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yarn_witchi've never installed a linux distro myself, but im attempting to put kubuntu onto a thinkpad T61 tonight. Will anyone be around if I have awkward first-timer questions?01:31
abrahamsyarn_witch: if you are completely new to linux, you will probably be more effective Googling your questions than asking on IRC01:50
abrahamsMany people have taken the time to write good answers to most beginner questions, whereas here it's all off-the-cuff01:51
yarn_witchI'm doing that currently, and hoping maybe I don't have to ask, but if it comes up, its nice to know there's a cushion of some sort. Everyone starts somewhere, right?01:52
yarn_witchaaand already messed up... apparently wubi installs it within the windows partition, so i can't get rid of windows afterward. so sayeth google.01:57
abrahamsIs formatting HDD an option?02:04
yarn_witchI wouldn't miss anything on it. Unless you're asking if it gave an option, then no. I see a few ways to do non-Wubi, but I am still reading.02:06
abrahamsWhat I recommend is creating a live USB02:17
abrahamsBoot the computer from the USB02:18
yarn_witchI read that that would destroy any other files on the USB, is that correct?02:18
yarn_witchI'd be happy to move them over if that works.02:18
abrahamsYeah, you'll have to format the USB02:18
yarn_witchI can live with that. Thank you for helping so far. I'm going to move some work documents and then see how that works.02:19
abrahamsNo problem.02:19
yarn_witchI got a permission denied error on the wubi install anyway. Should I be worried? Let me check the log file for info...02:21
abrahamsWell if you're wiping the machine, doesn't matter if some stuff got messed up.02:22
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yarn_witchfair enough02:27
yarn_witchits working! and i am excited02:52
yarn_witchyou're magic, abrahams02:52
abrahamsThank the fine contributors of the debian/ubuntu/kubuntu stack, not me02:54
yarn_witchrebooted perfectly03:14
yarn_witchno more windows03:15
abrahamsVery nice.03:16
abrahamsOne thing I recommend, sudo apt-get install muon03:16
abrahamsIt adds a more "power-user-friendly" package manager03:16
yarn_witchit seems to already have muon03:17
yarn_witchit looks like a happy little garbage bin03:18
yarn_witchthat is blue03:18
abrahamsYou want the one with the brown cardboard box03:22
abrahamsMuon-discover I think is the default03:22
yarn_witchah. good to know03:24
abrahamsI think the other piece of advice I'd give is, the greatest thing about KDE is customization options03:29
abrahamsI'd go through the System Settings and look one by one at the different modules listed there and poke around to see what you uncover03:30
abrahamsAlso applications like Dolphin and Konsole have huge settings menus and lists of keyboard shortcuts03:31
yarn_witchi feel like i should have messed with this a long time ago.03:33
abrahamsActually I think you're joining at a great time, the KDE ecosystem is really blasting off recently since Plasma 503:35
yarn_witchthat's great to hear! haha. i guess im regretting not learning when i was living with a debian fanatic.03:36
yarn_witchthough i think this is off topic enough to move to the other room now03:36
yarn_witchmuon is updated.03:38
yarn_witchi also need to check on my python junk03:38
abrahamsCool, enjoy the new setup03:41
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Dusti[N]?join #ubuntu04:58
Dusti[N]oops sorry04:58
Dusti[N]howdy! is a question im going to probably repost in kubuntu also incase no one can help me here just FYI peeps with @'s in both. But my question is "ive had alot of errors in !5.04 and would like to go back to the LTS but not only go back but switch from ubuntu to kubuntu and have alot of downloads, pictures and documents that i can just delete so how to do this and not lose my data or crash my computer ?05:08
Dusti[N]sorry that didnt make total scents at the begining05:15
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lordievaderGood morning.07:12
amichairHow does one configure mouse button actions (beyond the standard 3)? (Kubuntu 15.04)08:07
soeeamichair: oh that i dont know08:17
soeemaybe you need some special driver for it but i'm not sure08:17
soeelordievader: do you know maybe more ^?08:18
lordievaderxmodmap maybe?08:19
amichairsoee: the buttons are properly detected (e.g. show up with xev), so I don't think it's a driver issue - the question is how to configure what they do. System settings only seem to cover the 3 standard buttons...08:19
