
coreycbthedac, thx I pushed swift-proxy with tests fixed up00:11
thedaccoreycb: did that get pushed up? I don't see it.02:03
coreycbthedac, it's pushed up now, along with swift-storage and ceilometer-agent04:02
apuimedojamespage: answered your comments in https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charms/trusty/nova-cloud-controller/midonet/+merge/27371712:12
coreycbgnuoy`, I pushed to the swift-storage status mp again if you want to take a look12:16
gnuoy`coreycb, will do, thanks12:17
coreycbgnuoy`, swift-proxy is also ready for re-review12:18
coreycbgnuoy`, thanks12:18
jamespagegnuoy`, morning12:19
jamespagehey apuimedo - will look shortly12:20
apuimedothanks jamespage12:20
apuimedohttps://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charms/trusty/neutron-api/midonet/+merge/273772 as well12:29
jamespageapuimedo, erm I can seen any response on either of those two merges?12:35
jamespagecan't rather12:35
apuimedolet me check12:38
apuimedojamespage: sorry about that, forgot to press save. They should be visible now12:39
apuimedoI'm a launchpad noob :P12:41
jrwrenis there a debugging guide for juju. Something I can follow when juju won't deploy new services or machines and the debug-log output seems to end 10 hours ago?12:55
apuimedojamespage: I submitted the fix to charm-helpers to add the missing relation (neutron-api/next will need to be synched again)14:00
jamespageapuimedo, does MidonetContext get used elsewhere? otherwise lets avoid a ch-sync task and just drop it into the contexts for neuton-api itself14:02
apuimedojamespage: at the moment only in neutron-api14:03
jamespageapuimedo, direct into neutron-api then is fine14:03
apuimedojamespage: right. I thought about that too14:03
apuimedoso I'll put it there :P14:03
apuimedojamespage: anything about the other comments I made?14:03
jamespageapuimedo, still looking14:03
apuimedogood, thanks14:03
jamespageapuimedo, responded on nova-cc - I don't think config gets passed to all templates14:08
apuimedommm, I tested this one like a month ago14:09
jamespageapuimedo, NovaConfigContext14:09
apuimedobut I'll test it again14:09
jamespagedoes the same thing that you'll need14:09
apuimedojamespage: https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charms/trusty/neutron-api/midonet/+merge/273772 should address your comments14:27
jamespageapuimedo, I'm not sure the relative pathing for key file open calls will work14:30
apuimedoI'll try it14:30
jamespagehooks run from the toplevel of the charm14:30
jamespageapuimedo, it might be better to use the charm_dir function to fully specify it14:30
jamespagethats in hookenv I think14:31
apuimedolet's see14:31
apuimedoI'll read that method up14:31
jamespageos.path.join(charm_dir(), 'files/midonet.key')14:31
apuimedoI didn't know about that one ;-)14:31
jamespageapuimedo, a unit test to cover the changes in neutron_api_utils.py would help validate that one way or the other14:32
jamespagethat should be pretty trivial14:32
apuimedowhat should it cover? installation of the source?14:33
jamespageapuimedo, it should validate that given plugin == midonet and source being one of mem/midonet, that the right calls are made to add_source14:34
jamespagejust exercise the code paths appropriately14:34
jamespageapuimedo, also my comment on the neutron.conf changes was wrong14:34
jamespagethe change to the juno file disables loadbalancer and firewall for anything other that midonet14:35
jamespageI think it needs to reflect the way you did it in the kilo neutron.conf file14:35
jamespageif midonet14:35
apuimedojamespage: it should just be != "midonet"14:37
apuimedoprobably a typo14:37
jamespageapuimedo, not sure but right now it will regress other plugins14:38
apuimedoI'll push the fix now14:38
jamespageapuimedo, I'm assuming that14:38
jamespage+service_provider = LOADBALANCER:Midonet:midonet.neutron.services.loadbalancer.driver.MidonetLoadbalancerDriver:default14:38
jamespagedoes not have juno context then?14:38
apuimedoI think we did not have our own load balancer then14:39
apuimedoI'll double check14:39
apuimedojamespage: fix pushed14:49
jamespageapuimedo, I really would like to see unit tests for the code additions to this charm - the new context and the source configuration specifically15:00
