
robruMirv: you up yet?04:32
Mirvrobru: morning!04:37
robruMirv: morning, sleep well?04:37
Mirvrobru: pretty good!04:40
robruMirv: i have some questions about qt04:40
robruMirv: i sent you an email with some details. Basically i want to get qt versions of gl/gles to be coinstallable04:42
robruMirv: do you know how hard that would be, what it would take04:42
Mirvrobru: "good luck" :) I'm not sure, it's so complicated already as is that it's a bit hard to think how it would work exactly. but sure, glancing at the email maybe there's a solution (like always), not sure if it's worth the effort. if GL would always be the default and gles active only specifically when running emulator... hmm04:47
Mirvrobru: there are about 7 normal/gles package duos04:48
robruMirv: Steve gave the impression that it's just a matter of installing files to a different place then offering symlinks for compatibility04:49
robruMirv: theoretically only the qt ones need to be coinstallable then eg uitoolkit can be merged into one source package04:49
Mirvrobru: yeah, I think in theory it's ok and straightforward. I've just developed an intuition with Qt that it's never so easy as one would think. but yes, it could be cool, making the Qt packages co-installable.04:56
robruMirv: OK I'll dive in tomorrow and see what happens04:56
Mirvrobru: so not combining the Qt sources but combining the other -gles sources (UITK, qtmir etc) sounds better than trying to shove all the Qt sources together04:56
Mirvrobru: have fun!04:57
robruMirv: oh yeah no i didn't mean merging all sources, just obliterating the idea of "gles" twins04:57
oSoMoNhi there04:58
oSoMoNany core-dev around to publish silo 10 ?04:58
oSoMoNit bring oxide-qt in wily on par with the vivid version, 1.9.5, and it’s going to the overlay PPA only04:59
Mirvrobru: so I was thinking about the first step being making Qt GL/GLES packages co-installable and combining the qtmir/qtmir-gles/UITK/UITK-gles type of packages into a single source that switch the ld.so.conf in the middle, but sure the qtbase/qtbase-gles could be tried to be combined too (just more time to spend with trying to make it work than just trying to make both co-installable, ie the subdir/ld05:01
Mirv.so.conf etc dance)05:01
Mirvrobru: anyawy, the work would then be ok for wily overlay at the moment. I'm hoping to ship Qt 5.5.1 to wily+1 somewhere in beginning of November05:01
Mirvone can always hope...05:02
Mirvthen eg. the qtmultimedia/qtmultimedia-gles would also need to switch (on x86 only, of course) the ld configuration in the middle, and have both qtbase&gles and qtdeclarative&gles co-installed, and so on05:03
Mirvthe downside of combining Qt sources is that huge time it takes to build a package and try eg. a patch05:05
jibelSaviq, silo 14 approved08:05
Saviqjibel, thanks08:05
jibeltrainguards ^ it is for OTA708:05
sil2100jibel: 49 as well, right?08:06
jibelsil2100, 23, 49 and 1408:06
* sil2100 will copy those to the snapshot08:06
jibeluitk, u-s-s and u808:06
jibelsil2100, then it's good for a respin, I have no news on the "screen not blanking" issue08:07
sil2100Saviq: https://code.launchpad.net/~lukas-kde/unity8/notificationsNewline/+merge/273907 <- can someone top-approve this?08:08
Saviqsil2100, didn't I? srry08:09
Mirvso many fixes, although that partially means so many bugs too!08:09
Saviqsil2100, done08:10
jibelMirv, it also means so many users ;)08:10
sil2100Ok, I'll wait for all binaries to settle, copy the packages to the snapshot PPA and build a new image08:15
oSoMoNhi all, is there a core-dev around who could publish silo 10 ?09:16
oSoMoN it bring oxide-qt in wily on par with the vivid version, 1.9.5, and it’s going to the overlay PPA only09:16
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sil2100ogra_: could you press the button on https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-2-publish/ for oSoMoN_ ? ^09:48
sil2100Teh core-dev buttonz09:49
oSoMoN_the almighty coredev button09:49
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ogra_sil2100, you mean the "ack packaging" ?09:54
sil2100ogra_: yeah, publishing that in overall :)09:55
* sil2100 prefers *deb*09:56
oSoMoNtrainguards: I’ve observed that publishing re-generates the diffs, despite them having been generated already at build time, is that intended?09:59
oSoMoN(in the case of oxide generating the diff is an expensive operation that can easily take > 15min, so not re-doing it would save time)09:59
MirvoSoMoN: I guess it's at least because something could have been manually uploaded to the PPA10:04
Mirvoxide is reaally expensive, yes10:04
MirvoSoMoN: but it could check if something was changed since the last generation..10:04
oSoMoNright, so there could be a new version to diff against10:05
oSoMoNyeah, such a check would be useful10:05
oSoMoNMirv, shall I file a bug against bileto?10:05
jibelseb128, is the fix for bug 1391502 in wily?10:58
ubot5`bug 1391502 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Can't preview ringtones when phone is muted" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139150210:58
pete-woods1trainguards: I noticed that packages for wily have started appearing in the overlay silo. is this intended, an artefact of the recent changes in citrain, or because we're using citrain wrongly?10:59
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sil2100pete-woods: that's planned11:00
