
knomeGurkenglas, it looks like you are running out of space00:06
Gurkenglasknome, what space? hard drive disc space? ram?00:07
knomeGurkenglas, if you actually looked at the output, you might learn something00:07
knomeGurkenglas, "cannot create file ... no space left on device"00:08
knomewhat do you think that refers to?00:08
Gurkenglasa device that does not have enough free bytes00:08
Gurkenglaswhich could be memory or disc space00:08
Gurkenglasbut the way youre asking the question suggests disc space00:09
knomeare *files* created on ram?00:09
GurkenglasOkay, so you can't create files in ram. Got it.00:09
knomeyou're doing other silly things in the output you are showing us as well00:09
knomewhat exactly are you even trying to achieve?00:09
GurkenglasBuilding ghc00:10
Gurkenglasultimately to get a Haskell IDE00:10
knomeis there any reason why you don't use the ghc package from the repositories?00:10
Gurkenglasapt-get install ghc? That's iirc from iirc a few hours ago 7.6.3, the current version is 7.10.200:11
knomei repeat: is there any reason why you need something else than what is in the repositories?00:12
knomeand if you are running 14.04, your OS is a few years old too.00:12
knomeapparently wily has 7.8-series if that makes a difference00:13
GurkenglasI asked for a distribution that wouldn't lag in a vm and was recommended xubuntu, the latest version of it is iirc 14.0400:13
bazhangand 15.10 is around the corner00:13
knomeGurkenglas, do you know anything about compiling packages or are you just stabbing in the dark?00:14
knome*compiling software00:16
GurkenglasAre the repositories what apt-get install accesses? If so, 7.6.3 misses language features used by a project I'm helping develop in Haskell. ghc-mod wouldn't install on windows due to a dependency, so i dusted off VirtualBox. I mostly don't know anything about compiling packages, but someone on another irc channel said to compile it myself, who is since gone00:16
knomethat's what it looks like to me00:16
knomei would suggest using a PPA instead of compiling stuff yourself if you really need an updated version00:17
knomei just checked that there is a PPA with a newer version...00:17
GurkenglasPPA? Do you guess that googling would lead me to my goal here?00:18
knome!ppa | Gurkenglas, but you should know this before you dive into PPAs00:18
ubottuGurkenglas, but you should know this before you dive into PPAs: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:18
knomeGurkenglas, totally.00:18
knomeand to be exact, even the haskell site suggests the same PPA on the downloads for linux page00:20
knomeGurkenglas, one more friendly advice: please even try to understand what you are doing before you do something - stop to think, stop to READ - and you'll get much farther00:21
=== NegativeFlare_ is now known as NegativeFlare
jujunHello! Can sb help me? I've just installed Xubuntu 14.04.3 LTS. Unfortunately I ticked automatic login when installing. How to change it in order to log in manually?07:25
jujunnewbie here07:25
flocculantjujun: open a terminal and run this please   cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf | pastebinit07:29
flocculantthen give the url you get, should be that file doing it - but things change07:29
flocculantsudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf07:31
flocculantput a # in front of every line07:31
flocculantthen ctrl +x , y, enter07:32
jujunlike this? #autologin-guest=false07:32
flocculantyou can run the pastebinit command after you've finished if you want me to check07:33
flocculantyep - should be fine then :)07:35
jujunso I'm going to reboot the system now to check if it works ;)07:36
jujunEverything is allright now!07:42
jujunThank you for your help ;)07:42
flocculantthought it would be :)07:42
jujunsee you later, guys ;)07:44
xubuntu40wHey there!  just up'ed to 15.04 and an seeing my "Desktop" settings pane freeze consistently16:10
xubuntu40wanyone up to help diagnose?/16:10
xubuntu056i try install ia32-libs on xubuntu 14.02 but i cannot install it16:57
xubuntu056very problems and errors16:57
xubuntu056i working in amd64 and this librery is need for run maple 1316:58
flocculantia32-libs is not available for anything after 12.04 now17:00
xubuntu056whats is the solution?17:00
xubuntu056thanks for write17:00
flocculantwhat is maple13?17:00
xubuntu056is a scientific software of mathematical manipulation17:01
xubuntu056this library is needed for skype  to17:02
