[n0mad] | uhhh | 00:00 |
[n0mad] | so the image viewer | 00:00 |
[n0mad] | oh it went away | 00:00 |
[n0mad] | i clicked and dragged on an image and it freaked my cursor out | 00:00 |
th1sguy | can i ask questions here or is that on a different chan | 00:06 |
genii | th1sguy: If it's a support question about Ubuntu, here | 00:06 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: ask. I'm sure the mugs will let you know if it's on topic | 00:07 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: see like genii | 00:07 |
th1sguy | well here's my question. i accidentally moved my lib folder into my home folder in unetbootin (at least that's what I think happened) and now none of my programs start when I click them. How fix? | 00:08 |
reisio | th1sguy: in a live OS? | 00:08 |
th1sguy | no it was on an install | 00:08 |
reisio | th1sguy: can you clarify "in unetbootin"? | 00:09 |
th1sguy | no like i was using unetbootin for something and clicked wrong | 00:09 |
reisio | so in some kind of file manager | 00:09 |
reisio | as root? | 00:09 |
reisio | th1sguy: it's hard to imagine, but if you actually moved /lib* to /home/youruser/, and can't mv it back, you'll need to boot to a live OS to put it back | 00:10 |
th1sguy | heres the scenario: ubuntu is installed and so is unetbootin. i double click unetbootin and type my password. then i accidentally click and drag one folder into another and exit unetbootin before i realize what happened | 00:10 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: were you running a live disk messing around with an installed system | 00:10 |
th1sguy | no i was booted into the os installed on my hdd | 00:11 |
th1sguy | unetbootin was installed on my machine. i went to mount an iso i had just downloaded and accidentally clicked and drug a folder into another folder within the unetbootin application | 00:12 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: I see. While you ran unetboot in ubuntu you opened folders in the program and moved them | 00:12 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: were you running unetboot as sudo | 00:13 |
th1sguy | yes it makes you | 00:13 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: move them back in unetboot | 00:14 |
th1sguy | it wont start. neither will any other program | 00:15 |
hardyred | If I wanted to load a file from the terminal is the home folder the same as root? | 00:15 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: you could try to run a live disk and move it back | 00:15 |
hardyred | Like if I wanted to load a file which is test.txt | 00:16 |
th1sguy | okay so since my hdd is encrypted what do i have to do special | 00:16 |
hardyred | would I be able to pull it from terminal going test.txt | 00:16 |
jeffrey_f | hardyred: I just logged in....Please repeat the question | 00:16 |
genii | th1sguy: If you can get a console, might want to try to mv it back | 00:17 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: I'm sure terminal still works. Use the sudo mv command | 00:17 |
hardyred | jeffrey_f: Is the home folder the root folder in ubuntu? | 00:17 |
th1sguy | yeah but i cant open terminal. when i click the icon it does nothing | 00:17 |
hardyred | jeffrey_f: like if someone says the file is in ~./test for ubuntu | 00:18 |
jeffrey_f | hardyred: No. / is the root folder | 00:18 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: use the console for terminal commands | 00:18 |
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hardyred | So if someone says the folder is in ~/.test | 00:18 |
genii | th1sguy: Try crtl-altf1 instead, alt-f7 should return you to gui | 00:18 |
hardyred | Where would that folder be? | 00:18 |
jeffrey_f | the <dot> means relative to your current folder | 00:18 |
jeffrey_f | hardyred: Normally, you would be in your home folder, which is something like /home/YourID | 00:19 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: are you for real. Then your GUI for ubuntu wouldn't work. Are you wasting our time | 00:19 |
hardyred | jefrrey_f: gotcha thank you | 00:19 |
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wileee | hardyred, ~/ is your home and user | 00:19 |
mtyoncol | genii: I'm sure th1sguy is playing | 00:20 |
th1sguy | yeah guys i invented a fake problem so you would have to sift through inane comments | 00:20 |
jeffrey_f | hardyred: Fully understand?? Word to the wise......Make sure that you ARE in your home folder (/home/YourUserID) especially if you are doing anything else with files......Just to be safe, I always try to use fully qualified folders /home/MyUser/test <- like that | 00:21 |
vCra | 1721 people in one chat :O | 00:22 |
genii | mtyoncol: If shared libs were already loaded into ram for things already running those things would continue running | 00:22 |
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th1sguy | how do i start over on console i typed something and then hit enter and now when I type stuff it doesnt show up | 00:22 |
mtyoncol | th1sguy: www.howtogeek.com/116297/how-to-recover-an-encrypted-home-directory-on-ubuntu | 00:22 |
wileee | hardyred, I would agree in full paths, I was concerned you were aware is all. | 00:22 |
Bashing-om | vCra: Yeah. inquiring minds want to know .. ubuntu is that popular . | 00:23 |
jeffrey_f | hardyred: You can also use $home to return to your home cd $home | 00:23 |
mtyoncol | genii: go ahead. This stinks to me | 00:24 |
th1sguy | ok im in console but its not letting me type what am i doing wrong | 00:25 |
wileee | asking here | 00:25 |
wileee | ;) | 00:25 |
genii | I have to go anyhow | 00:26 |
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hardyred | jeffrey_f: Sure I understand now, sorry I had to steo out earlier | 00:48 |
Rukiri | has anyone ran into this issue when trying to install the json gem? | 00:49 |
Rukiri | Installing json 1.8.2 with native extensions | 00:49 |
Rukiri | Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. | 00:49 |
Rukiri | /usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20151008-28524-a2jsda.rb extconf.rb | 00:49 |
Rukiri | creating Makefile | 00:49 |
Rukiri | make "DESTDIR=" clean | 00:49 |
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rukiri | msg nickserv identify Yetiboy12 | 00:52 |
rukiri | hellow | 00:52 |
rukiri | anyone know how to solve this issue?/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgmp | 00:52 |
wileee | rukiri, I see this, otherwise I know nothing, https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues/3509 | 00:52 |
TJ- | rukiri: it looks like you're trying to build non-packaged software using a local install of ruby, not an Ubuntu system package | 00:53 |
in_deep_thought | I have just downloaded texlive. The installation worked successfully. How can I launch it? | 00:58 |
in_deep_thought | it doesn't seem to have created an "application" that is viewable in the search box | 00:58 |
reisio | in_deep_thought: dpkg -L texlive | grep -i bin | 01:01 |
gunfus | howdy, | 01:02 |
gunfus | a question on grub and a live USB: I want to copy my current grub.cfg from a /dev/hda1 to my live USB key.. I am currently booted under the live USB key and it doesn't let me create anything in the /boot partition | 01:03 |
gunfus | ohh hang maybe is proctected | 01:03 |
reisio | gunfus: it's read only | 01:03 |
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reisio | why do you want to do that | 01:04 |
Doptzt | Can someone help me make a .jar file executable? | 01:04 |
reisio | Doptzt: chmod +x foo.jar | 01:04 |
reisio | or just run java -jar foo.jar | 01:04 |
gunfus | reisio: lol.. yeah that was a stupid question.. maybe that fall I had in my bike really did affected my head | 01:04 |
reisio | or don't | 01:04 |
Doptzt | It's saying i don't have access | 01:04 |
reisio | gunfus: probs :) | 01:04 |
reisio | Doptzt: maybe you don't own it; ls -al foo.jar | 01:04 |
Doptzt | How do i go about owning it? | 01:04 |
reisio | Doptzt: sudo chown youruser:youruser foo.jar | 01:05 |
gunfus | reisio: is there a way to open the file from the file navigator (nautilus i think) as root? | 01:05 |
reisio | gunfus: sure, what for | 01:05 |
gunfus | reisio: want to put my grub.cfg on the live USB key | 01:06 |
Doptzt | chown: missing operand after ‘/home.../file.jar’ | 01:06 |
TJ- | gunfus: unless the USB storage device was created with a persistent storage you can't write to it | 01:06 |
reisio | gunfus: yeah, but why | 01:07 |
reisio | Doptzt: what'd you run? | 01:07 |
gunfus | TJ-: I can write to it | 01:07 |
TJ- | gunfus: what is 'it' ? | 01:07 |
gunfus | reisio: because I am going to mess up with my /boot partition.. I need to do some reconf on my hds | 01:07 |
Doptzt | reisio: sudo chown /home/.../file.jar | 01:07 |
gunfus | reisio: so in case I blow away or missconfig my /boot I want to have a backup | 01:08 |
TJ- | gunfus: if the USB has a persistent file-system partition, you can write into that. Otherwise, the live environment lives entirely in-memory, the root-fs comes from a squashfs file | 01:09 |
reisio | Doptzt: that isn't what I told you to run | 01:09 |
Doptzt | reisio: sorry what do i run? | 01:09 |
reisio | Doptzt: sudo chown youruser:youruser foo.jar | 01:09 |
Doptzt | where does that path go? | 01:09 |
reisio | gunfus: try just copying it to some other partition | 01:09 |
reisio | Doptzt: sudo chown youruser:youruser path/to/foo.jar | 01:10 |
btx | since i installed docker, my laptop kernel panics a few seconds after init, how can i boot without services ? | 01:11 |
Doptzt | okay now what? | 01:11 |
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reisio | Doptzt: java -jar path/to/foo.jar | 01:13 |
reisio | Doptzt: or chmod +x path/to/foo.jar | 01:13 |
reisio | Doptzt: or ./path/to/foo.jar | 01:13 |
Doptzt | Nothing happening | 01:13 |
reisio | it's probably deleting your files :) | 01:13 |
Doptzt | haha nope | 01:14 |
Doptzt | still there | 01:14 |
reisio | it's probably tricking you! | 01:14 |
Doptzt | Cmonnn help me haha | 01:14 |
reisio | told you what to do already | 01:14 |
reisio | java is real slow crappy nonsense, though | 01:15 |
reisio | if it's not producing any output, but you don't have a new prompt, just wait | 01:15 |
reisio | wait forever | 01:15 |
reisio | that's what java is about | 01:15 |
Doptzt | There we go | 01:15 |
Doptzt | haha | 01:15 |
reisio | yeah, waiting worked? | 01:15 |
Doptzt | SO i have to launch it from the command line each time? | 01:15 |
reisio | no you don't | 01:15 |
Doptzt | how do i do it by just clicking? | 01:16 |
reisio | what happens when you click it? | 01:16 |
Doptzt | hold on | 01:16 |
Doptzt | opens a extraction folder | 01:16 |
TJ- | Doptzt: you'd need to create a Freedesktop desktop launcher file, in $HOME/.local/applications/ | 01:17 |
Doptzt | Not sure what that means | 01:18 |
TJ- | Doptzt: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles | 01:19 |
Doptzt | TJ-: thank you | 01:20 |
reisio | Doptzt: means it thinks it's a zip file, which it is | 01:20 |
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in_deep_thought | reisio, that comes out blank. is that a bad sign? | 01:22 |
reisio | in_deep_thought: what comes out blank? | 01:23 |
in_deep_thought | dpkg -L texlive | grep -i bin | 01:23 |
reisio | probably just means it's a metapackage | 01:23 |
in_deep_thought | dpkg -L texlive comes out with some stuff | 01:23 |
reisio | in_deep_thought: ls /usr/bin/*tex* | 01:24 |
in_deep_thought | everything seems to be in usr/share/bug/texlive or usr/share/doc/texlive | 01:24 |
TJ- | in_deep_thought: I think 'tex' is the GUI executable. | 01:24 |
TJ- | in_deep_thought: try "which tex" ... apt-file shows: "texlive-binaries: /usr/bin/tex" | 01:25 |
in_deep_thought | TJ-, is there no GUI? | 01:25 |
Doptzt | TJ-:can't figure it out | 01:25 |
in_deep_thought | ah yeah there is /usr/bin/tex | 01:25 |
TJ- | in_deep_thought: Most of the tools in the TeX package are command-line tools for piping data between | 01:26 |
in_deep_thought | is there no GUI for ubuntu with tex? | 01:27 |
reisio | there are plenty | 01:27 |
in_deep_thought | oh. any recommendations? | 01:27 |
reisio | but using a GUI kinda defeats the purpose :p | 01:27 |
reisio | uh, I've heard people use texmaker? | 01:27 |
reisio | got me | 01:27 |
reisio | afk a bit | 01:28 |
jasonj8 | I use TexStudio and am reasonably satisfied with it. | 01:28 |
girthquake | Lyx try that deep? | 01:29 |
SmokeyD | hey all, how do wifi-radar and network manager relate? I like to idea of wifi-radar that you can give priority to wifi's. But does that mean that I need to remove network manager and replace it with wifi-radar? | 01:29 |
girthquake | no you can select your card using rader or manager | 01:30 |
girthquake | which environment? | 01:30 |
th1sguy | what do i type at the screen that says the passphrase is needed to access encrypted data on my hard drive? is it the security key (like my encryption string that i used to type every time at boot) or that hexadecimal thingy i got when running ecryptfs-some-command or what? | 01:31 |
Doptzt | I have to launch a .jar file from the termianl everytime or is there a way to have an icon? | 01:31 |
girthquake | user password most likely | 01:31 |
girthquake | icons are a process to make in unity rather then kde or gnome there are alot of vids on it | 01:32 |
wad | Is it me, or are updates going suuuuuper slow right now? | 01:34 |
wad | I just did a speed test of my network connection, my downstream is 120 MBPs. But downloading my Ubuntu update is like ancient modem speeds. | 01:35 |
wad | mtr to some random internet server isn't showing any dropped packets. | 01:35 |
girthquake | maybe its the server...the kali server gets like that sometimes too | 01:36 |
wad | ok | 01:39 |
TJ- | wad: which server are you hitting? | 01:39 |
wad | I tried, and didn't see a way to tell. | 01:40 |
wad | Probably some linux command would tell me. | 01:40 |
wad | I'm just using the GUI updater tool right now. | 01:40 |
wad | Just starin' at a progress bar. | 01:40 |
wad | It's so weird.... a bunch of websites are showing errors and failed jpeg-decoded images. | 01:41 |
wad | I'm gonna reboot. | 01:42 |
girthquake | what happens with a standard apt-update? | 01:42 |
Philo | Are linux distributions generally more efficient for old laptops than Windows 8 would be? | 01:43 |
girthquake | phil i would guess so...win 8 needs processing power to be efficient | 01:45 |
kappri | it depends on the distro you choose @Philo | 01:46 |
pringlescan | I need to rollback an upgrade with apt-get, the "config version" says 9.5~alpha2-1.pgdg14.04+1 (it's postgresql) but when I try apt-get install postgresql-9.5=9.5~alpha2-1.pgdg14.04+1 it says that the version doesn't exist | 01:46 |
SmokeyD | Philo: you have many more options to choose what to run and the consequences for performance with linux than you have with windows. So yes it is possible to run a linux distribution on much older hardware than windows 8. But it is always a trade-off between the graphic gadgets/niceties and performance. | 01:48 |
SmokeyD | If you run the latest ubuntu with the unity desktop, or linux mint with cinnamon desktop, or debian with gnome shell, you still need strong hardware. If you choose the mate desktop or xfce on the other hand, you still have a modern os with less hardware requirements. | 01:50 |
SmokeyD | so xubuntu for instance, or linux mint with mate desktop are two distributions that have lower hardware requirements | 01:50 |
kappri | lubuntu is also good for old systems | 01:52 |
anarkhos | hi | 01:53 |
anarkhos | how's xubuntu compared to lubuntu? i don't recall. i tried lubuntu for a while and it was good | 01:53 |
Sterist | is there a room dedicated to troubleshooting grub? | 01:58 |
Sterist | or is anyone able to assist? my laptop has been borked for months | 01:59 |
TJ- | Sterist: #grub for grub itself; If you've an Ubuntu system failing to boot here is probably better | 02:01 |
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Sterist | I have ubuntu and Windows on the same hdd, had issues with Windows and tried repairing Windows and it killed grub | 02:04 |
Sterist | I don't know many commands that work in rescue mode and no clue how to troubleshoot it | 02:05 |
ash_m | is 19.9% MEM high for mysql for a server just running a low traffic drupal site? | 02:05 |
TJ- | Sterist: When the PC boots what exactly happens? | 02:06 |
Sterist | error: no such partition | 02:06 |
Sterist | Entering rescue mode | 02:06 |
TJ- | Sterist: do you get left with a grub rescue> prompt? | 02:07 |
Sterist | yes I do | 02:07 |
TJ- | Sterist: Good :) ... I'll give you some commands to issue. Let's start with "set" and then tell me what "prefix" and "root" are set to | 02:07 |
Sterist | cmdpath=(hd0) | prefix=(hd0, msdos4)/boot/grub | root=hd0, msdos4 | 02:09 |
ash_m | when I grep apache, it looks like it's showing some watch commands I previously ran; how are you supposed to kill those correctly? | 02:09 |
Twirl | Anyone knows how to change an icon in cairo-dock? | 02:09 |
TJ- | Sterist: Great. Now "ls" and tell me what it reports as best you can (there may be several block devices/partitions listed) | 02:09 |
reisio | ash_m: watch commands? | 02:10 |
Sterist | (hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) | 02:10 |
ash_m | reisio: yeah, like watch 'ps aux | grep apache' shows a process for 'sh -c ps aux | grep apache | 02:11 |
ash_m | ' | 02:11 |
ash_m | reisio: I assume I started that a long time ago | 02:11 |
reisio | ash_m: no, that's probably the process you just ran | 02:12 |
ash_m | reisio: no, cuz there's 4 now | 02:12 |
reisio | why're you using sh -c | 02:12 |
ash_m | I just did ^C to get out of it | 02:12 |
ash_m | I don't... or at least I don't anymore... I don't remember using sh -c | 02:12 |
Sterist | did you catch that, TJ? sorry I forgot how to point messages at a name :( | 02:14 |
TJ- | Sterist: Yes... thinking. So, grub thinks its root is in partition 4 (msdos4) but there is no msdos4 | 02:14 |
TJ- | Sterist: lets look for it! Look for a file "grub.cfg", lets start with "ls (hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub/" | 02:15 |
swiftbit | hello | 02:15 |
Sterist | oh boy | 02:16 |
Sterist | one moment (0_o) | 02:16 |
highdivr | |-} | 02:16 |
ash_m | reisio: I'm just going to restart the server :P | 02:17 |
Sterist | goes from gpt- to gz- | 02:17 |
Sterist | no grub | 02:17 |
pleasehelp | Please, I need methodology help for recovering a trusty system that dies with kernel traces a few seconds after running lightdm | 02:18 |
TJ- | Sterist: Sterist can you be more specific, I can't make that out | 02:19 |
pleasehelp | the last operations before crash was docker (cgroups apparmor) apt-get crying for aufs | 02:19 |
TJ- | Sterist: do you mean you see lots of space-separated filenames with a name pattern of <something>.mod ? | 02:19 |
ash_m | fml | 02:19 |
Sterist | first letters of files, they display in alphabetical order | 02:19 |
ash_m | server is not working correctly | 02:20 |
Sterist | - is for the sake of typing less to save time | 02:20 |
pleasehelp | i can boot with break=init and manipulate the filesystem before init | 02:20 |
TJ- | Sterist: right, but do the filenames end .mod ? | 02:20 |
Sterist | yes | 02:20 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: there's a recent kernel bug in the aufs code causing panics | 02:21 |
TJ- | Sterist: GOOD :) those are grub's module files, but they are in the wrong directory, and in an unexpected partition :) | 02:21 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: i manually disabled docker by removing rc2.d links | 02:21 |
Sterist | there's no "grub.cfg" though | 02:22 |
TJ- | Sterist: lets see if we can bootstrap you out of there: "set root=hd0,msdos5" and "set prefix=($root)/boot/grub" | 02:22 |
TJ- | Sterist: then do "set" and check those 2 both are pointing to msdos5, not msdos4 | 02:23 |
Sterist | correct | 02:24 |
TJ- | Sterist: now lets try to get you out of the Rescue environment and into the regular GRUB command-line: "insmod normal" then "normal" | 02:24 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: it might be bug 1503842 | 02:25 |
ubottu | bug 1503655 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "duplicate for #1503842 Kernel bug in eventpoll_release_file+0x46/0xa0 with 3.13.0-66.107" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1503655 | 02:25 |
Sterist | first commands results-- error: file '/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found | 02:26 |
TJ- | Sterist: Right... you see the path it tries has /i386-pc/ in it? That's where GRUB expects all those .mod files. Lets try forcing the path with "insmod (hd0,msdos5)/boot/grub/normal.mod" | 02:27 |
TJ- | Sterist: I can't recall whether the 'insmod' command allows absolute paths, I hope so though | 02:27 |
Sterist | error: incompatible license | 02:28 |
TJ- | Sterist: now that's a weird one! never seen that before! | 02:31 |
Sterist | can't say I have either :'( | 02:31 |
pleasehelp | TJ: i removed all files that find /etc -mmin -100, still got the issue | 02:32 |
TJ- | Sterist: It comes from the grub kernel module loader function grub_dl_check_license() | 02:32 |
TJ- | Sterist: Now, it suggests the grub verson's are mixed up and possibly msdos5 contains an old grub v1 install, which would explain the license issue | 02:33 |
TJ- | Sterist: So we may have been caught out. Let's go back to looking for the correct grub files in other locations | 02:33 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: if your issue is the bug I referred you to, you'd need to boot to an older kernel via GRUB's Advanced menu | 02:34 |
Sterist | so just set root and set prefix then try insmod normal for the others? | 02:34 |
pleasehelp | TJ: tried all my kernels, it is a userland issue | 02:34 |
Sterist | til one (hopefully) works | 02:34 |
TJ- | Sterist: you told me originally there is "(hd0) (hd0,msdos5) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)" ... so lets check the others. "ls (hd0,msd0s3)/boot/grub/" | 02:35 |
Sterist | contains the same files (at a glance) | 02:35 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: really? is the kernel panicing? | 02:35 |
Sterist | during downtime between messages I checked 3, but not yet the others | 02:35 |
TJ- | Sterist: really?!? this is weird. try msdos1 and msdos2 | 02:36 |
TJ- | Sterist: what we expect to see is about 6 files (grub.cfg being one) including a couple of directories (i386pc/ being one) | 02:36 |
Sterist | I have 2 ubuntu installs and 1 Windows. each install with a rescue kernel. would that explain the 5 | 02:36 |
TJ- | Sterist: possibly. It looks like the installs have confused each other with different grub versions too | 02:37 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: kernel bug at mm/slab.c:3413 | 02:38 |
TJ- | Sterist: this is /boot/grub/ as seen from Linux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12720239/ | 02:39 |
pleasehelp | seems a null pointer | 02:39 |
pleasehelp | invalid opcode: 0000 | 02:39 |
Sterist | hd0, msdos1, and msdos2 all error: unknown filesystem | 02:40 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Right, that is nasty. I see several similar reports but not one with the exact same line number (3413) | 02:40 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: each time I only have 5 seconds to do something before this | 02:41 |
TJ- | Sterist: OK, so we have to work with msdos3 or msdos5 ? | 02:41 |
Sterist | correct | 02:41 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: if you boot with "init=/bin/bash" can you at least control the system? | 02:41 |
TJ- | Sterist: Well, we tried msdos5 and it failed with apparently GRUB v1 modules. Let's explore msdos3 some more | 02:41 |
Sterist | some of those might be swap partitions and/or fat32, not sure what rescue is able to read | 02:42 |
TJ- | Sterist: what kernel versions do you see with "ls (hd0,msdos3)/boot/" | 02:42 |
TJ- | Sterist: What Linux distro/releases are installed? | 02:43 |
TJ- | Sterist: we might be able to identify the correct partition by the kernel version names | 02:43 |
Sterist | ubuntu, with xubuntu on top | 02:43 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: init=/bin/bash seems not to like my encrypted zfs root | 02:43 |
TJ- | Sterist: Both installs are Ubuntu based? | 02:43 |
Sterist | used ubuntu installer and put xfce4 in from app store | 02:44 |
Sterist | correct | 02:44 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: hmmm, root-fs should be unlocked/mounted before /bin/bash is loaded. | 02:44 |
TJ- | Sterist: ok, and which release, 14.04 or some other? | 02:44 |
Sterist | kernels are all 3.16.0-30 generic through -46 generic | 02:45 |
Sterist | the newest partition (presumably msdos5) should be 14 LTS | 02:45 |
TJ- | Sterist: that looks like 14.10 (Utopic) kernels, probably on the 14.04 LTS point release | 02:46 |
Sterist | the other (I think msdos2 but honestly idk) is an old one, maybe 12 | 02:46 |
TJ- | Sterist: OK, that helps me visualise what we are working with. We're talking about msdos3 here is that correct? | 02:46 |
Sterist | yes | 02:47 |
TJ- | Sterist: so "ls (hd0,msdos3)/boot/grub/" lists a lot of files ending in .mod as before? | 02:47 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: password is not asked with init=/bin/bash | 02:47 |
Sterist | correct | 02:47 |
Sterist | at a glance, identical to 5 | 02:47 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: root-file system is unlocked by the initial ramdisk before /bin/bash is called, so that is weird :S | 02:47 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: maybe pivot by myself with break=init ? | 02:48 |
TJ- | Sterist: OK, lets try "set root=hd0,msdos3" and "set prefix=($root)/boot/grub" | 02:48 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: zith break=init i get my password asked | 02:48 |
Sterist | woah I just ls the 3 and it showed me exactly what that link showed, I don't know whay I did differently | 02:49 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Yes, anything along those lines so you can get into the console. You could boot with "text" or "systemd.unit=multiuser.target" too | 02:49 |
Sterist | looks like 3 is it. one moment | 02:49 |
TJ- | Sterist: typo maybe? So 3 it is :) | 02:49 |
TJ- | Sterist: "insmod normal" then "normal" ... i'm off to make a coffee! | 02:49 |
Sterist | sir, can I buy you a coffee? :D | 02:51 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: 'text' just boots normally to desktop not interrupting | 02:51 |
TJ- | Sterist: once it has booted let's fix things from a command-line terminal | 02:53 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: OK, the system must be using systemd then | 02:53 |
Sterist | I'm getting endless out of memory errors =/ | 02:53 |
TJ- | Sterist: really? Sounds like it is really messed up | 02:54 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: same with "systemd.unit=multiuser.target" | 02:54 |
Sterist | powered off and now it's back to msdos4 | 02:54 |
Sterist | in rescue | 02:54 |
TJ- | Sterist: may need to reboot, reset GRUB root/prefix again, then use the Advanced > Recovery boot option | 02:54 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: i need to interrupt before init load services | 02:55 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: OK. I suggested that target since you mentioned lightdm and I wondered if the bug was in the graphics side | 02:55 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Sounds like you need an earlier target | 02:55 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: I see "emergency.target" - worth trying do you think? | 02:56 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: it starts normally | 02:58 |
Sterist | use a recovery mode kernel? | 02:58 |
Sterist | from advanced options | 02:58 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: can you use that environment to check logs to determine where the issue is kicked off from? | 02:58 |
TJ- | Sterist: Yes | 02:59 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: no pager in initrd :( | 02:59 |
Sterist | endless out of memory errors again | 02:59 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Oh! emergency == initial ramdisk? | 03:00 |
Sterist | systemd-udevd | 03:00 |
TJ- | Sterist: sounds like it is well broken! | 03:00 |
TJ- | Sterist: how much RAM does the system have? | 03:00 |
Sterist | 4 gigs | 03:00 |
Sterist | boot disks give me this problem too. | 03:00 |
TJ- | Sterist: so, OOM errors and udev means something more is bad, than just the messed up GRUB | 03:01 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: as i said i can use cat on my fs with 'break=init' | 03:01 |
Sterist | any idea where to point me? | 03:01 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: how to determine if upstart or systemd ? | 03:02 |