sil2100pete-woods: all wily landings now go to the overlay as well11:00
rvroSoMoN: ping11:00
sil2100pete-woods: the product team decided that we're now landing all touch wily packages to the overlay to workaround freezes and the upcoming wily release11:00
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pete-woodssil2100: ah okay, that makes sense :)11:04
pete-woodsjust wanted to check I wasn't doing it all wrong11:04
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rvroSoMoN_: ping11:05
jibeloSoMoN, context menus to select/copy/paste text do not work in the webbrowser on rc-proposed11:06
Mirvpete-woods: they will all be copied to wily+1 once it opens11:07
pete-woodsthat should work really nicely for not forgetting stuff :)11:07
pete-woodswhich I, er, never do11:08
sil2100jibel, davmor2: the image has built, waiting for s-i to import it11:08
jibelsil2100, okay11:08
jibelsil2100, apparently there is a problem with text seelction in the webbrowser11:09
sil2100uh oh11:09
sil2100hm, IIRC it didn't work quite well in the past, at least not on webpages11:09
pete-woodsindicator-network hardwired11:11
sil2100jibel: how do the problems look like? Bad? Since this is a new feature, but much welcomed and awaited11:15
sil2100I mean, probably a new feature11:15
sil2100As I was never able to select text on the webbrowser on my phone before, but that might just be me11:16
jibelsil2100, bad, there is no context menu at all. Regression in OTA711:16
sil2100dbarth_: ^ (since oSoMoN just dropped)11:17
jibelsil2100, http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/phone-screenshots/browser-cop-text-ota6.png11:17
jibelthat's what you should get11:17
jibelin OTA611:17
sil2100Yeah, that's what I get, but it never really looked like selecting text11:17
sil2100I never knew what it was doing11:17
sil2100Since it looks like 'selecting parts of the page'11:18
sil2100I thought OTA-7 was supposed to have real text selection?11:18
ogra_well, it has it for input fields in websites11:20
davmor2sil2100, jibel, rvr, dbarth_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app/+bug/150450111:21
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1504501 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Copying text from in a web page is not happening" [Undecided,New]11:21
ogra_(that copy dialog above never worked)11:21
dbarth_davmor2: ah ok, i understand the bug now11:21
ogra_i would actually not call it a regression per se11:21
ogra_(i dont think selection in input fields worked before)11:21
davmor2ogra_: it happens in ota6 and does not in ota7 what would you call it?11:22
ogra_davmor2, what happens ?11:22
davmor2ogra_: text selection in a web page11:22
ogra_getting a broken copy dialog thats a no-op vs not getting the broken dialog is a regression ?11:22
davmor2ogra_: works here on ota6 I can copy the text and paste to the messaging app11:23
ogra_its a fix of broken behavior :) ... surely not what i'D call a fix of the copy/paste issue at all ... but also not really a regression11:23
ogra_oh ?11:23
ogra_never worked for me11:23
sil2100Same here, but I stopped trying after the first few failures11:24
ogra_(though i probably tired to paste in the wrong apps, who knows :P )11:24
Mirvdavmor2: it has worked? I've been waiting for bug #1376268, currently targeted for oxide 1.1111:25
ubot5`bug 1376268 in Oxide "Implement a touch editing UI" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137626811:26
Mirvdavmor2: ah, right, you except the funny box to be had11:27
davmor2Mirv, ogra_, sil2100: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/phone-screenshots/text-copied.png http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/phone-screenshots/text-pasted.png11:28
ogra_i belive you even without screenshots :)11:29
davmor2ogra_: I like to back it up with actual evidence ;)11:30
ogra_pfft, evidence is for volkswagen drivers :P11:30
ogra_oh, wait, you have one :P11:31
pete-woodstrainguards: could you rebuild the failed i386 build in here? https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-054/+packages11:32
pete-woodsit looks like it lost connectivity to the distro / PPA or something11:32
sil2100pete-woods: done11:32
pete-woodssil2100: thanks!11:32
* sil2100 goes for lunch in a moment11:32
seb128jibel, I guess not, slangasek & co decided that dual landings wouldn't land to wily anymore for some reasons11:35
seb128so it's wily for the ppa only11:35
davmor2ogra_: so do you :P11:39
ogra_true true :)11:39
davmor2ogra_: so that is both of us that need evidence, in fact most of Europe :D11:50
pete-woodsif a friendly core-dev could review my packaging changes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-054-2-publish/10/artifact/libqtdbusmock_packaging_changes.diff :)11:50
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mzanettifaenil, jibel. weird... not happening any more for me... was 100% repro on my krillin yesterday12:18
faenilmzanetti: hehe :) heisenbugs12:20
mzanettinot cool tho12:20
oSoMoNjibel, I commented on bug #150450113:00
ubot5`bug 1504501 in Canonical System Image "Copying text from in a web page is not happening" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150450113:00
jibeloSoMoN, me too :)13:01
oSoMoNgreat minds think alike13:01
jibeloSoMoN, rvr found the card for this landing and your comment13:01