lordievaderRarely do anything with mouse keys, I'm a keyboard guy.08:19
hateballKDE itself only knows about 3 buttons iirc, but you can use other apps to assign the buttons to actions08:21
hateballhowever the buttons should work like expected in say firefox or chromium, ootb08:21
amichairhateball: back/forward indeed work in FF, but I can't find where that configuration comes from, how they can be changed (globally or in other apps), and how to change another button which seems to do nothing...08:22
hateballI don't know either, I just go with "magic"08:27
hateballamichair: I dunno if imwheel is still a thing, you might have some luck using that08:28
hateballI remember using it many years ago08:28
tahaanToday's update just decided it should uninstall random things.  Kate.  Quassel.  Dolphin.  Calligra.* Akregator.  And about 50 others.08:48
soeetahaan: on what Kubuntu version  ?08:48
soeeRiddell: do we had some updates there that might cause this ^ ?08:49
tahaanI'm adding things I care about back in and nothing clashes with anything else yet08:50
Riddellum I don't know of any update to 14.0408:54
tahaanI don't think it is safe to reboot now.08:57
tahaan270 packages removed!08:57
ghostcubewoah the sddm screen and the foowing splash can cause eye cancer srsly08:58
soeetahaan: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop08:58
tahaansoee: 0 upgraded, 121 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:59
tahaanNeed to get 87,2 MB/87,2 MB of archives.08:59
tahaanObviously I'm letting it go on.08:59
tahaanWhy is the apt log so quickly overwritten.09:06
tahaanFortunately I made a backup.  I need to make a list of what else I need to re-install.09:07
hateballtahaan: in /var/log/apt/ you should have a whole bunch of rotated logs09:09
hateballThey should not be overwritten09:10
tahaanOh, I just looked at the last one.  THanx09:10
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BluesKaj'Morning all10:58
RefleX-mrlhi all. could i use openelec backups for kubuntu? :|11:01
hateballHow patient11:03
P4Hi! Where can I find logs of this channel?11:53
soeeP4: check in home folder in "logs" folder11:54
soeeoh wait, what IRC client ae you using ?11:54
P4soee: I am using weechat and was here days back and asked a question. I would like to re-ask the same question on #ubuntu as here nobody answered and I have no session available to leave. I do not log in weechat but I received an on-join message that the channel is logged. Therefore I asked about logs published by the channel logged on-line and not my client11:55
P4Also I am interested in searching previous chats that happened when I was not on-line11:56
soeethere are login online available for this channel im sure11:56
soeeP4: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/11:56
P4https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ has nothing related or I am just blind11:57
P4oh thank you soee11:57
BluesKajP4, why not just repeat your question now?12:01
P4Okay find my problem details back and since I can see more activity than before I will ask here again. So I am trying to do-release-upgrade which segfaults. pudb reports that on line 8 an exception occurs: "ImportError: No module named DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeVersion". Maybe somebody could point me the right direction to resolve this issue. apt-get dist-upgrade reports nothing to do.12:01
P4That is exactly what I wanted to try ;)12:01
BluesKajP4, are you on a LTS?12:03
BluesKajfirst of all make sure all packages on your present OS are up to date12:04
P4how can I check that, BluesKaj? apt sources reports stuff like deb http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ utopic main restricted then with multiverse, universe and other. apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade reports nothing to be done12:05
BluesKajP4, run sudo apt upgrade, don't skip to dist-upgrade12:06
P4I would rather focus on the package that provides DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeVersion but I may be wrong. I do all apt stuff as root but will confirm the upgrade in a moment.12:07
BluesKajif you see any packages held back then run dis-upgrade12:07
BluesKajerr dist-upgrade12:08
P4okay, so nothing to be done by upgrade either. previously updating the repos went straight forward but now I can see some hits some ignored and some 404 :/ wanna see pastebin of the refresh? by the way, on debian testing I use to ommit upgrade without any issues but now following your guidelines.12:10
