
RlyehYesterday, I Downloaded Snappy from "http://releases.ubuntu.com/15.04/ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-bbb.img.xz"for BBB03:12
RlyehBut the system didn't boot03:12
RlyehI checked the "system-boot partition, the "uenv.txt" was empty03:12
Rlyeh"system-boot" partition03:13
RlyehAnd there was a install.yaml! It was not available in the version 1!03:14
RlyehWell, do you know how can I boot the new snappy on my BBB?03:14
RlyehShould I have to copy the uenv.txt content from version 1 to this new version? or the boot mechanism is totally changed in new version?03:16
RlyehHere is the uenv.txt in version 1, 2 and 3 -> "http://paste.ubuntu.com/12720512/"03:18
RlyehIt's same03:18
RlyehNo solution for boot problem?!!!05:49
biezpalRlyeh, afaik, uEnv.txt should be empty. There is snappy-system.txt with all required variables06:11
RlyehIt's not booting :(06:17
RlyehBBB jumps to debian on emmc06:23
tbrRlyeh: did you hold down S2 before connecting power to the BBB?06:33
clobranoBuongiorno :)06:48
fgimenezgood morning07:12
davidcalleGood morning07:24
dholbachgood morning07:28
longsleepgood morning snappy08:08
longsleepbiezpal: it is normal that uEnv.txt is empty. Snappy uses uboot.env for booting08:09
longsleepbiezpal: Do you have a serial console, to check what u-boot is doing?08:10
longsleepbiezpal: ah sorry, it was Rlyeh who asked that question08:11
biezpallongsleep, np :)08:14
ogra_well, Ryleh most likely didnt press S208:22
longsleepogra_: i should probably get a BBB for testing - S2 is a button?08:43
ogra_yeah ... also called "user button"08:44
longsleepok - and that controls what to boot or why does one have to press it?08:44
ogra_you have to hold it down for the first time you want to boot from external media (subsequent boots from SD dont need it)08:44
longsleepahh - the bbb only boots from nand by default - i get it thanks08:45
ogra_well, eMMC08:45
longsleepis the eMMC removable ?08:45
longsleepi see - can snappy also boot when put on the eMMC then?08:46
ogra_never tried :)08:46
tbrlongsleep: you can nuke the MLO on eMMC, then it will default to SD08:46
longsleeptbr: right, but would be nice to avoid using an external media or have the sd available for storage08:46
ogra_buut given we boot based on labels i wouldnt see why not08:46
ogra_as long as you can name the partitions correctly on the MMC08:47
longsleepit works fine for the odroid, though the eMCC is removable there and we do not use it because of the cost08:47
tbrogra_: I offered a while ago to look into the install script that debian uses and how that could be adapted, but then some handwaving ensued08:47
longsleephow do you flash the eMMC - is there some boot loader / fastboot thing?08:48
longsleepi mean if you cannot put it into your pc08:48
tbrlongsleep: you could flash it over USB or UART, but usually you just boot from an SD and write from the booted system to the eMMC08:48
ogra_there is work going on to create a recovery img we ship in all installs ...08:49
ogra_that would have a dd like installer i guess08:49
ogra_and factory reset etc08:49
longsleepyeah that would be nice08:50
longsleeptbr: i just read the docs about it, thanks08:53
longsleepogra_: do you have an idea what happens if you have partitions with the same label on eMMC and SD ?08:54
* longsleep wonders which one is used08:54
ogra_havent tried08:54
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Curious Events Day! 😃08:54
tbrhttps://github.com/RobertCNelson/tools/tree/master/scripts - if someone wants to take a look how to adapt08:56
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Chipacaelopio: fgimenez: you around?09:57
fgimenezChipaca, yep10:18
Chipacafgimenez: i have a branch up for review that probably breaks stuff10:18
Chipacafgimenez: could you / would you take a look?10:19
Chipacafgimenez: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/auth/+merge/27368410:19
fgimenezChipaca, sure, which one?10:19
fgimenezChipaca, ok thanks :)10:19
Chipacafgimenez: basically all non-GET rest api tests will fail10:19
Chipacafgimenez: or should :D10:20
Chipacaneed to add something to first boot to set a default password10:20
fgimenezChipaca, ok, thx i'll check :) we are currently testing post to packages10:20
fgimenezChipaca, it fails \o/11:19
Chipacafgimenez: thanks11:20
Chipacanow we need to decide how to un-fail it :)11:20
fgimenezChipaca, ok, the tests need some adjustments though, it was passing at first :)11:20