pleasehelp | with cat ;) ? | 03:03 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: but from there its hard to pivot into the root-fs and actually trace the boot to figure the issue out. If the system is managing to log, its worth booting it from a Live ISO image and examining the logs manually | 03:03 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: if it is 15.04+ it'll be using systemd (we know that too because it acted on the systemd.unit= | 03:03 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: it's truty | 03:04 |
pleasehelp | so upstart | 03:04 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Then how did 'systemd.unit=emergency.target" work? | 03:04 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: Trusty doesn't have systemd | 03:04 |
pleasehelp | as normal graphic boot ending with freeze | 03:04 |
pleasehelp | 5 secs after lightdm | 03:05 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: correction: Trusty doesn't have systemd-init (it does have systemd-logind) | 03:05 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: booting with 'text' on the kernel command-line with an Upstart system will not start lightdm | 03:06 |
pleasehelp | i don't understand why 'init=/bin/bash' fails ... | 03:06 |
TJ- | Sterist: Any chance you could take a photo of the monitor with those OOM errors for me? | 03:06 |
Sterist | sure. at the moment I'm trying to boot Windows. seems to be hanging but will soon. any preferred hosting site? | 03:07 |
TJ- | Sterist: I think we recommend imgur on the factoids here | 03:07 |
TJ- | !paste | 03:07 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 03:07 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: 'text' goes to lightdm | 03:08 |
pleasehelp | i can see on the screen '(A) Connected Profile 1' | 03:08 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: then that isn't using Upstart. The upstart /etc/init/lightdm.conf script looks for 'text' and stops if it finds it | 03:08 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: not sure where that comes from; sounds like a Bluetooth device :) | 03:09 |
Sterist | bios and Windows both detect 4g ram, so I don't think it's a bad ram stick. Windows still stuck but at a screen it's never stuck before.. hd light still going so I'm going to wait a few more minutes | 03:10 |
TJ- | Sterist: good idea... it may be doing a file-system check | 03:11 |
Sterist | negative, it says when doing a check and it's past the stage it'd normally do that | 03:11 |
sewardrobert | Hello, my daughter is learning Japanese and using lbuntu on an older laptop. How can she enter Kanji characters? Etc. I tried adding a Japanese "Keyboard Input" for her. Pressing "Super Space" key sequence shows "JP and US" in a nice dialog on the screen. However regardless of how the input is toggled, Kanji char input sequences do NOT output Kanji chars. Any advice? | 03:13 |
Sterist | ok I'm going to force it off | 03:13 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: this time in initrd I got invalid max DP link bw val 0, using 1.62Gps | 03:13 |
pleasehelp | but no freeze | 03:14 |
pleasehelp | TJ: maybe i can force a frame buffer device instead of my i915 ? | 03:14 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: AHA, that is from the Intel i915 driver | 03:15 |
pleasehelp | i haven't upgraded it rencently though | 03:15 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: that is only a WARN though, not fatal at that point | 03:15 |
pleasehelp | yes | 03:15 |
sewardrobert | Is this mostly an install ubuntu help channel? | 03:16 |
TJ- | sewardrobert: All Ubuntu support, but there isn't any guarantee that someone knows about your issue | 03:16 |
pleasehelp | oops | 03:17 |
sewardrobert | Sure. Sure. Most of the conversation seems to be centered on hardware related issues. | 03:17 |
TJ- | sewardrobert: it depends on who's in and what's being asked :) | 03:17 |
Sterist | http://imgur.com/qWhcagC | 03:19 |
TJ- | Sterist: Ouch, that looks bad. | 03:20 |
Sterist | it starts around process 100 and keeps killing til around 445 then hangs | 03:20 |
TJ- | Sterist: so we need to try and get in early and prevent that. Do what I suggested for pleasehelp. Reboot, get to the GRUB menu, but this time highlight the first Ubuntu entry, press 'E' to edit it, navigate to the line starting "linux ...", remove "quiet splash" and add "debug init=/bin/bash" then press Ctrl+X to boot with that change. | 03:22 |
TJ- | Sterist: the idea is that instead of booting with the init daemon starting, we start with bash shell only | 03:22 |
TJ- | Sterist: It might give us enough to fix GRUB, and identify the cause of the OOMs | 03:23 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: actually i can boot my 3.16 kernel | 03:24 |
glitsj16 | hi all, getting a fopen: permission denied when running 'crontab -l'. No /etc/cron.allow or /etc/cron.deny, so I should be able to use crontab as my regular user. Permissions on /var/spool/cron/crontabs --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/12720522/ | 03:26 |
trism | sewardrobert: you probably want to use the anthy or mozc input method (I use mozc myself lately), see for instance: http://moritzmolch.com/1453 | 03:26 |
Sterist | is quiet splash only going to appear one time in the list | 03:27 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: removed docker.io cgroup-lite apparmor | 03:28 |
Sterist | and there are many references to msdos4, change to 3? | 03:28 |
pleasehelp | updated initramfs et voila | 03:28 |
TJ- | Sterist: yes, change msdos4 to msdos3. There will only be 1 instance of "quiet splash" | 03:29 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: maybe it was cgroup-lite messing with udev , I'll never know | 03:29 |
TJ- | pleasehelp: It was a nasty one | 03:29 |
fertyerxc | bazhang: what | 03:29 |
Sterist | there were 3 references to msdos4 | 03:30 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: using crypto + zfs with unstable kernel 4.1.6 does not help | 03:30 |
Sterist | 4 actually | 03:31 |
pleasehelp | TJ-: thanks for you help, glad here's people like you helping | 03:36 |
pleasehelp | people like me :) | 03:38 |
Sterist | I think I put in the changes as directed, ctrl X and getting OOMs again | 03:39 |
TJ- | Sterist: did you add the "init=/bin/bash" ? | 03:39 |
TJ- | Sterist: if so, those errors must be happening before that, during execution of the initial ramdisk scripts | 03:40 |
Sterist | "debug init=/bin/bash" yes, right where quiet splash was | 03:40 |
TJ- | Sterist: right, so it must be the udev in the initial ramdisk being killed. | 03:40 |
Sterist | I'm afraid to ask, what's next :( | 03:42 |
TJ- | Sterist: I'm reading the initial ramdisk /init shell script, so we can break into it early before udevd starts. | 03:44 |
TJ- | Sterist: Reboot, edit the Ubuntu entry as before, but instead of adding "init=/bin/bash" add " break=top" which should drop you to a busybox shell in the initial ramdisk | 03:45 |
Sterist | systemd-udevd[100] : worker [446] terminated by signal 9 (Killed) | 03:46 |
Sterist | ^ a sample line from the OOMs, might not have shown up in the picture | 03:46 |
TJ- | Sterist: I've also pastebinned that shell script so you can get a feel for what we are dealing with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12720649/ | 03:46 |
TJ- | Sterist: The problem we have is the REAL errors scroll off the screen long before we can capture them, so we only see the repeated failures of udevd respawning and being killed. The actual error is likely nothing to do with udevd | 03:47 |
Sterist | a little over my head =/ | 03:47 |
TJ- | Sterist: I usually aim a camcorder at the screen and capture the kernel messages on it, then replay it frame b frame :) | 03:48 |
Sterist | clever. | 03:48 |
Sterist | any way to make the root and prefix stick so I don't have to re enter every reboot | 03:49 |
smokeless | no /var/log/kern.log? | 03:50 |
smokeless | or dmesg? | 03:50 |
TJ- | Sterist: if you look at line 226 "maybe_break top" that is testing whether we have used "break=top" on the kernel command-line. If we have, it'll exit the script at that point. There are several maybe_break XXXX possibilities. We can (laboriously) keep working through them to find at which point the OOMs start. That helps us narrow down what is happening when the OOM starts. | 03:50 |
TJ- | Sterist: without being able to get to edit the grub.cfg, no. If you have a Live ISO USB/DVD to boot from, we can do that | 03:50 |
TJ- | Sterist: coffee time - almost 5am here :) | 03:51 |
Sterist | boot discs result in OOMs too | 03:52 |
Sterist | shortly after installer background loads | 03:52 |
TJ- | Sterist: OK, then the system hardware has a problem | 03:55 |
TJ- | Sterist: What is the make/model of either the PC, or the motherboard? | 03:55 |
Sterist | break stopped the boot before ooms | 03:56 |
TJ- | Sterist: there were issues with the Windows boot too, but with the Live boot its only using RAM not disk which points to the hardware | 03:56 |
Sterist | busybox | 03:56 |
Sterist | ASUS K50i | 03:57 |
TJ- | Sterist: right, so some device when initialised is upsetting things. Are there any USB deviecs attached, or anything else external aside from monitor? | 03:57 |
Sterist | nothing, no monitor either | 03:57 |
TJ- | Sterist: this PC? http://www.asus.com/Notebooks/K50IN/ | 03:58 |
Sterist | correct | 03:59 |
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TJ- | Sterist: lets start issuing commands manually: "export BOOT" | 04:00 |
SigilBaram | Hello. I'm trying to install ubuntu and my monitor turns off when starting the live session, so I tried to use the mini cd, but that doesn't boot in EFI mode... | 04:02 |
Sterist | order of problems: 1. Windows boot issues, 2. Windows startup repair tool, 3. grub rescue ever since, followed by OOMs | 04:02 |
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TJ- | Sterist: usually the /init script will automatically run a group of shell scripts in a directory via the "run_scripts /path/to/dir" - but we want to run each manually so you've got some accurate typing to do :) | 04:02 |
Sterist | I'm ready, I suppose | 04:03 |
TJ- | Sterist: "/scripts/init-top/all_generic_ide" | 04:03 |
Sterist | returned blank line | 04:04 |
TJ- | Sterist: then, in order, "/scripts/init-top/blacklist" "/scripts/init-top/brltty" "/scripts/init-top/console_setup" "/scripts/init-top/framebuffer" "/scripts/init-top/keymap" "/scripts/init-top/plymouth" | 04:05 |
TJ- | Sterist: the sign of a successful execution in *nix is no output :) | 04:05 |
TJ- | Sterist: if you get through all those without provking the OOM error, the next one is "/scripts/init-top/udev" which may be the one to provoke it | 04:06 |
TJ- | SigilBaram: That sounds like an issue that requires "nomodeset" adding to the kernel command-line at the boot menu | 04:07 |
SigilBaram | TJ: That would be in the Live CD? | 04:07 |
Sterist | brltty line returned "not found" | 04:07 |
TJ- | SigilBaram: yes. as it boots in UEFI mode there's a boot menu. You should be able to edit the 'Try...' option there by highlighting it and pressing 'E' | 04:08 |
TJ- | Sterist: OK... I've got a 14.04 chroot here so I'm telling you what I see there. | 04:09 |
Sterist | just proceed to next line? | 04:10 |
TJ- | SigilBaram: if so, navigate to the line starting "linux ..." and add "nomodeset" to it before any "--" at the end | 04:10 |
TJ- | Sterist: Yes | 04:10 |
TJ- | Sterist: file-not-found isn't a problem. if you want to check the names of the scripts you have and use those names, do "ls /scripts/init-top/" | 04:10 |
SigilBaram | TJ-: Alright. I'll give that a try. Thanks. | 04:11 |
Sterist | console_setup "not found" | 04:11 |
TJ- | Sterist: strange! that one I would have expected | 04:11 |
Sterist | framebuffer "not found" | 04:13 |
TJ- | Sterist: do the 'ls' then, see what is there | 04:15 |
Sterist | same for keymap and plymouth | 04:15 |
TJ- | Sterist: I'm beginning to think the problem here is the initial ramdisk image is bad too. | 04:15 |
Sterist | only 2 items, all_generic_ide and blacklist | 04:16 |
Sterist | and udev before it | 04:16 |
SigilBaram | TJ-: The "nomodeset" change to the boot options is working. Thanks. XD | 04:16 |
TJ- | Sterist: seems minimal! | 04:17 |
TJ- | Sterist: try starting udev lets see if the fun starts | 04:17 |
Sterist | most probably. one moment | 04:17 |
Sterist | yes it printed for about 3 seconds then OOMs | 04:18 |
TJ- | Sterist: right.. udevd's job is to receive events from the kernel about newly discovered devices and act on those appropriately. udevd has (text) rules files to guide it. In response to some events (such as a device add) it will execute some external process, which may involve loading a kernel module for the device. My current theory is that one of those is causing the issue | 04:20 |
TJ- | Sterist: unfortunately at this point there is no file-system to write logs to, so unless we had a serial port console or net console to capture the kernel messsages we will struggle to collect useful information | 04:21 |
TJ- | Sterist: If this also affects booting a Live ISO then that suggests the problem is in the hardware, not in the installed software | 04:22 |
Sterist | I understand. I just don't get how this can be a hardware problem if it immediately began after trying to use Windows' startup repair tool | 04:23 |
mcerb | hmm | 04:23 |
mcerb | I'm starting to think that I want to be using arch again instead of ubuntu | 04:23 |
reisio | thinking again, eh? :p | 04:23 |
mcerb | oops wrong chat | 04:23 |
smokeless | use the best tool for whatever goal you're trying to accomplish. | 04:23 |
TJ- | Sterist: could be a device has failed, or it could be a BIOS config problem. Have you tried a BIOS factory-defaults reset? | 04:24 |
Sterist | I do have a SATA adapter and know how to remove the drive, so salvaging data won't be a problem | 04:24 |
Viking667 | I seem to have some problems related to packages from a ppa. How do I remove packages from a specific PPA and upgrade those same packages to the current release instead? | 04:24 |
mcerb | maybe it's just that I haven't found the ubuntu documentation which is on par with what they have in the arch wiki | 04:24 |
Viking667 | ... preferably the second option, not the first. | 04:24 |
Sterist | I googled the OOM error months ago and superior said that removing the backup battery from ram solved the problem, so I tried that -- to no avail | 04:25 |
Sterist | and someone* | 04:25 |
TJ- | Sterist: silly but... have you powered it off completely AND removed the battery, and then pressed the power-on button to drain any remaining power, then re-attached the battery and tried again? | 04:25 |
Sterist | that, in affect, defaulted bios | 04:26 |
wileee | !ppa-purge | Viking667 | 04:26 |
ubottu | Viking667: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 04:26 |
TJ- | Sterist: another silly... have you left a DVD/CD on the DVD drive? | 04:26 |
Sterist | negative | 04:26 |
Sterist | I don't like the battery drain from spinning up the disc when it boots, so I make it a point to remove discs before shutdown whenever I use them | 04:27 |
TJ- | Sterist: another silly but has worked. Open the trap-door where the RAM modules live, remove them, and reseat them | 04:28 |
Viking667 | wileee: thanks. | 04:29 |
Sterist | that would take me a while. I don't have a screwdriver handy and I'm in bed lol | 04:29 |
wileee | Viking667, my pleasure, generally works well. | 04:29 |
TJ- | Sterist: something for another day then :) | 04:29 |
Viking667 | Will that just remove the "bad" packages? | 04:29 |
Sterist | I'll be sure to try it. do you have an email I can poke? | 04:30 |
Viking667 | Unfortunately the ppa affects a good deal of xorg so as you can understand, I'd rather like to upgrade instead of out-and-out amputate. | 04:30 |
TJ- | Sterist: you can catch me here if I'm available to help | 04:30 |
wileee | Viking667, It does as the bits message says any pckgs from the ppa made stock, any extras removed as well. | 04:30 |
wileee | bots* | 04:30 |
Viking667 | I'll recheck that. Thanks. | 04:30 |
Sterist | arright | 04:31 |
wileee | Viking667, You don;t want to mix ppa's with ppa;s is all. | 04:31 |
wileee | like xorg and the new nvidia ppa | 04:31 |
Sterist | how do you send a private message in irc? out of public channel, that is | 04:31 |
TJ- | Sterist: I also suspect random disk corruption. If random sectors across the disk are corrupted that could equally affect Windows and Ubuntu, and could also possibly affect the Live ISO boot *if* it is trying to read file-system structures of the hard disk | 04:32 |
TJ- | Sterist: if you want to leave me a note, use "/msg memoserv help" for details | 04:32 |
TJ- | Sterist: I have private messages (/query) disabled | 04:32 |
Sterist | I have tried disabling hard disk completely when attempting boot disk | 04:33 |
Sterist | from bios | 04:33 |
TJ- | Sterist: that won't help though, the kernel will find it. Disconnecting it would be a good test | 04:33 |
Sterist | noted | 04:34 |
Viking667 | ***. | 04:35 |
TJ- | Sterist: page 43 and thereabouts of the User Manual has details for removing HDD and RAM | 04:35 |
Sterist | not quite sure how to leave memos lol seems the help page only explains whay memoserv is | 04:36 |
Viking667 | The PPa has a name in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/makson96-fglrx-quantal.list, what would be the PPA name? I'm not having much luck trying ppa:makson96/fglrx | 04:36 |
Viking667 | ... or variations on that | 04:36 |
wileee | Viking667, quantal? | 04:36 |
Viking667 | that's when it got installed, yeah. | 04:36 |
TJ- | Sterist: "/msg memoserv help send" | 04:37 |
wileee | Viking667, I'm not up on fglrx is all, this a supported release as of now? | 04:37 |
TJ- | Viking667: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/makson96-fglrx-quantal.list" | 04:37 |
Viking667 | fglrx is ATI's driver for their Radeon cards. | 04:37 |
Sterist | is that essentially a private message? sorry for the question bombardment =/ | 04:38 |
wileee | oh yes we seem them often, never messed with them myself | 04:38 |
Viking667 | I did. Two commented lines, basically deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/makson96/fglrx/ubuntu raring main | 04:38 |
TJ- | Viking667: if you saw "http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main" the PPA name would be "xorg-edgers" | 04:38 |
Viking667 | right. I tried ppa-purge ppa:makson96, makson96/fglrx, makson96-fglrx and a couple of other variations. | 04:39 |
TJ- | Viking667: in your case it might be "makson96/fglrx" since that line looks to be using a non-default PPA name | 04:39 |
TJ- | Viking667: if the lines are commented (you mean # prefix ?) then they're not active | 04:40 |
Viking667 | That's the first option I tried. | 04:40 |
Viking667 | TJ-: yeah. Do I need to uncomment them before ppa-purge will work? | 04:40 |
Viking667 | ... and rerun apt-get update? | 04:40 |
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest65219 | ||
Viking667 | i.e. uncomment lines, run apt-get update, then run ppa-purge? | 04:40 |
TJ- | Viking667: Hmmm, if they are commented are the packages from that PPA really installed? If so, then yes, uncomment and apt-get update | 04:41 |
Viking667 | they are certainly installed. Right, I'll try those steps. | 04:41 |
Viking667 | whew. That worked. It's now chewing | 04:42 |
Viking667 | meh. It barfed. I'll have to reinstall them from scratch. | 04:46 |
SigilBaram | Ok, so now I have ubuntu installed, but I have to A) pick grub from the BIOS boot menu. If I let it boot normally it fails to find a UUID. B) Do the nomodeset thing once I get to the grub menu, or my monitor still turns off. | 04:51 |
Viking667 | whew. now I can see if that purge/reinstall worked. Thanks wileee and TJ- | 04:54 |
Viking667 | Now, how on earth do I fix THIS problem? I log in, and abiword starts. It's not in the list of programs to autostart. | 04:56 |
SigilBaram | Though my MB also lists "ubuntu" twice too, which is kind of confusing. | 04:56 |
SigilBaram | Disabling legacy booting in the bios fixed grub (probably something left over in the MBR), installing nvidia drivers fixed needing "nomodeset". | 05:05 |
Dusti[N] | howdy! is a question im going to probably repost in kubuntu also incase no one can help me here just FYI peeps with @'s in both. But my question is "ive had alot of errors in !5.04 and would like to go back to the LTS but not only go back but switch from ubuntu to kubuntu and have alot of downloads, pictures and documents that i can just delete so how to do this and not lose my data or crash my computer ? | 05:05 |
cerbius | Bonjour à tous ! | 05:07 |
Dusti[N] | i downloaded a clean kubuntu install and it seems so stable and connetic but when installing kde from gnome it causes alot of problems | 05:08 |
cerbius | Je recherche une solution à un problème de ligne de commande en bash, quelqu'un pourrait il m'aider s'il vous plait ? | 05:08 |
swift110-phone | Hey | 05:08 |
Dusti[N] | hello | 05:09 |
Viking667 | cerbius: parlez-vous Anglais? | 05:09 |
Dusti[N] | hows it going? | 05:09 |
cerbius | Viking667, little | 05:09 |
Viking667 | what problem are you having with bash? | 05:10 |
cerbius | i have a file with a lot of word, my question is simple : what is the bash command to calculate how many words i have for the first letter is A; B, C etc... | 05:11 |
=== cscelza_ is now known as cscelza | ||
explodes | So, aptitude full-upgrade is giving me dependency resolution actions, and I've never *had* to deal with these before, I don't want to break anything | 05:12 |
explodes | The terminal output looks like this: http://pastebin.com/MTGdFTzd | 05:13 |
explodes | It immediately appears that I could just remove the packages it suggests, since they have the names with :i386 at the end | 05:14 |
Viking667 | cerbius: ahh. A problem I do not know how to fix. I'm not that good. | 05:14 |
cerbius | Viking667, no problem, thank you, i search | 05:15 |
Viking667 | explodes: don't forget that sometimes you need those i386 if there isn't an equivalent x86_64 installed. You may also need them if the application has no 64-bit candidate, i.e. Skype. | 05:15 |
explodes | Viking667: ok. I see x84_64 counterparts for each of these | 05:16 |
explodes | should be safe. | 05:16 |
explodes | stay connected please so you can send me that link if i break my puter :P | 05:16 |
mcerb | is there any hope of using keys that don't show up in showkey? | 05:17 |
mcerb | would I have to patch the kernel or something? | 05:17 |
explodes | gonna restart - brb | 05:17 |
Viking667 | explodes: I need to go... | 05:17 |
reisio | mcerb: nor xev? | 05:17 |
mcerb | reisio no response in either | 05:18 |
reisio | what keyboard is this? | 05:18 |
mcerb | the one on my hp split 13 x2 | 05:18 |
mcerb | it's the brightness control keys | 05:19 |
Viking667 | and is it only specific keys that are "missing"? | 05:19 |
mcerb | yes, Viking667 | 05:19 |
explodes | damn dude | 05:19 |
reisio | mcerb: sure it's not some fn toggle reversal issue? | 05:19 |
Viking667 | explodes: hmm? | 05:19 |
reisio | fn key toggle* | 05:19 |
explodes | a terminal popped up when i opened my applications back up | 05:20 |
Viking667 | yes, I have a keyboard that does that too. | 05:20 |
Viking667 | explodes: ... and? | 05:20 |
explodes | http://pastebin.com/FfAWAKUM | 05:20 |
mcerb | what do you mean by that? the keys are supposed to control brightness by default and act as F keys when the fn button is pressed | 05:20 |
mobile | hey | 05:21 |
Viking667 | explodes: yeah, I thought that might happen. | 05:21 |
mcerb | right now they show up on xev only when the fn button is pressed | 05:21 |
explodes | Viking667: any tips? | 05:21 |
Viking667 | install those pkgs and their deps? | 05:21 |
matiasmilla | hi guys | 05:21 |
reisio | mcerb: so it's probably reversed, the fn toggle | 05:21 |
reisio | which doesn't surprise me | 05:22 |
Viking667 | oy. not everyone's a "guy"... | 05:22 |
reisio | mcerb: you might try a bleeding edge kernel, or just figure out how to toggle the fn on always | 05:22 |
mcerb | I think it's this way under windows | 05:22 |
=== wook is now known as Guest11228 | ||
mobile | anyome have any ideas why when i use the brightness control button on my corsair strafe keyboard in ubuntu it stops keyboard functionality until reboot? | 05:22 |
mcerb | but there's supposed to be something going on under the hood that allows the brightness keys to control brightness, I just don't know what it is | 05:23 |
Dusti[N] | anyone get to my question? can i go from ubuntu 15.04 tpo kubuntu 14 LTS? | 05:23 |
explodes | Viking667: my shit appears to be fucked | 05:24 |
Viking667 | explodes: hm. | 05:25 |
explodes | suggestion 1 does nothing really, suggestion 2 involves removing 300 packages, suggestion 3: pretty much all of my package | 05:26 |
explodes | fuuuuuck | 05:26 |
Viking667 | ugh. | 05:26 |
Viking667 | I can't remember what happened when I installed it on zoom... it seemed to work for 14.04 | 05:26 |
Viking667 | I don't know how to fix your issue ... yet. | 05:27 |
Viking667 | Does steam even HAVE a 64-bit client? | 05:27 |
Viking667 | I have to go, anyhow. | 05:27 |
explodes | ok thanks anyways | 05:27 |
Viking667 | sorry about that. | 05:27 |
explodes | [x] rekt [ ] not rekt | 05:30 |
mcerb | also I have no idea how to set up the multitouch gestures for this touchpad | 05:32 |
mcerb | I'd like to be able to do the two finger scroll wheel thing. I had it working in mint but can't remember what I did | 05:32 |
SigilBaram | Did he just go to uninstall all his multi-architecture librarys? If he has them he was probably using them for something... XD | 05:33 |
SigilBaram | Oh my scroll wasn't moving heh | 05:34 |
explodes | p. sure i did tho | 05:35 |
explodes | it's not "acceptable" to reinstall them now either?! | 05:35 |
gbz | zenm | 05:36 |
SigilBaram | explodes: Try "dpkg --add-architecture i386"? It should be there already since you had them before though... | 05:40 |
SigilBaram | my experience with multi-arch goes as far as getting skype to work though heh | 05:41 |
SigilBaram | Aaah steam. That needed too I guess. | 05:42 |
explodes | still rekt! | 05:42 |
explodes | --add-architecture succeeded tho (exit 0), if that means anything | 05:42 |
SigilBaram | Try doing steam again now that i386 is enabled? | 05:43 |
SigilBaram | That error message is odd though. It doesn't sound like it was the fault of multi-arch | 05:45 |
explodes | still same situation | 05:48 |
mcerb | how do I even go about getting multitouch working? I can't find a single tutorial that doesn't just tell me to install touchegg. I have touchegg but I can't get it to recognize any gestures from my touchpad | 05:52 |
SigilBaram | explodes: Are you using a PPA for steam or did you download it from their website? | 05:53 |
explodes | website | 05:53 |
explodes | mcerb: are you sure its supported on the hardware? | 05:53 |
mcerb | explodes: I'm positive; I had it working with mint | 05:55 |
=== omnik5570 is now known as omnik5569 | ||
SigilBaram | explodes: steam is in the ubuntu software center according to ubuntu's website? https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/steam-launcher/ | 05:56 |
explodes | yea, i think the download is the same package | 05:56 |
explodes | idk tho | 05:56 |
mcerb | I'm certain that I just need to install the right firmware for my touchpad, but I don't know how to do that | 05:56 |
SigilBaram | explodes: the one from the software center probably has the dependancies adjusted to match ubuntu's setup. | 05:57 |
mcerb | the specs say I have "HP Imagepad supporting multi-touch gestures without on/off button." | 05:57 |
explodes | you're probs right | 05:58 |
explodes | I'll uninstall and reinstall | 05:58 |
explodes | shit | 05:59 |
explodes | watch all my games need to get redownloaded | 05:59 |
SigilBaram | wait it working before? | 05:59 |
explodes | yea, one of their updates fugged up my stuffs | 05:59 |
explodes | lmao | 06:00 |
explodes | the one from apt has the same issues | 06:00 |
explodes | now i have zero steam | 06:00 |
=== user is now known as Guest25197 | ||
explodes | reinstalled from the website OK- same issues tho, when i launch it it pulls up a terminal asking for the admin password to install the missing deps | 06:02 |
gartral | hey all, I have an external hard drive with a nice install of 15.04 that I use when I don't have MY laptop and need to use other's computers but the thing is, after a few months of using it i've noticed that updates, particularly related to grub, can leave that drive with "ghost OSes" until I manually clean it up, is there any way to whitelist only that drive's /boot for generating the grub boot list? | 06:04 |
=== ThePengwin is now known as SINTACKS_ERRAW | ||
explodes | attempts to install those deps with that terminal fail outright, installing them with apt-get gives me shit about bork deps like http://pastebin.com/k6mn5RqZ | 06:04 |
=== SINTACKS_ERRAW is now known as ThePengwin | ||
yigal | Is anyone using KVM with gpu passthrough with VNC instead of using Synergy? | 06:05 |
yigal | I just noticed that I will sometimes lose the Synergy conection when there's a popup dialogue with Synergy and so I'm looking at alernative options when I go to using one monitor. | 06:06 |
explodes | SigilBaram: would apt-get install -f help here? | 06:07 |