Saviqrobru, what do you say I take your -gles approach to qtmir and qtubuntu that we already have in silo 22?13:14
seb128urg, those recent indicator-datetime default sound change have made the meeting reminders go from gentle to stressing :-/13:20
pmcgowanseb128, yeah I am talking to the indicator guys re that13:24
pmcgowanpretty jarring13:24
seb128I almost fall off my chair due to the settings weekly meeting reminder13:24
pmcgowanI know13:24
pmcgowanshouldnt be using alarm role etc13:24
seb128I first though it was a fire alarm in the building :p13:25
seb128took me a few seconds to notice it was my phone13:25
pmcgowanah well last min landings, never learn13:25
seb128do you know if we have a bug report about that?13:25
pmcgowanyes we have several about manging these13:25
pmcgowanusing proper notifications13:26
seb128I was more asking about the recent change and the user experience impact13:26
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sil2100jibel, davmor2, rvr: the new image is available in rc-proposed since a while13:54
jibelsil2100, thanks. you don't trust the push notifications? ;)13:55
* ogra_ double trusts them :P13:55
ogra_since i get them twice occasionally13:56
sil2100NO ;)13:56
davmor2sil2100: I got the notice ages ago :P13:56
sil2100Anyway, yeah13:56
pete-woodswould very much appreciate a packaging ack from a core dev for silo 54 (if a friendly core-dev could review my packaging changes: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-054-2-publish/10/artifact/libqtdbusmock_packaging_changes.diff)14:21
Saviqrobru, hey, tried to apply your -gles trickery to qtmir and qtubuntu, something didn't go well https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/180/console15:27
ahayzencihelp, Hey, the coreapps jenkins appears to be 404'ing ... upon investigating it appears that utopic doesn't exist here anymore http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ ? Any ideas how we can get around this ?15:57
popeyWe should switch off utopic builds IMO.16:02
slangasekseb128, jibel: if a dual landing is wanted in wily and not just the ppa, you just sync it16:02
fgintherahayzen, I think this just means it's time to disable the utopic job16:02
ahayzenyeah :-)16:02
seb128slangasek, why was the option to land properly to wily removed?16:02
popeyfginther: +116:03
slangasekseb128: didn't we discuss this already?  the UI for selecting the targets for dual landings was abominable, the code was fraught, and it was screwing people up16:03
fgintherahayzen, I can get that started unless there is something more do to here then disable the utopic job. I see that there is still a vivid job which is still working16:04
seb128slangasek, I don't think *we* discussed it, I complained a bit about it on the list in response to the email announcing the change but didn't really get a reply out of "that's what we got asked to do"16:04
seb128slangasek, I agree the UI was suboptimal, that could have been fixed though, there is a valid usecase to keep dual landing to the distro for bugfixes16:05
ahayzenfginther, i don't foresee anything else, so yeah if you could disable the utopic job please :-)16:05
slangasekseb128: ok, sorry I thought it was you that I'd talked with this about already on IRC but it must have been someone else.  Anyway, I realize there's a valid use case here, can you elaborate why "land to the ppa, then copy to the wily queue" doesn't work for this case?16:08
seb128slangasek, I guess it does, it's just more manual work, you need to remember doing it and the command to use for the copy ;-)16:09
seb128so yeah, not the end of the world16:09
seb128just slightly annoying16:09
slangaseksorry :)16:09
seb128no worry16:09
robruSaviq: looks like you left it hard-coded to look for ubuntu-ui-toolkit's orig.tar16:52
robruSaviq: look at the updated MP, I made it detect the package name rather than hard-code it16:56
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Saviqrobru, d'oh17:27
robrubzoltan_: is it ok with you if I just push https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gles-experiment/+merge/273926 to trunk?17:38
robrubzoltan_: err, to lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit/gles I mean17:38
bzoltan_robru:  Yes, it is OK17:38
robrubzoltan_: great, thanks17:38
robruSaviq: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/181/consoleFull not quite sure what happened here, looks like dependency issues in qtmir? not related to my gles work anyway. do you need a hand troubleshooting?18:24
robruSaviq: oh it's out of space, I didn't read far enough back...18:38
robruSaviq: ok retrying your build with same options: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/182/console18:42
fgintherahayzen, the jenkins weather-app/reboot jobs have been reconfigured to drop the utopic jobs19:36
ahayzenfginther, thanks :-) guess other coreapps should have the same done at some point as well?19:36
fgintherahayzen, correct, there are just a few left that still use the utopic jobs, but they will all need to be removed19:37
ahayzenfginther, cool :-)19:38
Saviqrobru, thanks, only just read the result21:01
Saviqbut now! packages built!21:02
robruSaviq: you're welcome! The builds look good on my end, diffs were generated correctly. Go forth and test ;-)21:06
Saviqyup... first thing Monday :P21:06
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