
pieter2627morning all05:37
Kilosmorning all07:30
Kilosand inetpro 07:30
DigiGramwow oom Kilos still here09:08
Kilosyes haha09:08
magespawngood morning09:30
inetprogood mornings 10:20
inetprooh and hi oom Kilos 10:20
inetproyou better today? 10:21
Kiloskinda ty inetpro just moeg again10:23
Kiloshi christol_ 10:23
inetproai! 10:24
Kilosuh ou load shedding on the cards again13:39
magespawn bye home time 14:04
grembleGood evening16:47
Kiloshi gremble 17:34
Kilosevening everyone else17:34
grembleHow have you been Kilos? 18:04
grembleDidn't see you the last few times I was here18:04
Kilosim actually fine ty gremble just meds for prostate and hernia thing keep me sleepy so i been scarce mostly18:26
Kilosand also i cant get this laptop to make an alert sound i can hear18:27
Kiloshows things your side18:27
gremblePretty quiet18:51
grembleJust unbarebly hot18:51
grembleHoliday and tried to work in the garden, but with this weather I just couldn't18:51
Kilosbeen rather warm hey, and tomorrow 37 again19:09
grembleI wish it would rain already19:17
Kilosi think next rains will be serious thunderstorms with some big hail19:30
Kilosi need to sleep again19:30
Kilosyou all keep cool19:31
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:31
grembleAnyone here familiar with emacs?20:47
grembleEvening Cryterion 21:02
grembleBetween first year CS and now, it feels like I completely forgot how to program :|22:12

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