SigilBaram | explodes: Oh it looks like it want the x86_64 and i386 to be on the same version. Is something holding the x86_64 ones back? | 06:08 |
yigal | I'm basically using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37D2bRsthfI and it's working wonders, but I want to use a single 1440p monitor instead of two. | 06:08 |
explodes | SigilBaram: mmm maybe they're not out yet? | 06:08 |
explodes | everything is upgraded to the max (via apt-get update/upgrade) | 06:08 |
SigilBaram | explodes: I'm not sure. It'd be nice if there was someone on with more experience fixing apt conflics. >.< | 06:09 |
explodes | sudo aptitude install libgl1-mesa-dri wont even let me install it.. "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed." | 06:10 |
explodes | oh wait it IS installed my bad | 06:11 |
yigal | explodes: that's a relief, and makes sense :) | 06:11 |
explodes | I'll just wait a day- maybe they're being deployed shortly?? | 06:12 |
explodes | Is that a thing that happens, one arch is delayed for some reason? | 06:12 |
SigilBaram | I'm trying to install steam now and it's not asking for anything in i386? | 06:12 |
explodes | well aren't we special | 06:13 |
explodes | Oh- try running it | 06:13 |
explodes | The launcher installs the deps, I believe | 06:13 |
explodes | steamdeps | 06:13 |
SigilBaram | oh yeah. Now it's asking for those. | 06:14 |
SigilBaram | It had a similar error about missing depends that were broken, but now steam is running anyway? lol | 06:15 |
explodes | yea. and the games work fine | 06:17 |
explodes | idk mang | 06:17 |
explodes | now you're stuck in the loop | 06:17 |
explodes | you've absorbed my curse and now i'm free | 06:17 |
explodes | best of luck to you | 06:17 |
gartral | hey all, I have an external hard drive with a nice install of 15.04 that I use when I don't have MY laptop and need to use other's computers but the thing is, after a few months of using it i've noticed that updates, particularly related to grub, can leave that drive with "ghost OSes" until I manually clean it up, is there any way to whitelist only that drive's /boot for generating the grub boot list? | 06:20 |
explodes | oh i've seen this before | 06:20 |
explodes | i forget where | 06:20 |
explodes | gartral: i dont think you can m8 | 06:22 |
SigilBaram | gartral: I believe there is a way to limit which drives grub searches, but I don't know how to go about it. | 06:23 |
explodes | thanks for the help everyone- i'm out | 06:23 |
wileee | os-prober searches | 06:23 |
SigilBaram | explodes: "The following packages will be REMOVED: kubuntu-desktop..." um no... hahaha | 06:23 |
explodes | that last second mention tho | 06:24 |
explodes | whats up? | 06:24 |
explodes | .___. k sorry if it was important i have to sleep | 06:25 |
SigilBaram | There is definitely something very interesting going on in the multi-arch realm it seems. It wants me to remove most of my system as well when I try to manually install those packages. | 06:25 |
explodes | ^ right?! | 06:25 |
SigilBaram | night then XD | 06:25 |
explodes | i think the correct version may come out soon, this is a new update (<12 hours old) | 06:26 |
explodes | s/think/hope | 06:26 |
explodes | k night :) | 06:26 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | help guys_my synaptic package manager has stop working>is there any other means of installing softwares u can recommend for me | 07:00 |
amaroq | use software center | 07:01 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | not working too | 07:02 |
amaroq | Houston we have a problem | 07:02 |
SigilBaram | sounds like an issue with apt then lol | 07:02 |
SigilBaram | what does it say when you "apt-get install <package>"? | 07:03 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | i've also tried to use- 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'. | 07:03 |
SigilBaram | What is the error message? | 07:04 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline | 07:06 |
Ben64 | xwt-swizzy-weezy: pastebin full command and errpr | 07:08 |
Ben64 | error* | 07:08 |
eagles0513875_ | hey all im running dd if=/dev/urandom on one of my hard disks with a block size of 4096 and my system ends up locking up completely. upon research it seems like I am running out of entropy. what do i need to do to prevent my system from locking up due to running out of entropy | 07:09 |
Ben64 | eagles0513875_: urandom doesn't run out of entropy | 07:10 |
eagles0513875_ | Ben64: then im seeing on 14.04.3 these random lockups | 07:10 |
eagles0513875_ | which i cannot explain | 07:10 |
Ben64 | why are you doing that anyway | 07:11 |
eagles0513875_ | Ben64: i want to securly erase a drive | 07:11 |
Ben64 | dd if=/dev/zero of=drive | 07:11 |
hateball | eagles0513875_: why not just use shred | 07:11 |
eagles0513875_ | hateball: what does that do? | 07:11 |
hateball | eagles0513875_: man shred | 07:12 |
eagles0513875_ | ok | 07:12 |
Ben64 | even more pointless than urandom | 07:12 |
hateball | Well, doesnt lock up your machine at least :p | 07:12 |
Ben64 | neither does urandom | 07:12 |
DChapman | Neither of which "securely erase a drive." | 07:13 |
Ben64 | writing zeros to a drive securely erases it | 07:13 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | anyone with a well working 'wine'_i wanna know how you got it to working well>mine isn't | 07:13 |
DChapman | Not quite. | 07:13 |
Ben64 | not not quite, its absolutely unrecoverable | 07:14 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | Ben64-this is what i get when i try to load the package manager-E: Encountered a section with no Package: header | 07:16 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_restricted_i18n_Translation-en | 07:16 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 07:16 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 07:16 |
Ben64 | xwt-swizzy-weezy: please use a pastebin type service, and give the full command and output | 07:17 |
Ben64 | xwt-swizzy-weezy: do something like "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 07:17 |
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo | ||
xwt-swizzy-weezy | ben64-let me try.,as for the pastebin service,i could have done it already only if i knew how | 07:20 |
Ben64 | go to paste.ubuntu.com or pastebin.com or hastebin.com or pastie.org or sprunge.us or dpaste.de or gist.github.com or... | 07:21 |
hateball | !paste | 07:21 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:21 |
ezech | hi guys, searching for how to turn on sound in ubuntu 14.04lts in virtualbox guest (hosted on windows, sound enabled, configured like for other vm guests) | 07:24 |
ezech | soundcard is listed in lspci, but no output devices listed in mixer | 07:25 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | Ben64-ishhh, bro no lie but i dont know how it works.i dont know what to enter on tha syntax and content{am not an expert on these things} | 07:26 |
olligobber | I'm having trouble getting my sound card set up on ubuntu, at the moment none of the inputs work, and only 1 output works (the back one) | 07:27 |
billbillbill | Is there a way for me to list off all of the descriptions / changelog for the list of packages that 'apt-get upgrade' wants to install? | 07:30 |
Lildirt | Okay, so. I enabled home folder encryption on my home folder and now I simply can't boot into the OS anymore. Since Ubuntu (14.04.2) is known to use eCryptFS, am I able to decrypt the home folder so that I don't lose data in this situation? | 07:33 |
xwt-swizzy-weezy | billbillbill-yeah try this 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'. | 07:33 |
Lildirt | If so, how am I meant to do it? | 07:33 |
DrManhattan | isn't the point of encryption that you can't decrypt it without a key? | 07:34 |
Lildirt | No, I have the key. I just don't know how to manually decrypt it. | 07:34 |
DrManhattan | sorry | 07:34 |
Lildirt | I know the passphrase, I just can't boot the OS anymore because I basically bunked GRUB (lol). | 07:34 |
Lildirt | If I could circumvent it without a key then I don't think I'd be encrypting my data ;p | 07:35 |
ocean | billbillbill: you need the package apt-listchanges. See http://askubuntu.com/questions/272215/seeing-apt-get-changelogs-for-to-be-upgraded-packages | 07:40 |
billbillbill | ocean, thanks | 07:43 |
hio | guys what do I do with this error? "./mongod: error while loading shared libraries: libc++.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 07:43 |
superprower | Hi. I have a problem. I was trying to compile and install python3.5 from official site, but something went wrong, and now i cant install anything cause system says to do "sudo apt-get -f install", but when i do it, it tries to remove almost EVERYTHING on my pc. And also i see that system needs python 2.x but 3.5 installed. Sorry for bad english and help me pls this | 07:44 |
antonio_ | How can I setup MTP in Ubuntu? | 07:44 |
mitsumi-akane | hello. | 07:49 |
antoon | Morning, fellow members of the world. This might be a retarded question; but is it possible to resize my primary partition, from the running OS? Or do I need to boot a liveCD? I'm thinking of removing the swap partition to increase the size of / | 07:49 |
mitsumi-akane | antoon: no. you cant do that. you must using live cd for do it. | 07:50 |
DJones | antoon: You'll need to use a livecd/usb, you can't resize a mounted partition | 07:50 |
antoon | That was my biggest fear indeed. Thanks guys | 07:51 |
hateball | antoon: This is a reason to use LVM, if resizing is a recurring event | 07:52 |
lucido | firefox wants to open every file with gedit, how can I rest to the original behaviour? | 07:53 |
=== nsa is now known as Guest84483 | ||
antonio_ | How can I setup MTP in Ubuntu? | 07:53 |
olligobber | antonio_, we saw you ask the first time, please be patient | 07:54 |
hateball | antoon: What do you mean by setup? Connect a device using MTP to your PC? | 07:54 |
hateball | antoon: mis-tab | 07:54 |
hateball | antonio_: see above | 07:54 |
allizom | lucido: try opening about:support, then click on Open Profile folder | 07:56 |
antonio_ | hateball: connecting my android phone via mtp to the pc | 07:57 |
hateball | antonio_: I've had better luck using go-mtpfs than anything else, it might be worth a try | 07:58 |
lucido | allizom, it opens in nautilus | 07:58 |
antonio_ | hateball: How can I install that? | 07:58 |
hateball | antonio_: otherwise... why not just SSH or something? | 07:58 |
antonio_ | whats SSH? | 07:59 |
allizom | lucido: that's ok. now close firefox, leaving the nautilus window open | 07:59 |
hateball | !ssh | antonio_ | 08:00 |
ubottu | antonio_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 08:00 |
hateball | antonio_: depending on what you're trying to achieve you could probably do it over the local wifi | 08:00 |
allizom | lucido: locate the file mimeTypes.rdf and rename it to mimeTypes-backup.rdf | 08:00 |
hateball | antonio_: it appears that go-mtpfs is no longer in a maintained !ppa so the only way would be to compile it from https://github.com/hanwen/go-mtpfs | 08:01 |
hateball | antonio_: something I advise against if you're new to Ubuntu | 08:01 |
austin_ | hi all, im trying to run a chroot jail from within a .desktop file - this only works if Terminal=true is declared in the .desktop file when the app is run from dash. If Terminal=false nothing happens. Any ideas? | 08:01 |
=== XxHardXtremexX is now known as Bonn333 | ||
YXTH | hello | 08:05 |
kone010 | moi | 08:05 |
kone010 | I just shit my pants | 08:05 |
Myrtti | ookoo. | 08:06 |
kone010 | suomalaisia | 08:06 |
Myrtti | nöyp. viitsikö käyttäytyä? | 08:06 |
kone010 | en | 08:06 |
kone010 | ei kiitos | 08:06 |
kone010 | kuulostaa tylsältä | 08:06 |
kone010 | hmm kayttäytyminen kuulostaa joltain lasten leikiltä | 08:07 |
Myrtti | tämä selvä. ei jatkoon. | 08:07 |
mitsumi-akane | good bye | 08:08 |
gartral | hey all, odd-ball problem i'm having in 15.04 with irssi, my ctrl-<number> functionality isn't working | 08:16 |
hateball | gartral: dont you use alt+number to switch channels | 08:18 |
abb4s | hi every body , is there any application like jaws pdf creator in linux ??! | 08:27 |
geek875 | Morning all...it looks like that APT packages for Ubuntu utopic has disappeared ... we can't run apt-get any ideas ? | 08:31 |
geek875 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ | 08:32 |
madmouser1 | hi all, some advise please, I need to replace my hard drive in my laptop with a smaller size drive but want to ttransfer my current installation rather than redo from scratch, any guidance pls. | 08:32 |
mcphail | madmouser1: (1) Back up (2) Use live USB to shrink existing partition (3) Copy across to smaller drive (4) pray (5) reboot | 08:34 |
mcphail | madmouser1: but you are making life hard for yourself | 08:34 |
hateball | mcphail, madmouser1: why not just partition new drive, hook up either new/old over USB and rsync over data? | 08:35 |
guillaume_alloxr | hi guys, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a power5 server, it asks me for the IPL stream file which i thought would be the path on the iso then powerpc64/ but it gives me an IPL stream file error, anybody understand why ? there's no activity on the server channel | 08:35 |
mcphail | hateball: I think rsync can mess up sparse files, which can cause surprises if you are trying to copy to a smaller drive | 08:36 |
mcphail | hateball: although, there is probably a flag to prevent that | 08:37 |
madmouser1 | hateball: that is my current thinking / approach but wanted to see if there are any other ways that ppl use | 08:38 |
gartral | hateball: yes, and it doesn't work for me | 08:39 |
hateball | gartral: right, well you said ctrl so I thought you perhaps were using the wrong keys | 08:40 |
gartral | hateball: right, meant alt, still doesn't work | 08:41 |
Quantos | Can I ask a question about setting up channels in the server for x-chat? | 08:41 |
Quantos | Or is there a better place to ask? | 08:41 |
hateball | gartral: Sadly I don't have any bright ideas. I use KDE Plasma and Konsole for accessing irssi and it works as expected. No idea if Unity/etc hijacks modifier keys or something | 08:43 |
hateball | !irc | 08:43 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 08:43 |
hateball | hmm, no that's not it | 08:43 |
hateball | Quantos: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto | 08:43 |
Quantos | Thanks | 08:44 |
bcx | I have little (5px?) white squarre at the bottom right of my gnome desktop which is over windows but under cursor, what is it ? | 08:44 |
ezech | bcx, monitor cancer | 08:45 |
Quantos | Yeah, that's what I used initially, but it doesn't go into setting up multiple channels with some passworded channels | 08:45 |
Quantos | I tried for the x-chat forum, but got the message that it's offline | 08:45 |
bcx | ezech: software cancer as it appears after my session starts, does not appear in guest session | 08:46 |
ezech | phantom tumor maybe | 08:46 |
pigo | hi, i have a nginx install with php5-fpm 5.6 i would have php version 5.4 how to? tnx | 08:53 |
guillaume_alloxr | anybody knows a bit about Ubuntu-server ? | 08:57 |
antoon | Hmm. Is there any software to which I can remote desktop to an already logged on user at ubuntu, from a Windows machine? | 08:59 |
ezech | there is freerdp thingy | 08:59 |
ezech | but I had more luck with x2go | 08:59 |
antoon | Hm, interesting | 09:00 |
ezech | generally this is a problem and no free solutions | 09:00 |
antoon | I'll look into it, cheers ezech :) | 09:00 |
hateball | !help | guillaume_alloxr | 09:00 |
ubottu | guillaume_alloxr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:00 |
hateball | ezech: VNC | 09:00 |
hateball | err... antoon ^ | 09:00 |
hateball | !vnc | 09:01 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 09:01 |
ezech | hateball, that's quite poor solution to be honest, but it may fill antoon needs | 09:01 |
Mavrikant | is there a way to connect ubuntu with RDP from windows? I tried one. it ended with black screan | 09:01 |
hateball | ezech: It all depends, without details it is hard to tell | 09:01 |
=== Tsunami is now known as Guest50966 | ||
hateball | I for one have no problem tunneling tigervnc over ssh, good speed etc | 09:01 |
hateball | and on a lan it's a moot point anyhows | 09:01 |
antoon | Hm | 09:02 |
Quantos | Okay, well, I'm just going to go ahead and ask anyway. I'm trying to set up two password protected channels with three public channels for autologon in x-chat, I can't find anything that shows me how to do that | 09:02 |
ezech | with freerdp you can use windows remote desktop client though | 09:03 |
ezech | but I couldn't figure out how to attach to a session - it was always creating a new session | 09:03 |
antoon | Yeah, that's the problem I've been stumbling with too, ezech :< | 09:03 |
antoon | Looking into VNC now though | 09:03 |
guillaume_alloxr | I'm trying to install ubuntu on a Power5 server, it asks me for the stream file *smtf i give the path to the powerpc64/ and it gives an error | 09:04 |
sachin_a | I have a problem. I installed ubuntu in my friends computer and now it doesnt shutdown. What should I do? | 09:05 |
ezech | sachin_a, same thing when windows won't shutdown on itself - sudo shutdown -h now | 09:06 |
sachin_a | I tried that already. It goes to shutdown logo and hangs there | 09:06 |
ezech | if it hangs then just wait about 15min to make sure brain is dead and pull the cord | 09:07 |
sachin_a | Any permanent solution ? | 09:07 |
tykayn | hi folks | 09:08 |
ezech | oh, so it keeps reoccurring? | 09:08 |
tykayn | i have reinstalled unity and ubuntu desktop, but ubuntu 14.04 still freezes after login | 09:08 |
tykayn | and it works nicely in xfce, or kde | 09:08 |
tykayn | but not with gnome | 09:08 |
tykayn | and unity | 09:09 |
sachin_a | yeah | 09:09 |
ezech | sachin_a, check logs to see at what point it stops and fix that point | 09:09 |
sachin_a | How can I do that? | 09:09 |
tykayn | anyone can help ? :) | 09:09 |
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antoon | sachin_a: i *think* you can press f7 at shutdown to get the console instead of the gui-logo | 09:17 |
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sachin_a | ok | 09:18 |
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PeterGriffin | Can any one help me connecting to samba server with 14.04. When I type in nautilus (Connecto to server) smb:// it shows a message "The file server type is not recognized.". | 09:20 |
pressure679 | Guys, somethingi s wrong with my machine - it's average temperature has dropped with 5 degrees celcius - does it have a virus or something? | 09:21 |
pressure679 | Bump on PeterGriffin's question. | 09:22 |
PeterGriffin | pressure679, may be the work load has dropped. Especially if you updated some packages. | 09:22 |
tykayn | pressure679: look at the "top" if you see something eating your cpu | 09:23 |
nyc-h0st | Hi all, anyone here running ZFS on Ubuntu 14.04 server? Have a very strange problem where my pools revert to using /dev/sdX names instead of using /dev/disk/by-id...tried exporting, re-importing, no luck. | 09:23 |
pressure679 | PeterGriffin: same problem is there with Xubuntu + Samba, tried connecting an android. | 09:24 |
tykayn | PeterGriffin: try http | 09:24 |
Mavrikant | I connect ubuntu 14.04 from windows with xrdp. I get this black screan. http://oi58.tinypic.com/4jqiyg.jpg | 09:25 |
PeterGriffin | tykayn, do you mean in nautilus | 09:26 |
tykayn | yup | 09:27 |
PeterGriffin | pressure679, is it nautilus in Xubuntu too | 09:27 |
PeterGriffin | tykayn, same thing | 09:27 |
hateball | PeterGriffin: if you do smb://user@host, does that change things? | 09:28 |
kuindios | Hello, I install KDE in Ubuntu 14.04. But applications such as LibreOffice are not subject horrible. what do I do? | 09:28 |
tykayn | not subject horrible ? what do you mean ? | 09:29 |
PeterGriffin | hateball, no. The message shows as soon as I write smb:// | 09:29 |
tykayn | PeterGriffin:i issued some samba connection too a few months ago, you need to find something in the windows side to authorize the network to be rached by linux, there is an authentication code hidden in some obscure menu | 09:30 |
tykayn | can't remember how to do that | 09:30 |
kuindios | tykayn:It does not have any theme | 09:32 |
austin_ | hi all - i have a script which is owned by root with permission 700. i give a normal user rights to launch this script but i want to restrict the user from reading/writing to this script. however it is possible for the user to sudo vi <script> - is there a way to limit access to the script? | 09:32 |
PeterGriffin | tykayn, but the server is ubuntu. There is no windows in the schema | 09:33 |
Ben64 | austin_: don't give them sudo | 09:33 |
PeterGriffin | tykayn, The Ubuntu desktop seems not to recognize the smb:// part | 09:34 |
austin_ | but i need this script to run as root | 09:35 |
mcphail | austin_: if your user has root, you've already lost the battle | 09:35 |
kuindios | I installed KDE in Ubuntu 14.04. But applications such as LibreOffice, xchat, gparted, etc. no theme | 09:36 |
hateball | kuindios: install oxygen-gtk | 09:36 |
hateball | kuindios: err, that's gtk2-engines-oxygen and gtk3-engines-oxygen | 09:37 |
jaganz | Hi at all :) | 09:37 |
hateball | kuindios: actually, perhaps just grabbing oxygen-molecule is enough | 09:37 |
Lingo | hey | 09:38 |
Lingo | can anyone help me with IP tables and redirecting | 09:38 |
Lingo | id like to know if something is possible to do | 09:38 |
hateball | !help | 09:38 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 09:38 |
Lingo | ok im just gonna ask | 09:38 |
jaganz | I have some trouble booting from cd and mounting NFS root ... No PXE boot (kernel is local in /boot partition) ... any expert that can help me? | 09:39 |
yas | test | 09:39 |
Lingo | I want clients to stay connected and have the ip it was forwarded to maintain the connection. Right now im using IPTables with PREROUTING and MASQEURADE, but if i turn the VPS off the connections are dropped even when i forward them to another ip. | 09:39 |
Lingo | Is there any way to transfer the connection so i can turn off the vps and not worry about it dropping clients? | 09:40 |
Ben64 | what? clients stay connected... to what? forwarded to... what? vps? | 09:41 |
tykayn | hm | 09:41 |
ebiboy | hello | 09:41 |
Lingo | i want the machine to forward incoming connections | 09:42 |
Lingo | to a different ip | 09:42 |
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Lingo | using iptables or something else capable of doing that | 09:42 |
Ben64 | you really need to explain everything | 09:42 |
Lingo | hm | 09:42 |
ebiboy | looking for a tech whatsapp group to belong to. i'm an upcoming developer | 09:42 |
ebiboy | who knows any? | 09:43 |
Lingo | Okay ill try simpler | 09:43 |
Ben64 | no not simpler, more detail | 09:43 |
Ben64 | ebiboy: you | 09:43 |
Ben64 | 're not in the right channel for that | 09:43 |
cfhowlett | ebiboy, err, what? | 09:43 |
Lingo | I would like incoming traffic from server A to be passed on to server B, without relying on server A being up after the traffic was passed on. | 09:43 |
ebiboy | oh sorry about that | 09:43 |
ebiboy | so what channel is this Ben? | 09:43 |
Ben64 | #ubuntu, for ubuntu support | 09:43 |
ebiboy | okay | 09:44 |
kuindios | hateball: Thank | 09:44 |
cfhowlett | !server | Lingo, | 09:44 |
ubottu | Lingo,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server | 09:44 |
Ben64 | Lingo: what traffic | 09:44 |
Lingo | UDP and TCP | 09:44 |
Lingo | for a game | 09:44 |
Ben64 | nope | 09:44 |
Lingo | not possible? | 09:44 |
Lingo | wtf | 09:44 |
ebiboy | i'm just setting up my ubuntu mate. i kinda like it though. | 09:44 |
cfhowlett | Lingo, none of that language please. | 09:44 |
ebiboy | any difference between vivid and mate? | 09:45 |
Lingo | sorry | 09:45 |
Ben64 | vivid is a release, mate is a flavor | 09:45 |
cfhowlett | ebiboy, vivid is the distro code name. mate is the desktop environment. | 09:45 |
ebiboy | ok thank you Ben | 09:45 |
ebiboy | thanks cfhowlett | 09:45 |
cfhowlett | happy2help! | 09:45 |
Lingo | well im in a tough situation | 09:45 |
ebiboy | Lingo ask the super devs. Ben and cfhowlett will sure help you out | 09:46 |
Lingo | im trying to find a way to protect my server from DDoS | 09:46 |
Lingo | without using a single ip | 09:46 |
Lingo | i want to use many vps'..but the attackers have realized this and keep hitting off the new ips i switch to | 09:47 |
cfhowlett | Lingo, I'm not a Dev, nor are most of the folk in this channel. but if you ask the SERVER channel as I suggested, you might just find clearer answers ... | 09:47 |
Lingo | how do i find a server channel | 09:47 |
Lingo | im new to irc btw | 09:47 |
Ben64 | Lingo: cloudflare is what you want | 09:47 |
Lingo | cloudflare doesnt work on the ports i need | 09:47 |
Lingo | :( | 09:47 |
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Ben64 | oh right you said game. get a better server at a better datacenter with better ddos mitigation | 09:47 |
Lingo | lol | 09:47 |
Lingo | doesnt help | 09:47 |
CodeChris | Get an F5 | 09:47 |
Diplomat | Any ideas why connection drops instantly after logging in or while I'm entering my password over SSH ? | 09:48 |
Lingo | ive tried tons of hosts tons of protection options | 09:48 |
Ben64 | vps's are easy to kill | 09:48 |
Ben64 | get something better | 09:48 |
Lingo | staminus, reverse proxies, ovh | 09:48 |
Lingo | they all have their own issues | 09:48 |
Lingo | the vps's were getting hit with 19gbit all traffic from china lol | 09:48 |
jaganz | Try to reask (sorry for this): I have some trouble booting from cd and mounting NFS root ... No PXE boot (kernel is local in /boot partition) ... any expert that can help me? I have explained all in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2294512 | 09:52 |
madmouser1 | Lingo: as Ben64 said Cloudflare is your best bet, to stop it before it hits your VPS's | 09:52 |
Lingo | madmouser1 i use cloudflare to rotate the ips, but the game traffic is on ports that cloudflare does not protect | 09:53 |
CodeChris | Lingo: https://f5.com/products/platforms/silverline/f5-silverline-ddos-protection | 09:54 |
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madmouser1 | with VPS I assumed Lingo is lookng for a cloud based DDoS mitigation | 09:56 |
Lingo | well the vps act as a reverse proxy | 09:56 |
Lingo | to mask the backend ip of an external dedicated server | 09:56 |
madmouser1 | Lingo: not used them but see Incapsula is mentioned alot on forums and sites | 09:57 |
Lingo | and if i can forward the traffic then drop the proxy....it would solve all my ddos problems | 09:57 |
CodeChris | Silverline is cloud based | 09:57 |
madmouser1 | apologies CodeChris I immediately thought of the F5 devices | 10:02 |
royalex | hi everyone! can someone explain me the difference between display manager and desktop enviornment? I'm having an headache! | 10:02 |
CodeChris | They are famous for those. I really like them, you pay for it, but really good devices | 10:02 |
k1l_ | royalex: think about display managers as the login screen (which starts all the x server things in background). desktop enviroment is the desktop you then log in to | 10:03 |
royalex | ooh ok! because i was having touble to figure out something, i've read about awesome d.e. and i tought it was substituting lightdm | 10:04 |
auronandace | royalex: awesome is more of a window manager rather than a desktop environment | 10:05 |
royalex | so i have to install it over lightdm? | 10:06 |
royalex | cause i wnated to give it a try | 10:06 |
k1l_ | royalex: ubuntu uses a dm all the time. other distributions handle that different. so be aware what that howto refers to | 10:06 |
auronandace | royalex: no, lightdm is your login manager, if you install awesome lightdm will offer you that option when you login | 10:06 |
k1l_ | royalex: install the awesome package from the ubuntu repo. then you can switch the desktop in the login screen | 10:07 |
royalex | i mean instead of gnome | 10:07 |
k1l_ | royalex: you can have installed several desktops. | 10:07 |
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k1l_ | royalex: thats what the displaymanager is for: you can choose there which desktop you want to use | 10:07 |
royalex | ok now i get it! thanks a lot!! :) | 10:08 |
auronandace | royalex: i3 is another popular option for a tiling window manager (awesome is a tiling window manager) | 10:09 |
royalex | i3? i'll search it now ! | 10:10 |
auronandace | royalex: use of tiling window managers often revolve around keyboard shortcuts so you'll find them quite a different experience to your traditional desktop environment | 10:11 |
royalex | i just saw some images... just wow! | 10:12 |
neopsyche | HI all. I am trying to set up VNC to view ubuntu 12.04 VPS from my 14.04 machine.. anyone know how to do this.. effectively and easily? I have looked at tightVNC, RealVNC (some have dependency issues on 14.04) I just want to effectively be able to view screen and use the VPS with LXDE .. I have also tried TEAMVIEWER which has dependency issues on 12.04 | 10:18 |
