
slangasektdaitx: squid3 uploaded and in the queue00:40
tdaitxslangasek, thanks!01:42
pittiGood morning04:30
pitticoreycb: the neutron i386 regression is quite stable (http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/neutron/wily/i386/), and it doesn't look like just a race condition; can you please have a look?05:17
pitticoreycb: until then the package is stuck in -proposed (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#neutron)05:17
pittiRiddell: bumping the force-badtest for cantor, but there's a bunch of new regressions05:34
pittiRiddell: kservice in particular05:36
pittiRiddell: so I went through everything else and adjusted hints etc.;  kservice is the remaining regression that's relevant06:09
dholbachgood morning07:28
seb128hey dholbach ;-)07:29
seb128happy friday!07:29
dholbachhey seb12807:29
dholbachand the same to you :)07:29
mardyseb128: hi! Do you have a minute to talk about bug 1453549?07:55
ubottubug 1453549 in shotwell (Ubuntu) "Cannot publish to Facebook" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145354907:55
seb128mardy, hey, sure07:55
mardyseb128: so, I got no reply from Yorba :-(07:55
seb128that was sort of expected07:55
mardyseb128: yesterday i created a new facebook key, and got it reviewd and approved by facebook07:56
seb128they didn't reply on the shotwell list since june07:56
seb128oh, nice07:56
mardyseb128: the latest commit here switches to the new key: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/shotwell/lp145354907:56
Laneysomeone posted on desktop-devel-list yesterday(?) about API keys07:56
mardyLaney: oh, I'll have a look then07:57
Laneyit doesn't immediately solve this problem but maybe the idea of having them owned by some group is good and can help to avoid it in future07:57
seb128Laney, was that about shotwell?07:58
seb128because IRC discussions were about goa I think07:58
mardyseb128, Laney: my idea was to distro-patch it with the new key, and comment on the upstream bug about the new key I created and asking who wants to maintain it07:58
seb128at least the ones between Bastien and Xavier07:58
seb128mardy, +1 from me07:58
Laneyit is a general idea07:58
Laneyeven if they have one specific case which motivates it07:59
mardyseb128: I wonder if you would be willing to take care of releasing a new shotwell with the uoa patch from https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/shotwell/lp1453549 ?08:01
seb128mardy, yes, I can do that08:01
mardyseb128: thanks a lot, I'll comment on the upstream bug then08:02
seb128mardy, thanks08:02
seb128mardy, your branch doesn't merge fine on the vcs, there is a conflict in 06_uoa.patch08:40
mardyseb128: where can I find the latest shotwell branch for ubuntu?08:40
seb128mardy, hum, your patch change is only changing the ClientId?08:40
mardyseb128: yes08:41
seb128mardy, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/shotwell/ubuntu08:41
seb128apt-get source tell you that ;-)08:41
seb128(or debcheckout)08:41
seb128mardy, it's ok, I can change the Id manually08:41
mardyseb128: ah, that will be way faster :-) thanks08:41
seb128mardy, yw08:41
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pete-woodspitti: backport of 0.16 to vivid overlay kthx? promise won't ask for more landings for at least an hour10:05
pittipete-woods: lol10:07
pittipete-woods: the overlay has the NM fix -- you need the CLI params one too?10:07
sysrexhello all, I am looking to backport ubuntu 7.0.55 to 14.04 what would be the best approach?10:12
tsdgeoscjwatson: you working on launchpad right? how hard would be to make the " 1 branch dependent on this one. " link in https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/new_dash_navigation work?10:29
cjwatsontsdgeos: That's an interesting failure mode ... probably not very hard, could you please file a bug about that?10:33
infinityseb128: Why is that unity-settings-daemon changelog such a cluster#%@$?10:33
tsdgeoscjwatson: would be https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/496056 i guess10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496056 in Launchpad itself "Dependent branch list is empty" [Low,Triaged]10:36
tsdgeosjust that that one doesn't work anymre10:36
cjwatsontsdgeos: Ah, yes, it is that bug.  Indeed I was just thinking "I wonder if this ever worked?".10:37
tsdgeoscjwatson: i'd say no :D10:37
tsdgeosi have a look a few years ago10:37
tsdgeosbut my unexistant knowledge of the language launchpad is written and of launchpad itself made it basically impossible for a 1 hour bugfix :D10:38
cjwatsontsdgeos: Lots of things in Launchpad would be accessible to a casual contributor, but this probably isn't one of them; merge proposals have quite complex code around them to make the database queries halfway efficient.10:39
pittipete-woods1: done10:47
pete-woods1pitti: :D10:47