Chipacafgimenez: oh? how?11:20
fgimenezChipaca, they was using /usr/bin/snapd instead of the compiled one11:21
fgimenezChipaca, also, we were checking for a 405 method not allowed response in unhandled verbs11:23
Chipacathat is correct11:23
Chipacabut now you'd get a 401 before that11:23
fgimenezChipaca, yes, we need to change that in the test11:23
Chipacayou'd still want to check for the 405 once you're sending in credentials11:23
fgimenezChipaca, ah, ok, then that's ok11:23
Chipacaogra_: you around perchance?12:17
ogra_no, not perchance ...12:17
ogra_... just regular12:17
Chipacaogra_: so, REST API now needs creds to do stuff12:18
Chipacaogra_: including things like, um, setting up creds12:18
Chipaca(nothing of this is landed yet ;)12:18
ogra_so i guess we should have some snappy config way to set this to a sane default (i.e. if --developer-mode enable ubuntu/ubuntu)12:19
Chipacathat, and/or "snappy passwd"12:19
ogra_ah, thats new ?12:20
Chipacathat's non-existent12:20
Chipacathat's what i'm asking :)12:20
ogra_can we also enforce updating of the  pw ?12:20
Chipacaogra_: you mean, pw age policy?12:20
ogra_so that we could ship with a default on the images but enforce the update on first login via the REST api ?12:21
ogra_yeah, something like the pw age policy12:21
ogra_but if i dont have ssh enabled i need to be able to get in once to set a new one12:21
Chipacathat's a good point, we probably want that12:22
Chipacabut it's a chunk of work :)12:22
ogra_yeah, i guess12:22
Chipacaand not sure of the details of it12:23
Chipacaogra_: snappy config such that the oem can set default pw was what i was thinking, with it defaulting to ubuntu/ubuntu if in dev mode12:24
Chipacaogra_: and i didn't know if we'd also need a snapp passwd thing12:24
Chipacaogra_: password aging, and password policy in general, wasn't in what i'd been thinking of doing12:24
ogra_well, we dont use --developer-mode on the official images we offer12:24
ogra_only --enable-ssh12:24
Chipacaso the cmd is a must12:25
Chipacawith a nice-to-have of accepting config (just to set passwd in core) if no passwd set12:26
ogra_also do we have a way to have passwords hidden in the snappy config output yet ?12:26
ogra_so only *** is shown12:27
Chipacaogra_: i was thinking of doing it for coreconfig12:27
ogra_though with a fixed lenght string so the actual PW lenght isnt guessable12:28
Chipacaogra_: was thinking of just replacing the value in the yaml with "***pasword***" or some such placeholder text, on the way out12:28
Chipacaogra_: which is something you could do with bip too :)12:28
ogra_just to indicate there is one set12:28
Chipaca(was it bip?)12:28
ogra_the package is called ircproxy :)12:29
ogra_but it uses bip12:29
Chipacaogra_: another way would be to use a special yaml thing for passwords12:30
Chipacai could dig into that if it'd be useful12:30
ogra_we should ask jdstrand for input here12:31
ogra_after all thats a security thing :)12:31
Chipacaogra_: echo "config: {ubuntu-core: {password: password}}" | snappy config ubuntu-core -- -13:28
clobranoHi Chipaca, any news from security guys for Bug #1496319? :)13:30
ubottubug 1496319 in Snappy "Could not create symlink to hw device with udev rules" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149631913:30
Chipacaclobrano: no13:30
Chipacaclobrano: but i hear they're backlogged atm13:30
ogra_and most of them are in the US....13:31
ogra_where nobody works today... celebrating that guy who got lost13:31
jdstrandChipaca: we are we needed for 1496319?14:03
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tbrdid anyone look into snappy images for scaleway yet?14:11
jdstrandbeuno: fyi, I tried to accept docker in the review: OOPS ID: OOPS-3587e98ff8044c0db2885414f81ffd4614:17
jdstrandkickinz1: ^14:17
jdstrandbeuno: I don't know how to proceed and am afraid to try to approve again14:18
jdstrandbeuno: it is ok to accept (kickinz1 will fix 'architectures' for next time and the security policy changes are ok)14:18
jdstrandit appears to have been accepted14:19
jdstrand(based on the website)14:20
beunojdstrand, I accepted it as well14:31
beunomaybe we fought over accepting it14:31
beunojdstrand, I'll look into it, thanks14:31
tedgogra_: That's Monday actually, US is in today :-)14:51
tedg(well I imagine some people took vacation)14:51
ogra_tedg, oh, not today ?14:57
ogra_damn, mixed that up14:57
ogra_tbr, i dont think anyone has started on that14:58