Ben64 | neopsyche: install whatever vnc server you want using apt-get, run it listening on, connect via ssh tunnel, done | 10:21 |
madmouser1 | neopsyche: look at x11vnc | 10:22 |
neopsyche | Ben64: Listening on local, thats interesting. I dont know about how that works. | 10:22 |
Ben64 | vnc isn't very secure, using it over ssh is | 10:23 |
neopsyche | Ben64: Interesting | 10:25 |
Dirkos | I have a folder on www-data:www-data so my apache can write into this folder. The problem is that my user cannot create/delete files from this folder | 10:29 |
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Ben64 | make the user the owner | 10:30 |
neopsyche | x11vnc will give me a gui? | 10:30 |
Dirkos | Ben64: in that case apache cannot write anymore | 10:30 |
neopsyche | Ben64? | 10:30 |
Ben64 | neopsyche: any vnc server should | 10:31 |
Ben64 | Dirkos: no | 10:31 |
absklb | hi | 10:31 |
Dirkos | Ben64: if i dont put the folder to www-data:www-data my apache cannot write to this folder? | 10:31 |
Ben64 | Dirkos: the group should still be able to write | 10:32 |
absklb | how to troubleshoot when mmy speaker + headphone plug of laptop not working? | 10:32 |
absklb | Dirkos: no | 10:32 |
absklb | ping | 10:34 |
cfhowlett | !patience | absklb, | 10:34 |
ubottu | absklb,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 10:34 |
absklb | ok. | 10:35 |
ShadowKnight | Hey! | 10:37 |
Naypalm | hey, I'm on 14.04 LTS and have kernel 2.6.32 on my new VPS, is this a normal thing? say I want a more recent kernel (and packages?) but want to stay with 14.04 how would I migrate to this? | 10:38 |
Naypalm | Or should I just hop onto 15.04 | 10:38 |
Naypalm | and if so, what's the preferred method of doing so? | 10:38 |
Ben64 | Naypalm: what is the output of uname -a | 10:39 |
Naypalm | Linux ro 2.6.32-042stab111.11 #1 SMP Tue Sep 1 18:19:12 MSK 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 10:39 |
Ben64 | you can't change it | 10:39 |
Ben64 | its part of the vps thingy | 10:39 |
absklb | wwhats "ro" | 10:39 |
Naypalm | oh really? | 10:39 |
Naypalm | that's a bit rubbish | 10:39 |
Ben64 | yep, talk to your provider | 10:39 |
Naypalm | so mmm things like tun/tap not being available, not much I can do about that? | 10:40 |
Ben64 | all your packages are 14.04 though | 10:40 |
absklb | nvm, i thought its something relate to read write | 10:40 |
Naypalm | okay so they'll be the same, just on an ancient kernel?= | 10:40 |
Ben64 | yeah | 10:40 |
Naypalm | well that's not the end of the world then | 10:40 |
Ben64 | unless something needs a specific kernel, idk | 10:41 |
Naypalm | only issue I've come across is there's no tun/tap for openvpn | 10:41 |
k1l_ | Naypalm: you cant do anything. talk to the provider. the host server needs to be configured to give you another kernel or tun/tap | 10:42 |
Naypalm | what is it technically that's restricting this? some strange qemu setting or? | 10:43 |
k1l_ | its openvz in most ciases | 10:44 |
alfredobif | hello | 10:46 |
alfredobif | How do you get python3 to work? | 10:46 |
alfredobif | for some reason I can't import any modules | 10:46 |
alfredobif | Do I have to set the python path? I am using modules installed with pip3 | 10:47 |
absklb | alfredobif: which module? | 10:49 |
Naypalm | okay thanks k1l_, Ben64! | 10:50 |
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Guest96091 | hello all | 10:50 |
Guest96091 | I have just installed lubuntu minimal and would like to add icon for inserted usb external drives to desktop when i plug them in | 10:51 |
yecril71pl | I do not understand the file /usr/share/doc/docker.io/README.md.gz. | 10:51 |
ooxi | Hi I wanted to build a ubuntu .deb package and up until ubuntu 14.04 debuild created a <package>_<version>.debian.tar.gz file containing debian specific changes. Now I creates a <package>_<version>.debian.tar.xz file | 10:51 |
yecril71pl | I can unzip it to receive README.md | 10:51 |
ooxi | Does ubuntu 15.04 require .tar.xz instead of .tar.gz or can i configure this behaviour somehow? | 10:52 |
neopsyche | Ben64: Its the configuration I am struggling with, I will need to put more time into researching it. | 10:52 |
yecril71pl | but it says:  | 10:52 |
yecril71pl | What does that mean? | 10:52 |
absklb | yecril71pl: if you typed gungiz file.md.gz it will uncompress it there is also one command to read it without uncompressig it | 10:54 |
alfredobif | absklb: every module | 10:54 |
Tmm | Hi, I'm new to ubuntu, installed yesterday, now I try to use wlan with a usbstick, but its pretty slow. I use ubuntu 15.04, saw many many related topics, already switched power management off, but I still get very slow speed, trying all day now, can somebody help me with that? | 10:54 |
absklb | alfredobif: try in virtualenv | 10:54 |
yecril71pl | absklb: I can read it but I do not understand what it says. | 10:55 |
noiesmo | what package in ubuntu adds icon to desktop for usb devices | 10:55 |
noiesmo | when they are plugged in | 10:56 |
absklb | yecril71pl: oh! for that contact docker support. this is ubuntu support. | 10:56 |
madmouser1 | neopsyche: you might need authentication(iow it is at the login screen), in x11vnc look at -auth | 10:57 |
neopsyche | thanks madmouser1 | 10:57 |
madmouser1 | neopsyche: typical full command to start vnc will be: sudo x11vnc -usepw -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 | 10:57 |
absklb | alfredobif: tried? | 10:58 |
madmouser1 | neopsyche: ps wwwwaux | grep auth << to get the auth path | 10:58 |
yecril71pl | absklb: How do I contact docker support? | 10:58 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning all | 10:58 |
absklb | yecril71pl: their wiki, irc, maililing list? | 10:58 |
neopsyche | madmouser1: I now have installed x11vncserver.. but on my 14.04 machine (I am using now to type on) so, I can use that to remotely access the vnc desktop on VPS? | 10:59 |
absklb | yecril71pl: https://docs.docker.com/project/get-help/ | 10:59 |
madmouser1 | and I will do it as suggested via SSH (iow vnc only listen for local sessions) | 10:59 |
ocean | yecril71pl: is it just that line that you don't understand? or can't you see/read the rest of the file? | 11:00 |
yecril71pl | absklb: Thanks. | 11:00 |
absklb | yecril71pl: https://www.docker.com/community | 11:00 |
neopsyche | madmouser1: I am taking notes | 11:01 |
madmouser1 | you use that command to start the vnc server on your target, then you ssh into it and connect to it with a vnc viewer, I am using KRDC on Kubuntu to connect to it. | 11:01 |
alfredobif | absklb: not working | 11:03 |
alfredobif | exit with non-zero error | 11:03 |
absklb | alfredobif: you activated virtualenv? | 11:03 |
alfredobif | bin/python3', '-Im', 'ensurepip', '--upgrade', '--default-pip']' returned non-zero exit status 1 | 11:03 |
alfredobif | this was during the creationg | 11:03 |
alfredobif | python3 -m venv environment | 11:04 |
alfredobif | where environment is the name of the environment | 11:04 |
alfredobif | I am using fish | 11:04 |
alfredobif | not sure whether that helps | 11:04 |
absklb | alfredobif: http://askubuntu.com/questions/279959/how-to-create-a-virtualenv-with-python3-3-in-ubuntu | 11:04 |
absklb | from there, version of virtualenv ( and python3.3 are not compatible | 11:05 |
alfredobif | I am running python 3.4 | 11:07 |
absklb | :-o | 11:08 |
alfredobif | this is rather strang | 11:08 |
absklb | alfredobif: may be #python will be of help | 11:08 |
alfredobif | python doesn't seem to work on any of my ubuntu machines | 11:08 |
absklb | all arre p 3.4? | 11:09 |
alfredobif | one is python 2.7 | 11:10 |
alfredobif | that's the default one | 11:10 |
alfredobif | I am using python 3 by running python3 | 11:10 |
absklb | alfredobif: are these all new ubuntu setup? did you installed first updates to them? | 11:10 |
alfredobif | these are not completely new setup, has been using them for about two months | 11:11 |
alfredobif | fully updated | 11:11 |
THCaptain | first time on linux, cherry pop hype | 11:11 |
alfredobif | runining ubuntu 14.04 | 11:11 |
absklb | THCaptain: Congrats! :-) | 11:11 |
absklb | alfredobif: not sure whats wrong on these many ubuntus. try #python | 11:12 |
THCaptain | heh cheers, was pretty easy actually | 11:12 |
THCaptain | nvidia drivers were a bit of a problem at install but that was fixed in a couple mins thanks to google | 11:13 |
noiesmo | THCaptain, yes depending on your card mine was a pain the first install | 11:14 |
linux | ok | 11:14 |
noiesmo | THCaptain, google is your friend | 11:14 |
linux | i know | 11:14 |
auronandace | THCaptain: if you installed them from the nvidia website then you'll likely need to repeat the procedure every time there is a kernel update, usually best to stick to what is in the repos | 11:14 |
THCaptain | yeah just had to apt-get nvidia-current to get out of stuck fsck, that fixed it | 11:17 |
auronandace | THCaptain: good stuff | 11:18 |
linux | hello everybody | 11:18 |
THCaptain | heyo | 11:18 |
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bigbang | boom | 11:25 |
olligobber | can anyone help with configuring my sound card on ubuntu? I want the microphone to work | 11:34 |
hateball | olligobber: have you checked the volume control so it is set to the right device for capturing input? | 11:35 |
olligobber | hateball, it didn't work, I've tried pavu and alsa mixer | 11:36 |
olligobber | hateball, though I'm actually unsure the microphone works at all right now... | 11:36 |
olligobber | can anyone help me configure my sound card, only one of the input ports works | 11:38 |
BluesKaj | olligobber, do you have a windows machine to test the mic ? | 11:39 |
olligobber | BluesKaj, yes... I'll switch irc to the other computer while I boot to windows | 11:39 |
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ioria | ollogobber try arecord --list-devices and arecord filename.wav and play it | 11:40 |
=== black is now known as blackmanba | ||
Tmm | has somebody experienced slow wifi connections with an usb adapter and ubuntu 15.04 and can help me with that? | 11:49 |
hateball | Tmm: perhaps if you provide more details | 11:50 |
hateball | Tmm: Such as the chipset you're using, and what band you're connecting to etc | 11:50 |
Tmm | I'm using a Ralink Wireless Adapter RT5370 | 11:52 |
Tmm | and connecting to a Fritbox 7490 bgn, with my adapter i already disabled n and power management | 11:53 |
Tmm | its a clean install from yesterday, but I'm pretty helplesss now | 11:53 |
hateball | Tmm: What is slow, by definition? | 11:56 |
olligobber | ok, microphone didn't work on windows, thanks | 11:56 |
Tmm | 50k working on my laptop running debian, getting pretty good on dsl speedtest and here i get an average of 4k | 11:56 |
Tmm | sometimes 12, sometimes a little more, its pretty unstable but most of the time even browsing is slow | 11:57 |
Tmm | laptop itself is working fine, but my tower with ubuntu, hardly working | 11:57 |
Tmm | at least disabling power management seams to solve the disc | 11:57 |
hateball | My solution is usually to buy something with an intel chipset, but I guess that is not always possible | 11:58 |
Tmm | so buying a card with wireless support would solve this you think? | 11:59 |
hateball | Tmm: I'm sure it's somehow possible to solve it with your current setup, but it more than likely involves fetching firmware and compiling etc | 12:00 |
Tmm | there are so many users out there having the same problem even with different adapters or cards but I could not find any solution working for me, what I did not try so far is upgrading the kernel (?) which was suggested at one point (can't remember where) | 12:00 |
hateball | And for me personally, that's just not worth it | 12:00 |
Tmm | I have a mini disc with a dpo file inside, but cannot unpack it | 12:00 |
Tmm | maybe I have to update drivers or something like that? | 12:01 |
hateball | Tmm: Well you could try upgrading the kernel, but then you still need to make sure the firmware for the RT chipset works against those kernel modules | 12:01 |
Tmm | ok, mhh | 12:01 |
Tmm | could it have something to do with my motherboard, its an ASUS Z170-A, read a few problems related to the new chipset, nothing with wifi etc. but could this also be a problem? | 12:02 |
hateball | Tmm: Doubtful, unless it somehow fails to deliver enough power over USB | 12:03 |
yecril71pl | Markdown produces invalid results | 12:03 |
Tmm | ok, just asking to limit my search, mhh | 12:03 |
Tmm | yecril71pl: was your answer related to my question, if yes, I'm sorry I do not understand :-| | 12:05 |
yecril71pl | It was a question, not an asnwer. | 12:06 |
yecril71pl | It was a question, not an answer. | 12:06 |
Tmm | thank you hateball maybe I should really think about an integrated wifi card | 12:06 |
Tmm | oh, ok :-) | 12:06 |
TheEagerPadawan | what program would you guys recommend to rdp into windows boxes from a ubuntu machine | 12:17 |
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LordDeath | would it be a bad idea to set up a new Ubuntu VPS with 15.04 on it? | 12:20 |
LordDeath | currently the hoster (digitalocean) has some different configurations between Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 15.04. On 15.04 the kernel can be upgraded by the VM itself but on 14.04 I still have to select the kernel from there webinterface | 12:22 |
LordDeath | and imho it should be easier to upgrade to upcoming releases when the VM handles its own kernel | 12:23 |
cfhowlett | LordDeath, sounds like a choice you'd have to make for yourself ... | 12:23 |
TheEagerPadawan | by the data you have given it depends if you want to set your own kernel version or not | 12:23 |
LordDeath | TheEagerPadawan: no. it should be just a little private server for small stuff like ZNC or postfix | 12:24 |
LordDeath | no need for custom kernel builds | 12:24 |
LordDeath | but I have not experience with non-LTS releases of Ubuntu as a server | 12:24 |
TheEagerPadawan | i was refering setting a kernel version you want not run a custom one ;) | 12:24 |
fris | anyone else getting 404 for ubuntu repos on utopic? | 12:25 |
OerHeks | fris, sure, ase utopic is EOL, end of life | 12:25 |
OerHeks | fris upgrade please, or be unsafe with the eolupgrade trick | 12:26 |
OerHeks | !eolupgrade | 12:26 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 12:26 |
fris | thx i will have a look | 12:26 |
TheEagerPadawan | Lorddeath: in case you want to keep the box running for quite a while i would go with LTS so you aren't bother for a while with upgrading it. In the other case the non LTS would be a cool to experiment or if you need some specific kernel features | 12:34 |
KCmetro | ubuntu >(wired to)> linksys router > network > internet ...previously, connecting the computer to the linksys was fine. had to reset/setup the linksys. now it won't work. what needs to be done? | 12:36 |
KCmetro | It's an IP setting I suspect, but am looking for examples on working setups. | 12:37 |
KCmetro | it works fine on windows. I set an IP on that computer to the linksys' subnet, and the linksys is set to the network's subnet. | 12:38 |
KCmetro | the same approach on the *nix machine doesn't work. | 12:38 |
obiwan | # | 12:45 |
obiwan | list | 12:45 |
obiwan | _ | 12:45 |
obiwan | ? | 12:45 |
obiwan | command | 12:45 |
obiwan | help | 12:45 |
cfhowlett | no warez obiwan | 12:45 |
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Alfred98989898 | hi | 13:10 |
JohnnyL | can i use a bootable linux usb as a means to distribute my linux game and bypass existing mac/win/lin installs? | 13:42 |
OerHeks | JohnnyL, you can use an usb install to do whatever you want, sure. | 13:44 |
JohnnyL | but I have to support existing joysticks, hardware etc.. so it would have to detect at each load. | 13:44 |
JohnnyL | and also be savable to the usb. | 13:45 |
OerHeks | usb install <> live usb | 13:45 |
JohnnyL | yes | 13:45 |
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OerHeks | Just use 2 usb devices, one live usb to install on the 2nd usb device | 13:45 |
OerHeks | It will be slower than hdd install, but faster than cdrom | 13:46 |
JohnnyL | thats asking to much of the gamer. | 13:47 |
unkn0wn77 | hi guys, I have a problem. I'm running ubuntu 14.04 on my 13'' laptop (Acer R13) in a VM. My screen resolution is 2560x1440. The problem is that Ubuntu doesn't recognize this ratio completely, and must think I have a huge screen and everything is displayed really small. The text, the icons, everything. | 13:47 |
unkn0wn77 | Is there a way to tell ubuntu how to fix this ratio, 13'' inch screen with 2560x1440 resolution? | 13:48 |
OerHeks | unkn0wn77, maybe you want a newer intel driver for that intel 4400 to fix that, this page might be a help, but carefull, it is not supported here https://01.org/linuxgraphics/downloads/intel-graphics-installer-linux-1.2.0 | 13:51 |
luni | hola como estan | 14:04 |
luni | quien habla español | 14:04 |
mcphail | !es | luni | 14:04 |
ubottu | luni: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 14:04 |
luni | gracias | 14:05 |
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ubuntu-mate | this is it | 14:20 |
Diplomat | Guys, any ideas why my I get disconnected after when I'm logged in to my VM via ssh? | 14:23 |
jophish | Yo yo yo | 14:23 |
jophish | Is it possible to do a clean install of Ubuntu without a live disk? | 14:23 |
jophish | I have a computer here with Windows and Ubuntu on, and I'd like to wipe ubuntu and start again | 14:23 |
jophish | I don't have a dvd drive ir a usb disk | 14:23 |
OerHeks | jophish, yes, isoboot > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot | 14:26 |
jophish | Super! thanks OerHeks | 14:29 |
xStark | Alright done updating my 14.04 LTS | 14:33 |
xStark | It seems I've caught up with the updates till now. | 14:33 |
Kareltjuh | question, what's the easiest way to rollback an upgrade package which breaks stuff? | 14:34 |
Kareltjuh | apt-get install package=version states the version can't be found | 14:35 |
PeterGriffin | Kareltjuh, if it was updated you could roll it back using aptitude | 14:36 |
Kareltjuh | PeterGriffin: can't I do it with apt-get? | 14:37 |
PeterGriffin | Kareltjuh, I'm not sure | 14:37 |
genii | Kareltjuh: What are you putting for the =version part? | 14:38 |
Kareltjuh | genii: the package name | 14:38 |
Kareltjuh | xserver-xorg-core | 14:38 |
PeterGriffin | but I think you still need aptitode to lock the version so it is not updated again | 14:38 |
Kareltjuh | the upgrade that failed is: | 14:38 |
Kareltjuh | 2015-10-09 11:39:33 upgrade xserver-xorg-core:amd64 2:1.17.2-1.1 2:1.17.2-3 | 14:38 |
genii | Kareltjuh: No, I mean on the right-hand side of the = sign | 14:38 |
Kareltjuh | so I tried: apt-get install xserver-xorg-core=2:1.17.2-1.1 | 14:39 |
Kareltjuh | genii: ^ | 14:39 |
genii | Kareltjuh: Maybe try 2:1.17.2-2.1 instead | 14:39 |
Kareltjuh | genii: same | 14:40 |
paultjuh | can anyone remind me how to enable broadcom wifi on ubuntu 14.04 live and install the wifi driver when installing? | 14:41 |
Kareltjuh | paultjuh: install the broadcom firmware | 14:41 |
paultjuh | firmware? | 14:41 |
Kareltjuh | apt-cache search firmware broadcom | 14:41 |
paultjuh | the problem is | 14:41 |
paultjuh | without internet | 14:41 |
paultjuh | I know the drivers are actually on the live and in the installer but they are disabled by default | 14:41 |
Kareltjuh | copy the firmware using a usb stick or w/e | 14:41 |
genii | Kareltjuh: Can you put to a pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core | 14:42 |
Kareltjuh | genii: http://ix.io/ljC | 14:42 |
Kareltjuh | (I've tried #debian, but nobody answered, and since it's a generic apt-get related question, I decided to try #ubuntu) | 14:43 |
paultjuh | Kareltjuh: ah they are actually on the lvie thing | 14:43 |
genii | Kareltjuh: Why debian repo and not Ubuntu? | 14:43 |
paultjuh | going to try now | 14:43 |
paultjuh | thanks | 14:43 |
Kareltjuh | genii: cause it is debian:) | 14:44 |
genii | Kareltjuh: Guess Debian doesn't keep older versions around in their repos. Ubuntu does | 14:44 |
Kareltjuh | ok, so I guess I'd have to do it manually...? | 14:44 |
mojtaba | Hi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/ | 14:44 |
ioria | Kareltjuh, you can try with Synaptic and Package -> Force version | 14:45 |
Kareltjuh | ioria: synaptic is ubuntu only afaik | 14:45 |
ioria | Kareltjuh, really ? | 14:46 |
Pici | /70/70 | 14:46 |
Kareltjuh | ioria: meh dunno, but it's just a gui around apt-get | 14:46 |
ioria | Kareltjuh, ok | 14:47 |
Kareltjuh | thx though:) | 14:47 |
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ea_ | each boot, I need to do ip link wlan1 up. How can I do it automatically on the boot? I added "auto wlan1" on /etc/network/interfaces but it doesnt help | 14:51 |
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ezech_ | ea_, have you configured it with NetworkManager? | 14:58 |
ea_ | ezech, I removed it | 14:58 |
ea_ | I dont have any network manager | 14:58 |
ezech_ | so, who is managing your network then? | 14:59 |
ea_ | wpa_supplicant | 14:59 |
ezech_ | isn't it for wifi only though? | 15:00 |
ea_ | yes but network manager is buggy and do many unexpected things | 15:00 |
ioria | ea_ i use this ... don't know if it helps pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B | 15:00 |
ea_ | thank you I will try that | 15:01 |
ezech_ | I haven't got much problems with NetworkManager if it was in standard config | 15:01 |
xStark | I freed up so much of space using sudo apt-get autoclean | 15:02 |
xStark | lol | 15:02 |
ezech_ | lan+wifi shouldn't be problematic to any current solution to be honest | 15:02 |
xStark | random expired packages... | 15:02 |
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smacktalk | how do I format a usb drive? | 15:08 |
auronandace | !gparted | smacktalk | 15:11 |
ubottu | smacktalk: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 15:11 |
ruien888 | smacktalk: First do df or lsblk in terminal to find your drive umount it and do sudo mkfs.vfat -n 'Nameofdrive' -I /dev/DRIVE change DRIVE with whatever it is like /dev/sdb ...the -n option is not needed | 15:14 |
mojtaba | Hi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/ | 15:19 |
ezech_ | mojtaba, looks like a bug in keepass or X | 15:21 |
Agathezol | anyone know why gcc in ubuntu 15.04 seems crazy picky about the order of object files and libraries on the cli? i.e. if i: gcc -g -lsctp ../obj/someobj.o myobj.o -o mybin it will fail to compile, but if I change ../obj/someobj.o and -lsctp around it works fine? it is strange as gcc on other platforms doesn't seem to care. | 15:33 |
MonkeyDust | Agathezol are you a developer? if yes, try and ask in #ubuntu-app-devel | 15:34 |
Agathezol | MonkeyDust thanks much | 15:34 |
TJ- | Agathezol: That's been standard in gcc for several years now. the library ordering is significant as to when the linker sees them | 15:35 |
TJ- | Agathezol: see "man gcc" and "-l library" explanation | 15:36 |
=== limo is now known as limo__ | ||
TJ- | Agathezol: "Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in z, those functions may not be loaded." | 15:38 |
yacc | Curious bug: google-chrome-stable fails with "needs xdg-utils>=1.0.2" but I have xdg-utils=1.1.0 installed (Ubuntu 12.04) | 15:39 |
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yacc | Any way to make that dependency in google-chrome-stable be magically satisfied? | 15:40 |
TJ- | Agathezol: And to complete the explanation, library ordering is requirement of the POSIX specificaton for C99 | 15:40 |
lotuspsychje | yacc: you can use chromium-browser if you like | 15:41 |
Agathezol | TJ- i get the posix requirement, what is confusing me is that gcc4.x is somehow more loose about the requirement than gcc4.x on another platoform. | 15:43 |
MotherMGA | so I pulled a kernel update for 3.19.0-31 yesterday and now ubuntu freezes at random times. how can I troubleshoot/fix this? | 15:43 |
TJ- | Agathezol: are you calling it raw, or is it picking up a --std=XXXX flag ? | 15:43 |
lim | So this is the place where us noobs come for help, yea? | 15:44 |
Agathezol | TJ- i call it raw, my own make file, no --std args | 15:44 |
yacc | lotuspsychje: the chromium-browser is so old that sites like Google warn about it being old and unsupported, ... | 15:44 |
lotuspsychje | !latest | yacc | 15:44 |
ubottu | yacc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 15:44 |
ezech_ | lim, this is the place where you come for help and instead of getting help provide some to others | 15:45 |
xStark | Chromium isn't supported? | 15:45 |
xStark | So Ubuntu users have to stick to Mozilla? | 15:45 |
yacc | lotuspsychje: but "not latest" in this case means something that is semi-usable => websites warn and some websites don't work fully with it. | 15:45 |
lim | Right ezech. May I tell you what problem I'm having then? xD | 15:45 |
lotuspsychje | !info chromium-browser | xStark it is supported | 15:45 |
ubottu | xStark it is supported: chromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 45.0.2454.101-0ubuntu0. (vivid), package size 53639 kB, installed size 197847 kB | 15:45 |
RNeville | !backports | 15:45 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 15:45 |
xStark | Right. | 15:46 |
yacc | But that was not my gripe as such => google-chrome-stable asks for xdg-utils >= 1.0.2 and fails although I have xdg-utils==1.1.0 installed, ... | 15:46 |
xStark | I'm chill with Mozilla honestly. | 15:46 |
Agathezol | TJ- ahhh, maybe it has to do with multilib resolution | 15:46 |
xStark | You just change some configuration settings. | 15:46 |
xStark | And it'll work fast | 15:46 |
ioria | yacc how are you installing chrome ? 32 or 64 bit ? | 15:47 |
Agathezol | TJ- on ubuntu multilib is enabled, on my other platforms it is disabled | 15:47 |
ioria | yacc maybe it's the wrong arch .deb | 15:48 |
yacc | ioria: good question. I selected the 64 bit debian/ubuntu package, but Google gives me an i386 deb. | 15:48 |
ioria | yacc wrong arch... i think | 15:48 |
ActionParsnip | yacc: what is the output of: uname -m | 15:50 |
TJ- | Agathezol: I recall it being introduced in a gcc version around the tome of 11.04/11.10 - we had a lot of FTBFS errors that had to be fixed in Makefiles/autoconf/automake scripts at that time | 15:51 |
lim | Hello everyone. What should I do when the CPU usage is unreasonably high when doing normal tasks such as watching videos or installing programs? | 15:51 |
auronandace | lim: that is when it is likely to be high | 15:52 |
lim | But it's like 90% or more. | 15:52 |
lim | Sometimes 100%. | 15:52 |
yacc | ioria: that's what I meant about chromium-browser => for whatever (javascript-related probably) reason selecting the 64 bit checkbox was ignored by the download page => firefox got me the 64-bit version without hassles. | 15:52 |
ActionParsnip | lim: if you run: top what are the topmost few processes | 15:52 |
ioria | yacc good | 15:52 |
Agathezol | TJ-: gentoo still isn't using it, which probably explains why i've gotten away with sloppy order for so long. thanks for the brainstorm | 15:52 |
Gnjurac | hi is ther some simple paint softwere cuz i dont like powering up gimp for drawing scrap | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | Gnjurac: mtpaint | 15:53 |
ActionParsnip | Gnjurac: tuxpaint | 15:53 |
ezech_ | lim, if you have multicore cpu than 100% means only 1 core is used to its 100% | 15:53 |
lim | ActionParsnip: Firefox no doubt. Or Google Chrome when I'm using it. It's mostly the browser. | 15:54 |
regedit | where are the xrandr / system settings > display & monitor (resolution etc) configs file located? | 15:54 |
yacc | ioria: Well, it's not good, I mean for the moment I still have only chromium (to old) or firefox (to slow on this box), but it looks like improving | 15:54 |
regedit | i'm stuck in a situation where dual monitor has all viewports completely out of bounds of both monitors | 15:54 |
ActionParsnip | lim: what is the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; apt-cache policy firefox | 15:54 |
TJ- | Agathezol: Ahhh, here it is. The linker --as-needed option (Indirect Linking for Shared Libraries) was the cause: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ToolchainTransition | 15:55 |
ActionParsnip | lim: please us a pastebin ike http://pastie.org to host the output | 15:55 |
ioria | yacc don't give up :þ | 15:55 |
yacc | ioria: I managed :) | 15:55 |
ioria | yacc remember that dpkg -i does not handle dependencies... | 15:56 |
lim | Should I just ctrl+v the result? | 15:56 |
lim | oh | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | lim: please us a pastebin ike http://pastie.org to host the output | 15:56 |
ActionParsnip | :) | 15:56 |
lim | http://pastie.org/10470631 | 15:58 |
yacc | ioria: apt-get install -f afterwards fixes that :) | 15:58 |
ioria | yacc anyway, i remember that you can add the google repo int sources.list and it will be managed and updated by apt-get | 15:59 |
ioria | yacc good | 15:59 |
ioria | yacc but i'm afraid that it won't be updated .... | 16:00 |
