49
TJ-Twirl: it sounds like the state of the device isn't being detected/toggle after initial power-on. That info comes from the system firmware via ACPI. If the functions being called to get the state return the wrong values, the OS becomes confused.21:49
reisioTechEffigy: ohai21:49
TJ-Twirl: fine. Complain to Toshiba then, ask them to fix the firmware.21:49
TwirlTJ-: u dont even know if its that it used to work fine21:50
TwirlTJ-: also, it's retarded21:50
JunkHunkHello is there an irc channel for kodibuntu?21:50
TJ-Twirl: You don't know it isn't. When problems come up, we test the known most-likely causes first21:50
TwirlTJ-: all i have to do is turn off and on the networking to make it work, that should be automated21:50
reisioJunkHunk: /msg alis list *kodi*21:50
Twirli refuse adding flags to my kernel for something so retarded21:51
TJ-Twirl: you seem to be more interested in shouting about it rather than determining why, and how to fix. This is a support channel; use another if you want to bitch about it21:51
TwirlTJ-: yes i am angry why cant u just accept that it is freaking retarded?21:51
JunkHunkI know nothing about kodibuntu21:52
TwirlTJ-: anyways there has to be a simple fix for this retarded problem21:52
TwirlTJ-: i refuse adding flags to my kernel or consider it a driver issue21:52
TwirlTJ-: also i cant waste any time with this stupid crap, its going to be added to the things that waste time in my life and i have to deal with it because trying to fix it will consume a lot of time21:53
JunkHunkI did not understand your post21:53
TJ-!ot | Twirl21:53
ubottuTwirl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:53
wileeeJunkHunk, 4 channel run their command21:53
reisioJunkHunk: what do you want to know about it?21:53
reisioJunkHunk: you can install Kodi on any distro21:53
TechEffigyive got this idea, donno if it is possible21:54
JunkHunkWhether it will run ue4 for instance21:54
reisioit is21:54
TwirlTJ-: no it's not off topic u kidding man21:54
JunkHunkIs it possible to use kodi as the host os?21:54
TwirlTJ-: u know how much time it takes to turn on and off this computer to test ur theory ? around 15 minutes21:54
TwirlTJ-: 5 minutes to turn off and 10 minutes to turn back on21:55
TwirlTJ-: all of that just to see if it works and i would have to add flags to the kernel i don't want21:55
TechEffigyi want to run ubuntu server, with containers that run python code, each container must have its own IP that i can connect to from the wifi card, the server wont be connected to the inet21:55
reisioJunkHunk: no, but it's possible to run kodi on its own on an OS21:55
reisioTechEffigy: yeah you can do that21:56
JunkHunkThen what kodibuntu is reisio21:56
reisiobut if you want help doing it, you'll probably have to explain what it's all for21:56
reisioJunkHunk: I'm guessing it's a version of Ubuntu with Kodi preinstalled21:56
TechEffigywhat do i need for each container to have its own ip?21:56
HackerIIJunkHunk,  you can install kodi on ubuntu, there are ppa for it21:56
HackerIIworks great21:56
k1l_JunkHunk: its ubuntu preinstalled with kodi. best is to ask the kodi guys on that one21:56
TechEffigyi want it to be container1.techeffigy.zoo21:56
TJ-TechEffigy: you can route or bridge the container network21:57
reisioTechEffigy: pick lxc or openvz and then ask the channel on that containment system about it21:57
TechEffigynot on the net21:57
TechEffigyk cool21:57
tr3-v0rhi guys. Can anyone tell me which is the best linux course training I can start?21:58
tr3-v0rI mean certified21:58
reisioprobably whatever red hat shills21:58
JunkHunkI run kubuntu, and I was looking for something more dynamic... Activities on kde desktop are too laggy and I thought perhaps kodi could do the tric21:58
k1l_tr3-v0r: that topic better suits into #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux21:58
reisioJunkHunk: well, kodi does a specific trick21:59
reisioeither you want that trick or not21:59
TJ-tr3-v0r: Linux Foundation operates some courses along those lines21:59
JunkHunkIs there an easy way to switch from kubuntu to kodibuntu?21:59
reisioJunkHunk: yes, but22:00
reisioJunkHunk: there's not much point22:00
reisioit's all the same software22:00
ascot_hello there, anyone know how to make clicking the upper right corner close a maximized window in Mate? At the moment I need to move the mouse a few pixels down.22:00
JunkHunkOkay thanks22:00
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=== sandeep is now known as Guest58700
