
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
adun153Hi, anybody here have any experience with corosync/pacemaker? I can't seem to get my basic config to work. I just have two nodes that I want to work in unicast mode. http://pastebin.com/cX0J0Yk203:04
sarnoldadun153: never used em, but I'll ask some pointed questions... maybe we'll get lucky ;)03:07
sarnoldadun153: (a) bindnetaddr: -- that .0 is strange. are you sure it's uspposed to refer to the network? .. or are you using and that's an actual IP address that's free for use? or....03:07
sarnoldadun153: (b) how does quorum work with only two computers? when the network splits, don't they both think they're master at that point?03:08
sarnoldadun153: (c) there's ahandful of debug: off lines, do you get anything useful with debug: on? :)03:08
adun153sarnold: I got most of the instructions from here: http://docs.openstack.org/high-availability-guide/content/_set_up_corosync_votequorum_two_hosts_cluster.html03:10
sarnoldoh hey, and there's nice explanations of two-node behaviour. good good.03:12
adun153sarnold: man pages for corosync.conf state that "bindnetaddr" should either be the actual IP address of the server, or the network address, that's why you see .0's at the end.03:12
sarnoldadun153: good, good..03:13
GeekMan1222anyone familiar with configuring lamp setups or debuging installs05:49
GeekMan1222im feeling like i need to reconfigure my server a bit over, orginally i never ran a lamp install and then added apache2 and php5 and now phpmyadmin is installed and has a few errors ..05:50
=== hexchat_ is now known as th3s3_3y3s
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
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ufk_i installed courier-imap but i still can'12:51
ufk_t connect to it from outside12:51
Jakey2is there a descent guide how to install zfs on ubuntu server14:16
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
=== chmurifr- is now known as chmurifree
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
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jancoowHi guys, can someone help me with installing python3.4-dev ?20:46
jancoowi can't get it done20:46
jancoowfor some reason i have broken packages.20:47
TJ-jancoow: did you add some PPA that has newer python packages?20:47
jancoowTJ-: nope never did that as i can remember.20:48
TJ-jancoow: "apt-cache policy python3.4"20:49
jancoowthat are the official repos right?20:50
TJ-You have "3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.1" installed from some unofficial source20:51
jancoowweird 0.o20:52
jancoowcould you help me setting back the right source?20:52
TJ-so when you try to install the official python3.4-dev which depends on its own version (= 3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1) it fails since another version of python3.4 is the only one available20:52
jancoowah right, the versions doesn't match20:53
TJ-jancoow: the current source looks fine; you've installed the current package at some point from another repo20:53
TJ-jancoow: it could be from the -prposed repo. Have you recently disabled that?20:54
=== LewisCawte is now known as Lcawte
=== sbadia_ is now known as sbadia
TJ-jancoow: figured it out! You've been caught by a package regression. See especially comment #31 of bug 134895420:57
ubottubug 1348954 in python3.4 (Ubuntu Trusty) "update Python3 for trusty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134895420:57
TJ-jancoow: in effect the package you have was releases to trusty-updates and then quickly removed due to regressions, but not before your system installed it20:58
TJ-jancoow: so, i think you need to force-install the previous python3.4 versions to make this work20:58
jancoowsorry was AFK21:04
jancoowoh wouw :(21:04
jancoowTJ-: and how do i force install it? sudo apt-get install python3.4 -f ?21:05
=== hxm is now known as Guest49194
TJ-jancoow: no, simply "apt-get --reinstall install python3.4=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 libpython3.4=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1"21:07
jancoowTJ-: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:07
TJ-jancoow: "apt list python3.4*"21:09
jancoowand python3.4-dev isn't installed correctly21:11
jancoowpip3 or easy_install-3.4 can't install any packages21:11
TJ-jancoow: how about "apt list libpython3.4*"21:17
TJ-jancoow: from that first list, you need at least "apt-get --reinstall install python3.4=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 python3.4-minimal=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1" + whatever libpython* 3.4.3-1ubuntu1~14.04.1 are installed currently, too21:19
jancoowI don't really get this package - version fuck haha21:20
TJ-jancoow: so that looks like needing "apt-get install python3.4=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 python3.4-minimal=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 libpython3.4=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 libpython3.4-minimal=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 libpython3.4-stdlib=3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1"21:21
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jancoowTJ-: well, after executing that command pip3 says it's missing the module threading21:54
TJ-jancoow: possibly more ~14.04.1 packages we didn't find21:55
TJ-jancoow: possibly this can locate any: "apt list '*14.04.1*' "21:56
jancoownothing found22:12
jancoowbut the python3 module threading isn't found22:13
jancoowthat's almost impossible22:13
jancoowi think it didn't install into the right dir or something22:13
jancoowTJ-: any ideas? maybe i should remove all the python3.4* packages and reinstall everything ore something :922:21
TJ-jancoow: if it isn't found, identify which package contains it, and install that package22:28
jellyto borrow a factoid from #debian's bot, <dpkg> To get a list of packages you have installed now, that are not available from any repository in your sources.list: aptitude search '?narrow(?not(?archive("^[^n][^o].*$")),?version(CURRENT))'22:30
jancoowTJ-: yeah well it are python modules.. and pip and easy_install need at least the default threading module which is gone for some reason22:31
jancoowanyways thanks for helping!22:31
jancoowi've to go to bed22:31
jancoowgood night22:31
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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