Agathezol | TJ-: ah, that would do it, if the object requiring the shared lib wasn't in the chain before the shared lib entry it wouldn't be linked in | 16:00 |
Agathezol | TJ-: which is exactly what i'm seeing | 16:00 |
Khaotic | I use hexchat on 15.04. why cant i minimize and exit to the tray? | 16:01 |
TJ- | Agathezol: caused a lot of folks that thought they understood gcc/make grief when it came in :) | 16:01 |
Squarism | Anyone else affected of the horrible unity-panel-service memory leak in 14.04? | 16:01 |
yacc | ioria: I think it will because the initial deb that googles gives you adds the repository too, ... | 16:01 |
Squarism | by | 16:01 |
lotuspsychje | Squarism: whats happening exactly | 16:02 |
ioria | yacc ok... check you sources.list then ... you should see something like dl.google or similar | 16:02 |
Squarism | lotuspsychje, its leaking memory.. | 16:02 |
Squarism | 2118 myname 20 0 3778980 3.038g 13104 S 0.0 19.5 0:21.69 unity-panel-ser | 16:02 |
lotuspsychje | Squarism: fully updated to 14.04.3? | 16:03 |
ioria | yacc so if installed with dpkg -i remove it | 16:03 |
lotuspsychje | Squarism: sounds like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/987060 | 16:04 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 987060 in Unity HUD "massive memory leak in unity-panel-service and hud-service when invoking the hud on Firefox profiles with large amounts of bookmarks LTS 12.04 14.04" [Critical,Confirmed] | 16:04 |
Squarism | lotuspsychje, how do i see if i have 14.04.3 | 16:04 |
lotuspsychje | Squarism: lsb_release -a | 16:04 |
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Squarism | only have 14.04.2 | 16:05 |
lotuspsychje | Squarism: try to update mate | 16:06 |
MonkeyDust | Squarism sudo apt full-upgrade | 16:06 |
huwjr | anyone have a nice clean commercial looking skin for roundcube/horde? | 16:06 |
ActionParsnip | lim: and its flash giving you the issue? | 16:07 |
ActionParsnip | lim: can you please patebin the output of: dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' | 16:07 |
lim | sorry had a problem here | 16:08 |
lim | will do | 16:08 |
lim | ActionParsnip: nothing happens | 16:10 |
lim | '-' | 16:10 |
ActionParsnip | lim: strange, ok then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-flashplugin package | 16:12 |
lim | ActionParnisp: sorry, forgot the ' here it is http://pastie.org/10470666 | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | lim: then also run: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | lim: then add the partner repo, then install adobe-flashplugin package | 16:14 |
lim | ActionParnisp: Sorry, what is partner repo? | 16:16 |
lotuspsychje | !partner | lim | 16:17 |
ubottu | lim: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" » | 16:17 |
ioria | lim system settings -> software&updates -> other software | 16:17 |
lim | ioria: what am I supposed to do in that tab? | 16:18 |
ioria | lim check Canonical Partner | 16:19 |
lim | ioria: Done. :) | 16:19 |
lim | ActionParnisp: Well I think what we did so far worked lol. I tried running a video and the CPU usage got up to 69% but then dropped to like 10~17%. I guess this is it then? | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | lim: nioce | 16:23 |
Hammerhead | HI Guys, Just starting with dm in ubuntu 14 FC SAN | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | lim: use TAB to autocomplete nicks. Bit easier :) | 16:24 |
Hammerhead | The installer boot disk under partitions shows many partitions not a /dev/mapper device. Can I installl onto one of these parts and then install multipath boot tools after the installation? | 16:24 |
lim | ActionParsnip, I see | 16:24 |
Hammerhead | Either this feature is not used with FC SAN's often or no one has written anything on them yet. I have read all the Ubuntu docs and there is little to nothing about the installer disks. | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | lim: boom | 16:24 |
ActionParsnip | lim: you'll use TAB a lot in Linux ;) | 16:24 |
Hammerhead | any help would be appreciated. | 16:25 |
lim | ActionParsnip, haha well this Terminal thing is a lot new to me as well. | 16:25 |
ActionParsnip | lim: its very powerful | 16:25 |
lim | Kinda like it though. Makes me feel like a hacker. :) | 16:25 |
telboon | ActionParsnip, omg! i didn;t know i could use TAB to complete nicks. Thanks so much! | 16:26 |
reisio | tab completion, very big in Unixland | 16:26 |
ioria | lim try the console ... even more fascinating .... | 16:26 |
lim | ioria: I see | 16:26 |
ActionParsnip | telboon: oh yeah deffo, hit that TAB dude | 16:27 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: are you using the ubuntu server installer? | 16:29 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: did you specify "install disk-detect/multipath/enable=true" at the installer prompt? | 16:31 |
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
Hammerhead | good question----where is that prompt? | 16:32 |
Hammerhead | f6 then put the install command in that line? | 16:32 |
Hammerhead | or escap and at the boot: put the line... | 16:32 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: a little old (12.04) but: http://help.ubuntu-it.org/12.04/server/serverguide/it/multipath-setting-up-dm-multipath.html | 16:32 |
Hammerhead | neither works for me. | 16:32 |
Hammerhead | oh believe me I have read all of the docs on the Ubuntu site. None say where to type that command in. | 16:33 |
Hammerhead | what is the "installer prompt"? | 16:34 |
Hammerhead | TJ-> what is the "installer prompt"? | 16:36 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: Hmmm, I assumed it meant the 12.04 installer kernel command-line | 16:37 |
Hammerhead | Press F1 for the help index, or ENTER to boot: | 16:37 |
Hammerhead | that is the other one I was talking about. | 16:37 |
Hammerhead | and same here I was assuming the exact same thing | 16:38 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: but thinking about it "install disk-detect/multipath/enable=true" looks like a debian-installer preseed entry | 16:38 |
lotuspsychje | Hammerhead: this one speaks about a patched grub: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/MultipathSupport | 16:39 |
himibemo | How can i uninstall mpv and keep mplayer , and why i can only run mplayer using the command line and not graphically , i wan to use mplayer to watch videos and not mpv (mpv doesnt work with my system as mplayer ) ?? | 16:39 |
ioria | !info gnome-player | 16:40 |
ubottu | Package gnome-player does not exist in vivid | 16:40 |
Hammerhead | <lotuspsychje> Thanks thats where the writer must have copied te text from...it's identical in the Ubuntu docs | 16:40 |
ioria | !info gnome-mplayer | 16:40 |
ubottu | gnome-mplayer (source: gnome-mplayer): GTK+ interface for MPlayer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.9-3 (vivid), package size 309 kB, installed size 1853 kB | 16:40 |
julian-delphiki | Hammerhead: you dont need the <>'s around peoples name, just start typing their name and hit tab :) | 16:40 |
Hammerhead | there is just no mention of what the heck the "installer prompt" is. | 16:41 |
reisio | need or want | 16:41 |
ioria | himibemo, do you have gnome-mplayer installed ? | 16:41 |
Hammerhead | julian-delphiki, haha Thanks | 16:41 |
Hammerhead | julian-delphiki, Much easier. | 16:41 |
julian-delphiki | yep :) | 16:41 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: I suspect that'd need to be put in a preseed file that in turn is given to d-i via the kernel command-line with a "preseed/url" option. See https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/ch05s03.html.en | 16:42 |
himibemo | ioria> yes when i did apt-get it says its alraedy installed , but it dosnt show when i right click videos nor in the app directories only works with terminal command ( mplayer "video" ) | 16:42 |
Hammerhead | TJ-, so B.S to the installer prompt B.S | 16:43 |
lotuspsychje | Hammerhead: did you check for bios updates also? | 16:43 |
himibemo | ioria ; ? | 16:43 |
BluesKaj | himibemo, mpv is based on mplayer, it's best to have just one or the other installed, not both | 16:43 |
Hammerhead | lotuspsychje, BIOS Updates? | 16:43 |
reisio | <3 mplayer | 16:43 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: you might be able to use "disk-detect/multipath/enable=true" directly on the kernel command-line; look at the similar "disk-detect/dmraid/enable" on that page | 16:43 |
lotuspsychje | Hammerhead: check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2267557 | 16:43 |
himibemo | BluesKaj ; I want mplayer how can i remove mpv and keep mplayer ? | 16:44 |
Hammerhead | lotuspsychje, Well off to give that a try....thanks! | 16:44 |
lotuspsychje | Hammerhead: hope it helps | 16:45 |
Hammerhead | That guy is unsing the exact same hardware I am | 16:45 |
TJ- | Hammerhead: the installer prompt refers to this: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/apbs02.html.en#preseed-bootparms | 16:45 |
BluesKaj | himibemo, just remove mpv, mplayer shouldn't be affected, if it is just install mplayer again | 16:45 |
ioria | himibemo, but can you open it , gnome-mplayer ? i mean .... | 16:46 |
himibemo | ioria : i have them both installed i can only use mplayer from terminal though , i will try to remove mpv and see if mplayer will show up | 16:47 |
ioria | himibemo, ok | 16:47 |
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ioria | himibemo, or maybe the issue is mplayer vs. mplayer2 ... | 16:48 |
himibemo | ioria> ; maybe i will need a reboot , i will reboot and get back here ! | 16:48 |
himibemo | ioria; what do you mean ? | 16:49 |
ioria | himibemo, you should have mplayer2 ... not mplayer | 16:49 |
vvH1p|a5h | I'm trying to install e-mule with wine but it does't working. Could someone help-me with a tip or other program indication? | 16:49 |
ioria | himibemo, reboot... then we'll see | 16:49 |
lotuspsychje | vvH1p|a5h: why dont you just use transmission or qbittorrent | 16:49 |
lotuspsychje | !info amule | vvH1p|a5h or this | 16:51 |
ubottu | vvH1p|a5h or this: amule (source: amule): client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1+git1a369e47-3 (vivid), package size 1244 kB, installed size 4274 kB | 16:51 |
vvH1p|a5h | because theres something I want to get that is hard to find in torrent | 16:51 |
motionsickness | hey guys, quick question, did they eliminate the start command on ubuntu server 15? | 16:51 |
vvH1p|a5h | I'm braziliam and here we use e-mule a lot to share rare songs | 16:51 |
julian-delphiki | vvH1p|a5h: install amule :) | 16:52 |
lotuspsychje | vvH1p|a5h: please no warez talk here | 16:52 |
julian-delphiki | motionsickness: what start command? | 16:52 |
motionsickness | like "sudo start nameofpackage" | 16:52 |
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bazhang | motionsickness, did you mean start service | 16:53 |
vvH1p|a5h | and let torrent to large huge archivesok, thanks for the tips | 16:53 |
Whisket | I just ran e2fsck on my 17TB mdadm array and it converted the array FS from ext4 to ext3. Does anyone know what the hell is going on? http://pastebin.com/ppaPZnkU | 16:53 |
motionsickness | that could be, but it was only start, I used it to launch deluge when the script didn't work | 16:54 |
bazhang | systemd has overtaken in 15.04 motionsickness | 16:54 |
motionsickness | how so? bazhang | 16:56 |
bazhang | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers motionsickness | 16:56 |
Qpak | Hi, I need to buy a wifi card for my computer, I'm confused with all the supported cards, using ubuntu 15.04 and motherboard Z170 chipset,; is there anything to consider regarding the motherboard and compatibility? Had some serious problems with an usb adapter. | 16:57 |
bazhang | !hcl | have a read Qpak | 16:57 |
ubottu | have a read Qpak: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 16:57 |
jayjo | Is there a way to check the integrity of a png file? | 16:58 |
reisio | jayjo: convert foo.png bar.png | 16:58 |
reisio | or you could try pngfix | 16:59 |
* reisio would use imagemagick('s convert) | 16:59 | |
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lotuspsychje | Qpak: wich chipset will it be? | 17:03 |
samthewildone | how do I add a folder to natulius's bookmark ? | 17:04 |
samthewildone | nautilus* | 17:04 |
motionsickness | bazhang, thanks! | 17:04 |
samthewildone | nevermind... it was right in front of me. | 17:04 |
bazhang | ok | 17:05 |
jayjo | I don't have a convert application and apt-get can't find it | 17:07 |
bazhang | !info imagemagick | 17:07 |
ubottu | imagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs -- binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (vivid), package size 43 kB, installed size 173 kB | 17:07 |
bazhang | its in that | 17:08 |
msev- | need some help displaying the data from a bluetooth gps, when I do sudo cat /dev/rfcomm0 it shows me the nmea sentences, but in foxtrotgps there is no data, i have gpsd and gpsdclient or whatever is it called installed..can anyone help me | 17:08 |
amaltson | hello all, super networking noob here. I'm trying to figure out why my iptables NAT configurations aren't working. It looks like all the NAT configurations work and I can hit the box on the private network: https://gist.github.com/amaltson/55de4aa2598f639865e4 | 17:09 |
jayjo | OK, I'm getting an error when I do convert that says IDAT: CRC error | 17:09 |
jayjo | corrupt image | 17:09 |
lotuspsychje | amaltson: maybe the ##networking guys can solve this? | 17:09 |
amaltson | lotuspsychje: thanks, will try there | 17:09 |
lotuspsychje | !bluetooth | msev- did you try this? | 17:12 |
ubottu | msev- did you try this?: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 17:12 |
msev- | bluetooth works | 17:13 |
msev- | i'm getting nmea gps sentences in the terminal | 17:13 |
TJ- | msev-: it depends on which sentences the gps software accepts as 'lock' data | 17:13 |
ookOok | hey ! I tried to change the ath9k driver : probe function in pci.c (Like the e1000 probe function in the example on | 17:14 |
ookOok | kernel newbie patch tutorial) I added a debug line with printk KERN_DEBUG. After making and installing the modules and | 17:14 |
ookOok | rebooting, i tried to find the message in the dmesg. I did not find that, Moreover my wlan was down. | 17:14 |
ookOok | I reset all the changes, did compilation , loading modules and bott again . and still i can't get i can't get wlan0 in | 17:14 |
ookOok | pfconfig :( . How can i get my wlan0 back and also why did the debug message shut off my wlan0 | 17:14 |
ookOok | piconfig* | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | !atheros | ookOok | 17:15 |
ubottu | ookOok: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 17:15 |
lotuspsychje | ookOok: ubuntu version? | 17:15 |
TJ- | ookOok: how did you install the module? did you use 'depmod -a' after both changes to update modprobe's knowledge of that module? | 17:16 |
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ookOok | TJ : sudo make modules_install install | 17:17 |
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lotuspsychje | msev-: maybe this can help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2163209 | 17:18 |
ookOok | lotuspsychje, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS | 17:18 |
TJ- | ookOok: Yes, that should call depmod | 17:18 |
msev- | lol there is no solution in that thread | 17:18 |
msev- | the guy gave up in the end | 17:18 |
ookOok | so later I rebooted, wifi is down.. so reset all changes and then comiled and installed modules again. and reboted. and still no wlan0 | 17:19 |
ookOok | TJ | 17:19 |
ookOok | TJ-, | 17:19 |
TJ- | msev-: which sentences is the device providing? which gps client are you using? | 17:19 |
lotuspsychje | msev-: threads can help understand | 17:19 |
msev- | foxtrotgps | 17:19 |
msev- | nmea | 17:20 |
msev- | all of them | 17:20 |
TJ- | ookOok: "no wlan0" doesn't help. Have you tried to modprobe the module manually? have you checked dmesg when you do that? | 17:20 |
lela777 | hello all, I was hoping for a bit of an advice about installing ubuntu over win7... I am not a complete noob, but am still noobish, I have around 80GB of data on separate partition, it's NTFS, while custom installing ubuntu, will it work ok if I just leave it untouched and formatting the partition with windows on it...? | 17:20 |
TJ- | msev-: I've seen that same issue a long while back; it turned out that the NMEA sentences weren't from a full 'lock' and therefore they were ignored by the client software | 17:20 |
TJ- | msev-: so, you see the position/timing info by eye and it all looks good, but the sentence is not one the client 'trusts' | 17:21 |
EriC^^ | lela777: i'd use the manual partitioner to delete the windows one and install there | 17:21 |
msev- | TJ-, I went outside and verified a lock | 17:22 |
msev- | so that wasnt the issue | 17:22 |
lela777 | thanks Eric^^, i was just worried if the disk D that's NTFS would remain unharmed in the process | 17:22 |
ookOok | TJ-, modprobe athk9 was returned not found. lsmod does not have it either | 17:23 |
msev- | when i start gpsd from the command line it doesnt show that it is executing | 17:24 |
msev- | even if i sudo it | 17:24 |
ZETTRE | hi | 17:24 |
EriC^^ | lela777: if you choose the manual partitioner you should be ok | 17:25 |
ookOok | TJ-, no output in dmesg for athk9 | 17:25 |
TJ- | ookOok: so, you've not rebuilt the module correctly and it is missing | 17:26 |
lela777 | thanks EriC^^ ! bye! | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | make a ext4 partition, mountpoint at "/" and swap if you want hibernation ( it should be as big as ram + 100mb or so ) | 17:26 |
EriC^^ | lela777: no problem | 17:26 |
TJ- | ookOok: "find /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ -name 'ath9k*' " | 17:26 |
ZETTRE | why is kali better than ubuntu for pentest | 17:26 |
reisio | it isn't | 17:27 |
ookOok | nope TJ- | 17:27 |
ZETTRE | why?? | 17:27 |
TJ- | msev-: Hmmm, well, if gpsd isn't running that would explain it. I thought you were directly connecting to the rfcomm port | 17:27 |
reisio | ubuntu is also not better than kali | 17:27 |
reisio | ZETTRE: they're ultimately the same distro | 17:27 |
msev- | i were | 17:27 |
msev- | and i'm trying to start gpsd | 17:27 |
ookOok | it isn't there TJ, | 17:27 |
msev- | I even set it up that it autostart as a deamon | 17:27 |
TJ- | ookOok: Yes, as I said, you didn't rebuild/install it correctly | 17:28 |
msev- | but i can't see it in processes | 17:28 |
ioria | ookOok, can you provide the source ? | 17:28 |
TJ- | msev-: does it write a log file? any clues? | 17:28 |
msev- | dunno | 17:28 |
msev- | no clues | 17:28 |
msev- | no error outputs | 17:28 |
msev- | stinking :) | 17:28 |
TJ- | msev-: running at the command-line ought to provide some indications, weird | 17:28 |
msev- | yeah | 17:28 |
TJ- | msev-: have you seen "man gpsd" "-b" notes about bluetooth devices? | 17:29 |
philm88 | Hey all. I've got a iptable init.d script I want to convert to upstart; but because its not really a running process, I'm not sure how it's just a series of commands in a script stanza, I'm not sure how its suppsoed to keep track of whether its been started. Does anyone have any pointers? | 17:30 |
NegativeFlare | Guys, I'm having issues trying to get X11 Forwarding to work. Each time I try to connect via ssh using 'ssh -X', it says X11 Forwarding request failed on channel 0. What's going on? | 17:30 |
TJ- | msev-: also, running it as "gpsd -ND 4" to gather debug info | 17:30 |
msev- | tj yes | 17:30 |
linux_noob | Hi guys. I have borrowed a computer from work and when I am trying to use ubuntu software center to download an application it is trying to go through a proxy server (as we are using that at work). How do I make it not trying to use a proxy server? | 17:30 |
msev- | i run it with -b | 17:30 |
ookOok | ioria, what exactly ? the file i made changes to ? yes ,, a moment | 17:30 |
msev- | ok with d4 i get some output | 17:31 |
jayjo | Does anyone know what the IDAT: CRC error is? it says corrupt image | 17:31 |
ioria | ookOok, no.... where did you get the source code from ? | 17:31 |
TJ- | ookOok: what is the current kernel versions ("uname -r") ? | 17:31 |
msev- | it says: "can't run with neither control socket nor device" | 17:31 |
TJ- | jayjo: CRC is cyclic redundancy check - it detects corrupted data. | 17:31 |
ookOok | TJ-, buti do not get any errors , how can we conclude it is a faulty build :: 4.2.0-rc6+ #3 | 17:31 |
TJ- | msev-: Yes; you'd need to also give it the path to your device :) | 17:32 |
msev- | I did | 17:32 |
msev- | oh lol | 17:32 |
msev- | I forgot :D | 17:32 |
msev- | here in the debug part | 17:32 |
msev- | lets try again | 17:32 |
ookOok | ioria, http://kernelnewbies.org/Outreachyfirstpatch following this. instead of e1000 i tried athk9 :( | 17:33 |
msev- | aha now more debug info nice :D | 17:33 |
TJ- | ookOok: If it were not faulty, the module would exist | 17:33 |
msev- | brb I'll log on with diff computer | 17:33 |
kubast2 | What to use to recover files ? | 17:34 |
kubast2 | *delete files | 17:34 |
TJ- | ookOok: when you ran 'make modules_install' did you check the output to ensure there were no errors? did you check there was an ath9k.ko built that could be installed? | 17:35 |
ookOok | TJ-, in uname -a : the timestamp it gives is of 2 hours before i made the athk9 mess. | 17:35 |
kubast2 | I remember there was command line utility that allowed to move around the partion and showed all files[deleted and not]. | 17:35 |
kubast2 | and allowed to recover the file to the place of command execution | 17:35 |
ookOok | TJ-, let me make again just to be sure | 17:35 |
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TJ- | ookOok: As long as the versions match exactly so there isn't a module signature mis-match. | 17:36 |
kubast2 | i deleted one of the files from /home/kubast/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/ | 17:36 |
kubast2 | *one that comes with sublime text 3 | 17:36 |
msev | TJ-, https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 17:36 |
kubast2 | and I want to recover the file | 17:36 |
kubast2 | my / partion is ext4 | 17:36 |
ookOok | TJ- i do not understand your last sentence | 17:36 |
EriC^^ | kubast2: try extundelete | 17:37 |
MonkeyDust | ZETTRE here's why : "From the creators of BackTrack comes Kali Linux, the most advanced and versatile penetration testing platform ever created" | 17:37 |
ZETTRE | msev what is it | 17:37 |
msev- | I already told the story to TJ- :D | 17:38 |
TJ- | ookOok: modules and kernel must match; to ensure that each has a 'vermagic' version magic string | 17:38 |
ZETTRE | ok msev | 17:38 |
msev- | look under user msev- | 17:38 |
ioria | ookOok, well, i don't get exactly what you are up to... but you can try http://drvbp1.linux-foundation.org/~mcgrof/rel-html/backports/ and make defconfig-wifi etc. etc... | 17:39 |
msev- | TJ-, i pasted the link to the terminal output | 17:39 |
TJ- | msev-: that suggests the system gpsd service is still running | 17:39 |
msev- | yes | 17:39 |
ookOok | TJ-, how does adding a KERN_DEBUG disable the module ? | 17:39 |
TJ- | msev-: which ubuntu release is it? | 17:39 |
msev- | 14.04 mate | 17:39 |
andrew__ | hello | 17:39 |
kubast2 | EriC^^ In order to use it I need to mount as ro[read boot from live cd?] | 17:40 |
TJ- | ookOok: it doesn't directly but if you also introduced an error it may not have built | 17:40 |
ZETTRE | can somebody tell hi andrew__ | 17:40 |
kubast2 | I think I'll be better of reinstalling sublime text | 17:40 |
msev- | and the gpsd has the path to /dev/rfcomm0 already inside | 17:40 |
TJ- | msev-: OK, so it's upstart init. do "sudo service gpsd stop" | 17:40 |
EriC^^ | kubast2: oh ok | 17:40 |
msev- | ok :) | 17:40 |
andrew__ | I have a question I hope you guys can help with | 17:40 |
msev- | ok did it | 17:40 |
reisio | prove it | 17:40 |
TJ- | msev-: then check what is listening on that port with "sudo netstat -tnlp | grep 2947" | 17:41 |
ookOok | TJ-, so if there is an error i should get an error message while compiling, right. I ran make again. now installing using make install | 17:41 |
TJ- | ookOok: capture the install log and pastebin it. "sudo make modules_install |& tee /tmp/install.log" | 17:41 |
msev- | TJ-, it doesn't give any output | 17:41 |
jayjo | TJ-: I'm creating the image in python but keeping it a buffer before I upload it where it's written to disk. That wouldn't cause a problem, would it? (Not the actually programming part, but keeping the file in a file-like object until it's written?) Is there metadata or something that needs to be written to disk? | 17:41 |
msev- | TJ-, shall we rather go to a pm or better here :) | 17:42 |
TJ- | ookOok: really? My builds always do | 17:42 |
TJ- | msev-: I might disappear so best to allow others to see what we're doing, so they can chip in | 17:42 |
msev- | cool, well the latest command didn't give any output | 17:43 |
TJ- | msev-: OK, in theory no process has the gpsd ports now, so try the command-line debug again | 17:43 |
msev- | ok | 17:43 |
TJ- | msev-: this time you ought not to get those address in use warnings | 17:43 |
andrew__ | can I have some help | 17:44 |
msev- | seems like its working now | 17:44 |
msev- | the service | 17:44 |
mimibemo | ioria ;is there a gnome mplayer2 i dont mean MPLAYER GNOME ! , because i can only run mplayer 2 from terminal | 17:44 |
TJ- | ookOok: search the build tree for the module, make sure it is there. If it is, there's no reason modules_install wouldn't install it | 17:44 |
msev- | I'll paste the output again | 17:44 |
TJ- | msev-: is it seeing NMEA from the device now? | 17:44 |
msev | https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 17:45 |
TJ- | msev-: thinking about it, you'll likely need to attach a client to gpsd to cause it to activate the device | 17:45 |
ioria | himibemo, did you remove mplayer ? | 17:45 |
TJ- | msev: try attaching a client from a different terminal shell | 17:45 |
ookOok | TJ-, ok . let me check | 17:46 |
msev | a client being the software i want to display the position in? | 17:46 |
msev | do I need to run it from a terminal | 17:46 |
TJ- | msev: yes... as I understand it, client attaches to gpsd causes it to start talking to the device | 17:46 |
TJ- | msev: from anywhere; if it is a GUI app that is fine | 17:46 |
TJ- | msev: I just didn't want you to try running the client from the same shell gpsd is in :) | 17:47 |
ioria | mimibemo, , did you remove mplayer ? | 17:47 |
ZETTRE | what is gspd | 17:47 |
TJ- | ZETTRE: GPS daemon | 17:47 |
msev- | it says no gpsd found | 17:47 |
msev- | inside foxtrotgps | 17:47 |
ZETTRE | hey what are you talking about TJ- | 17:47 |
andrew__ | help me please | 17:48 |
TJ- | msev-: hmmm, you probably need to start gpsd with the -F option and a suitable socket path. You'd best check the gpsd config file for what it normally uses for that, then restart gpsd using it | 17:48 |
mimibemo | ioria ; am removing it Now , but what do i do next install apt-get install mplayer2 ? | 17:48 |
ZETTRE | hey andrew__ just ask the question | 17:48 |
msev- | TJ-, one more thing before i try that | 17:48 |
TJ- | msev-: I had assumed the client would attach to gpsd via the TCP port, but maybe it wants the control socket | 17:49 |
ookOok | in the .config CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI=y . Is that what you mean? | 17:49 |
andrew__ | Does anyone know how to disable a touch screen permantely | 17:49 |
ookOok | in the .config CONFIG_ATH9K_PCI=y . Is that what you mean? TJ- | 17:49 |
TJ- | ookOok: Did you set that to "=y" | 17:49 |
ookOok | no. that is how it is | 17:49 |
ookOok | TJ-, | 17:49 |
msev- | in the foxtrotgps software there are fields for GPSD Host: and Port: | 17:49 |
msev- | what should i input there | 17:49 |
mimibemo | ioria : Now i removed mpv and mplayer , what next ? | 17:49 |
TJ- | ookOok: where did that come from? 'y' means the module is BUILT IN to the kernel core vmlinux. It should be 'm' for module | 17:50 |
ioria | mimibemo, sudo apt-get install mplayer2 | 17:50 |
TJ- | msev-: Oh! localhost and 2947 I think | 17:50 |
ZETTRE | how to change the port number | 17:51 |
msev- | ok something seems to be happening TJ- | 17:51 |
TJ- | ookOok: you'd best run "make oldconfig; make menuconfig" and check that it correctly selected as M for module and not Y for built-in | 17:51 |
ookOok | I copied it from the existing .config file from /boot/ TJ- | 17:51 |
msev- | I'm getting all zeros inside foxtrotgps | 17:51 |
TJ- | ookOok: let me check here | 17:51 |
msev- | while previously i didn't have anything | 17:52 |
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TJ- | ookOok: Ahhh, my apologies, it should be =y. It is "CONFIG_ATH9K=m" that I'm referring to build as a module | 17:52 |
NegativeFlare | Nevermind guys, I fixed it | 17:52 |
TJ- | ookOok: your mention of the ATH9K_PCI made me assume that was Kconfig option for the module itself, not a sub-system | 17:53 |
msev- | I'll try now to go outside and see if I get a fix if it will display valid data | 17:53 |
TJ- | ookOok: see if the module is built with "find /path/to/linux/build-tree -type f -name 'ath9k*' -ls " | 17:53 |
