
wxlsgclark: transportation taken care of, though, right? lodging for the night of the 22nd and 23rd, right?02:09
sgclarkyeah please. but I do need the train to there02:10
sgclarkwxl: ^02:10
wxljust a train to there? do you know which station? sgclark02:12
wxlshould we just make it an "ubuntu" booth rather than just being about one loco or another or one flavor or another?02:16
wxlsgclark: ^02:16
wxljust TO there, sgclark ?02:23
wxland what's your cloest train station, sgclark ?02:23
sgclarkwxl: there and home again, portland02:24
sgclarkmain station02:25
sgclark*buntu works for me.  I know your getting ubuntu swag for me right?02:26
sgclarkwe will bring some kubuntu CDs but that is about it, perhaps some flyers. Want to send me some lubuntu cds?02:27
wxli can probably do that02:27
wxlmay be unofficial :)02:27
wxlyou could always burn cds on the fly02:28
wxlemail me your address?02:28
wxlhow does this look http://v.gd/Zy0Nug02:28
sgclarkright, that is exactly what kubuntu ones will be, but someone making us some nice cd  stickers02:28
sgclarkwill do02:28
wxlit's a 6 minute walk. probably pretty good. but check out the hotel and see what you think about it02:29
sgclarkgood for me02:29
sgclarkwxl: ^ hotel looks good02:30
wxlok working on it02:32
wxlwill have stuff sent to hotel i guess?02:32
sgclarkprobably best, or to valories02:32
wxlyeah if i do the hotel it will be easier for you guys02:33
sgclarklet me get valories address to you as well02:33
wxli'll just have to make sure it gets there on time :)02:33
sgclarklets to valories hoiuse to be safe02:33
wxlok then email me because i'm about to send the form in02:33
sgclarkoh she is gone for the weekend hotel it is lol02:33
wxlhuh? :)02:34
sgclarkto ship the swag, was thinking valories to be safe, but she is gone so I cant get address till monday02:34
sgclarkwxl: emailed yu my address02:36
wxloh ok now i get it :)02:37
wxli'll go to hotel then. you don't want to lug it on the train. i was sure glad i didn't :)02:37
sgclarklol yeah for certain I do not want to lug it around02:38
wxlsgclark: choices for leaving are 820, 1215, 250, all via cascades02:47
wxlOR 4 coast starlight02:47
wxloh and i missed it 650 cascades02:47
wxlthey all take the same amount of time except the starlight02:47
wxloh yikes this usually works by them reimbursing me02:48
wxli'll have to get the financials on that figured out too02:48
wxlas we're just coming back from a big trip to josephg02:48
sgclarkstill looking for a paying gig :( I can't afford to pay sorry02:50
wxli'll figure it out some how :)02:51
sgclarkcool thanks02:51
wxli can't figure out if the rooms only have one bed02:52
wxlthey don't say what!02:52
sgclarkeek yeah need two lol02:53
wxlif so i'll get you guys the jacuzzi XD02:54
sgclarklol nice02:54
wxlwell no dice there02:59
wxlhotel will have to be farther away02:59
wxlsgclark: submitted amtrak and springhill suites marriott http://v.gd/LwI4Ia03:59
sgclarkwxl: thanks!04:09
wxlnp sgclark04:09
wxlnext step is getting us approved to go there through seagl XD04:09
sgclarkhehe that would help :)04:12
wxlyeah weird huh04:22
wxlnext thing yuou know we'll have meetings again04:22
wxl(i promise)04:22
wxlsgclark: btw i'm a large in t-shirt size. just saying. :)04:32
sgclarkwxl: will set you one aside :) I know you missed out at lfnw :(04:33
sgclarkand I will not be setting my ubuntu phone out lol04:33
sgclarkstill can't believe someone would do that04:34
wxlsgclark: it happens. i still prefer my "pid 1. nice is for other people." shirt anyways04:34
wxlsgclark: yeah. no shit. well, it might be fair to allow ONE PERSON at a time to look at it while you talk to them04:35
wxlor just show it off04:35
wxllike hook it up to a display or something XD04:35