tbrit's interesting because it's cloud, but it's ARMv714:58
Chipacafgimenez: any idea why umount would pin a cpu at 100% at the start of adt-run?15:22
Chipaca32223 root       20   0 25392  1688  1512 R   1 100.  0.0  8:52.81 umount /tmp/diskimage185973715/system15:23
Chipacalike so ^15:23
fgimenezChipaca, nope atm, how do you run it?15:24
Chipacafgimenez: GOPATH=~/canonical/snappy ./run-checks15:24
fgimenezChipaca, never saw that before, from which branch are you running it?15:26
Chipacafgimenez: my auth thing15:27
fgimenezChipaca, didn't try run-checks, go run _integration-tests/main.go goes fine here, i'll check run-checks15:28
Chipacait's u-d-f hanging somehow15:28
Chipacasergiusens: you seen that?15:28
sergiusensChipaca, fgimenez if u-d-f was rebuilt, maybe check all the FDs are closed15:29
sergiusensit shouldn't cause a spin of the cpu15:29
Chipacano space left on device15:31
Chipacathat might cause it15:31
elopiofgimenez: could we use a link to the icon, instead of copying it into every snap?15:31
elopiodoes that work? I'll give it a try.15:31
fgimenezelopio, it would be very useful, let me know how it goes15:33
elopiofgimenez: I did this service test before I realized I wanted to copy your local snaps style.15:41
elopioI regret that because now every other branch depends on it.15:41
elopioare you ok if I land it, and then make another branch to move the helloDBus tests to examples, and add a local snap instead?15:41
fgimenezelopio, sure, np15:43
Chipacafgimenez: rebooted because my /tmp got into a mess, and now i get past the unmounting, but am still at the "ssh connection failed" bit15:44
Chipacai've never gotten past this stage15:44
Chipacahow do i get it past this stage?15:44
fgimenezChipaca, which version of autopkgtest are you using?15:46
Chipacafgimenez: 3.17.315:46
fgimenezChipaca, same here, what if you execute go run _integration-tests/main.go -release 15.04 ?15:47
elopioChipaca: did your udf fail? I get this every other time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/149648415:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1496484 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "device-mapper: remove ioctl on loop0p5 failed: Device or resource busy" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:47
Chipacaelopio: when it failed, i aborted, cleared loop0p5, and redid15:48
Chipacafgimenez: doing that now15:49
elopiotedg: how do I make a snappy lxc?15:49
Chipacafgimenez: getting the same “adt-virt-ssh: WARNING: ssh connection failed. Retrying in 3 seconds...”15:53
Chipacafgimenez: except more than 3 seconds pass between each one15:53
Chipacaand the qemu is doing *something*15:53
fgimenezChipaca, you should be able to access the image with kvm -m 512 -redir :8022::22 /tmp/snappy-test/image/snappy-rolling-edge-latest.img15:57
fgimenezChipaca, does it boot ok?15:57
Chipacawell, 15.04 not rolling because you just told me to -release 15.04 :)15:58
* Chipaca tries it15:58
fgimenezChipaca, yes, sorry :)15:58
Chipacait's not booting15:59
fgimenezChipaca, maybe udf doesn't create it properly16:00
ogra_is that 204 ?16:01
ogra_(that is exactly what i wanted to have tested)16:01
ogra_could be the grub changes, but these only landed in 20416:01
Chipacathis is 15.0416:03
Chipacanot sure the revno16:03
Chipacaredoing from the start16:03
ogra_u-d-f should have printed it16:03
fgimenezogra_, 15.04 204 is working fine here16:04
ogra_phew !16:04
* ogra_ hugs fgimenez 16:04
ogra_thanks !16:04
ogra_that saves my weekend :)16:05
fgimenezogra_, yw :)16:05
* Chipaca continues to work to ruin ogra_'s weekend16:06
* Chipaca likes the feeling of power16:06
ogra_my heating breaking down already is ahead of you16:06
* ogra_ hopes it is only the oil filter being dirty and not the pump 16:06
Chipacaoil filter? do you use a diesel engine to power the pump?16:07
ogra_yeah, but its a clean VW one16:07
davmor2ogra_: damn you beat me to it :)16:08
ogra_(i think 60-70% of german heatings still burn oil)16:08
Chipacafgimenez: retried with rolling, still no luck with the tests, but the image boots16:08
ogra_its a central heating but a oli furnace16:08
ogra_... that powers it16:08
Chipacafgimenez: and i can ssh in and all16:09
davmor2ogra_: yes you and america are the reason the cost of diesel rockets in the winter16:09
ogra_i dont really need the heating, it is warm enough still, but it also does warm water16:09
Chipacaogra_: leaves more russian gas for the uk \o/16:09
ogra_i wish we had gas in my street ...16:09