P4nothing on hold either12:11
BluesKajok , from which OS are upgrading and to which OS do you want to upgrade?12:11
P4How can I check my current OS release? I just booted this system after a long time and there was a systray message that there is a new release so I went to GUI updater which reported nothing to be update but on top of the window found that there is new release just like the systray baloon reported. release upgrading with GUI does nothing so I went to console and found segfault.12:13
lordievaderP4: Is 'ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' installed?12:14
P4dpkg -l | grep release | grep core"12:15
P4"dpkg -l | grep release | grep core" reports that it is12:15
humehi... anywhere I can post a screenshot of my desktop so I can ask for help with it?12:16
P4Isn't it about some python pachages broken not providing DistUpgrade.DistUpgradeVersion?12:16
BluesKajP4, lsb_release -a12:16
P4release 14.10 codename utopic12:16
BluesKajP4, have you edited your sources.list and added some non default repositories?12:17
lordievaderIt could have to do with utopic being EOL.12:18
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:18
P4BluesKaj: could be, my source.list is at http://pastebin.ca/318710512:19
P4will check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades thanks for a hint lordievader12:19
humeok... here's a problem. See my screendump at http://picpaste.com/snapshot1-qMWGSAWX.png. How do I get rid of the strange grey field at the bottom? It's there after changing resolution. Nothing happens when right-clicking on it. I don't know what it is12:20
P4btw source.list.d includes no files12:21
P4oh, seems 14.10 is EOL. will focus on upgrading to 15.10 following EOLUpgrade wiki page12:24
BluesKajP4, do you have separate / and /home partitions?12:28
P4Should be not. mount reports only / mounted (and /home/.ecryptfs/user/.Private but I believe this is not the case)12:29
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BluesKajP4, there's a method to change the sources list to the target OS, then update and upgrade , but I'm not sure that will work without breaking someting12:35
P4will check that. in case of a break I can always install from scratch but I would prefer to have my config in place. thanks for helping. will play some and return in case of questions. :)12:38
BluesKajP4, I can gibe you the command that will change your sources.list if you wish12:39
P4if you'd be that kind to do so then you are welcome very much :) something with sed I guess12:40
BluesKajsudo sed -i 's/utopic/vivid/' /etc/apt/sources.list12:40
P4can i replace vivid with wily in your command?12:41
BluesKajno, you can't skip OSs without breaking the system12:42
P4oh, it is not release yet. will wait with wily till Oct 22. ah, so step by step. okay12:43
BluesKajyes, but you can upgrade to Wily from Vivid ...Wily beta2 is available12:44
BluesKajif you feel adventurous and and don't rquire a stable release12:45
P4I'm a fanboy of testing/unstable releases on my home boxes everytime ;)12:45
P4okay, upgrade want to get 1.2GB of data. will close all programs to get better performane and avoid possible issues. thanks for great support, talk to you later \o12:47
BluesKajok, then after installing Vivid and it's up to date , run sudo do-release-upgrade -d , to upgrade to Wily , the -d means development release12:47
P4will focus on the first step first ;)12:47
BluesKajok , good luck12:47
humehi again....anyone got any ideas on the grey field at the bottom of this screen? http://picpaste.com/snapshot1-qMWGSAWX.png12:51
BluesKajhume, which gpu and driver are you using?12:52
BluesKajhume, which graphics card for starters12:55
humeBluesKaj, lspci says this: "VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107 [GeForce GT 640] (rev a1)"13:00
humeI use a nvidia driver, version 34.9613:02
humeii  nvidia-346                                           346.59-0ubuntu1                            amd64        NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.5913:02
BluesKajhume, ok, have you updated and upgraded lately ?13:04
humeyes, very recently13:04
humethis happened after connecting remotely via nomachine, and resizing the desktop13:05
BluesKajahhh, that puts a different light on the matter, I have no idea how to use NX or what your problem might be, sorry13:08