cjwatsontsdgeos: Ah, indeed, I see you filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1277469 then, and that was marked as a duplicate.10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 496056 in Launchpad itself "duplicate for #1277469 Dependent branch list is empty" [Low,Triaged]10:49
tsdgeoscjwatson: right, that one :)10:53
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rbasakslangasek, tdaitx, infinity: ah, I was just about to do the squid3 merge, but I see the latest upload yesterday. Shall I leave it?11:02
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rbasakSince we'll want it next cycle and you won't be in for a while I might as well start it I guess, but let me know if you want it uploaded now or not.11:03
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GunnarHjhappyaron: Any chance that you can upload the patch at bug #1481025 soon? language-selector-gnome, which I uploaded yesterday, depends on it.11:08
ubottubug 1481025 in im-config (Ubuntu) "Keyboard shortcut for layout switching works in Unity but not in Gnome-Flashback" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148102511:08
happyaronGunnarHj: just did it11:16
GunnarHjhappyaron: Great, thanks!11:17
cjwatsontsdgeos: OK, I think I have most of a fix but I should really finish off the other urgent things I was working on before diving into writing tests ...11:17
tsdgeoscjwatson: cool and sorry for derailing you :)11:18
pete-woodsany chance a packaging expert could help me out with this one? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1472186 (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/trunk.15.10/view/head:/debian/control)11:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1472186 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Can't install libconnectivity-qt1-dev on multiarch" [High,Confirmed]11:25
seb128infinity, because I backported individual commits to the vcs with --author and the CI train seems to want to credit individual commiters rather than using the mp description/commit message11:37
seb128unsure how to workaround it11:37
seb128infinity, I can manually fix the changelog/merge the vcs if you want11:45
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GunnarHjhappyaron: I see in the diff that you picked the old patch instead of the one I prepared, so currently there is a mismatch compared to the l-s code.12:19
GunnarHjhappyaron: What's the reason for that choice? How do we deal with it now?12:21
morphisseb128: ping12:38
coreycbpitti, on it, thanks12:46
seb128morphis, hey13:02
morphisseb128: you ever looked at obexd on desktop since we updated to bluez5?13:02
seb128morphis, no, is it not working?13:03
morphisseb128: it looks suspicious13:04
morphisthe bluez-obexd package provides a systemd user service file13:04
morphisbut we still depend on upstart for the session jobs13:05
seb128no dbus activation?13:05
pittisitter: do you have an idea about the kservice regression? http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/k/kservice/wily/amd64/ (but on all arches) -- this is what keeps most KDE uploads in -proposed13:05
pittiFAIL!  : KSycocaTest::dirTimestampShouldBeCheckedRecursively() 'newTimestamp > oldTimestamp' returned FALSE. ()13:05
morphisseb128: that is what I thought too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12723307/13:06
pittibut this isn't just a flaky timing issue, it consisently failed on all arches for 7 times13:06
sitterpitti: that's a new test. will have to take a closer look13:07
pittisitter: ah, it's new, not a regression?13:07
pittisitter: want me to force-badtest this then for this version, or want to keep everything in -proposed for now?13:08
sitterpitti: best force for now please13:08
seb128morphis, the obexd binary is active on my user session on wily13:10
sitterRiddell: did you upload kservice rc1 or rc2? it appears to me rc2 should fix http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/k/kservice/wily/amd64/13:11
pittisitter: hinted13:11
seb128morphis, it's on the session bus, so -y -> -e13:12
morphisah right13:12
morphisworks now, sorry for the noise :)13:12
seb128no worry ;-)13:12
Saviqmorphis, hey, we noticed with mzanetti there's issues with pairing a BT keyboard on krillin (works fine on mako/flo) - you never get a PIN dialog and the settings app just says "connected", when it's really not13:32
Saviqmorphis, is that a known issue? otherwise what can we provide to help fix that?13:32
morphisSaviq: that is know13:32
* Saviq tries on stable in the mean time13:32
Saviqoh ok13:32
morphisI have fixes for that13:32
morphisbut we will land those together with the BlueZ 5 work13:32
Saviqmorphis, and it's a krillin specific bug?13:33
morphisSaviq: needs changes on the kernel to get that working13:33
morphisSaviq: yes13:33
morphisSaviq: if you want I can give you a device tarball with those changes13:33
seb128morphis, is that going to be fixed before bluez5?13:34