ookOok | TJ-, ok. let me do that | 17:54 |
mimibemo | ioria ; it's not showing when in the sound & video directory ? only runs with command line | 17:54 |
TJ- | msev-: I used to throw an extension antenna out the window :) | 17:54 |
ioria | mimibemo, sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer | 17:54 |
msev- | 8+3 sats | 17:55 |
msev- | so deffo a fix but no value change inside foxtrotgps | 17:55 |
mimibemo | ioria , I have GNOME MPLAYER installed , I want mplayer2 version | 17:56 |
msev- | aha but we got more debug output TJ- | 17:56 |
TJ- | msev-: are you seeing $GPRMC senetences? | 17:56 |
MonkeyDust | !find mplayer2 | 17:56 |
ubottu | Found: mplayer2, mplayer2-dbg | 17:56 |
ioria | mimibemo, do you have unity ? | 17:56 |
mimibemo | ioria ; no Lubuntu lxde | 17:57 |
TJ- | msev-: check the 2nd parameter, is it "A" (fix) or "V" (no fix) ? | 17:57 |
ioria | mimibemo, well, should be installed by default then .... | 17:57 |
binary01 | hey, does anyone know if its possible to watch sling tv on ubuntu? | 17:57 |
msev | https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 17:57 |
ookOok | TJ-, https://paste.debian.net/315163/ | 17:58 |
ioria | mimibemo, no, there is no gnome-maplayer(2) only gnome-mplayer | 17:58 |
mimibemo | ioria : is there a way to make a programe icon for mplayer2 to run from ? | 17:58 |
MonkeyDust | mimibemo mplayer is part of mplayer2, somehow: " Command 'mplayer' from package 'mplayer2' (universe)" | 17:58 |
TJ- | msev: OK, you've not given the gpsd process permissions to the device node | 17:58 |
ioria | mimibemo, let me boot my lubuntu ... | 17:58 |
mimibemo | MonkeyDust> why i can only run mplayer2 from terminal ? i used to run it graphically ? | 17:59 |
msev- | TJ-, how do i do it :) | 17:59 |
TJ- | msev: if you're running it with "sudo gpsd ..." then it should be able to access the device node | 17:59 |
ioria | mimibemo, what did you do lately ? you messed with codecs ... ? | 18:00 |
msev- | nope i didn't sudo it this time | 18:00 |
msev- | i'll do it | 18:00 |
TJ- | msev-: Ahhh, try again :) | 18:00 |
mimibemo | ioria ; no i just installed the restricted packege , i forgot the name , | 18:01 |
msev- | still that error | 18:01 |
ioria | mimibemo, ok in Sounds and Video do you have Gnome Mplayer ? | 18:01 |
mimibemo | ioria : yes | 18:01 |
MonkeyDust | mimibemo when i run 'mplayer', it says this, notice 'mplayer2': "MPlayer2 2.0-701-gd4c5b7f-2ubuntu2 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team" | 18:01 |
msev- | device open failed | 18:01 |
ioria | mimibemo, can you paste dpkg -l mplayer* ? | 18:02 |
TJ- | msev-: what does "stat /dev/rfcomm0" report? | 18:02 |
mimibemo | <ioria : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12725981/ | 18:03 |
ZETTRE | is somebody who can teach me | 18:03 |
compdoc | teach you what | 18:03 |
ZETTRE | some coding /computer | 18:03 |
compdoc | ha | 18:04 |
julian-delphiki | ZETTRE: this is a support channel for ubuntu users. | 18:04 |
msev | https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 18:04 |
dionysus69 | does anyone recommend using this https://github.com/rweng/jquery-datatables-rails or are there some better alternatives? | 18:04 |
ioria | mimibemo, when you click on Gnome Mplayer in Sounds and Video ... what happens ? | 18:04 |
reisio | dionysus69: wha? | 18:05 |
Pici | dionysus69: you'd probably be better off asking in a rails channel. | 18:05 |
ZETTRE | hey how to delete a chat | 18:05 |
mimibemo | ioria ; it opens | 18:05 |
reisio | ZETTRE: close a channel? | 18:05 |
julian-delphiki | ZETTRE: /part #ubuntu | 18:05 |
mansi__ | TJ-, ookOok here. http://pastebin.com/bgRN73vq install.log : has ath9k but no ath9k pci | 18:05 |
ioria | mimibemo, can you select a video file and play it ? | 18:05 |
mojtaba | Hi, I just restart my computer and now keepass2 does not run. Does anybody know what should I do? :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/12712182/ | 18:05 |
TJ- | msev: is gpsd still reporting permission denied for /dev/rfcomm0 ? | 18:06 |
dionysus69 | ye sorry it was a mistake to be honest :D | 18:06 |
dionysus69 | I didnt pay attention to where I was writing :D | 18:06 |
msev- | read-only device open failed | 18:06 |
msev- | device activation failed | 18:06 |
mimibemo | ioria ; yes with Gnome Mplayer and mpv when it was installed but not with mplayer2 | 18:06 |
julian-delphiki | mojtaba: this seems related: http://sourceforge.net/p/keepass/discussion/329221/thread/b9e743f3 | 18:06 |
msev- | no device hook present | 18:07 |
mojtaba | julian-delphiki: I will check it, thanks | 18:07 |
TJ- | mansi__: OK, so the .ko modules are there and timestamps seem to show they are current. So "make modules_install" should copy them into place under "/lib/modules/<version>/kernel/" | 18:08 |
ioria | mimibemo, no, the command is always, from command line, mplayer not mplayer2 | 18:08 |
msev- | TJ-, or maybe its not reporting anymore | 18:08 |
msev- | I don't know | 18:08 |
TJ- | msev-: Could the bluetooth link need reconnecting? | 18:08 |
TJ- | msev-: it might go to sleep if theres no activity | 18:09 |
msev- | blueman is reporting traffic | 18:09 |
ioria | mimibemo, what happens if you run mplayer2 from command line ? | 18:09 |
msev- | around 1kbs download | 18:09 |
mimibemo | ioria yes i do always mplayer "5_Best_Music_One_Piece_small.3gp" and mplayer2 plays the video | 18:09 |
ookOok | TJ-, http://pastebin.com/bgRN73vq sorry for repasting. I got disconnected | 18:09 |
TJ- | msev-: Hmmm, not sure then. rfcomm is supposed to be a serial UART simulator | 18:09 |
TJ- | mansi__: OK, so the .ko modules are there and timestamps seem to show they are current. So "make modules_install" should copy them into place under "/lib/modules/<version>/kernel/" | 18:09 |
ioria | mimibemo, yes.... | 18:09 |
msev- | would about if i look at that device hook file | 18:10 |
ookOok | TJ-, let me check that location . | 18:10 |
TJ- | ookOok: *if* the kernel that is currently running has a different version, then the modules will be installed for another kernel version, so that would explain why the modules don't show up in the current kernel's tree | 18:10 |
msev- | etc / gpsd / device-hook | 18:10 |
TJ- | ookOok: "find /lib/modules -type f -name 'ath9k*' -ls " | 18:10 |
mimibemo | ioria : do you mean just enter mpalyer2 in command line and press enter ? if so it gives me command not found | 18:10 |
ioria | mimibemo, as i said , the command is mplayer fom cli but i don't remember if .3gp format is supported... i think so .... did you install lubuntu-restricted-extras | 18:11 |
SchrodingersScat | mimibemo: s/mpalyer2/mplayer2/ | 18:11 |
SchrodingersScat | oh, it's just mplayer | 18:12 |
TJ- | msev-: I don't think that is needed; its for when the device needs to be kicked into life before the connection can be made | 18:12 |
msev- | TJ-, there is no folder there | 18:12 |
msev- | in etc for gpsd | 18:12 |
TJ- | msev-: the device is alive and you have the /dev/rfcomm0 node to talk to it with | 18:12 |
mimibemo | ioria ; yes | 18:12 |
ioria | mimibemo, so, i don't get it, it works or not ? | 18:13 |
msev- | TJ-, do u have any other ideas. Thanks for all the help so far! | 18:13 |
mimibemo | ioria : what works ? mplayer is installed but i can only use it from terminal i want to use it as i use MPLAYER GNOME | 18:14 |
stanreg | Openbox: I'm trying to install an Openbox theme, but rather than having the resource files packaged in an .obt, they're in a .zip and all separated. Is there still a way to install 'em? | 18:14 |
ookOok | TJ-, http://pastebin.com/hgpnH8pi i an on 4.2. .. | 18:15 |
lim | I was wondering... just how anonymous is Linux compared to Windows when using Tor browser? | 18:15 |
ioria | mimibemo, mplayer is only from cli .... there is a gui mplayer-gui but gnome-player is good | 18:15 |
Pici | lim: why would it be any different? | 18:15 |
ookOok | lim: same i suppose :p | 18:16 |
TJ- | msev-: Yes. Is it possible the device has switched to SirF protocol instead of NMEA? I had a device used to do that and was very frustrating! can you check connect to rfcomm0 manually again like you did earlier and ensure it is passing NMEA sentences still? | 18:16 |
ioria | !info mplayer-gui | mimibemo | 18:16 |
ubottu | mimibemo: Package mplayer-gui does not exist in vivid | 18:16 |
ioria | !info mplayer-gui mimibemo | 18:16 |
ubottu | 'mimibemo' is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed | 18:16 |
TJ- | ookOok: what does "modinfo ath9k" report ? | 18:16 |
ioria | !info mplayer-gui | 18:17 |
jayjo | I can't write to /var/folders/1m/ | 18:17 |
jayjo | is it supposed to be protected? | 18:17 |
lim | ookOok, Pici: I see... just occurred to me Windows could have more security issues. | 18:17 |
auronandace | ioria: ubottu just told you it doesn't exist | 18:17 |
jayjo | and if I make a folder /var/folders/5m/ will it live for 5 minutes? | 18:17 |
ookOok | TJ-, module not found | 18:17 |
ioria | auronandace, yep | 18:17 |
mimibemo | ioria ; well I dont like gnome mpalyer, how to install mplayer-gui in vivid ?? | 18:17 |
TJ- | ookOok: OK, so you've not run depmod. "sudo demod -a" and do the modinfo again | 18:17 |
msev- | TJ-, actually I'm using this if it makes a difference https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Saenko.GpsOverBt ..it says it is using nmea 0183 | 18:17 |
TJ- | ookOok: typo! "sudo depmod -a" | 18:18 |
mjayk | lim: that it could your anon is maily dependent upon you not your software | 18:18 |
ioria | mimibemo, seems not.... there is totem | 18:18 |
ioria | !info mplayer-gui trusty | 18:18 |
ubottu | mplayer-gui (source: mplayer): movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.1+dfsg1-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 1370 kB, installed size 4397 kB | 18:18 |
TJ- | msev-: Oh, that's good then, it can't be anything but NMEA :) | 18:18 |
mimibemo | ioria ; totem !? what do u mean ? | 18:18 |
MonkeyDust | mimibemo it looks like what you want, is not or no longer possible or available | 18:18 |
ioria | mimibemo, mplayer-gui only for trusty .... | 18:19 |
ookOok | TJ-, no change | 18:19 |
ioria | !info totem | 18:19 |
TJ- | msev-: so, try connecting manually to /dev/rfcomm0 without gpsd running and see if sentences are arriving | 18:19 |
ubottu | totem (source: totem): Simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.14.3-0ubuntu0.1 (vivid), package size 43 kB, installed size 609 kB | 18:19 |
TJ- | ookOok: what does "uname -r" report right now? | 18:19 |
lim | mjayk: Yea, sometimes I just get annoyed from the fact that browsers such as Firefox or Chrome do steal your data and use it to pop up advertisements on your screen. | 18:19 |
mimibemo | ioria ; so the only way to get it is to downgrade or what ?? | 18:19 |
ioria | mimibemo, but totem doesn't use mplayer | 18:19 |
ookOok | 4.2.0-rc6+ TJ- | 18:20 |
msev- | TJ-, yes they are | 18:20 |
msev- | I'm constantly connected to there | 18:20 |
msev- | :D | 18:20 |
TJ- | ookOok: There's a "+" in the version name? | 18:20 |
mjayk | lim: thats your choice and not a discussion for here i feel :) | 18:20 |
ookOok | yes TJ- | 18:20 |
ioria | mimibemo, gnome-mplayer is the gui for mplayer .... but if you don't like it... | 18:20 |
TJ- | msev-: what do you mean by that? You have something else connected to rfcomm0 ? | 18:20 |
msev- | I have a terminal opened | 18:20 |
lim | mjayk: Like if you search for "PS4" on Amazon then suddenly there's a PS4 offer on your Facebook etc. | 18:20 |
msev- | with sudo cat /dev/rfcomm0 | 18:20 |
lim | mjayk: Oh, indeed. Sorry. | 18:20 |
TJ- | msev-: that will prevent gpsd from connecting! | 18:21 |
msev- | oh | 18:21 |
msev- | ooops | 18:21 |
msev- | sorry about that | 18:21 |
mimibemo | ioria : can i set an icon program to run any video with mplayer2 ? | 18:21 |
TJ- | ookOok: That means you have 2 different kernel versions, which explains why modinfo fails. It is searching for the path "/lib/modules/4.2.0-rc6+/" but you only have "/lib/modules/4.2.0-rc6/" | 18:22 |
msev- | no diff in foxtrotgps TJ- | 18:22 |
ioria | mimibemo, what you mean ? | 18:22 |
TJ- | msev-: does gpsd show it is able to connect/open /dev/rfcomm0 now? | 18:22 |
mimibemo | ioria ; instead of using the command line every time i want to playe a video , isnt there an easier way ? | 18:23 |
msev- | no | 18:23 |
msev- | i think | 18:23 |
TJ- | ookOok: check the installed kernel version with "ls /boot/vmlinu*4.2*" | 18:23 |
TJ- | msev-: ok, ask the question the other way: does gpsd report failures to open /dev/rfcomm0 ? | 18:23 |
ookOok | output : /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-rc6 /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-rc6+ /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-rc6.old /boot/vmlinuz-4.2.0-rc6+.old TJ- | 18:24 |
mimibemo | <msev-; was that no for me ? | 18:24 |
msev- | nope | 18:24 |
TJ- | ookOok: right, so you have a different kernel version there with no supporting modules | 18:24 |
ioria | mimibemo, you mean a script that will call mplayer with the filename as argument ? | 18:24 |
ookOok | Should I delete those TJ- | 18:24 |
ZETTRE | hi | 18:25 |
msev- | TJ-, /dev/rfcomm0 device activation failed | 18:25 |
ZETTRE | hi | 18:25 |
mimibemo | ioria ; yes , and treat it as a program , but am not good at scripting .. | 18:25 |
ookOok | I have no idea how they came about TJ- . So I should boot into the rc6 (plain ) for my wifi to work? | 18:25 |
TJ- | msev-: I think the problem could be that the device is passive - it sends messages but doesn't accept commands, whereas gpsd is trying to send commands. | 18:25 |
TJ- | ookOok: Correct :) | 18:26 |
msev- | darn | 18:26 |
msev- | is it possible to make it into a passive listener : | 18:26 |
msev- | :D | 18:26 |
ookOok | ookOok, can i remove rc6 + somehow ? | 18:26 |
TJ- | msev-: are you using "-b" too right now for gpsd? | 18:27 |
TJ- | msev-: that's the 'read-only' mode we need | 18:27 |
=== ochorocho1 is now known as ochorocho | ||
ioria | mimibemo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726187/ | 18:28 |
TJ- | ookOok: delete that kernel image and associated initrd.img and other files with the exact same version in /boot/, then run "sudo update-grub" | 18:28 |
msev- | yes | 18:29 |
msev- | I'm using -b :D | 18:29 |
ookOok | ok , but after logging into rc (plain ) , correct? | 18:29 |
ookOok | TJ-, | 18:29 |
ookOok | rc6* | 18:29 |
TJ- | ookOok: you can delete the files right now; then reboot. | 18:30 |
ZETTRE | use -m | 18:30 |
jayjo | If I create folders in /var/folders/5m/ will it delete contents after 5 minutes? | 18:30 |
TJ- | msev-: I wonder if the 'device activation failed' is simply a NOTICE not an ERROR, because there is no activation script for it. That would indicate you can ignore that error. | 18:31 |
CalebW | I need help formatting a sed command | 18:31 |
msev- | might be TJ- | 18:31 |
msev- | dunno why foxtrot isn't displaying the coords tho | 18:31 |
ookOok | So , before i delete , recheck : i should delete everything wilth a + sign ? memtest86+.bin and memtest86+.elf ? TJ- | 18:33 |
mimibemo | ioria ; i will reboot and test if it will be recognised af a program icon . | 18:33 |
TJ- | msev-: might be good to connect a raw client to the TCP socket and see what is being sent | 18:34 |
ioria | mimibemo, it's not an icon it's a script | 18:34 |
msev- | TJ-, gimme the command :D | 18:34 |
TJ- | ookOok: NO! not memtest, just the "sudo rm /boot/*4.2.0-rc6+" | 18:34 |
ookOok | ok ok | 18:35 |
ookOok | :) | 18:35 |
MonkeyDust | mimibemo any reason why you only want to use 'mplayer2'? | 18:35 |
TJ- | msev-: I'm checking if gpsd tools has a debug client, because the sockets uses JSON for query/response | 18:35 |
mimibemo | ioria ; oh ,i see so i need to run it and write the filename .. | 18:35 |
TJ- | msev-: there is a package "gpsd-clients" with several in it | 18:36 |
mimibemo | ioria ; it works fast and smooth with my video card i guess , when i use GNOME it crashs sometimes and everytime i pause the video the screen goes black ! | 18:36 |
ioria | mimibemo, try also this , better http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726280/ (chmod +x) | 18:37 |
TJ- | msev-: install that package and then see "man gpsmon" | 18:38 |
msev- | I did | 18:38 |
Mrokii | Hello. I have problems connecting a mobile phone (Android 5.x) to Ubuntu via USB. It *should* work over MTP as far as I understand, but on connecting the cable, the device doesn't show up anywhere on the desktop. It seems not even lsusb is showing it, even though MTP is activated on the phone. Any suggestions? | 18:38 |
msev- | the clients | 18:38 |
msev- | ok man gpsmon | 18:38 |
TJ- | msev-: I'd suspect "gpsmon localhosst:2947" would do it | 18:38 |
mimibemo | ioria ; does it run as an icon , is it even possible ? | 18:39 |
TJ- | msev-: without the typo! "gpsmon localhost:2947" | 18:39 |
msev- | server :port :device | 18:39 |
ookOok | TJ-, now for the reboot, ciao | 18:39 |
msev- | ok i'll try that | 18:39 |
msev | https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 18:40 |
ioria | mimibemo, you can do a .desktop file on your desktop .... when you click it , it opens the terminal with the prompt : insert the filename , then | 18:40 |
TJ- | msev: maybe we need to do "gpsmon localhost:/dev/rfcomm0" | 18:41 |
mimibemo | ioria ; do i need to beat the same directory of the file ? | 18:41 |
mimibemo | to be * | 18:41 |
msev- | did u see that output TJ- | 18:42 |
TJ- | msev-: yes, that is listing the devices, so try the alternate command I just suggested | 18:43 |
msev- | connection faliure, error -2 cant get host entry | 18:43 |
TJ- | msev: maybe it does need the port (although it is using the default) "gpsmon localhost:2947:/dev/rfcomm0" | 18:44 |
ookOok | TJ-, And my wifi is back !!!!!!!! So happy :) what cause this + craziness? | 18:44 |
ioria | mimibemo, the .desktop file is like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726361/ | 18:44 |
ioria | mimibemo, you can change the icon | 18:45 |
msev | https://paste.sh/QBGox6H9#WUqTX547ApSa4CW_JTZM4QF2 | 18:45 |
TJ- | ookOok: somehow when you built the kernel you managed to introduce an ABI change that caused the version to change | 18:45 |
TJ- | msev: I think the problem is the rfcomm link isn't working the way gpsd expects | 18:46 |
ioria | mimibemo, and in the play2.sh you have to add, as second line, cd /path/to/the/script http://paste.ubuntu.com/12726376/ | 18:46 |
TJ- | msev: is the other GUI client still trying to listen to that device? | 18:47 |
ioria | mimibemo, you have also to make executable the .desktop file with chmod +x (maybe in lubuntu it's not necessary, don't remember) | 18:47 |
msev- | TJ-, on some site with a strange name that I was almost scared to click it there is a tutorial for this kind of set up | 18:47 |
msev- | I will post the link lol | 18:48 |
msev- | https://gaygeekramblings.wordpress.com/tag/gps-over-bt/ | 18:48 |
msev- | he seems to be proudly gay :) | 18:48 |
TJ- | msev-: I'm looking at the gpsd source-code. That error occurs when the device can't be wakened. So I think it's to do with the way rfcomm interface is (not) responding | 18:48 |
mimibemo | ioria ; wait do i need to edit the .desktop file ? | 18:49 |
ioria | mimibemo, sure, that is my path, i don't know where you put your videos :-) | 18:50 |
ioria | brb | 18:50 |
Foxtrot | what coords would you like msev- | 18:50 |
Foxtrot | 49, 22 | 18:50 |
mirak | hi | 18:51 |
mimibemo | ioria ; and what is play2.sh ? | 18:51 |
mimibemo | ioria ; is it the second script ? | 18:52 |
msev- | Foxtrot, I'm trying gps over bt app | 18:52 |
msev- | to send gps data from phone to netbook | 18:52 |
TJ- | msev-: The only other option you might try, if not already, is gpsd's "-n" added to the mix | 18:53 |
msev- | did :D | 18:53 |
mirak | hello, what are you rights for /media/mirak ? | 18:53 |
mirak | i have drwxr-x--- 3 root root 4096 oct. 9 20:49 mirak | 18:53 |
mirak | I don't understand why it is this wa | 18:53 |
msev- | wait | 18:53 |
mirak | way | 18:53 |
msev- | now there is something different TJ- | 18:53 |
msev- | yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss | 18:54 |
msev- | yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss | 18:54 |
ioria | mimibemo, the script play2.sh and the video file should be in the same folder , and .desktop on you desktop folder | 18:54 |
msev- | it worksssss | 18:54 |
msev- | thanks TJ- you are a awesome guy! | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | mirak: you should have a + at the end | 18:54 |
EriC^^ | mirak: drwxrwx---+ | 18:54 |
TJ- | msev-: was it the '-n' that did it? | 18:54 |
msev- | so first I need to shut down that service | 18:54 |
msev- | and then this command | 18:54 |
msev- | yes -n did it | 18:55 |
TJ- | msev-: yes, you now need to transfer those options into gspd's service config | 18:55 |
mirak | I deleted the folder | 18:55 |
TJ- | Then you can restart it with "sudo service gpsd start" | 18:55 |
EriC^^ | mirak: ok, type sudo chmod 770 /media/mirak | 18:55 |
mirak | I deleted it, but it creates it again as : drwxr-x---+ 3 root root 4096 oct. 9 20:55 /media/mirak | 18:56 |
mirak | EriC^^: I have to chown it also | 18:56 |
TJ- | mirak: so /etc/default/gpsd wants "GPSD_OPTIONS="-n" " | 18:56 |
EriC^^ | mirak: ok, type getfacl /media/mirak | 18:56 |
TJ- | msev-: so /etc/default/gpsd wants "GPSD_OPTIONS="-n" " | 18:57 |
msev- | hmm | 18:57 |
mirak | TJ-: I don't have gpsd | 18:57 |
mirak | file | 18:57 |
TJ- | mirak: sorry, tab-complete messed up | 18:57 |
msev- | ok i'll try to find that | 18:57 |
mimibemo | as second line means after #!/bin/bash right ? when you said add cd /path/to/the/script | 18:57 |
msev- | :D | 18:57 |
ioria | mimibemo, so, when you click the icon , a terminal will open and will query for the filename ... | 18:58 |
mvk | i seriously... peeeeep... $*#$*#$*#$*$#.... its 2015 | 18:58 |
mvk | bluetooth mice still dont automatically connect on ubuntu after pairing? | 18:58 |
TJ- | mvk: Mine always have | 18:59 |
ubuntu649 | hi i purchased a laptop with ubuntu preconfigured. I want to dual boot this machine with windows7. Can anyone give a good link describing how to do this? | 18:59 |
msev- | TJ-, lol but i already had there -b -n | 18:59 |
msev- | so why didn't it work? | 18:59 |
TJ- | msev-: which ubuntu release is that on? | 18:59 |
msev- | 1404 | 18:59 |
mvk | ubuntu649, dont do it | 18:59 |
msev- | mate | 18:59 |
mirak | EriC^^: it seems to work now | 18:59 |
msev- | ubuntu mate 1404 | 18:59 |
ubuntu649 | why? | 18:59 |
mvk | Linux offers enough.. | 19:00 |
wileee | ubuntu649, Good chance you will be reloading ubuntu, if you want windows on the front of the drive, you might consider a virtual. | 19:00 |
TJ- | msev-: I'm installing gpsd in a chroot to test | 19:00 |
thebwt | ubuntu649: the main problem is the windows boot loader isn't as freindly to extra (non-windows) oses as grub is | 19:00 |
thebwt | so tpyically you install windows, then install ubuntu | 19:00 |
ookOok | mvk , ubuntu649 : but not bluetooth mice apparently :p >< | 19:00 |
mirak | EriC^^: I didn't knew it was using acl | 19:01 |
mirak | but it seems it does | 19:01 |
mirak | othre wise i could not list the folder | 19:01 |
mvk | ookOok, trolololol? | 19:01 |
ubuntu649 | mvk: actually i need windows for gaming, as my new laptop comes with a good graphics card | 19:02 |
thebwt | mvk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot | 19:02 |
akik | ubuntu649: it's possible to do but it's not as easy as other way around | 19:02 |
thebwt | Bottom goes into it | 19:02 |
RNeville | ubuntu649, don't do it! | 19:02 |
thebwt | err | 19:02 |
TJ- | msev-: Have you also set DEVICES="/dev/rfcomm0" ? | 19:02 |
MikeRL | Today, I have something on topic to say for once. | 19:02 |
thebwt | ubuntu649: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot < "Installing Windows After Ubuntu | 19:02 |
msev-1 | Yes | 19:02 |
ookOok | mvk couldn't resist | 19:03 |
MikeRL | I noticed this zombie process on my box. sd_cicero. And there's no way to stop it. | 19:03 |
MikeRL | It's been there for a while, and I think it's related to LightDM. | 19:03 |
fibbance | What is the unity equivalent of startxfce4 ? | 19:03 |
TJ- | msev-1: what does "cat /proc/$(pgrep gpsd)/cmdline" report? | 19:03 |
shudon | hi all :) i have wins enabled to resolve hosts in my nsswitch.conf but when i resolve a hostname, it seems to only send DNS queries (according to ethereal) | 19:04 |
wileee | fibbance, probably light dm no startx | 19:04 |
MikeRL | Is there any way to get the system to remove the zombie processes? | 19:04 |
wileee | maybe gdm | 19:04 |
msev | BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-50-generic root=UUID=37eef1b6-7111-4d54-90f3-da787e7844fd ro quiet splash vt.handoff=7 | 19:04 |
fibbance | I'm using 'startxfce4 & ' in my .vnc/xstartup file; what would I replace it with to use Unity? This is on an EC2 machine | 19:05 |
TJ- | msev: OK, that means gpsd didn't start, and therefore the pgrep returned an emtpy string | 19:05 |
MikeRL | It seems to be a bug, so if anyone knows a command I can use to run some cleanup of this leftover process, let me know. Then I can automate it and workaround the bug. | 19:05 |
TJ- | msev: so, you need to figure out why the gpsd service isn't starting. | 19:05 |
LtL | MikeRL: only a reboot gets rid of zombie precesses afaik | 19:06 |
MikeRL | Crap. | 19:06 |
msev-1 | So if i manually start it, it will also work? | 19:06 |
shredding | I have a droplet on digital ocean that has been shut down because it's "compromised". It was set up two month ago, has nginx and a very small (git post commit and slask messages) python app. | 19:06 |
MikeRL | http://www.howtogeek.com/119815/htg-explains-what-is-a-zombie-process-on-linux/ | 19:06 |
MikeRL | Let me try this article. | 19:07 |
Aphotica | So, I royally screwed up my fonts in Ubuntu. I used xset to try and get some fonts to work and now everything is only one font. I can't change the font preferences in the Mate appearance dialogue either. | 19:07 |
shredding | Were there any larger security issues on 14.04 in the last two month? I'm looking for a starting point to investigate. | 19:07 |
fullstack | hi | 19:07 |
fullstack | what does syslog on 14.04? | 19:08 |
TJ- | msev-1: we know it worked manually; so something in the system service config or init script is causing a failure. | 19:08 |
TJ- | fullstack: rsyslogd | 19:08 |
guido_ | http://ubottu.com/y/dl | 19:08 |
fullstack | TJ- thanks | 19:08 |
msev-1 | Tj should i run that command | 19:08 |
shudon | MikeRL: if you want to know what it's related to, use: for p in $(pgrep sd_cicero) ; do lsof -p $p | awk '{if($4=="txt")print $_}' ; done | 19:08 |
shudon | MikeRL: you can see what package the executable belongs to with dpkg -S /usr/bin/whatever/blahblah | 19:09 |
TJ- | msev-1: which 'that' ? starting the service requires "sudo service gpsd start" | 19:09 |
Aphotica | Is there any way to under the xset command and restore the font settings to default? | 19:09 |
msev-1 | So sudo service gpsd start ? | 19:09 |
TJ- | msev-1: yes, otherwise the system service won't be running | 19:10 |
MikeRL | lsof: WARNING: can't stat() tracefs file system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing | 19:10 |
MikeRL | Output information may be incomplete. | 19:10 |
MikeRL | sd_cicero 24261 mike txt REG 8,5 72448 9969414 /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/sd_cicero | 19:10 |
MikeRL | lsof: WARNING: can't stat() tracefs file system /sys/kernel/debug/tracing | 19:10 |
MikeRL | Output information may be incomplete. | 19:10 |
TJ- | shredding: what were the details of the compromise? | 19:10 |
MikeRL | Rough output. Should've used a paste site. | 19:10 |
shudon | MikeBones: the stuff on stderr is irrelevant | 19:10 |
shudon | i mean MikeRL | 19:11 |
shudon | MikeRL: so it doesn't look too related to lightdm to me, but what do i know | 19:11 |
msev-1 | Ok did that | 19:11 |
Aphotica | Wait, I think I got it | 19:11 |
Aphotica | xset fp default | 19:11 |
Aphotica | brb | 19:11 |
shudon | unless lightdm has some "speech dispatcher" component | 19:11 |
TJ- | msev-1: now see if it is running with "pgrep gpsd" | 19:11 |
MikeRL | http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12726607/ | 19:11 |
MikeRL | What's this speech dispatcher thing? | 19:12 |
shudon | anyone know how to resolve netbios names on linux? i've got libnss-winbind and "wins" is on my "hosts:" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf | 19:12 |
msev | msev@msev-YYT:~$ cat /proc/$(pgrep gpsd)/cmdline | 19:12 |
shudon | MikeRL: use dpkig -S /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/sd_cicero # to find the package name | 19:12 |
msev | usr/sbin/gpsd-n-F/var/run/gpsd.sock-P/var/run/gpsd.pid/dev/rfcomm0msev@msev-YYT | 19:12 |
shudon | MikeRL: then use apt-cache show <packagename> for info ont he package | 19:12 |
msev | seems legit | 19:12 |
shudon | msev: wth is that | 19:13 |
TJ- | msev: that looks correct now. Try connecting to it with gpsmon | 19:13 |
MikeRL | You gave the command an extra i. | 19:13 |
MikeRL | speech-dispatcher: /usr/lib/speech-dispatcher-modules/sd_cicero | 19:13 |