AEL-HSorry to repeat, I asked before but then my connection dropped. First off I want to say I am quite an inexperienced user. My SD card mounts to /media/removable/SD\ Card -- They key problem here being the space in the name. I have downloaded a program but for whatever reason their installer does not allow for spaces to be in the directory name-- Is there any easy way I can just make it mount to /media/removable/SDCard ? I had a look in /etc/fstab but it says "#22:12
digitsmTJ-, I reinstalled ubuntu this time with a separate /boot partition and the problem got fixed22:12
reisioAEL-H: eject it from file manager, then change the FS label22:12
reisioor use programs that aren't really badly made22:13
reisioprobably the best course22:13
TJ-digitsm: You know, I wonder if the issue was some weirdness in the ext4 file-system you originally installed into, that made the GRUB ext2 driver not see some areas. How large was the root file-system?22:13
digitsmTJ-, It may be22:14
digitsmTJ-, My external HDD is 2TB which is recognized by Gparted or Linux installer very slowly. And the root partition was ~200GB22:14
TJ-digitsm: there are some outstanding bugs related to ext4, but mostly they are in the OS probing side (installation tooling) not the actual boot code22:15
reisiousb tends to be slower22:15
TJ-digitsm: I wouldn't have thought 200GB was a problem for ext3.22:15
TJ-digitsm: s/ext3/ext2/22:16
digitsmTJ-, So you suggest me to reinstall on a single ext3/2 partition again22:17
TJ-digitsm: Oooo! "Disks with 4KiB sectors aren't BIOS-bootable (not fixable unless BIOSes supporting such disks are discovered)" https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?func=detailitem&item_id=3763122:17
TJ-digitsm: does that external drive use 4KiB sectors?22:17
Shiekhello any german here to help me with ubuntu :)22:17
digitsmTJ-, Because I had tested 2 partition setup (ext2 /boot and ext4 /) before and plopkexec could recognize all Extlinux menu entries except the linux entry!22:17
reisiomost do nowadays, I think22:17
reisioto avoid having to use GPT22:18
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wileeeShiek, hard to say, you seem to to be english efficient, they're is probably a german ubuntu irc channel22:20
moloneyIf I want to enable a service at boot in 14.04, and the init script has LSB headers, is the correct way to call 'insserv'?22:21
digitsmTJ-, No, the "sudo fdisk -l" shows the sectors size at 512bytes22:23
digitsmnot 4096bytes22:23
TJ-digitsm: OK, not that one then!22:24
digitsmTJ-, YEah22:24
Shiekhow i can install nvidia driver on 14.0422:24
TJ-digitsm: there's another bug whereby grub mis-identifies ext4 as minix2 file-system. That won't explain that you could read the file-system but 1 directory /boot/ seemed to be empty22:24
TJ-digitsm: remind me - which Ubuntu release is it causing the issue?22:25
digitsmTJ-, I am currently using Xubuntu 14.04.1 32bit22:25
TJ-digitsm: whatever the underlying issue it affects extlinux too, so I'm preferring a BIOS bug22:25
digitsmTJ-, Yeah, it even affects extlinux22:26
digitsmIt was very weird, but there are many weird unlogical behaviors in computing world22:26
TJ-digitsm: the external disk connected over USB2, or eSATA ?22:28
digitsmTJ-, USB222:28
digitsmIt is USB3 capable but I can't boot from USB3 PCIe card yet22:28
TJ-digitsm: OK, so there is a USB<>SATA translator in the mix too22:28
digitsmTJ-, Yeah22:29
TJ-digitsm: I've witnessed *many* problems with those devices, especially with larger drives.22:29
TJ-digitsm: is the external enclosure a named brand/model I can look-up ?22:29
digitsmTJ-, But I don't think it's the root22:29
TJ-digitsm: I would bet if you connected the drive directly to one of the Mobo SATA ports the problem would go away22:29
digitsmYeah, it was a standard Seagate External HDD22:30
digitsmThe model is "Seagate Expansion Portable Drive" 2TB with SATA to USB3 adapter22:31
digitsmI doubt Seagate use cheap buggy controllers in its own ext drives22:31
TJ-digitsm: any number of incompatibilites can show up, especially when the system expects USB2 but is talking to a USB3 controller in compatibility mode22:32
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm, yeah. The USB3 controller in compatibility mode could be buggy22:33
moloneyNo one can comment on using "insserv" versus "update-rc.d"?22:33
digitsmI am not sure22:33
TJ-digitsm: I think you have a BIOS bug in there. It should be possible to work-around it with GRUB at least, but uncluding the usb,usbms,nativedisk,ahci and related modules in core.img22:34
TJ-moloney: update-rc.d22:35
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TJ-s/but uncluding/by including/22:35
moloneyTJ-: It seems like update-rc.d ignores my LSB header though, while calling insserv directly works correctly22:36
digitsmTJ-, Hmmm. Dunno. I am getting tired. It's 2AM now and I have to go to bed. I will test with a single ext2/ext3 root partition (without /boot partition) tomorrow.22:36