ogra_but like cable the neighborhood wasnt willing to pay for it16:10
ogra_(tow streets down they have gas and 200MBit cable)16:11
fgimenezChipaca, what if, with the image booted with kvm, you run go run _integration-tests/main.go -ip -port 8022 ?16:11
ChipacaSTUFF IS HAPPENING!!!!1!!!one!16:12
fgimenezChipaca, \o/16:12
fgimenezthis bypass the image creation and booting part, anyway something is wrong, that should be done by the runner16:14
tedgstgraber: I thought there was a snappy image for LXD, but I can't seem to find it. Am I remembering wrong or just suck at Google? :-)16:22
ogra_tedg, there is an lxd snap in the store16:23
tedgogra_: Yeah, looking the other way around16:24
Chipacafgimenez: ohhh...16:26
Chipacafgimenez: after a number of reboots and stuff, this:16:26
Chipacabash: line 1:  1087 Killed                  bash -ec './_integration-tests/reboot-wrapper integration.test' 2> >(tee -a /tmp/adt-run.rEvouJ/command1-stderr >&2) > >(tee -a /tmp/adt-run.rEvouJ/command1-stdout)16:26
Chipacafgimenez: and now it's stuck waiting for ssh again16:26
Chipaca(i can log into the system just fine)16:26
Chipacaah! but no ipv4 address!16:26
* Chipaca runs dhclient by hand16:28
fgimenezChipaca, you found it after all! i thought i was mistaken :) it must be the same think that elopio reported for bbb16:28
fgimenezleaving, nice weekend everyone o/16:35
Chipacaogra_: elopio: have either of you ever seen a package decide it's sideloaded on update?16:54
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elopioChipaca: nop.17:19
elopioChipaca: oh, I forgot. I did this because it was hard to find the test that was failing for you a couple of weeks ago17:20
longsleepWhat is the best approach to add snapcraft plugins, adding an example how to use it?17:21
elopionot sure if there's a better way to do it. Can you review please?17:21
sergiusenstedg, until recently there was no snappy image for lxd due to all the security architecture around it17:21
sergiusensrecently though, apparamor gained the possibility of profiles within profiles which was one of the blockers17:22
* sergiusens knows he is using the terminology all wrong17:22
jdstrandwait, what?17:26
jdstrandI'm confused by the 'all wrong terminology'17:26
jdstrandoh, snappy in lxd?17:27
jdstrandright, so, apparmor doesn't yet have namespace stacking support17:27
jdstrandwhich means that the host and the guest can't have unmodified profiles17:28
jdstrandso it makes running snappy in a container harder than you'd want (should be able to if you disable apparmor for lxd on the host)17:29
jdstrandthe namespace stacking work has not landed yet, but it is coming. we are targeting 16.0417:29
tedgAh, okay, so elopio I was wrong about that ^17:37
tedgApparently we can't do the tests in LXD yet.17:38
ogra_Chipaca, never18:17
sergiusenslongsleep, I don't follow, or if I do, just add a small project in the examples directory; to make sure it doesn't break even add a smaller project in integration_tests18:31
ogra_beuno, you are being missed in a certain "-external" channel18:55
jdstrandogra_: fyi, I filed those three snappy bugs we talked about (nameservers, ntp and rsyslog)19:45
sergiusensjdstrand, I think a little bird told me you were going to get the reviewer tools updated in ppa:snappy-dev/tools for vivid and trusty, is that correct?21:25
jdstrandbut I need to first update them for the things we agreed to :)21:26
jdstrandI've started that21:26
jdstrandsergiusens: ok, fix committed to trunk. the store will pick it up next week22:16
jdstrandsergiusens: I have one other thing to add then I'll push to the ppa22:16
jdstrandthat will happen next week22:16
jdstrandsergiusens: unless it is critical that you have it in the ppa sooner. let me know and I'll push what I have22:17
sergiusensjdstrand, it's fine; just noticed an MP where snappy build re enabled the review tools so didn't want have havoc when the tools ppa got updated22:20
jdstrandsergiusens: right, don't push that yet. feel free to add me as a reviewer22:24
jdstrandsergiusens: the one thing that is left is actually so that can be turned on22:25
sergiusensjdstrand, I noticed it landed while I was out; but it hasn't made it to the general population yet ;)22:28
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jdstrandsergiusens: ok, I uploaded review tools 0.34 to the tools-proposed ppa23:08
* jdstrand -> weekend23:09

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