
pittiGood morning04:30
hikikogood morning pitti and everyone04:51
pittihey hikiko, how are you?04:52
hikikoI'm fine :) you pitti ?05:04
hikikoI was making coffee05:04
pittimostly well again, thank!05:04
didrocksgood morning05:19
pittibonjour didrocks05:26
didrockshey pitti, feeling better?05:27
pittididrocks: much, thanks! how are you?05:27
didrockspitti: I'm ok, thanks05:28
didrocksI guess I defeated the flackyness due to s-jenkins infra: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/udtc-trusty-tests/ \o/05:31
pittididrocks: spotless!05:36
didrockspitti: still waiting for the old yellow/red tests runs to be replaced by nice and joyful green :)05:43
seb128good morning desktopers06:06
didrocksre seb12806:09
seb128re didrocks06:10
pittibonjour seb128 !06:11
seb128salut pitti, ça va ? happy friday !06:11
pittiseb128: hereux vendredi aussi !06:12
pittiseb128: je vais très mieux, merci ! j'ai dormi bien06:12
seb128super :-)06:12
Sweet5hark1seb128, didrocks, pitti: bonjour et moin!06:42
pittimoni moin Sweet5hark1, wie gehts?06:42
didrockshey hey Sweet5hark106:45
seb128hey Sweet5hark106:49
Sweet5hark1pitti: Dont get any coding done this week which is slightly annoying, but otherwise Im good. ;)06:55
didrocksmorning early willcooke07:07
hikikomorning willcooke07:07
hikikohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/815996 willcooke do you know if someone fixed that bug?07:07
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 815996 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "Desktop occasionally freezes/locks up when switching workspaces" [High,Fix committed]07:07
hikikoI still get it07:07
hikikosomeone changed the status to fix commited07:08
seb128hey willcooke hikiko07:17
hikikohi seb128 and didrocks07:18
didrockshey hikiko07:21
larsugood morning all!07:22
didrockshey Trevinho, larsu07:22
hikikohi larsu Trevinho07:23
Trevinhohey, hey! :)07:23
Sweet5hark1hikiko, larsu, willcooke, Trevinho: g'morn.07:23
hikikogood morning Sweet5hark107:23
Trevinhoan infinite  loop could start07:23
seb128hey Trevinho larsu07:28
willcookehikiko, dunno.  Looks like someone who doesn't know what they are doing changed that bug status.  Safe to set back I think07:54
willcookedidrocks, yeah quick early email check, then feed, dress and school boy #1, then tea, then back at it07:58
seb128is formatting or usb key + creating a partition working for others?08:06
willcookeseb128, testing08:08
willcookeseb128, using disks?08:09
pittiseb128: I just did that two days ago on my brand new usb stick, worked without a hitch08:09
pittiwhat is it doing for you?08:09
willcookeoops - very nearly formatted the wrong drive :)08:09
seb128"Error wiping newly created partition /dev/sdb1: Command-line `wipefs -a "/dev/sdb1"' exited with non-zero exit status 1: wipefs: erreur : /dev/sdb1 : échec d'initialisation de l'analyse: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type"08:10
seb128but there is a /dev/sdb108:10
willcookeseb128, gnome-disks just crashed on me08:11
seb128and calling that manually works08:11
seb128willcooke, that's probably https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/147971008:11
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1479710 in gnome-disk-utility (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/gnome-disks:11:g_dbus_object_get_interface:udisks_object_peek_drive:gdu_window_select_object:create_partition_cb:g_task_return_now" [High,Triaged]08:11
seb128which is where I started from08:11
seb128trying to get a valgrind log for that08:11
willcookeha, yes08:13
Trevinhohikiko: set it to triaged...08:13
Trevinhohikiko: also can you get a stacktrace of that situation?08:13
TrevinhoI've never got that (but I don't use workspaces much), so when it happens please attach to gdb and try to get something08:14
willcookeseb128, when it doesn't crash, I was able to create a new FAT partition and format it08:16
seb128I wonder if that's a 32 bits issue08:16
hikikoTrevinho, there's no crash, just the screen is grabbed08:19
Trevinhohikiko: yeah, of course... but you can get where it happens08:19
Trevinhohikiko: if you "sudo gdb -p$(pidof compiz)" you can attach to the process and get the backtrace of where the thing happens08:20
hikikoyes i kno08:20
Trevinhoso... it's 99% due to a sync X call...08:20
hikikoI had tried that08:20
hikikobut as far as i remember08:21
hikikoI couldn't catch it08:21
Trevinhoso, in case it's a really a trouble, you can try to change that by using xcb (async) if possible08:21
hikikothere's a compiz option08:21
hikikoI think I had tried all that08:21
hikikobut I will look at it again at some point08:22
hikiko(too many bugs :/)08:22
Trevinhohikiko: yeah, let's focus on main stuff, affecting unity as well for now08:24
Trevinhothat does it, but unless you can't reproduce it, it's hard to figure out details08:24
seb128pitti, http://askubuntu.com/questions/642286/error-whilst-creating-partition ... I'm not the only one, but it doesn't seem common, I wonder if udisks does thing in an async way and try to wipefs before the partition is created08:38
