
=== pete-woods1 is now known as pete-woods
ogra_would be nice if the two livecd-rootfs uploads could be approved before 5am UTC so the next auto-build of snappy wily doesnt fail11:41
ogra_slangasek, FYI i had to divert grub-install during rootfs build for snappy after adding the -signed packages12:15
infinityogra_: And why is that uniquely required for snappy?12:23
ogra_dunno, why is grub-install run if i seed these packages ? it wasnt before it seems12:23
infinityAdding signed wouldn't change anything.12:24
ogra_no, it was a bigger change than that ...12:25
infinityWell, you implied it was just that. :P12:25
ogra_seems the postinists of these packages behave differently12:26
infinityWell, you didn't have grub2 installed before.12:27
infinitySo, yeah.12:27
infinityQuite different.12:27
infinityErm, nevermind.  Can't read.12:27
infinityYou didn't have grub2-efi installed before.12:27
ogra_and we dont use the signed stuff yet but need it in the rootfs for ubuntu-device-flash consumption12:28
infinityThe grub-efi postinst isn't meant to fail when grub-install fails, mind you.12:29
ogra_it complains about no such dir ...12:29
ogra_might not have been the failure that the build choken on ... there were two postinsts failing12:30
ogra_but both had the grub-install call12:30
infinityThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:31
infinity grub-efi-amd64 : Conflicts: grub-pc but 2.02~beta2-28 is to be installed12:31
infinity grub-pc : Conflicts: grub-efi-amd64 but 2.02~beta2-28 is to be installed12:31
infinityThat looks more problematic.12:31
ogra_that is why i seeded grub-pc-bin ;)12:31
infinityI don't actually see the failure you're referencing, though.12:32
ogra_i already did a test build with the same change on vivid ...12:32
infinityDo you have a pointer?12:32
ogra_or https://launchpadlibrarian.net/220705134/buildlog_ubuntu_wily_amd64_ubuntu-core-system-image_BUILDING.txt.gz12:32
ogra_if you want wily12:32
infinityThat wily one is where I pasted from. :P12:33
ogra_and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-system-image/+build/40107/+files/buildlog_ubuntu_vivid_amd64_ubuntu-core-system-image_BUILDING.txt.gz passes after the change12:33
ogra_thats weird then12:33
infinitygrub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory.12:33
* ogra_ re-reads12:33
infinity^-- That?12:33
infinityMaybe you should have an EFI directory?12:33
infinityInstead of being hackish.12:33
ogra_that and a few lines down there is another one12:33
ogra_i really dont think we want to run grub-install at all ... i could be wrong though12:34
ogra_we just need the binaries in the rootfs so u-d-f can pull them when it creates the actual image12:34
infinityPossibly not.12:35
* infinity shrugs.12:35
ogra_(our actual grub.cfg is also only 30 lines or so, quite different to a normal installation)12:35
infinityErr, really?  You don't use update-grub?12:36
ogra_(and snappy doesnt use update-grub either)12:36
infinityBecause why would someone want something that was familiar? :P12:36
ogra_well, it messes up the rollback function ... snappy only needs to flick two vars back and forth, the rest is hardcoded anyway12:37
ogra_the advamtage of creating complete disk images with hardcoded partitioning scheme ;)12:38
ogra_infinity, thanks12:39
* ogra_ hopes it actually works without changed to u-d-f now :P 12:39
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=== Guest99304 is now known as flocculant
rcjinfinity, Could I have your help with an SRU in pending? bug #147353315:13
ubot93bug 1473533 in python-tz (Debian) "CountryNameDict function trying to parse UTF-8 iso3166.tab as US-ASCII" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147353315:14
rcjinfinity, it's been 6 or 7 days which is barely time but it's affecting the azure cloud streams and causing a juju breakage now.15:14
rcjI was hoping that at least the precise package could be promoted to -updates today15:15
rcjScope of change is very small and risk is as well15:15
rcjstgraber, arges, slangasek ^ Could one of you look at this SRU?  I just saw that infinity is under the weather.15:18
argesrcj: looking15:23
rcjarges, thanks. Not sure who can do what.  You were a sponsor on this upload15:23
argesrcj: so typically we don't release on Friday's in case of regressions and people not being around during the weekend etc15:23
rcjarges, I can understand that.  For me this is causing a Juju deployment breakage due to bad simplestreams data.  The fix is very narrow.  Without the fix the two functions will always throw an exception and do no meaningful work.  With the fix they will start returning a list of countries or timezones again.  But let me check that we can get the package applied in production if it were to be promoted.15:31
argesrcj: ack15:31
ogra_infinity, bah, crap ... there is another issue with hardcoded grub-pc in livecd-rootfs (i should have litened to you earlier :P )15:41
ogra_infinity, ^^ that one actually fixes the conflict (i thoougth the seed change would have been enough, didnt know there was more hardcoding for grub-pc)15:52
slangasekogra_: hrm, ok, if grub-install wasn't previously being called from the rootfs build, I can see that being required16:01
slangasekarges: are you releasing the SRUs for python-tz or still thinking about it?16:01
argesslangasek: I can do it, waiting on rcj. is it alright if its a critical fix16:09
slangasekit's certainly alright.  what is it you're waiting for?16:09
argesslangasek: i'll just release, I know typically we dont release on fridays for regressions but this seems like a pretty cut and dried case16:10
rcjarges, slangasek: thank you.  I had told arges that it could wait if I couldn't get it applied in production today.16:10
rcjbut it would help to have it in -updates16:11
slangasekyes, this is a one-liner change that's backwards-compatible.  I think it should just be released16:12
argesok doing it now16:12
slangasekand I'll be around email this weekend, so if there are regressions and someone files a regression-update bug I'll see it16:12
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smoseranyone able to accept the cloud-init above for me?18:49
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