
rbasakpitti: does http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/nut/wily/amd64/ need a retry? I don't see why it wouldn't be able to find python-unit as it's in the release pocket and hasn't changed recently. I haven't tried locally.09:22
jtaylorhm how do I get systemd to log info level stuff?11:14
jtaylorI'm trying to figure out why it won't disable my dm devices properly screwing up my caches11:14
jtaylorbut no logs even though the code has some as info level11:14
jtaylorI put info into the config file11:14
CromFrHello! Does anyone knows what HUD uses to fetch the window menu list independently from the used widget toolkit?11:21
CromFrGTK3+ & Qt applications expose thir menu list through dbus but most applications dont11:22
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T0rchCan anyone here tell me when 16.04 branch will be created?13:54
T0rchHopefully a few days after 15.10 will be released ?13:54
knomea week or so after13:56
T0rchthanks !13:56
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jamespageanyone aware of any issues with package upload signing?21:20
jamespage"The signer of this package is lacking the upload rights for the source package, component or package set in question." ?21:20
jamespagewell not the  signing - I checked that21:21
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=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
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=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
jamespagenope I managed to expire my ubuntu-core-dev membership21:57
jamespagethat was a bit of an oversight21:57
jamespagestgraber, infinity: erm - I managed to overlook my expiring ubuntu-core-dev membership - how do I go about getting that re-instated?21:58
jamespage(the new launchpad headers on mails are great - autofolder management is less so)21:59
stgraberjamespage: I'll fix that for you23:03
jamespagestgraber, thankyou!23:04
* jamespage adds another exclusion to his mail filters23:06
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok

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