flocculantbut you must be getting it from somewhere - it's not available in the repo's17:02
mrkrampsxubuntu056, actually there should be an install script vor Maple 2013 for 64-bit systems17:02
bazhang!info skype partner17:02
ubottuskype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:02
bazhangenable the partner repos17:03
flocculantlooks like for skype you enable the architecture17:03
xubuntu056in wich version of ubuntu this library is available?17:04
xubuntu056or wich flavor?17:05
flocculant12.04 Ubuntu I guess - probably Kubuntu, not sure any other flavours are supporting that now17:06
xubuntu056very thanks17:07
xubuntu59ii need help17:21
xubuntu59ihelp me, please17:21
flocculant!ask | xubuntu59i17:23
ubottuxubuntu59i: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:23
xubuntu59iI can not get rid of tearing . Graphics card Nvidia 820m. Xubuntu 15.10. Probyval more , nothing helped .17:26
flocculantmmm - installed the nvidia driver or using nouveau?17:38
flocculantdon't think you're the only one with issues with nvidia in wily17:39
morfnvidia makes lot of my days17:40
morffor example i can't freaking rotate my monitor17:40
morfnouveau no problem17:40
morfdamn he leaved17:40
morfi could tell him about the tearing17:41
xubuntu23whey guys, short question: in power manager settings, I can chose values for display sleep and display switch off. I tested them and cannot make out any difference between both modes. so, what is the difference then?18:02
qknighthey. installing libsdl1.2-dev on xubuntu 14.04 was no problem while ubuntu 14.04 had unment dependencies19:03
qknightanyone an idea why? my ubuntu 14.04 seems to be broken when using it for software development as some things just can't be installed because of unment dependencies19:04
qknightbut i would like to understand why as i always thought ubuntu and xubuntu is pretty much the same distribution, except the windowmanager19:04
flocculantI'd double check the repos in Ubuntu then19:07
Piciqknight: what sort of dependency issues?19:13
qknightPici: http://blog.lastlog.de/posts/ubuntu-14.04-apt_problems/ <- this is a posting i wrote some time back19:14
qknightPici: it is exactly what i'm talking about19:14
Piciqknight: hm.. I was hoping it was python related because there is an outstanding issue out there that just came up the other day whose workaround I'm aware of.19:16
flocculantPici: that allows things to install in xubuntu but not ubuntu?19:17
Piciflocculant: no, it has to do with an update that was deleted, so that different installs might see different things depending on if they had grabbed the update while it was available.19:18
Picibug 1500768 ftr19:18
ubottubug 1500768 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "python3.4.3 SRU break requests" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150076819:18
flocculantaah right - that'd be a pain19:18
flocculantqknight: if it installs ok in xubuntu - and I asssume you've still got the packages in the apt cache - maybe copy everything to the ubuntu one19:19
flocculantjust seems rather odd if everything is equal19:20
qknightflocculant: i didn't chekc it is the same or equal. i just supposed so19:27
qknightflocculant: in both cases i installed from an iso image so it keeps me wondering why ubuntu fails and xubuntu works...19:27
qknightxubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso vs ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso19:28
flocculantqknight: just a sec - booting our's in a vm19:28
flocculantgrabbed the ubuntu iso too - installing that19:38
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flocculantqknight: ok - so installed both ubuntu and xubuntu - (currently both are at 14.04.3) package is available in both, installing in both19:52
flocculantqknight: you got any ppa's in ubuntu that might be causing a problem?19:52
qknightflocculant: that is good news. so maybe it is 14.04(missing number) related19:52
flocculantcould be - though generally if you had 14.04 and upgraded when required you would have 14.04.319:53
qknightflocculant: you know what, i will just redownload 14.04.3 (as you did) and replace my template VM with that19:58
qknightflocculant: thanks for pointing out that it works for you19:58
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu76whey guys, quick question.. if I install the beta 2 will I be able to just apt-get update/upgrade to the final release? -_^20:19
flocculantbut that's rather pointless20:19
flocculantjust grab the daily and it will already have the updates ...20:19