Saviqmorphis, if you need me to test, sure, not pressing for me13:34
morphisseb128: not with ota713:34
seb128k :-/13:34
morphisand we're trying to get all bluez5 stuff into ota813:34
Riddellsitter: I uploaded kservice rc2, the one that's currently on the kde server, and it does have the patch which should fix the test13:34
seb128I wonder if the fix would also fix prompting with my car not working13:34
seb128looking forward bluez5 to land ;-)13:35
morphisseb128: no13:35
morphisthat is something different13:35
seb128maybe bluez5 fixes it though13:35
morphisseb128: btw. I've updated the silos with some fixes for the authentication/pin problem13:36
sitterRiddell: so why is it failing then? :P13:36
seb128morphis, I saw, thanks, I've it on my list to try with those updates13:37
Riddellsitter: good question, I'm trying to recreate it13:37
pittisitter, Riddell: kde landing, brace for impact :)13:37
* sitter hides under desk13:38
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sitterRiddell: passes here13:52
cousteauRequest for openjdk-8 to be added to the LTS repos, since Java 7 is EOL'd?13:53
cousteau(or where should I direct my request/suggestion?)13:53
Riddellsitter: test fails here building the package from the archive, and git doesn't build it seems to have a change in it which isn't in the tar13:55
Riddellsitter: what do you do that passes?13:55
sitterI build first and then adt-run on the built tree13:55
sitteralso I run it in a docker container13:56
Riddellsitter: build what? the package from the archive?13:56
* Riddell installs the built packages then runs the tests again13:57
sitter    QTest::qWait(1000); // remove this once lastModified includes ms14:00
sittertiming problem?14:00
sitteralthough that wouldn't really explain why it fails consistently14:00
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sitterRiddell: uff, wrong version >.<14:17
Riddellsitter: ?14:18
sitter /tmp/kservice-5.14.314:18
sitterpull-lp-source gave me the wrong version for some reason xD14:18
sitterRiddell: it's failing because of qt 5.414:23
sitterand I can reproduce now14:23
sitterupstream build against qt 5.4 also fails the test https://build.kde.org/job/kservice%20master%20stable-kf5-qt5/PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc/89/console14:23
sitterqt 5.5 for comparision https://build.kde.org/job/kservice%20master%20kf5-qt5/PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc/94/console14:24
Riddellwell spotted14:25
Riddellsitter: I guess the only thing to do is e-mail the frameworks list and the Xuetian Weng dude who's been working on it14:26
Riddellsitter: I'll send an e-mail14:27
* sitter looks into why that testsuite rebuilds the buildtree14:28
sitterRiddell: ^ fixed that in unstable14:29
RiddellI always assumed there was a good reason for that, I just never worked out what it would be14:30
Riddellsitter: ooh?14:30
sitterRiddell: http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/frameworks/kservice.git/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=d96d6f3641b9166f352003fb5d968e2d622264dd14:30
sittertestsuite rebuilt the tree for no good reason14:30
Riddellsitter: all the frameworks seem to have this14:31
sitterRiddell: just some14:32
sitterone of them probably needed it and from there on out it was bad copynpaste :P14:32
Riddellsitter: but I feel like it would be good to have tested in the ubuntu archive before changing it all, there might be a perfectly rational explanation14:33
sitterthe openbox testsuite needs to be put into pkg-kde-tools really14:33
sitterRiddell: could just do it for 5.1614:34
sitterafter wily14:34
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smoseranyone have a suggestion on how to check in python "is systemd service X running" ?15:28
jrwrensmoser: shell out. :)15:34
cjwatsonsmoser: python3-systemd is a thing apparently15:35
cjwatsonhm though its online docs don't document such an operation15:36
sil2100seb128: hey, I saw you posting a bug on debian about this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/telepathy-glib/+bug/1504506 <- are you working on this bug currently? :)15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504506 in telepathy-glib (Ubuntu) "FTBFS due to failing unit tests" [Undecided,In progress]15:38
jrwrenhonestly, subprocess.call('systemctl','status'... may be best.15:38
seb128sil2100, Laney is, he sent a patch upstream and said he would handle Debian/Ubuntu uploads15:38
sil2100seb128: excellent, thanks o/15:39
gQuigssmoser:  I wonder if you can just read the journal of a specific service maybe ? (https://github.com/systemd/python-systemd)15:39
seb128sil2100, yw, assigned to Laney so other don't duplicate work15:39
cjwatsonShelling out to systemctl is probably easiest TBH15:40
sil2100btw. I see that python-pex autopkgtests are failing, blocking wheel in -proposed right now15:45