MikeRL | Too short to bother pasting. | 19:13 |
shudon | MikeRL: ah yes i did :) | 19:13 |
shudon | MikeRL: well, if you don't want this package, remove it | 19:14 |
MikeRL | Does anyone know what the "speech dispatcher" is used for? | 19:14 |
shudon | MikeRL: dunno how to kill the zombie processes. IME if kill -9 doesn't work then you've got a bug in kernel or kernel module and rebooting is your only recourse, but i don't know everything | 19:14 |
shredding | TJ-: That the f*** at digital ocean, there are no details. | 19:14 |
shudon | mikecmpbll: did you apt-cache show speech-dispatcher ? | 19:14 |
shredding | ATM i can't even login | 19:14 |
mikecmpbll | nah, not yet ;) | 19:14 |
shudon | sorry i meant MikeRL :\ | 19:15 |
mikecmpbll | tehe, np | 19:15 |
msev | TJ-, I don't have the phone connected anymore | 19:15 |
shudon | if you can't nick complete with three letters in 90% of the channels you regularly visit, change your nick :P | 19:15 |
msev | so gpsmon is not giving me prolly the correct output | 19:15 |
MikeRL | Sounds related to accessibility stuff. Text to speech. | 19:15 |
Aphotica | well that didn't work | 19:16 |
TJ- | shredding: without any information you're helpless. 'Can't login' - you mean it is running but your user login is barred? | 19:16 |
Aphotica | Xset is using the fonts from my ~/.fonts directory | 19:16 |
shudon | MikeRL: well if you don't do any speech synth, i'd say try removing it | 19:16 |
Aphotica | Trying to set it back to the default | 19:16 |
TJ- | msev: Ahh! | 19:16 |
MikeRL | Well, should I report this as a bug? | 19:16 |
TJ- | msev: in theory it should work though | 19:16 |
MikeRL | And look to see if it's already reported? | 19:16 |
wileee | Aphotica, Careful to use the channel for help, not just info. | 19:16 |
Aphotica | Can someone help me restore xset to its default font path? | 19:17 |
MikeRL | Might as well report it while I'm at it. | 19:17 |
msev-1 | Great great | 19:17 |
TJ- | MikeRL: zombies are child processes that die but their parent doesn't spot it. You can identify the parent process (by the PPID) and figure out what that is and whether it is safe to stop that | 19:17 |
msev-1 | Thank u TJ- u are a top man | 19:17 |
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MikeRL | Well, this looks like a bug. How should I report it? | 19:17 |
TJ- | MikeRL: it would depend on why it died. without a stacktrace a bug report is pointless | 19:18 |
ioria | MikeRL, what bug ? | 19:18 |
shredding | TJ-: Okay, i will come back when i got more info from the support. Just wanted to make sure that this not common atm. | 19:18 |
eelstrebor | does networkmanager use default config files for openvpn? all i see are options in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/VPNconfig | 19:18 |
TJ- | shredding: check the Ubuntu USNs; they stay up to date with all CVEs | 19:18 |
TJ- | !security | shredding | 19:19 |
ubottu | shredding: Security Updates are dealt with here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server | 19:19 |
msev-1 | Tj can i now add also -b there in the gpsd config file? -n -b | 19:19 |
MikeRL | Still have the zombie process. | 19:19 |
AndyS2 | Hi. We are a university chair with ~110 clients and are currently using openSUSE to serve our needs on the client side as hardware support has been an issue with the SLED. I wondered if Ubuntu's LTS releases would be a good fit for us. Does the glibc update with HWE point releases? Has the glibc version been an issue with commercial software like mathematica when running 12.04.0 or 12.04.5? And is the hardware support of 12.04.5 comparable to an ubuntu ... | 19:19 |
TJ- | msev-1: yes, you can | 19:19 |
AndyS2 | ... release done during the same year? | 19:19 |
MikeRL | Well, what would I do if I wanted to debug this and file a report? | 19:19 |
eelstrebor | i want a full config listing so that i can find out why my pc based clients stay connected while my repeater-bridges don't | 19:19 |
MikeRL | I don't use text to speech, but some people may have disabilities and rely on it. | 19:20 |
TJ- | shredding: that wasn't the factoid I was expecting, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/ | 19:20 |
MikeRL | I don't have to file a report, but I'd like to be useful if I can somehow. | 19:20 |
TJ- | MikeRL: usually, if a program crashes a crash dump is captured and next time you log-in you'll get asked whether you want to report it | 19:20 |
MikeRL | Well, I think I disabled the automatic crash reporting. | 19:21 |
wileee | AndyS2, Canonical has commercial support, you might want to check there. | 19:21 |
MikeRL | Can I just run ubuntu-bug xyz? | 19:21 |
MikeRL | I told System Monitor to show dependencies. | 19:21 |
shredding | TJ-: Thanks | 19:22 |
MikeRL | Any way I can share this screen with you guys? | 19:22 |
TJ- | MikeRL: sure. I think apport can list the held crash dumps too | 19:22 |
auronandace | !screenshot | MikeRL | 19:22 |
ubottu | MikeRL: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here. | 19:22 |
TJ- | MikeRL: "man apport-bug" and "ls /var/crash/" might help | 19:23 |
ioria | MikeRL, what is espeak , festival ? | 19:24 |
msev-1 | Espeak is a speech engine | 19:24 |
msev-1 | I used it in some software | 19:24 |
msev-1 | It reported telemetry to me | 19:24 |
AndyS2 | wileee: I'm not in a position to talk in behalf of our chair IT department. I'm mainly considering all options that we might have for future migrations, so I'm hesistant to contact commercial support. I'd have hoped the info is out there, and if it's not available for free, we might not be able to even consider it (because we have some license partners already) | 19:25 |
msev-1 | A bit robotic voice but good | 19:25 |
wileee | AndyS2, Sure, channel is direct support mainly, kinda complex to really not have it directly looked at I would think, but this is a subjective opinion. | 19:31 |
TJ- | AndyS2: I've just followed the dependency graph from linux-generic-lts-utopic to linux-headers-3.16.0-46-generic and that dependency is an unversioned libc6 | 19:32 |
TJ- | AndyS2: the userspace ABI shouldn't change due to a HWE update | 19:33 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: so the glibc should stay the same between point releases, even from 12.04.1 -> 12.04.2? | 19:34 |
TJ- | AndyS2: that's the theory, there may be security/bug-fixes that don't change the ABI | 19:35 |
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TJ- | AndyS2: see for example the 12.04 -updates libc6 changelog: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/e/eglibc/eglibc_2.15-0ubuntu10.12/changelog | 19:36 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: I'm guessing you meant do instead of don't? - Maybe Ubuntu doesn't suffer from the same problems as SLED because even the LTS is fresh enough to allow mathematica and co to run without problems until a new LTS is released. hmm | 19:37 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: am I reading this correctly in the sense that glibc was updated from glibc 2.1-1 to 2.15-0ubuntu10.12 over the lifetime of one ubuntu version? | 19:40 |
AndyS2 | I wasn't working for my current employer when the glibc incompatibility with mathematica happened in SLED and am not really into C either, but I'm guessing that 2.1 -> 2.15 aren't just minor version increases. Looks good if I want to run the latest commercial software and maybe bad if I have old commercial software I guess? | 19:43 |
trism | AndyS2: no precise started at 2.15~pre1-0ubuntu1, the rest are from the debian package in unstable | 19:45 |
AndyS2 | trism: ah, so they use the changelog from debian at a specific time and update it when they update the package themselves after that point? | 19:48 |
AndyS2 | thanks a lot so far, TJ-, wileee and trism | 19:48 |
AndyS2 | hmm, found a comment about 12.04.5 vs 14.04 that said a printer didn't work on 12.04.5 but on 14.04 the driver was added. so it seems there is a difference between HWE and the version of the ubuntu distribution the kernel is taken from | 19:49 |
wileee | AndyS2, Heh, glad it's here, we all basically support good help. | 19:49 |
trism | AndyS2: you can actually tell easier from the launchpad page, since that version was actually before 12.04 was released, 2.15-0ubuntu10 was the release version, latest is 2.15-0ubuntu10.12, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc | 19:50 |
AndyS2 | trism: does the launchpad page show all released versions for precise pangolin, or just the currently supported released versions? | 19:53 |
AndyS2 | I'm guessing there was a 2.15-0buntu10.10 or 10.9, too? | 19:53 |
Aikar | anyone know if theres a way to make the desktop/WM ignore multiple GPU's and lock to a single one? I'm trying to capture desktop for live streaming and theres an issue in multiple streaming apps (vlc/obs) that the screen 'tears' where a line runs through giving transparency to the window behind it. From what I've found, this is caused by multiple gpu's. Using nvidia-352 | 19:53 |
AndyS2 | (not that it matters for my original question) | 19:53 |
CalebW | My script in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d aren't working | 19:58 |
CalebW | isn't* | 19:59 |
trism | AndyS2: yes you can see them in the publishing history (or the changelog) if you click the button on the right of the page (and then find for instance, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/2.15-0ubuntu10.9) | 20:00 |
AndyS2 | trism: oh thanks. I'm blind :) | 20:01 |
AndyS2 | didn't see that button | 20:01 |
TJ- | AndyS2: in the changelog, the first line of each entry gives the version and release. For Precise (12.04) it began at: "eglibc (2.15-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low" | 20:02 |
AndyS2 | one last question if I may: why is the release still 'supported'? isn't it unsafe to use if security released an updated version? | 20:02 |
CalebW | Does anybody know what I'm missing? | 20:03 |
AndyS2 | i.e. isn't 2.15-0ubuntu10 unsafe? is this done for compatibility if someone just can't use 2.15-0ubuntu10.11 or 12? | 20:03 |
TJ- | AndyS2: there were some ~pre (development packages) prior to that during the development phase of 12.04, as the sync from Debian was refined and bugs worked out | 20:03 |
aleixo | hello? | 20:04 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: thanks, I think this will be useful to know for other packages, too :) | 20:05 |
aleixo | Anyone willing to help me fix my computer? | 20:05 |
aleixo | Or willing to tell me where I can go to get it fixed ;) | 20:05 |
wileee | aleixo, Give a little outline for help here. | 20:05 |
aleixo | what do you mean with outline? | 20:06 |
aleixo | noobest noob here | 20:06 |
wileee | aleixo, describe the problem. | 20:06 |
aleixo | oh right :;) | 20:06 |
TJ- | AndyS2: 12.04 was released 2012-04-26 ... if you look at the changelog for eglibc the versioning only increases the point release (.X) not the minor version (0ubuntu10) | 20:06 |
TJ- | AndyS2: ... after that date | 20:07 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: so they basically backported all the important changes done to glibc done after 2012-04-26 using 2.15-0 as their basis? | 20:08 |
AndyS2 | *eglibc | 20:09 |
aleixo | so, here it goes : I was trying to get Ubuntu in my machine that is running Windows 8, i managed to install it after all. But in the process I used the easyBCD to get an entry for linux in windows, (I ended up prefering to use GRUB2 instead) and I accidently pressed "reset configuration" on the easyBCD and rebooted. Now I can't use windows 8 nor load any of the entries i have in grub2 | 20:09 |
aleixo | More on my situation here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298006 | 20:09 |
wileee | aleixo, I will say that oldfred is really, really, really good help. | 20:11 |
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wileee | good help here to, just info | 20:12 |
TJ- | AndyS2: correct; after release, the core packages (in the 'main' archive component) only get security, regression, and serious bug fixes | 20:12 |
aleixo | wileee: Yes, he's really been a nice guy, but I was looking for a "faster feedback" | 20:12 |
wileee | cool | 20:13 |
TJ- | aleixo: if you can boot to GRUB, you should be able to get into Linux manually | 20:13 |
aleixo | hey TJ, the problem is not getting into linux from GRUB, but adding windows 8 to it :\ | 20:14 |
TJ- | aleixo: from what you've said it isn't a UEFI boot, but Legacy BIOS ? | 20:15 |
aleixo | TJ: I'm sorry if I am confusing you guys with my lack of technical jargon and overall understanding in the topic :p | 20:16 |
TJ- | aleixo: "update-grub" by default calles "os-prober" which should discover other operating systems. It is possible the 'reset' you did with easyBCD removed the files that os-prober uses to recognise Windows boot loader | 20:16 |
aleixo | TJ: I believe its a UEFI boot | 20:16 |
aleixo | TJ: Yes, that removal of files seems to fit the scenario | 20:17 |
TJ- | aleixo: if it is UEFI boot, the Windows/Ubuntu options will be in the UEFI boot menu | 20:17 |
aleixo | TJ, yes both options show up in the UEFI menu :) | 20:17 |
TJ- | aleixo: OK, and does Windows start from that entry? | 20:17 |
aleixo | TJ: I have like 10 entries there (i know its ridiculous --') all say something like "Windows Boot Manager" | 20:18 |
aleixo | and none of them works | 20:18 |
GhaleonX | Anyone have experience with php5-fpm ERROR " 5079#0 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) " ,-- it is killing my business. tried setting max_requests =100 in php5-fpm and fastcgi_read_timeout 120; in location ~* \.php$ { ... no avail.. any ideas?? | 20:18 |
TJ- | aleixo: I think your issue is, the UEFI boot menu default option is set to Windows, so it auto-starts. The second issue is that for a UEFI install GRUB cannot do the Legacy chainloader operation since Windows needs to be started by its EFI stub loader | 20:19 |
wileee | aleixo, I notice you've used the grub customizer as well. | 20:19 |
AndyS2 | TJ-: does the listing of 2.15-0ubuntu10 in launchpad mean that one would be allowed to use this old version somehow if they really needed to (it's in relase(main)), or is it listed there just because there needs to be a release (main) so that security (main) or updates (main) can refer to it? | 20:19 |
aleixo | TJ: I've set the default option to be Ubuntu ( by setting to default I mean putting it in the top of preferences) | 20:20 |
aleixo | TJ: I don't quite understand what you mean with that second issue | 20:20 |
aleixo | wileee: Yes, but all i did was change the wallpaper | 20:21 |
TJ- | aleixo: Is your aim to have a single boot menu where you can choose Windows or Ubuntu? | 20:21 |
aleixo | TJ: Yes, I want to have GRUB2 with two options there | 20:21 |
Jordan_U | TJ-: It sounds like aleixo can't boot Windows by any means, even when selecting it directly from the UEFI menu (no grub involved). | 20:22 |
wileee | Jordan_U, There is a bootinfo script in his ubuntu link | 20:22 |
aleixo | Jordan_U : that is correct, I even try all windows entries that show up there | 20:22 |
TJ- | aleixo: my point is, with UEFI, it'd make more sense to let the UEFI boot manager do the job. By reseting the UEFI BootDefault setting to 0000 so it doesn't try to load any of the installed OS automatically, you can use its menu to select between them. If you have Ubuntu/GRUB as the default, then any changes Windows trys to do to its boot sequence will break the config | 20:23 |
TJ- | Jordan_U: according to the forum post "The UEFI loads and it goes directly to windows 8.1, " | 20:24 |
lim | Why is this "Transmission" program used to download torrent files so slow? | 20:25 |
lim | Oh, nevermind. nevermind... | 20:25 |
Jordan_U | aleixo: Is there anything that you can currently do to boot Windows? | 20:25 |
drmagoo | Does anyone here run ubuntu 14.04 with i3 as wm and have problem with tearing in Firefox ? | 20:25 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: are you sure windows is in uefi mode? | 20:25 |
TJ- | aleixo: it looks like you've got some broken UEFI boot menu entries there (from post #10) in that thread | 20:26 |
aleixo | Jordan: that I know of there's it no way i can boot windows | 20:26 |
aleixo | Eric: what can i do to be completely sure? | 20:26 |
aleixo | TJ: I hope that means progress :p | 20:26 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: can you type ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999 ? | 20:26 |
TJ- | aleixo: I'm looking at your Boot0003/0004 entries; the paths look bad. Seen that before where the firmware uses incorrect data to create the device path | 20:27 |
aleixo | EriC: http://termbin.com/xzi5 | 20:28 |
TJ- | aleixo: I think what you need to do is mount the Windows boot partition and fix up the BCD database. Usually there's a backup created each time a change is made. | 20:28 |
MikeRL | Crap. Spent time cleaning up dirt. | 20:28 |
aleixo | TJ: mount the Windows boot partition? | 20:29 |
MikeRL | And I have more junk to clean. | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: yeah, just what i thought, you have switched files | 20:29 |
aleixo | I'm really sorry I can't be more clear, and helpfull :( | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1289424 Out 9 14:15 bootmgfw.efi | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | that's the microsoft one that's being booted | 20:29 |
TJ- | alexio you need to boot the Windows Recovery environment, then use the shell to run "bootrec" | 20:29 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1289424 Out 7 19:08 shimx64.efi | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | that's the ubuntu one ( notice the sizes are the same? ) | 20:30 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: boot-repair is evil. | 20:30 |
MikeRL | How come I can try to kill the parent process, but the zombie and parent process remain? | 20:30 |
TJ- | aleixo: in windows recovery shell the command is "bootrec /rebuildbcd" | 20:30 |
aleixo | TJ: but how do I get to the windows recovery ? | 20:31 |
MikeRL | Anyway to restart the systemd service? | 20:31 |
MikeRL | The dependencies go all the way back to that one. | 20:31 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: type sudo cp /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bkpbootmgfw.efi /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi | 20:31 |
aleixo | Eric: i notice the same sizes, but I don't really know what it means | 20:31 |
AndyS2 | drmagoo: if you don't find an answer here, check http://i3wm.org/contact/ (there's an irc channel) | 20:31 |
aleixo | Eric: I will do it now | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: it means boot repair copied the ubuntu efi file and renamed it as the microsoft one, but it messed up somehow later | 20:32 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: were you not able to get grub before and directly booting into windows every time? | 20:32 |
ProfMac | I am reading on ssh, especially ssh-copy-id. What are some favorite key management approaches? | 20:32 |
drmagoo | AndyS2: yeah, tried there earlier but it was quite | 20:32 |
AndyS2 | drmagoo: I'm running xubuntu 15.10 (beta) and I haven't noticed any tearing. I do have a minor problem when starting firefox while dual screens are enabled, but going fullscreen and back to tabs helps | 20:32 |
AndyS2 | drmagoo: never ran 14.04. intel hd4500 mobile something here, btw | 20:33 |
aleixo | Eric: I was able to get GRUB to boot first and what happened when i pressed the Windows option was that I would go to the windows boot manager and not windows 8 directly | 20:33 |
TJ- | aleixo: better off asking the people in ##windows, but this should put you on the correct path: http://itechs-systems.com/fix_corrupt_UEFI_partition.aspx | 20:34 |
MikeRL | https://imgur.com/YxafFl1 | 20:34 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: i see, try copying the file and see if it works | 20:34 |
MikeRL | That will show the zombie process and all the parents. | 20:34 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: can you type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999 ? | 20:34 |
aleixo | TJ: Thanks , I will continue on it | 20:34 |
MikeRL | Maybe restarting systemd would help. | 20:34 |
aleixo | Eric: I ran the last sudo cp command | 20:35 |
aleixo | Eric: should i run that last one now | 20:35 |
TJ- | EriC^^: that info is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2298006&p=13370378#post13370378 | 20:35 |
drmagoo | AndyS2: Its only in i3 and only in Firefox :/ Chrome works fine, and so does any other program. Its a wired problem, that I am hoping to solve so that I dont have to back to Unity | 20:35 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: ok, run the efibootmgr so we can know what file it used to load | 20:35 |
bekks | MikeRL: A zombie is defined as having no parent anymore, afaik. | 20:35 |
MikeRL | Then look at the screenshot. | 20:35 |
MikeRL | Why does it have parent processes, but say zombie under status? | 20:35 |
TJ- | bekks: a zombie is a dead process that the parent didn't dispose of | 20:36 |
aleixo | http://termbin.com/s1k3 | 20:36 |
bekks | TJ-: Ah ok. | 20:36 |
MikeRL | Sorry, I was away busy with a bunch of stupid stuff. | 20:36 |
TJ- | MikeRL: bekks: usual solution is, if safe, stop/kill the parent so the init (PID 1) takes ownership, which should then at some point clean it up. | 20:36 |
AndyS2 | drmagoo: hmm. I guess I can't be of more help. I'd suggest idling in #i3 a bit, secure is quite bussy sometimes :) | 20:37 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: ok, try rebooting and see if windows works | 20:37 |
EriC^^ | it worked before installing ubuntu? | 20:37 |
MikeRL | But I tried killing the parent one. | 20:37 |
MikeRL | Didn't seem to work. | 20:37 |
drmagoo | AndyS2: will do =) | 20:37 |
aleixo | EriC^^: What do you mean with if it worked before installing ubuntu? | 20:37 |
TJ- | MikeRL: what command did you use to kill the parent? | 20:38 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: did windows work before you installed ubuntu? | 20:38 |
shredding | Okay, I know have shell access to my compromised droplet on digital ocean, but i don't know what do to with it. I can see in the graph that there was a large outgoing chunk of data 4 hours ago but how can i debug for the reasons? I've checked /tmp empty, i checked netstat -ntlpd - only nginx and my ssh connection. | 20:38 |
shredding | Where would you guys / girls look next? | 20:38 |
TJ- | EriC^^: this issue started because aleixo reset the Windows boot manager BCD; it's a Windows issue, not Ubuntu | 20:39 |
aleixo | EriC^^: Yes it worked perfectly, it came with the pc | 20:39 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: ok | 20:39 |
MikeRL | Not certain what command, but I tried to kill the parent via the system monitor application, and I think it worked this time. | 20:39 |
MikeRL | I wonder if it will come back as a zombie again. | 20:39 |
aleixo | TJ: so that means that rebooting now isn't going to change a thing? or should I try? | 20:39 |
TJ- | shredding: start in "/var/log/" check things like the auth.log for clues as to compromised logins | 20:39 |
aleixo | TJ: if you are following Eric's asnwers | 20:40 |
TJ- | aleixo: correct, it won't help until you use the Windows Recovery console, and bootrec, to rebuild the BCD | 20:40 |
Jordan_U | aleixo: EriC^^: To be clear, has Windows ever booted since you messed with BCDEdit in Windows? | 20:40 |
aleixo | Jordan_U: NOPE | 20:40 |
shredding | TJ-: Ok! | 20:40 |
TJ- | shredding: try and correlate timestamps of log entries across log files as you find clues, to find related activities | 20:41 |
TJ- | shredding: you're Sherlock Holmes now :) | 20:41 |
Mitch-_- | i need help making sure my ntp server is configured correctly. i have it set up and it's sync'd with the correct times, but I can't access it from other subnets | 20:41 |
MikeRL | The crap I do to avoid having to reboot. | 20:41 |
Jordan_U | shredding: How did you first discover that it was compromised? | 20:41 |
aleixo | i used the easyBCD because when I picked windows 8 in GRUB it would go for a menu of windows (the boot manager if i'm not mistaken) but there would only show one option there (windows 8) and I wanted to change it to be direct | 20:41 |
EriC^^ | aleixo: so it should be the same now | 20:42 |
MikeRL | If that issue comes back, I'll come back and try to report it. | 20:42 |
Mitch-_- | ntpq -pn shows proper output. but from another workstation, if i do [ntpdate -q] i get server, stratum 0, offset 0.000000, delay 0.00000 | 20:42 |
rootpt | can some one give me a good video tutorial about curl to beginners? | 20:42 |
shredding | Jordan_U: Digital Ocean shut it down due to large amount of outgoing bandwith | 20:42 |
TJ- | shredding: I'd suggest stopping all public facing services you don't need, such as the HTTP server, until you've found the source of the comprolise | 20:42 |
shredding | TJ-: Bingo. | 20:42 |
aleixo | ok everyone, thanks for the help! | 20:43 |
TJ- | shredding: I thought the shout was "House!" ? :p | 20:43 |
shredding | https://www.dropbox.com/s/3s0h2p8uonzr0wt/Bildschirmfoto%202015-10-09%20um%2022.43.40.png?dl=0 | 20:43 |
MikeRL | Either I'm making mistakes, or I've tried killing processes via their PID and I've ran into issues before. I'm going to have to read up on killing processes and try with something that runs in the foreground and see if everything works. | 20:44 |
shredding | https://www.dropbox.com/s/3s0h2p8uonzr0wt/Bildschirmfoto%202015-10-09%20um%2022.43.40.png?dl=0 | 20:44 |
shredding | TJ-: THis was exactly 1 min before the outgoing bandwith occured. | 20:44 |
TJ- | shredding: looks like ssh was compromised? did you use a weak password? | 20:44 |
shredding | I only use ssh access via keys | 20:44 |
shredding | there isn't even a user named test | 20:45 |
tgm4883 | shredding: did you have a user named 'test'? | 20:45 |
TJ- | shredding: OK, then the clues will be further back in the logs. I'd look at syslog and auth.log to track it to source | 20:45 |
shredding | (now there is ) | 20:46 |
shredding | how can i see when a user was first created? | 20:46 |
TJ- | shredding: and find/kill the CRON job that are being used by the 'deployer' user - disable that user account and any others recently created (check recent additions with "cat /etc/passwd" | 20:46 |
shredding | deployer is created by me | 20:46 |
shredding | test was created after that | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | shredding: ok, so then it's more than just a weak password | 20:46 |
TJ- | shredding: by working back through the log files to the first signs of the compromise | 20:46 |
tgm4883 | shredding: yea check /etc/password | 20:47 |
TJ- | shredding: and do "ls -l /etc/passwd" to find the time/date it was last updated | 20:47 |
SigilBaram | Ubuntu is listed in the EFI settings of my bios a bunch of times? | 20:47 |
shredding | https://www.dropbox.com/s/b84qldn31spry9n/Bildschirmfoto%202015-10-09%20um%2022.49.05.png?dl=0 | 20:47 |
TJ- | shredding: that should give you the time/date to work on | 20:47 |
shredding | this is the passwd | 20:47 |
Jordan_U | SigilBaram: Please pastebin the output of "sudo efibootmgr". | 20:47 |
=== jones_ is now known as Guest89009 | ||
shredding | Hm /etc/passwd was updated on 3 of august, which is weird, since it's the creation date of the server. | 20:49 |
TJ- | shredding: once you have that date/time use it as the key to look for clues in the logs. That time and slightly earlier may well reveal the original intrusion. You might need to also look at the nginx logs in case the compromise was via that | 20:49 |
shredding | okay, i start with nginx logs | 20:49 |
EriC^^ | shredding: /etc/shadow can show when it was created | 20:49 |
TJ- | shredding: does the 'testing' user have a password set? "cat /etc/shadow" | 20:49 |
TJ- | shredding: also "ls -l /etc/shadow" to get the time that file was last changed | 20:50 |
EriC^^ | the number after the encrypted pass is the date the account was created ( if the password wasn't changed ) | 20:51 |
shredding | there were a few attempts to look for phpmyadmin, but there is only a python service running, no php | 20:51 |
TJ- | shredding: also, "ls -latr /home/test" will show the timestamps of the user home dir | 20:51 |
shredding | Unfortunately I was forced to change my login upon loggin in to the console by digital ocean, so /etc/shadow gives me my login date | 20:52 |
TJ- | shredding: ahhh, drat! This is why forensics should never be done on a live server! | 20:52 |
Guest89009 | Hey I just sat up ubuntu server, but I am having a problem which I am not quite sure what the origin is. If I ssh in and open a file with vim, remoing/deleteing charater will actaully remove them from the file, but they will presist on the screen. For example if I press delete on the start of the line, on the screen each character will be replaced by the one preceding it (hello -> ooooo), but in the fil | 20:52 |
MikeRL | Well, I'm looking at pkill vs kill. And I'm confused on how to use pkill by the ID like with kill. | 20:52 |