xubuntu76wflocculant: what I mean is that I'm going to do a full install and I don't want to do another when the final release arrives =D20:20
flocculantyou can get that from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/340/builds - you can also post the results of installing it :)20:20
xubuntu76wflocculant: thanks for the help :D20:20
flocculantxubuntu76w: even so - all that b2 is a point milestone20:20
flocculantpointless now - we're well past that20:20
flocculantonce you've installed - update it and yes you'll have the final20:21
flocculantif you wait till midweek next week - we'll be into RC freeze20:21
xubuntu76wflocculant: nice, thanks man!20:22
flocculantplease report though - we don't get much in the way of reports - so conseqently we don't hear about issues people have20:23
flocculantit really is quite important to us :)20:23
xubuntu76wwill do!20:23
flocculantexcellent :)20:24
kozukumii have just installed xubuntu and i am trying to install the intel graphics driver21:19
kozukumibut as i am using 15.04 beta it is saying distro not supported :(21:19
kozukumiis there a way to manually install?21:19
flocculantyou're using which version?21:20
kozukumiversion of what? the intel driver?21:20
kozukumisorry 15.1021:21
kozukumii was using 15.04 but decided to give the beta a try21:21
flocculantjust thought I would make sure ...21:21
flocculantif you can get the actual intel version - I'll see if I can find something21:22
kozukumithank you21:22
flocculantinxi -G |pastebinit21:22
flocculant(I think ... )21:22
flocculantif I can't help - then at least others won't need to ask21:23
kozukumii would be so happy to get it working with the intel driver :)21:30
kozukumias i have everything working so well otherwise, it is amazing21:30
flocculantkozukumi: hang on - where does it say 'distro not supported' ?21:31
kozukumiflocculant, when i tried using the intel graphical installer21:32
flocculantkozukumi: ok - so settings > additional drivers, what's in there?21:32
kozukuminothing, just an intel cpu microcode driver, which i have enabled21:33
flocculantok - so currently no driver available there for your card21:33
kozukumiok i will go back to 15.04 which should have the driver i hope?21:34
flocculantand what is it like with whatever it boots with by default?21:34
kozukumiit works at proper res but i dont get hw acceleration in firefox which is annoying21:34
flocculantaah ok21:35
flocculantkozukumi: try #ubuntu+121:35
kozukumii want to switch away from windows you see21:35
flocculantwe try to do xubuntu dev in here once we're into beta's - but that channel is a dev version generic one21:35
kozukumiok thanks :)21:36
kozukumiand thanks for you looking into it for me!21:36
flocculantyou're welcome21:37
kozukumii will install 15.04 now and pop back when i am done :)21:37
kozukumiall fixed in 15.04 :)22:21
kozukumiis there a simple way to make the window edges hitbox bigger for resize controls?22:22
knomekozukumi, http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/22:23
kozukuminot the kind of answer i was hoping for22:25
knomenone of the five answers?22:25
mrkrampskozukumi, you may also try a different theme for the window manager22:25
kozukumigood place to look for themes?22:26
knomekozukumi, maybe you need to send a patch then...22:26
kozukumiknome, if I am ever able to I will :)22:26
mrkrampskozukumi, best place to look for themes is the official package repository22:26
kozukumithank you22:26
mrkrampskozukumi, try the package "xfwm4-themes"22:27
knomesome themes are preinstalled so you can try if they work better for you22:27
flocculantkozukumi: this was shown to me shortly after you left http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/09/intel-graphics-installer-for-linux-adds-support-for-ubuntu-15-04 - comments there make it plain this doesn't work in 15.10 yet22:29
mrkrampseventually, you can also edit the default greybird theme to increase the bottom edge of the window border22:29
kozukumithank you flocculant :)22:29
kozukumimrkramps, "eventually" as in not today? :)22:30
flocculantfrankly I find alt + mouse key easier than trying to grab any edge - which will cheer knome up :)22:30
mrkramps"eventually" as in "if everything else fails"22:30
knomekozukumi, you can do it now if you have the skills22:30
mrkrampswhich btw. is the completely wrong meaning of this word, but well …22:32
kozukumithanks all!22:34

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