digitsmIf it failed I will come back to my previous setting (/boot on ext2 and / on btrfs) and will give up using PCIe USB3 card at all. Maybe in the next months plop bootloader 6 or next grubs solve my issue22:37
AEL-Hreisio : Sorry, how could I do this from terminal?22:37
TJ-moloney: what command are you using? what is the unexpected result?22:37
digitsmTJ-, Thank you for your help. I hope to speak with you tomorrow too22:38
digitsmbye now22:38
TJ-digitsm: it'd be easier to put an eSATA connector on the backplane and simply get a eSATA enclosure for the drive :)22:38
digitsmTJ-, As long as I know I can connect eSATA to normal SATA too. So it will give me the native speed22:39
[n0mad]AEL-H: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive22:40
digitsmThe only problem is that many PCs I have at work or university doesn't have any eSATA port22:40
[n0mad]i'd just use gparted myself22:40
digitsmI didn't want to lose the compatibility factor22:41
TJ-digitsm: I use cables with eSATA on one end and internal SATA on the other, for working with drives for recovery. It works fine22:41
digitsmIf there was an enclosure supporting both USB3 and eSATA it would be great, but there isn't any22:41
TJ-digitsm: Hmmm, then maybe a combined eSATA/USB enclosure. I have 2 here that are very useful for that kind of situation22:42
wafflejockyeah I have a "toaster" with USB and eSata not sure about USB3 though22:42
wafflejockthink it was made before that was an option22:42
TJ-digitsm: http://www.addonics.com/products/zesu3cs.php22:42
digitsmwafflejock, :))22:43
wafflejockyeah mine is like this style http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA24G28N3542&cm_re=esata_USB3-_-17-198-054-_-Product think it was like $15 on sale at microcenter (not sure if they still exist)22:44
TJ-digitsm: if you want even more flexibility there are Firewire800/USB3/eSATA available too :)22:44
[n0mad]so much more fancy than my ide>usb22:44
wafflejockhas an SD card reader and think CF or some other styles I've never encountered22:45
TJ-I use the eSATA enclosure with an ExpressCard/34 dual port SATA adaptor22:47
digitsmwafflejock, Where is the toasting capability of your enclosure?22:48
wafflejockdigitsm: yeah not a literal "toaster" I said that without including the part where it's not a toaster, just holds the drives upright like slices of bread in a literal toaster22:48
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digitsmTJ-, Hmmm, I may be able to find a 3.5" SATA -> USB3/eSATA enclosure, but it is very large and heavy. It can eliminate the portability feature of my current HDD22:49
wafflejockdigitsm: and has a button that you press and it ejects the drive from the top like toast out of a toaster, but no toasting capabilities unless you run the drive really hard :)22:49
wafflejockdigitsm: if you're looking for portability would go with a 2.5 inch one to start anyhow then the enclosure included and it's smaller than a 3.5 drive itself typically22:50
AphoticaCan anyone help me figure out how to send a file from my Ubuntu to someone else's?22:50
digitsmwafflejock, Have you tried a bread in its slot? It may work as toaster too :))22:50
wafflejockdigitsm: true I suppose I haven't tried :)22:50
wafflejockAphotica: you can use scp pretty easily if you setup openssh on both machines22:51
TJ-digitsm: that is a problem with some enclosures. Always the trade-off.22:51
wafflejockAphotica: are they on the same network or across the internet?22:51
AphoticaAcross the Internet.22:51
Aphoticawafflejock, across the internet22:51
moloneyTJ-: doing 'update-rc.d myinitsript defaults' will print some warnings like "update-rc.d: warning: default start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match myinitscript Default-Start values (3)". Then I see it made a links to start my script at levels 2/3/4/5 instead of just 3 like the LSB header requests22:52
wafflejockAphotica: okay so scp will work but would require that you "punch a hole" through the router on the side you're sending the data to so it allows port 22 to get to the computer you want to communicate with, is this a one time thing, also how big is the data?22:52
AphoticaPretty big. I'd like to set up a folder he can just access and download stuff from.22:52
wafflejockAphotica: alright, you may want to check out rsync too then, rsync will use the ssh connection but can recover from failures but has some processor overhead to make that happen, would test it out with scp first to make sure just copying a file across is working fine22:53
wafflejocksomeone else chime in if there's an easier way otherwise can walk through what needs to happen here22:53
