
sgclarkwxl: ping07:13
wxloh hai sgclark i just approved your post from the gmail account and added it to the automatic appovals18:17
sgclarkwxl: thanks!18:18
wxlsgclark: is that what you needed or something else? sorry, away on a trip currently18:18
sgclarkwxl: that was it thank you. couldnt find my password to do it myself.18:29
wxlthanks for the offer, sgclark. i hope someone steps up to the plate. i also included wa loco in that email, so maybe that will help18:30
* wxl shrugs18:30
wxlbtw i've been nominated to the CC, so if you'd like to include a testimonial, specifically relating to any sort of leadershippy sort of thing, that'd be great https://wiki.ubuntu.com/wxl18:31
sgclarkwill do18:32
wxlthanks sgclark :)19:00
sgclarkwxl: my pleasure!19:00
wxlsgclark: maybe valorie might want to join you at seagl???19:00
sgclarkI will ask19:01
wxlagain, i'd be happy to do the liasing with canonical to get funding as needed19:02
sgclarkplease do19:02
sgclarkI will go regardless, just would prefer not alone lol19:03
wxli understand19:04
wxland i'd hate to have you go alone19:04
wxlhm maybe i could get someone from our lug to go19:05
wxlsomeone in my lug is already planning on going sgclark so that's a no brainer, but i think val or someone already in the community would be better19:16
sgclarkyeah I think she is still asleep, she is a night owl. but I will get in contact with her19:18
sgclarkgo ahead and order the stuff and whatnot with canonical, that would be great help19:18
wxlok let me know about val19:19
sgclarkwill do19:19
wxland i'll get a train ticket for you and lodging as well. do you care where you stay?19:19
wxlwell i'm sure you do19:19
wxldo you want to pick some place out?19:19
sgclarklet me talk to valorie first19:20
sgclarkI may be able to stay with her19:20
wxlokie dokie19:20
wxlwell then i won't sweat that for now but keep me informed about lodging and such19:21
wxlif you do stay at a hotel or something, email me the info19:21
wxlpietro from EUGLUG may come by and say hi19:41
wxlhe is willing to help, though he's a long-running debian user19:41
sgclarkwe like debian lol. it is rather important to our existence :)19:53
* wxl nods, but he knows jack doohickey about what's new with ubuntu :)19:54
sgclarkwxl: valorie is coming but we will need a double room to make it easier commute. Something close to the venue preffered.20:39

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