jamespageapuimedo, also can i ask why the username and password is not passed over the midonet relation, and is provided by config instead?15:00
jamespageI may have already asked that at some point in the past..15:00
jamespagecan't remember15:00
apuimedojamespage: It used to be fetched from a charm called midonet-repository that you told me to remove and make the repo configuration be config and not a relation15:01
jamespageapuimedo, oh - sorry being dumb - that's not the password to access midonet services - just the repos...15:02
apuimedomidonet-api is not the owner of the repo information15:02
jamespageapuimedo, I woke up to early15:02
apuimedono problem15:02
* jamespage <- jetlagged15:02
apuimedowhere did you fly?15:03
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rbasakIs there any way to set Juju's default placement? So I don't need to say --to lxc:0 all the time with the manual provider, for example?15:58
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josejcastro: ping17:58
Iceyis there a way to say that the other side of this relation has to be finished before running?17:59
joseIcey: could you give a little more context?18:04
Iceyworking on a charm that uses the elasticsearch relation18:04
Iceythe elasticsearch charm manages UFW18:04
Iceyour charm is trying to create an index in Elasticsearch but sometimes fails if it's relation-changed hook runs before elasticsearch's has opened up the ports18:05
joseprobably because there's no way for your charm to reach elasticsearch?18:05
josetry adding a check to see if the port is open before running18:05
Iceyyeah, was just hoping to have more than an infinite loop to wait on the port18:09
joseIcey: would you mind doing a paste of your relation-changed hook? I wanna check something real quick18:10
Iceythe part that's failing is in https://github.com/cholcombe973/ceph-metrics-collector/blob/master/hooks/hooks.py#L18118:14
Icey / https://github.com/cholcombe973/ceph-metrics-collector/blob/master/hooks/hooks.py#L12718:14
joseIcey: I think what you need to do there is check if elasticsearch has already set values for the relation, don't just run. your charm is running even though ES is not ready18:32
cholcombejose, for relation_get is the unit the ip addr of the ES unit?18:42
cholcombejose, i'm also working on Icey's problem18:43
joseI know, but what did you mean with your last question?18:43
cholcombewell you said grab the values that ES is setting with relation_get18:43
joseyes. elasticsearch will set relation values once the unit is ready for a relaiton18:44
cholcombejose, ok great18:45
josetbh, I don't know what those values are since I don't know the interface, but they should be documented somewhere18:45
joseotherwise, checking the charm source will do18:45
cholcombeyeah i'm looking18:45
cholcombejose, if that relation value isn't set can i return 0 and expect to have my changed hook get called again or is it a one shot deal?18:48
josecholcombe: that's right! when the values change it will count as a relation change, meaning that the relation-changed hook will run again18:48
cholcombejose, ok cool18:48
cholcombei wonder why juju is calling me before the relation values are set18:48
josebecause a relation-joined is followed by a relation-changed18:49
cholcombei see18:49
bdxHow's it going everyone?? Are there are any plans in the works for an official repo for layers and interfaces? ....If not, an official general location for interfaces and layers would be sweet, and would also make the development and usage workflow much nicer:-)19:36
bdxjuju-solutions, core: I am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726889/ when trying to login with launchpad to http://interfaces.juju.solutions/19:40
bdxI assume it is because I am not in a group with the correct permissions19:43
asanjardoes anyone know what this error means http://paste.ubuntu.com/12727715/21:00
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lazypowerasanjar, o/21:15
lazypowerasanjar, that looks like something went awry with the storage manager. what version of juju?21:15
asanjarhi lazypower juju --version ==> 1.24.6-vivid-ppc64el21:23
lazypowerasanjar, Storage got a massive revamp in 1.25. If you're not opposed to running from the devel ppa, that error message *should* go away.21:24
asanjarokay will do21:26
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