moloneyTJ-: on the other hand, doing "/usr/lib/insserv/insserv /etc/init.d/myinitscript" will only make the link under /etc/rc3.d/ as I would expect22:54
wafflejockAphotica: okay so what you need to have setup for this to work is the client computer (your friend who will access stuff on your computer, will call the server for now that has the files on it) will have to generate a private/public key pair https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys <-- that page explains using ssh-keygen which will create the private/public key pair for their computer22:56
Aphoticawafflejock, mkay22:56
wafflejockAphotica: they then just need to run, cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub, to print out the public key, they'll send that to you and you add it to your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys text file (if it doesn't exist you make it)22:57
wafflejockAphotica: this will allow them to use ssh or scp or rsync to connect to your server, when they use ssh-keygen it will ask for a password, if they use one that's used to seal their private key so it's used when they connect if they leave it blank anyone who gets a hold of the private key could get in without a password22:57
TJ-moloney: maybe you've found a bug. Can you pastebin the init script?22:58
wafflejockAphotica: once you have that public key from the client in the authorized_keys on the server you can use scp http://www.hypexr.org/linux_scp_help.php for quick one off copies, or if you want to do something more regularly like just copy some folder from the server to the client every time a script is run you can write a small bash script that uses rsync inside to duplicate the folder... added benefit of rsync being if it fails it can 22:59
[n0mad]if you have ssh setup then your friend could also sftp22:59
wafflejockAphotica: details on rsync here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync22:59
moloneyTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12719200/23:00
TJ-moloney: this is 14.04 ?23:02
AphoticaAnd yes23:02
wafflejockAphotica: np let me know (or the room in general) if you run into any bumps along the way or have questions23:03
moloneyTJ-: yes23:03
[n0mad]might want to setup a user for the friend too and make sure he has permissions to read whatever directory23:06
TJ-moloney: I'm trying to reproduce in a chroot here, but 'default's is adding 0-6 !23:07
wafflejockAphotica: ah one thing I mentioned above too but didn't explain in the explanation part, you also need to have port 22 forwarded from your router to your computer on the server side (assuming that you have a router) typically this is pretty easy to do you just need to get your servers local LAN IP address like and go into your router's configuration page and look for port forwarding then set the public port 22 to private23:07
wafflejockAphotica: the client side guy running the scp or rsync commands on their computer will be using your WAN IP (the one your ISP assigned to your router) to connect and the router has to pass along that connection to the "server"23:08
moloneyTJ-:  Yeah, seems like "defaults" means to override the LSB header.  But I can't find instructions on how to make it respect the header. The manpage for "insserv" describe it as a low level tool used by update-rc.d, and discourage people from using it directly.  I am confused :(23:09
TJ-moloney: OK, I've looked at the Perl script. "sub defaults" does NOT match the description in "man update-rc.d"23:10
TJ-moloney: more specifically, if you pass the options [START [STOP]] params it uses them, else it uses K{0,1,6} S{2,3,4,5}23:11
TJ-moloney: the only time parse_lsb_header() is called is with the 'remove' parameter23:12
TJ-moloney: ignore that! I inverted the meaning of an -ne clause... re-reading the code23:13
Avery3R_Is there a way to grant a user full permissions to all USB devices without endlessly fucking with udev permissions?23:17
bazhangno cursing here Avery3R_23:17
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kottenAvery3R_if you add your user to plugdev group23:19
kottenso like...23:19
kottenusermod -a -G plugdev <username>23:19
kottenDoes that work?23:19
Avery3R_yep, thanks23:20
TJ-moloney: I'm debugging the script. When it reads te LSB header it doesn't get the levels from it23:20
moloneyTJ-: thanks for looking at it23:21
TJ-moloney: OK. Unless this happened when I copied from your pastebin, the script appears to have /n/r line endings ("hexdump -C /etc/init.d/haroute | less")23:23
TJ-moloney: Right. Fixed those (must have come via the pastebin). Now i get the errors you reported23:25
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TechEffigyso back to the last two days problem23:27