sil2100Is anyone looking into those right now?15:45
didrockscjwatson: gQuigs: you should prefer using "show" rathen than "status". status is supposed to be human-readable and not for parsing15:46
cjwatsondidrocks: I didn't specify any particular thing15:47
cjwatsondidrocks: and it was smoser who was actually trying to do it15:48
didrocksright, backlogged fully now, so smoser ^15:48
sil2100barry: hey! I see that the new wheel sync seems to cause some autopkgtests fail for python-pex and therefore got blocked in -proposed15:49
sil2100barry: for instance: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-wily/wily/armhf/p/python-pex/20151008_212123@/log.gz15:49
smoseryeah. i think i'll shell out.15:49
sil2100barry: this is a bit worrying: Resolving interpreter :: Setting up interpreter /usr/bin/python3.5 :: Interpreter cache resolving wheel<0.25.0,>=0.24.0 Could not find compatible interpreter <- could this be related to the failure?15:50
smoseri think i just need 'reload-or-restart'. and through shell.15:50
smoserthanks ffor feedback15:50
sil2100barry: the version you pulled in is 0.26.0-1, maybe we'd need some fixes/changes to python-pex too? Should I look into that or is it worked on already?15:50
sil2100barry: I actually see a new python-pex in -proposed15:51
barrysil2100: i just uploaded pex 1.0.3-2ubuntu1 but i guess it doesn't solve the problem.  i wonder if its a problem with the armhf and ppc platforms15:52
slangasekrbasak: up to you whether you think the squid3 merge should still be done this cycle; the blocking bugs have been resolved now, we weren't sure of an eta for the (big hairy) merge15:52
rbasakslangasek: thanks. Now that I've looked at it, it's even more hairy, so I'm going to decline to push it in this late now. I'll have it ready for early next cycle.15:52
rbasakinfinity: ^15:52
sil2100barry: I see that all autopkgtest archs for the new python-pex are failing15:52
sil2100barry: btw. any package I could help out and pick up to fix the FTBFS? ;) I prefer to ask since I see many of the failures are already worked on,15:54
barrysil2100: dang.  and i specifically ran adt-run on that package before i uploaded it :(15:54
gQuigswould we recommend people to use systemctl not service in new releases?15:55
barrysil2100: i started with configglue, but just haven't gotten very far and too many other things got pushed on my stack. :(  it's an upstream incompatibility.  see LP: #1504288 if you'd like to take a look15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1504288 in python-configglue (Ubuntu) "Test suite failure with Python 3.4 & 3.5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150428815:56
sil2100barry: on it then!15:57
barrysil2100: thanks!  i'm getting some lunch now :)15:57
sil2100Have fun ;)15:58
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ben___newb launchpad/bzr question -- but how do I see the source for changes after a package is released? e.g., using libvirt as an example, `bzr branch lp:ubuntu/trusty/libvirt` shows me the code for the release package (libvirt 1.2.2-0ubuntu13), how do I checkout the code for the updates package (libvirt 1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.14)?19:04
ricotzdoko, hi, maybe you could take a look at merging aptitude 0.7.3-119:13
cjwatsonben___: The system for doing automatic imports into bzr is not very robust and is unmaintained, so it often breaks.  We plan to replace it with a similar system for importing into git at some point, but haven't started on that yet.  In the meantime it's more reliable to just fetch the source package; use "pull-lp-source" from the ubuntu-dev-tools package, or for just a quick diff to the last version you can start from ...19:27
cjwatson... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt19:27
ben___cjwatson: thanks, that makes more sense.19:28
hjdcjwatson: Is pull-lp-source working again? (Last time I tried, I ran into bug 1453330)19:31
ubottubug 1453330 in ubuntu-dev-tools (Ubuntu) "pull-{lp,debian}-source not getting source for binary because DDE is dead" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145333019:31
hjdOr wait... that might be the debian-part of it only...19:32
cjwatsonI believe that's only pull-debian-source, and in any case you can work around it by specifying a version19:32
hjdtested now, and pull-lp-source seems to work fine at least. So ignore my comment above :)19:43
ben___yep, working here as well19:49
barrypitti: don't suppose you might still be around?20:35
knomeslangasek, hullo! we have now updated the merge proposal for xubuntu core at https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-core/+merge/26816722:24
knomeslangasek, should have changes you asked for, and if you want to discuss the way things have been done there, i brought krytarik, the author of the newest changes here :)22:25
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