Guest89009 | e it will actally be empty. Any tips on this? | 20:52 |
shredding | now i'm scared: https://www.dropbox.com/s/meb7ex19o2jisi9/Bildschirmfoto%202015-10-09%20um%2022.54.11.png?dl=0 | 20:52 |
sigilbaram | Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/6hEAx4pE | 20:52 |
MikeRL | pkill kills by default by name. I read up the man page and it talks about two different IDs. | 20:53 |
Guest89009 | This does happend other instances too, but most noticeable in vim. In the bash shell I can delete just fine. | 20:53 |
MikeRL | Effective and real user ids. Which one does kill use by default when you give it a process ID? | 20:53 |
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TJ- | shredding: is in Romania | 20:53 |
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shredding | okay, i think test may be a user that has been created earlier. | 20:54 |
MikeRL | http://www.computerhope.com/unix/upgrep.htm | 20:54 |
TJ- | shredding: "ps -efly" and look for suspicious processes currently running | 20:55 |
Jordan_U | jonesn3: That sounds somewhat (though not exactly) like original vi, or vim with "set compatible". | 20:55 |
MikeRL | Also referring to http://www.makelinux.net/alp/083 | 20:55 |
TJ- | shredding: look in the file "/home/test/.bash_history" for what that user may have been doing | 20:55 |
jonesn3 | Jordan_U I have set nocompatible in my vimrc file, double cheked it was enabled and it was | 20:56 |
TJ- | shredding: the python application you said you had installed; it might have a backdoor in it. Is it trusted, reliable, well-used? | 20:57 |
zacwalls | hey I am trying to dual boot xubuntu and kali linux right now. Kali is already installed on my hdd. I have a 100 gb hard drive currently. And when I try to resize kali to 60 gb instead of 104 gb, I get an error and it quits. | 20:57 |
shredding | TJ-: Hm, i think that i may have created the testuser | 20:57 |
shredding | i've looked at the bash_history | 20:57 |
TJ- | shredding: You don't know!? | 20:57 |
MikeRL | Virii? Oh crap. | 20:57 |
* tgm4883 shakes head | 20:57 | |
EriC^^ | zacwalls: are you doing it from a live usb? | 20:58 |
zacwalls | EriC^^, no DVD-R | 20:58 |
shredding | Now that i see the the first lines of bash_history it looks like someone tested setting something up. | 20:58 |
Jordan_U | zacwalls: How are you trying to resize the partition? What is the exact and complete error message? | 20:58 |
MikeRL | Don't give me memories of Windows XP, where hackers got in so easily, default settings were insecure, and malware cropped up 24/7. | 20:58 |
TJ- | shredding: burn the VPS image; create a new one. | 20:58 |
zacwalls | Jordan_U, let me do it again and tell you. Brb | 20:58 |
shredding | TJ-: is the order of /etc/passwd changing if someone changes his password/ | 20:59 |
TJ- | shredding: no, passwords are in /etc/shadow | 20:59 |
zacwalls | Jordan_U, I tried to resize with the installer, then gparted... | 20:59 |
zacwalls | same error | 20:59 |
TJ- | shredding: password changes ought to appear in auth.log | 20:59 |
shredding | okay the first five lines of the bash_history look familiar of me testing something. maybe i have used a weak password there. | 21:00 |
MikeRL | I mean, process IDs are referred to, but is PID the same as effective user ID or real user ID (EUID or UID) | 21:00 |
shredding | but i would be surprised if i did so. | 21:00 |
shredding | however, shouldn't i then see some failed attempts on auth.log? | 21:00 |
msev- | TJ-, so how should I now test this functionality regarding gpsd :), restart computer, bind bluetooth, start foxtrotgps? | 21:00 |
msev- | just this or something else | 21:01 |
jonesn3 | msg NickServ IDENTIFY hippo24# | 21:01 |
TJ- | shredding: depends on how the system was compromised | 21:01 |
shredding | let me check | 21:01 |
MikeRL | What happened? Was a server or desktop compromised? | 21:01 |
TJ- | msev-: no need to restart the PC. just connect the BT device so the rfcomm0 device appears | 21:02 |
shredding | does unix reveal if a user exists even if the password is wrong? | 21:02 |
sigilbaram | My ubuntu UEFI entires are multiplying @.@ http://pastebin.com/6hEAx4pE | 21:02 |
Jordan_U | jonesn3: Change your password! | 21:02 |
msev- | TJ-, again zeros | 21:02 |
msev- | like that its not taking into account that -n :) | 21:02 |
TJ- | shredding: if the Python app you referred to has holes that allow privelge elavation, the password on the 'test' account could simply have been changed, so the first log-in would work, there would be no log-in failures | 21:03 |
zacwalls | "An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted." | 21:03 |
shredding | okay, there are lots of failures in the auth.log | 21:03 |
zacwalls | there | 21:03 |
Jordan_U | jonesn3: And next time, always use the server window for /msg'ing nickserv (or just configure your client to auto-identify). | 21:03 |
TJ- | msev-: it was on the service's cmdline earlier | 21:03 |
msev- | yes | 21:03 |
msev- | it still is | 21:03 |
TJ- | msev-: "cat /proc/$(pgrep gpsd)/cmdline" should confirm that | 21:03 |
msev- | it is in the etc default gpsd | 21:03 |
shredding | TJ-: I don't think that the python app is the root of the problem. it's a simple slack outgoing webhook thingy | 21:03 |
MikeRL | I made that same mistake before and didn't realize it. Was too lazy to read the window, or something decided to steal focus. | 21:03 |
jonesn3 | Jordan_u lol, yeah had two irc windows open misclicked. It was not the right info eitherways so no worries | 21:04 |
msev- | yes | 21:04 |
TJ- | shredding: OK, well you have all the logs :) | 21:04 |
msev- | gpsd-n-F | 21:04 |
TJ- | msev-: if it isn't working, try a reboot, might be something else getting in the way | 21:04 |
msev- | i did a reboot lol | 21:04 |
msev- | i think i'm just gonna stick to manually doing it :) | 21:05 |
TJ- | msev-: are you testing with the GUI client, or that gpsmon ? | 21:05 |
shredding | TJ-: Okay, me playing Sherlock Holmes led to me finding out, that I'm more Harry Crumb than Sherlock Homes. | 21:05 |
msev- | gui client | 21:05 |
MikeRL | So, if I wanted to use pkill like kill, how would I? Would I use pkill -u or pkill -U? There's a difference, apparently. | 21:05 |
TJ- | msev-: use gpsmon, work with the raw connection to prevent any GUI application issues getting in the way. | 21:05 |
shredding | I probably have simply created a test user at the beginning and failed to delete him. | 21:06 |
msev- | just gpsmon localhost:2947:/dev/rfcomm0 ? | 21:07 |
shredding | and i guess i have used a weak password for him. | 21:07 |
shredding | i'll kill the machine and setup a new one. | 21:07 |
TJ- | msev-: Yes | 21:07 |
zacwalls | anyways, I am going to try and make the xubuntu partition smaller | 21:07 |
MikeRL | shredding, are you dealing with a server or desktop? Now I'm curious. | 21:07 |
msev- | well | 21:07 |
shredding | TJ-: tgm4883: EriC^^:: Thank you very much for your help. I wouldn't have solved it without you. | 21:08 |
shredding | MikeRL: Server. | 21:08 |
shredding | On digital ocean. | 21:08 |
Jordan_U | zacwalls: Please pastebin the output of "dmesg". | 21:08 |
zacwalls | sure | 21:08 |
MikeRL | Oh what a relief. Guess someone found an interest. I was hacked years back when I was on XP. | 21:08 |
msev | localhost:2947:/dev/rfcomm0 Unknown device> | 21:09 |
msev | (79) {"class":"VERSION","release":"3.9","rev":"3.9","proto_major":3,"proto_minor | 21:09 |
msev | ":8, | 21:09 |
MikeRL | I switched to newer Windows versions and use Linux more, and they haven't came back. | 21:09 |
zacwalls | [ 0.280572] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM | 21:09 |
zacwalls | [ 0.283030] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 | 21:09 |
zacwalls | [ 0.283053] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] | 21:09 |
zacwalls | [ 0.283057] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] | 21:09 |
=== sigil is now known as sigilbaram | ||
zacwalls | [ 0.283061] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff] | 21:09 |
zacwalls | [ 0.283083] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] | 21:09 |
MikeRL | There was this idiot from China trying to drop rootkits on my install. | 21:09 |
MonkeyDust | zacwalls use a pastebin | 21:09 |
MikeRL | And I'm paranoid of any sort of re-occurrence. | 21:10 |
MikeRL | I mean, did someone use the simple test account to gain access? | 21:10 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | zacwalls | 21:11 |
ubottu | zacwalls: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:11 |
MikeRL | shredding, I mean, what do you think they were after? | 21:11 |
zacwalls | http://pastebin.com/GhaHcNRx | 21:11 |
zacwalls | there ya go | 21:11 |
msev- | TJ-, up there :) | 21:11 |
msev- | under msev :) | 21:12 |
MikeRL | Well, I still do have a question on pkill. | 21:12 |
MikeRL | Is everyone still busy? | 21:12 |
TJ- | msev-: so when gpsd started the /dev/rfcomm0 was missing. That means you need to use the control socket to 'tell' it to add it. See the man-page for gpsd, there is info about doing that | 21:13 |
zacwalls | "An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted." again.... Jordan_U what do you think? | 21:15 |
msev- | ok I'll look up and if i can't figure it out I'll ask you tommorrow | 21:15 |
shredding | MikeRL: It pretty much looked like script-kiddy stuff. The installed scripts did still have comments on how to run the stuff | 21:15 |
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MikeRL | shredding, Do any of these people that want to break into machines typically target Linux desktops or modern Windows versions that are updated? | 21:16 |
MikeRL | I haven't had hacker/script kiddie issues in many years. I wonder if it's dumb luck of better security and paranoia on my end. | 21:17 |
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shredding | MikeRL: Well, i just got hacked - obviously i'm not competent enough for a sophisticated answer - but having a "test" user with a weak password looks like something that is attacked by scripts pretty standardly | 21:17 |
MikeRL | Well, that's why I try to be paranoid. | 21:18 |
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MikeRL | How would I tell if some jerk was messing up my install? Any obvious way to? | 21:18 |
lol768- | Hi, I'm having trouble with a udev rule I created https://gist.github.com/lol768/fdd7839ff8f3ba356b29 | 21:18 |
=== lol768- is now known as lol768 | ||
lol768 | I get a permission denied error in the program which tries to read the input device | 21:19 |
sigilbaram | Sooo I deleted all those ubuntu entries and did an update-grub... It said it updated the EFI entry, but there is just windows still? | 21:22 |
zacwalls | whatever, I am just going to install xubuntu no kali | 21:22 |
msev- | TJ-, -> To point gpsd at a device that may be a GPS, write to the control socket a plus sign ('+') followed by the device name followed by LF or CR-LF. Thus, to point the daemon at /dev/foo. send "+/dev/foo\n". -> Do you think this is the answer :) | 21:22 |
Jordan_U | zacwalls: STOP | 21:23 |
TJ- | msev-: that is what I was referring to. Check which socket the gpsd is using, and "echo "+/dev/rfcomm0" | sudo tee /path/to/ctrl/socket " | 21:23 |
zacwalls | Jordan_U, stop what? | 21:24 |
Jordan_U | zacwalls: That drive has serious hardware problems. It's either dying or if you're lucky it just has a loose cable. If you have any important data on that drive, back it up now. | 21:24 |
TJ- | msev-: 'echo' should put a /n (line-feed) on the end. if that doesn't make the device show up to gpsmon, try "echo --e "+/dev/rfcomm0\r" | .... " | 21:24 |
msev- | so i should copy paste that exact command? | 21:25 |
msev- | the first one | 21:25 |
zacwalls | Jordan_U, I don't. I already backed it all up. I happen to have a hard drive with windows 7 on it currently.... | 21:25 |
zacwalls | for the same hardware as this pc | 21:25 |
msev- | with the " " and all | 21:25 |
msev- | now i did the manual run again to try it | 21:26 |
msev- | so is this valid anyway | 21:26 |
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TJ- | msev-: The outer double quotes I use to indicate the exact things to type but ... elipsis means make this bit up as appropriate to your situation | 21:26 |
zacwalls | Jordan_U, thanks :) | 21:26 |
Jordan_U | zacwalls: OK, I wouldn't use this drive for anything other than playing around. Installing Ubuntu (or any other OS) will almost certainly fail. Check the S.M.A.R.T. data for more information about exactly how it's dying. | 21:26 |
TJ- | msev-: "echo -e "+/dev/rfcomm0\r" | sudo tee /path/to/ctrl/socket" (put your gpsd ctrl socket path there) | 21:27 |
msev- | yeah need to find out whats the default location of that control socker | 21:27 |
msev- | socket | 21:27 |
TJ- | msev-: its in the gpsd command line | 21:28 |
TJ- | msev-: the -F.... option | 21:28 |
msev- | aaa | 21:28 |
MikeRL | So, can pkill be used to kill by PID? | 21:29 |
TJ- | msev-: its probably easier to read with "ps -efly | grep gpsd" | 21:29 |
MikeRL | Like kill or other commands. | 21:29 |
Jordan_U | MikeRL: Why would you use pkill to kill by PID? Just use kill for that. | 21:30 |
OerHeks | MikeRL, man pkill > no | 21:30 |
MikeRL | Yeah, but I was curious. | 21:30 |
MikeRL | Guess it would be inefficient to include duplicate functionality. | 21:30 |
msev- | I'm gonna restart again | 21:30 |
msev- | since now that I manually did it I get that command which i manually inputed | 21:31 |
MikeRL | My questions are done for now. Thanks, guys. | 21:31 |
MikeRL | And crao, I think we have a storm here. | 21:31 |
MikeRL | *crap | 21:31 |
OerHeks | there is too many crap comming out of your fingers, MikeRL | 21:32 |
tykayn-ubuntu | lol | 21:32 |
MikeRL | But there are much worse words I could say that I won't. | 21:32 |
MikeRL | Better to say crap or crud than something worse. | 21:32 |
OerHeks | better say nothing at all. keep this channel family friendly, thanks. | 21:33 |
* tykayn-ubuntu gives rainbows | 21:33 | |
jones221 | I'll try to reformulaize my previous question since it was quit unclear. I have just set up a server, and am having some problems with ssh and terminal. The problem is most noticable when using vim. Whenever a character is deleted, it works fine it the file itself. However on screen the character is either not removed at all or just replaced by the precedeing character. | 21:34 |
msev- | var/run/gpsd.sock | 21:34 |
Jordan_U | jones221: What terminal emulator are you using? | 21:34 |
msev- | var run gpsd.pid and then dev rfcomm0 | 21:34 |
jones221 | for example if i delte 'hello' with delte key, it will trun out as 'oooooo' on screen, but empty in file if I save it | 21:34 |
msev- | usr sbin gpsd -n -F var run gpsd.sock -P var run gpsd-pid dev rfcomm0 | 21:35 |
jones221 | Jordan_U xterm $TERM variable is set to xterm on botch machines | 21:35 |
MikeRL | Well, I will not say those words from now on, but honestly, they're not nearly as bad as what I normally say. Give me credit for trying to improve. | 21:58 |
MikeRL | I can see it as unprofessional and sounding stupid, but I've seen kids use worse words than that. | 21:58 |
MikeRL | I was picked on in school as a kid and called way worse stuff than any of those words. | 21:59 |
MonkeyDust | MikeRL because they are kids | 21:59 |
MikeRL | Well, if I had a time machine, I would bring medieval weapons and go nuts on some of them. It would be a long story. | 21:59 |
MikeRL | Only way I ever got them to stop was beating them up. Got sick of the insults. But most of the people I beat up were beating me up. The other kid insulted me a lot, and my family. | 22:00 |
MikeRL | So I remember what I did. I hit him with my instrument case. He sure shut up after that. | 22:01 |
MonkeyDust | MikeRL we get the point, now back to ubuntu support | 22:01 |
MikeRL | Anyhow, back to normalcy. | 22:01 |
MikeRL | I was about to say, I'm done with OT. | 22:01 |
ukf | HI | 22:11 |
ocpaladin | quit | 22:20 |
rajiv_ | I installed ubuntu mate 15.04, but suddenly ubuntu menu bar is come out. How to remove ubuntu menu bar from ubuntu mate | 22:20 |
wileee | rajiv_, logout and be sure your going to mate | 22:21 |
rajiv_ | Ok... | 22:21 |
=== scott_ is now known as Guest87129 | ||
baptiste__ | salut | 22:25 |
rajiv_ | I logout but Nothing changed | 22:25 |
wileee | rajiv_, Really, maybe a screenshot might help, that is kinda strange, different widow managers. | 22:26 |
wileee | rajiv_, the unity left bar and the desktop are a plugin in compiz, I;ve seen the bar in the gnome shell if compiz is started. | 22:30 |
menace | Hi, i'm trying to understand/get to work new polkit rules.. debugging logs should be output to /var/log/auth.log. but that does not happen. any idea why? | 22:30 |
MonkeyDust | rajiv_ in the menu, look for mate-tweak | 22:31 |
MonkeyDust | rajiv_ is the ubuntu mate .iso, or ubuntu and did you install the mate DE? | 22:33 |
rajiv_ | "Ubuntu mate menu" & "ubuntu menu" both are comes out sir. Yes sir I'm using Compiz. But I check out mate-tweak button layout traditional right & windows manager Compiz. Ubuntu mate .iso 15.04 | 22:35 |
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MonkeyDust | rajiv_ that's somewhat confusing... the ubuntu-mate .iso has the mate-tweak-tool, but the unity .iso with mate on top does not | 22:38 |
rajiv_ | How can i submit screenshot | 22:39 |
MonkeyDust | rajiv_ imgur.com | 22:40 |
K`zan | What happens if I disable secure boot in my new lappy. Was going to try Mint, but it will only boot in compatibility mode and no drivers for the 802.11ac card... | 22:44 |
K`zan | In BIOS in the new lappy, there is that option.... | 22:44 |
wileee | K`zan, You want to ask in mint is all you want the bots info? | 22:45 |
karlh | have I come to the right place for help with u server | 22:46 |
karlh | I only need few min of a server gurus time, regarding backups.... | 22:48 |
almaster | hi guys | 22:48 |
karlh | hi | 22:49 |
karlh | hey Almaster am I in the right place for server advice | 22:49 |
Guest87129 | Hi there, I'm having an issue on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with my Compaq Presario CQ-60. Every time I resume from suspend, my wifi hardware switch is turned to off, and I have to manually turn it on each time. It's not a huge deal, but it is kind of annoying, and has never happened with other Ubuntu/Linux installs in the past. | 22:50 |
almaster | hmm, I just logged in, | 22:50 |
almaster | this the first time im using this | 22:50 |
bekks | karlh: How about finally asking your actual question? | 22:50 |
karlh | oh yeah sure sorry I'm new to this irc chat.... | 22:51 |
almaster | guest871: I guess mostly linux distro get the same problem with suspend | 22:51 |
karlh | I've been working on backing up my server in stages so I can implement changes, install packages etc, but I have not found a nice way of going back eg backup to hdd or USB, make a mistake and simply boot from USB or run some sort of software to install fresh where I was up to | 22:53 |
karlh | I've spend couple of weekends on backuppc, tar and clonezilla | 22:54 |
karlh | issue with clone zilla is I only want filesystem backed up, | 22:55 |
reisio | karlh: some filesystems can roll back to specific snapshots | 22:55 |
karlh | each backup stage will be documented with each change put in folder eg backup stage 1 | 22:55 |
reisio | not that that would help you with certain catastrophic problems (but arguably little would) | 22:55 |
karlh | backuppc seemed to be working really good but not when it comes to local host or trying to boot from the backup | 22:56 |
reisio | not familiar with that one, so it's probably beastly | 22:56 |
karlh | I was thinking maybe get the server to stage one then maybe make that into a Bootable distribution at each stage? | 22:57 |
karlh | times not an issue with me but I do like to be extra clean and tidy I'm kinda ocd like that..... | 22:58 |
reisio | I think cloning is more sensible than staging | 22:58 |
reisio | that is, duplicating a system you have just the way you like | 22:59 |
karlh | I agree but I don't have big enough drives for that | 22:59 |
reisio | rather than duplicating a minimal stage and then duplicating building upon that | 22:59 |
reisio | I don't mean imaging | 22:59 |
reisio | I mean copying a working system's data | 22:59 |
karlh | oh yeah | 22:59 |
karlh | sorry | 22:59 |
karlh | but how to implement that is the big question | 23:00 |
karlh | I have not tried baktelo or what ever it's called for the fact it's beyond my skill level at this stage | 23:00 |
karlh | I have try ed mondo that was OK but fails with windkws | 23:01 |
reisio | I'm not sure trying every enormous package that tries to be turnkey will get it done | 23:01 |
reisio | look into a simple backup app that does deduplication, like obnam/rsync/rsnapshot/rdiff-backup/bup | 23:02 |
reisio | and combine that with anything else you need | 23:02 |
reisio | you can duplicate a partition layout with sfdisk/sgdisk | 23:02 |
karlh | maybe split it up a little, I'm not fussed on windows at this stage, but I can't really move forward until I have a sound proof system in place | 23:02 |
reisio | again some filesystems can roll back to specific snapshots | 23:02 |
karlh | OK I'll have a Google of the above mentioned | 23:03 |
karlh | hey reisio how come making Bootable USB of each stage for fresh install is a bad idea? | 23:04 |
karlh | or even just storing the iso until the need arises | 23:05 |
reisio | it's just inefficient | 23:05 |
reisio | why grow a plant when you can clone one | 23:05 |
reisio | whole | 23:05 |
Guest87129 | Hi there, I'm having an issue on Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit with my Compaq Presario CQ-60. Every time I resume from suspend, my wifi hardware switch is turned to off, and I have to manually turn it on each time. It's not a huge deal, but it is kind of annoying, and has never happened with other Ubuntu/Linux installs in the past. | 23:05 |
karlh | good point | 23:05 |
reisio | free Unix systems don't have the cloning problems Windows has | 23:06 |
reisio | with a million aspects of the OS purposefully making it hard | 23:06 |
reisio | you basically can just copy everything and reconfigure the kernel as needed for differing hardware | 23:06 |
reisio | Guest87129: /nick anythingelseplease | 23:07 |
jones221 | I'll try again if there someone new here who has an idea. When using vim over ssh, all characters presists on screen after beeing deleted. They are still delted from the file. Using xterm. | 23:08 |
karlh | hey guest87129 sorry if u have try ed this but maybe in bios u can set to boot WiFi? | 23:08 |
jace_ | Can anybody fix acpi kernel panics? | 23:09 |
karlh | thanks for your guys help at least I'm on the right track.... many pages of text and hours later but so much fun | 23:10 |
karlh | you no if I could run rocksmith game on Ubuntu windows would be going in the trash | 23:10 |
jones221 | guest87129 try putting this paste in your '/etc/pm/sleep.d/10_resume_wifi http://pastebin.com/5UTyEbZq | 23:11 |
jones221 | will do the thing you do manually for you | 23:11 |
=== me is now known as Guest97135 | ||
lnlyrbt | is anyone able to watch netflix from chrome or chromium anymore? it was working for me until a recent update, now on both i receive a "This webpage has a redirect loop" and "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" | 23:12 |
jace_ | @lnlybt same, just downgrade. | 23:13 |
reisio | lnlyrbt: you'd have to specify your chrome/chromium versions for a useful comparison | 23:13 |
lnlyrbt | Google Chrome45.0.2454.101 | 23:14 |
lnlyrbt | Chromium45.0.2454.101 | 23:15 |
lnlyrbt | any idea where i get get a downgrade package from? | 23:15 |
=== Guest97135 is now known as fubu | ||
jace_ | lnlybt: do you want a download link? | 23:15 |
lnlyrbt | yeah, i'd really appreciate it | 23:16 |
jace_ | Okay ill give you chrome 42 | 23:16 |
karlh | back soon guys I'll let ya know how I get on | 23:16 |
CVW | Is turning off secure boot in BIOS a problem? | 23:17 |
reisio | only if it is | 23:17 |
CVW | New lappy, mint(ubu based, checking it out) has to boot in compatibility mode to be able to boot, also takes quite a while. | 23:18 |
reisio | quite a while? | 23:18 |
CVW | Much longer than just booting the DVD in its normal mode. | 23:19 |
jace_ | lnlyrbt: Also have you tried checking your flags and about:gpu, and im uploading it rn | 23:19 |
reisio | CVW: well the dvd is loaded entirely from ram, which is faster than a spinning hard disk | 23:20 |
jace_ | lnlyrbt: http://www.filedropper.com/chrome42 | 23:20 |
reisio | CVW: if it were significantly slower than another OS you had on the spinning hard disk, that might mean something | 23:20 |
CVW | DVD isn't fast, but this seems to take about 2-3x. Booting in normal mode it can't find something to do with secure boot. About to give up on it and get the ubu dvds out. | 23:20 |
lnlyrbt | im in about:gpu what am i looking for? | 23:20 |
CVW | reisio, if that is true, it still rattles the DVD loading apps.. | 23:21 |
=== sigil is now known as sigilbaram_ | ||
jace_ | lnlyrbt: Does Graphics Feature Status say everything is hardware accelerated? | 23:21 |
CVW | Just trying to figure out if this secure boot stuff is something I need or something m$ needs? | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Flash: Hardware accelerated | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Flash Stage3D: Hardware accelerated | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Flash Stage3D Baseline profile: Hardware accelerated | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Compositing: Hardware accelerated | 23:21 |
lnlyrbt | Multiple Raster Threads: Enabled | 23:21 |
CVW | There is an option to disable it in BIOS. | 23:22 |
reisio | CVW: secure boot is nothing anyone needs | 23:22 |
jace_ | lnlyrbt: Can you try downgrading to the chrome i sent you and see if netflix works? | 23:22 |
reisio | it's an optional facility for authenticating what you're booting against something else | 23:22 |
CVW | reisio, So I can disable it and that should solve the normal boot menu choice> | 23:22 |
TaZeR | anyone know when the first 16.04 daily build is going to be released? | 23:23 |
TaZeR | im a very eager tester | 23:23 |
CVW | I guess 14.04 is no longer LTS? | 23:23 |
TaZeR | why wouldnt it be? | 23:24 |
TaZeR | LTS are for 5 years | 23:24 |
CVW | reisio, OK, well try disabling it in BIOS and see what happens. Thanks MUCH! | 23:24 |
reisio | np | 23:24 |
CVW | Just hope it doesn't hose wincrap, I'd like that for dual boot, just in case. | 23:24 |
syadnom | hi all. having an issue getting 14.04 to boot on a btrfs raid1 with 1 drive disconnected. If I have both drives connected, boots fine, but disconnect 1 and I'm hitting busybox at boot | 23:25 |
reisio | CVW: shouldn't :) | 23:25 |
notalanturing | ping | 23:37 |
cdk_ | i recently installed Ubuntu on a computer but it is not registering the wireless capability of the network adapter Like the output of ifconfig is not showing wlan0 | 23:39 |
reisio | cdk_: what's it showing? | 23:39 |
sandeep_ | i need help....i am using ubuntu 14.04.3 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530M/6550M] [1002:68c1] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller]) how i can install amd drivers | 23:41 |
cdk_ | it shows the etho0 and lo for the loopback | 23:41 |
cdk_ | sandeep_ this may help you: http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-linux-beta-driver.aspx | 23:44 |
sandeep_ | i am new to linux and i am using ubuntu 14.04.3 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) | 23:44 |
sandeep_ | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530M/6550M] pl | 23:44 |
sandeep_ | AMD Catalyst™ 14.6 Beta for Linux okay let me check...cdk_ | 23:45 |
OerHeks | sandeep_, does the driver util give you a supported driver? | 23:46 |
sandeep_ | ??? OerHeks | 23:46 |
OerHeks | don't use the driver from the amd site. you won't get updates. | 23:46 |
OerHeks | type driver is dash, and the driver tool should show up | 23:47 |
sandeep_ | okay then any tips | 23:47 |
sandeep_ | ant tips for 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) | 23:47 |
sandeep_ | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530M/6550M] | 23:47 |
OerHeks | !ati | 23:48 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 23:48 |
sandeep_ | *-display | 23:49 |
sandeep_ | description: VGA compatible controller | 23:49 |
sandeep_ | product: Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530M/6550M] | 23:49 |
sandeep_ | vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] | 23:49 |
sandeep_ | physical id: 0 | 23:49 |
sandeep_ | bus info: pci@0000:01:00.0 | 23:49 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | sandeep_ | 23:50 |
ubottu | sandeep_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 23:50 |
Jordan_U | cdk_: Please pastebin the output of "lspci -nn". | 23:54 |
cdk_ | im not on that computer at the moment but will try bthat and tell you what it says | 23:59 |
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