TechEffigymy resolution is all wrong and xrandr doesnt even help23:27
TechEffigyand it looks like pixel stretching is happening on the bottom of the screen23:28
TechEffigyso i installed ubuntu server, no gui, and it still has the wrong resolution and pixels are still stretching23:28
TJ-moloney: ahh, man-page does say this behaviour: "If  defaults  is used then update-rc.d will make links to start the service in runlevels 2345 and to stop the service in runlevels 016"23:28
TechEffigywhat does that mean?23:28
moloneyTJ-: Right, it talks about "legacy mode" using the command line arguments and "default mode" using the LSB headers.  But using the "defaults" arg is not the same as asking for the "default mode".  But how do I get this "default mode" behavior?23:30
TJ-moloney: I think the man-page is behind the times, it is dated 200523:32
moloneyTJ-:  But surely there is a way to avoid "legacy mode"...23:34
wafflejockTechEffigy: can try adjusting your grub graphics potentially http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2211966 believe that's all that will be used until a DE is started using X at which point I think it starts trying to use whatever graphics card drivers, not entirely sure on when that hand off happens though or what the tty is using23:34
TJ-moloney: found the changelog entry that appears to indicate that functionality is gone23:36
TJ-moloney: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12719378/23:36
moloneyTJ-:  AHA!  If you delete /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering then it will try to do it... and fail because "insserv" is not on the path... but it does try23:37
TJ-moloney: Ahhh, you have that set?23:37
moloneyTJ-:  It was set at install I guess, unless something else set it23:38
TJ-moloney: Yes, possibly in the postinst script, or due to an upgrade from an earlier release23:38
moloneyTJ-:  Seems like update-rc.d expects it to be set anyway, like I said it fails to find 'insserv' when it is deleted and thus update-rc.d breaks (unless I manually put insserv on the PATH)23:39
TJ-moloney: It's at "/usr/lib/insserv/insserv" ?23:39
moloneyTJ-:  Right, but I have to manually put that on the PATH for update-rc.d to work after deleting /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering23:40
moloneyTJ-:  And that changelog you referenced seems to indicate they expect people to call insserv themselves23:41
moloneyTJ-:  Of course the insserv man pages says "It is not recommended to execute insserv directly unless you know  exactly  what  you're doing,  doing so may render your boot system inoperable"23:42
hardyredHi If I am told a folder is in ~/.testFolder/ where would I look to find this in Ubuntu?23:42
TechEffigygrub didnt work23:43
TechEffigystarting to think its a bios problem23:43
wileeehardyred, home hidden  ctrl-h to show23:43
TJ-moloney: yeah, I think it is a result of bit-rot and different maintainers for different packages23:44
hardyredwileee: thank you23:44
moloneyTJ-: Should I be using upstart to do this?  (at least until systemd replaces it)23:44
wileeeno problem23:44
TJ-moloney: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/12719448/23:46
TJ-moloney: it'd probably be less pain :)23:47
TJ-moloney: Are you doing this for packaging, or just for a single system? If the latter, you can do it manually with "update-rc.d haroute start X . stop Y23:48
moloneyTJ-:  Just setting up my own systems and was surprised by the behavior23:49
TJ-moloney: create a symlink "sudo ln is /usr/lib/insserv/insserv /usr/sbin/insserv" maybe?23:50
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TJ-TechEffigy: can you "dmesg | pastebinit"23:51
moloneyTJ-:  Well it looks like insserv rewrote all my /etc/rc*.d/* links, and not for the better (although it did handle my one custom init scrip correctly). So I think I will just do it manually with update-rc.d or use upstart23:53
TJ-moloney: it did all?23:54
TJ-moloney: was that by calling it yourself, or via the update-rc.d call-out23:54
moloneyTJ-: yeah, I have a couple of identical systems and the one I ran insserv on is now having booting/shutdown issues.  I compared the /etc/rc*.d/ directories and they are all changed23:55
moloneyTJ-: not sure which call did it23:55
TJ-moloney: Well, that is what insserv is supposed to do. It is at the mercy of the LSB headers - only needs one incorrect and it can mess up the entire thing23:56
mtyoncolbazhang: is willing to start.23:56
moloneyTJ-:  Yeah not a big deal, I can reconfigure the server easily enough. It was a learning experience ;)23:57
TJ-moloney: sure was. Thankfully systemd mostly manages to figure those things out correctly23:58
moloneyTJ-:  Thanks for the help23:58

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