sgclarkI will hold it lol. though a display would be cool04:36
wxlyeah i don't think they finished that code yet04:36
wxlmight ask nhaines if he knows anything about it04:36
wxlhim and i were talking about it previously04:36
wxlsince i've been without one i haven't really bothered to pay attention04:37
* wxl sighs04:37
sgclarkI am adding support for ubuntu phone to my kde CI04:38
wxli did get snappy core on the pi2 tho04:38
wxltho i have had no time to play with it04:38
sgclarknice :)04:38
wxlyeah and somewhere in my emails i have something saved about a snappy desktop preview04:39
tiwakeI need to fix my gentoo install on my laptop... hung out with friends and tried installing it04:39
wxlnot sure if that's what i think it is but if it is omg04:39
tiwakedidnt have enough time and went home04:39
wxlyeah well that's gentoo for you04:39
tiwakeheh yeah04:40
sgclarkahh gentoo , used that for awhile04:40
wxlnot saying gentoo is a bad thing but that's indeed one of its plusses and minuses04:40
sgclarkthat is where I aquired my addiction to compiling things04:40
wxli don't think i've ever had an addiction to compiling things04:40
tiwakeI got as far as compiling the kernel... by then I was a bit drunk and it was late, so I said screw it and just turned it off04:41
wxlalthough i'm not the type that fears it04:41
sgclarkprobably why I got into the CI stuff and well packaging04:41
wxlyeah and i need to get back on the packaging train04:41
* wxl sighs04:41
wxltoo many things to do04:41
sgclarkI hear yah04:41
wxland now that i'm potentially going to be on the cc..04:41
tiwakeseveral lifetimes worth of things... heh04:41
wxlalso, i'm come to adore joseph, oregon04:42
wxlmy wife and i really want to move here04:42
wxlso there's that XD04:42
sgclarknever been04:42
sgclarkguess I need to go lol04:42
wxlomg it's freaking awesome04:42
wxl"little switzerland" is what they call it04:42
wxlvery small town right on the edge of idaho and washington04:42
wxlsurrounded by the wallowa mountains04:43
sgclarkI just recently went to Randa Switzerland a few weeks ago04:43
sgclarkit was so beautiful...04:43
wxlapparently there are 45 mountains in oregon > 9000' and 35 are in this county04:43
wxlthere's a thriving art community here too04:43
wxlother than that, nothing going on, but that's about all i need04:43
sgclarkthat indeed sounds like a place I need to go04:44
wxlit's pretty easy to get here04:44
wxl(still here btw)04:44
tiwakeI dont care where I live, as long as I get to keep my bunker04:44
sgclarknice :)04:44
wxlsgclark http://v.gd/b6lekV04:45
tiwakeI should watch demolition man04:46
sgclarkoh wow04:46
wxl84 all the way over really04:46
sgclarkok, definately gonna make plans for that soon04:46
wxlalthough we didn't take that way totally04:46
wxlwe went to la grande and then up through elgin and what have yu04:46
tiwakeI drove I84 to I15 then in to montana once04:46
tiwakethats the long way to get there though04:47
tiwaketakes a couple hours longer04:47
wxlso basically we went around the wallowas04:47
wxlit's freaking hiking heaven out here04:47
wxlwe're staying at a great b&b. i recommend it http://www.bronzeantler.com/04:47
wxlthey have a separate wing of the house that's EXCELLENT for a couple04:48
wxlking bed04:48
wxlsauna shower04:48
wxlbig ass tub04:48
wxlone of those japanese toilets that does all the fun stuff :)04:48
wxlthey call it the mirror lake suite04:48
wxlthere it is http://www.bronzeantler.com/mirror-lake-suite/04:49
wxlwe wake up every morning to see the wallowas04:49
wxland the local deer just meandering everywhere through town04:49
wxlthe context for our visit is 15 years04:50
sgclarknice :)04:53
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