humeyeah, well, it seems not to be related to NX, but being caused by the resizing of the desktop13:09
BluesKajmaybe some one else has experience with it13:09
humethis only occurs in plasma, no other desktop - right now I use Mate13:09
lordievaderWhat happens when you set an alternative resolution?13:10
humewelll.....everyting gets garbled.... then when I switch to a terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F1) and then back (Alt-F7), I get a lower resolution, but the grey matter remains13:11
humemy feeling is that there is something wrong with kwin or whatever is producing the desktop - is there a way to reset it, back to scratch?13:12
lordievaderhume: Does a new account have the same problem?13:12
humehavent tested, let me try13:12
humelordievader, no, a new user gets a clean desktop, no grey banner13:17
lordievaderhume: Right, I'd rename your ~/.local/share/kscreen folder.13:19
humethen log in again?13:20
humelordievader, yes, it's solved! thanks!13:30
humebye for now13:30
lordievaderNo problem.13:30
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Guest8529Please forgive noobness, I'm a recent Linux convert, started with Gnome, dissatisfied, wishing to make KDE leap. Is Kubuntu best way to go? So many distros with KDE to choose from.14:45
kaeferligenerally speaking: any *ubuntu system fits for beginners14:46
Guest8529kaeferli: Thanks, I was thinking same. OpenSuse looks interesting, but I'm baffled by the partitioning in the installer. I need to dual boot with Win10, and that installer frightened me too much.14:48
Guest8529Ubuntu seems more straightforward and seems to assume I may wish to dual boot.14:49
BluesKajGuest8529, I've been on Kubuntu/KDE for over 10yrs because it's so configurable, but like any DE it's a matter of taste and requirements14:49
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:49
Guest8529Thanks, BluesKaj. Plasma 5 looks so sweet, and I've read many positive reviews.14:50
Guest8529BluesKaj and kaeferli: I'll download and give it a shot. Thanks for your thoughts.14:51
PhoenixzWhat is the future for Kubuntu? I've been reading a lot of "15.10" will be the last one and that's it due to bullcrap from Ubuntu.. Any views on this? Also, since 15.04 was a disaster, and 15.10 so far seems to be going more and more in the direction of 15.04 for some reason, I have little hope that I'll still be using kubuntu in a month time, really don't like that prospect14:51
BluesKajPhoenixz, don't believe internet rumours, especially about Kubuntu, none of that BS is true14:53
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PhoenixzBluesKaj: Okay, that's great to hear.. But will it also get cleaned up? 15.04 was just unworkable on my laptop.. I've squirmed through the nightmare that was that release for 2 weeks until I upgraded to 15.10, which worked quite reasonable for being a pre alpha at that time, but in the past few weeks, new updates seem to revert problems I was having in 15.04 as well (my loging screen is a black screen, again, for example, loads14:55
Phoenixz of crashes, etc).. I really don't understand it that 15.10 did not have them and now suddely its like its receiving those bugs from 15.04 somehow..14:55
PhoenixzAlso, Is it correct that Kubuntu is now sponsored by Blue Systems?14:56
svend-evGood morning14:59
BluesKajPhoenixz, yes to your question about Blue Systems, 15.10 beta 2 is available in the dailies and it's much more stable now15:00
BluesKajPhoenixz, if you have / and /home partitions then a daily image will take about 30mins to install if you just set the mountpoint for /home and install the OS to /15:02
BluesKajand use manual partitioning15:03
PhoenixzBluesKaj: I'm currently running 15.10, already since like a month after the official release of 15.04, and it was stable in the beginning and has become a whole lot less stable ever since.. Right now, when I boot up,  I get a black screen.. I know its the login screen, because I can type my password and it will go to the desktop..  If screen is turned off due to me not using hte computer, there is a 50% chance it will stay15:04
Phoenixzblack and stop responding to keyboard (CTRL-ALT-F1 won't even work)..  Sometimes it locks the screen but forgets to show the unlock screen for like 10 minutes, so I have to sit and stare to my dekstop without being able to do any work untile the lock screen finally shows up.. I've had  all these problems in 15.04, then 15.10 did not have them, now it does again, and that is very frustratiung to say the least15:04