seb128larsu, Trevinho, didrocks, does anyone feel like giving a look to those (should be easy, they are backport of small upstream g-s-d bugfix commits to u-s-d), I would like to do a landing09:06
larsuthanks Trevinho :)09:07
seb128bah, shotwell upload rejected09:08
seb128there was an upload to the archive not commited to the vcs09:09
* seb128 fixes09:09
Trevinhoseb128: I can't top-approve :/09:12
seb128Trevinho, added you to the team, that should work now09:13
seb128thanks for the reviews ;-)09:15
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qenghogood morning.10:26
willcookemorning qengho10:27
didrockshey qengho10:30
pittilarsu: gosh, where are you? :)10:35
larsupitti: at work since 9:22. Just saying good morning to qengho10:37
pittilarsu: oh, right :) (thought you went to a conference or so)10:37
pittihey qengho!10:37
larsupitti: no, that's next week (and only -1 from here)10:37
willcookelolz:  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/unity7-151013:49
willcookeguess we can mark a lot of those as done next week, or delete it and move the not done to a new BO13:50
seb128oh, right13:51
larsuoh oh13:51
larsureally good we did that back then :)13:51
* Trevinho got decorations o_O https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/marco-decoration14:02
didrocks[larsu] black notifications in the unity greeter: TODO14:05
didrocksstill accurate14:05
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larsudidrocks: oops :)14:54
larsuwell I am fixing it14:54
didrockslarsu: I did update some of the status (the obviously ones that are done)14:56
larsuthanks :)14:56
TrevinhoMh, as you guys might remember (didrocks?) We're currently shipping some compiz patches as distro-patch, instead of having them in trunk.... I'm not sure this is still the best thing to do.15:26
TrevinhoAs I don't see much reason for doing that anymore (a part from non CLA approved patches, maybe - but I guess we've not them)15:26
seb128Trevinho, compiz is not under our copyright anyway no?15:27
didrocksTrevinho: the reason was mostly that "this wasn't good for compiz's upstream"15:27
Trevinhoseb128: I think it is right now15:27
didrocksthat's what sam was telling15:27
didrocks(having his upstream hat)15:27
Trevinhoyeah, didrocks15:27
didrocksthat was it15:27
didrocksthere is no CLA on compiz15:27
didrocksas most of the code wasn't done under Canonical's area15:28
didrocksand it's copy/paste/adapt in C++15:28
seb128Trevinho, your call as new maintainer to consider them good for upstream then ;-)15:28
didrocksyeah, I've always argued that this difference, being the only one shipping compiz, was ridiculous15:28
didrocksso I'm all in favor of merging :)15:28
TrevinhoAh, even? Nice to hear... since bregma had to discuss with legal team a lot to get some nvidia code on it... :o15:28
didrocksTrevinho: interesting, that wasn't the case before and I doubt we chased all contributors on compiz15:29
didrocks(of course, Unity is another story…)15:29
Trevinhoyeah, indeed... but we had some compiz fixes coming from nvidia, and ChrisTownsend also had to wait a lot for the "ok merge" signal...15:29
didrocksdoesn't sound legit to me, but I might have missed one episod15:30
didrocksand there was no "previously on…" summary ;)15:30
Trevinhoanyway... Well I think we can now safely merge most of the debian/patches/* content, as it makes just no sense right now15:31
ChrisTownsendTrevinho: Canonical lawyers certainly think Compiz is under the CLA, so tread lightly.15:31
bregmayep, I didn;t just make stuff up15:31
TrevinhoChrisTownsend: yeah, I was thinking the same...15:31
Trevinhoat least, I didn't study the thing a lot, but maybe we could have saved some time :D15:32
bregmabut as far as I know there are no patches in the Compiz packaging that need the CLA15:32
bregmaI think they can all be merged into the sources15:32
bregmaor in some cases, maybe dropped15:33
bregmaBTW, Compiz ships with Mint and Arch, although you could consider them derivatives I suppose15:34
Trevinhobregma: yes, but for mint I think they're using the debian/patches anyway15:34
bregmaand we're still trying to get it back into Debian, but I got busy....15:34
Trevinhobregma: Arch, might not, but they can still apply reverse-patch downstream15:35
bregmaeither way, I think as the only legit upstream we can just merge them all15:35
* didrocks waves good evening and good week-end! See you on Sunday/Monday for some of you! :)16:05
willcookeright, I'm taking off.  Safe travels all, see you next week16:31
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andyrockTrevinho: at least we can merge all the patches that comes from us17:18
Trevinhoandyrock: yeah, I'm merging evrything17:18
andyrockin case you'll take all the fault17:18
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sandeep_Anyone on-line now...23:27
sarnoldsandeep_: irc works best if you ask questions into the ether.. the person with an answer may not come around for twenty minutes but they stand a chance of seeing yourr question that way23:29

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