
bluesabreflocculant: thanks00:03
flocculantnp 00:04
flocculantjjfrv8 left his hw info on there 00:06
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flocculantbluesabre: ok did some more testing - pavucontrol issue not seeing that on laptop, nor desktop in previous releases. So only see that in wily on this machine.10:52
flocculantthe vbox power thing - see that in 15.04 but not Ubuntu unfortunately 10:53
bluesabremorning all11:25
bluesabreslickymaster, Unit193, knome: is this an issue? 11:25
bluesabrewarning: failed to load external entity "C/translator-credits.xml"11:25
bluesabrewarning: failed to load external entity "C/translators.xml"11:25
flocculantmorning bluesabre 11:30
bluesabremorning flocculant 11:30
bluesabreso pavucontrol is not a consistent issue... seemingly hardware specific11:31
bluesabre(on wily)11:31
flocculantlooking that way 11:31
flocculantwell 11:31
flocculantI don't see it with the same hardware on previous releases11:31
bluesabrethats why I added the (on wily)11:32
flocculantha ha ha 11:32
flocculantyep - that sums it up then :)11:32
bluesabrethings like that are a pain to test... but if we can get it to show on ubuntu, we can hand it off to them or blame the kernel :D11:33
flocculantyea that was my hope :D11:34
flocculantit's certainly going to end up with a xubuntu-exp XX tag on it :p11:35
flocculantI'd say it's probably one of those we can hope to see other people finding - might help to narrow it down a bit 11:36
flocculantwell it didn't miraculously disappear with a new kernel :p11:41
slickymasterWorkno bluesabre, that's not an issue11:41
slickymasterWorkthat was a sort of a workaround knome came up with11:42
bluesabreslickymasterWork: good to head, will upload in a few minutes11:56
SwissBotbluesabre meant: "slickymasterWork: good to hear, will upload in a few minutes"11:56
slickymasterWorkthanks bluesabre 11:56
slickymasterWorkand I did get that sutpid SwissBot 11:57
slickymasterWorks/sutpid/stupid 11:57
bluesabreknome, slickymasterWork: if you guys want to merge the updated changelog back in, https://code.launchpad.net/~bluesabre/xubuntu-docs/15.10.1/+merge/27397012:02
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slickymasterWorkbluesabre, unable to do it here (behind a proxy) but I'll do it later on, at home13:07
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knomebluesabre, slickymaster: not really even a workaround, that's how it's documented19:48
knomebluesabre, we have an empty fallback so it's just a warning; if we didn't have the fallback, it would be an error and the compiling would stop at that19:48
flocculantthunar appears to be causing some problems of late 21:19
flocculantcrashing when copying, changing folder path all a bit random 21:19
drcyup...been there couldn't do that 'cause it crashed.21:20
flocculantslow to see changes in folders too 21:24
drcAnyone else have troubles burning a Daily USB today? Tried 5 times (with 3 different ISO images and all md5sums checked out) today with DD...checked media on usb boot and always came up with 1 error.  In the middle I tried a LM iso and it worked fine.  Finally tried unetboot and voila...all was well.21:31
flocculantdon't actually burn daily - tend to vm them 21:32
drcGee...it must be nice to have modern hardware :)21:32
Unit193As close to hardware as they get is grml-rescueboot.21:33
ochosiknome, Unit193: so what was the outcome of the discussion regarding -core? (in a nutshell)21:45
knomeochosi, slangasek would rather see us do two ISOs under the same product21:48
ochosiright, that's what he suggested before i took off21:48
knomeochosi, the convention with the naming is currently to have "desktop" and "dvd" named versions21:48
ochosii don't see any downsides to that, apart from the naming21:48
ochosiwhich is highly misleading in our case21:49
knomeochosi, but he said we can propose a different naming scheme, as long as we did the changes to the script21:49
knomeochosi, and that he wouldn't veto it, so was generally not negative about us wanting something else21:49
knomeand that's pretty much the whole thing21:49
knomeit makes sense to me to put them under the same product21:51
ochosiknome: yeah, does22:02
ochosiUnit193: any thoughts on this from your side?22:02
Unit193ochosi: https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/ubuntu-cdimage/xubuntu-core/+merge/26816722:17
ochosiUnit193: looks good22:19
ochosikrytarik: care to ask slangasek for another review?22:19
krytarikochosi: Some yet another guy popping up all of sudden? I'd rather any of you do. :D22:21
ochosisince i'm not the author of the MR i can't do anything there22:21
Unit193FWIW, ochosi and knome have done the most talking to him.22:21
ochosiso actually maybe only Unit193 can do that22:21
knomejust join #ubuntu-devel and poke him.22:23
knomekrytarik, please even join so we can direct questions at you if needed22:23
Unit193Thanks, knome.22:24
Unit193Sadly, this time I'm not literally walking out the door, so no good excuse. :P22:25
krytarikBut I have - making dinner. :D22:25
bluesabreevening all22:46
bluesabrehi Unit193 22:50
knomeheya seany22:55
bluesabrehey gnome23:00

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