PhoenixzBluesKaj: Could I do an upgrade? I don't have the time to be reinstalling like that15:04
BluesKajPhoenixz, you can add the staging ppa and kubuntu-ci ppa in launchpad to your sources.list to upgrade, but installing the daily image is the recommended method of upgrading a development OS15:08
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PhoenixzBluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stage for kubuntu-ci ppa, but which one would the staging be?15:15
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BluesKajPhoenixz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications15:20
BluesKajPhoenixz, note, Work in progress KDE Applications packages, do not use unless testing packaging (and remove it from apt sources afterwards)15:22
PhoenixzBluesKaj: Well, I've been using 15.10 basically a month after 15.04 was released, and it was stable enough.. I'm willing to give that a try because current situation cannot be worse, realistically.. I'm actually considering reinstalling 14.10 again, that at least just worked15:25
PhoenixzBluesKaj: Thanks for the info!15:25
BluesKajPhoenixz, 14.10 is EOL, no longer supported, suggest you install 14.04LTS since it's still still Long Term Support15:27
BluesKaj'scuse the repitition15:27
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denza242so uh15:57
denza242i have a broken package which is holding back my other packages from being upgraded15:58
denza242er, "partially installed" package15:58
denza242but actually it's installed15:58
denza242how do I make apt ignore it15:58
KhaoticI use hexchat on 15.04. why cant i minimize and exit to the tray?16:01
denza242Setting up vstloggerpro ( ... gtk-update-icon-cache: No theme index file.16:01
denza242pls hlep16:06
denza242Khaotic: check the config16:06
Khaotici tried that16:07
Khaoticive read on the internet its something to do with plasma. and did they get rid of the oxygen theme?16:08
Khaotici miss being able to tab windows16:08
BluesKajdenza242, run sudo dpkg --configure -a16:09
denza242Setting up vstloggerpro ( ... gtk-update-icon-cache: No theme index file.16:11
denza242^this isn't an issue for me, since I don't use any gtk themes16:11
denza242BluesKaj: i tried dpkg --configure -a and i still get this16:13
BluesKajok try, sudo apt -f install16:14
denza242BluesKaj: same error16:23
BluesKajdenza242, pastebin the error please16:30
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BluesKaj!paste | denza24216:38
ubottudenza242: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:38
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viktor_hello guys, i have a question, i tried upgrade my system, but couldnt, there is a notification that say: Updates availabel and when i open it once its empty, and the notification not missing , anyone idea?17:06
kaeferlimaybe kernel upgrades?17:06
BluesKajviktor_, what are you using to update/upgrade?17:07
viktor_idk, i just have a notification icon next to the wifi icon (left corner)17:10
viktor_and sudo apt-get upgrade finishing with this : The following packages have been kept back:   libdrm-intel1 libdrm-intel1:i386 libdrm-nouveau2 libdrm-nouveau2:i386 libdrm-radeon1 libdrm-radeon1:i386 libdrm2 libdrm2:i386 libegl1-mesa libgbm1   libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libwayland-egl1-mesa17:10
BluesKajviktor_, run sudo apt dist-upgrade17:11
viktor_ok, thanks17:11
viktor_it solved, thank you Kaj17:12
denza242BluesKaj: https://paste.kde.org/pydbnrxfo/7w1md717:45
denza242sorry, I was afk17:45
BluesKajdenza242, have you seen this http://www.vernier.com/forums/logger-pro-linux/103-logger-pro-for-linux-for-ubuntu-12-and-labquest-2/17:48
denza242BluesKaj: i think it's fixed now18:05
BluesKajrun an update and upgrade to check18:07
denza242now i can finally install my BLEEDING EDGE(tm) libdrm stuff to break my X :D18:08
denza242...or not.18:09
wladymyrso.. Hello19:05
jiyuhenGood evening all19:50
sigilbaramMy EFI entries for ubuntu are multiplying. @.@ http://pastebin.com/6hEAx4pE21:13
sigilbaramSooo I deleted all those ubuntu entries and did an update-grub... It said it updated the EFI entry, but there is just windows still?21:25
DunoCan i ask how i can update kubuntu to 15.10 with terminal safe ?22:11
Dunosorry for my bad english (i'm from czech republic)22:11
bpromptDuno:    15.10 is still on RC, the final release will be till the 22nd of october, so, 13 more days22:13
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