Unit193 | bluesabre: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings.git/commit/?id=472ea3cbcf698346bebd9a2c71f17b5921fe956d | 12:20 |
Unit193 | (IN case you didn't see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=790104) | 12:24 |
ubottu | Debian bug 790104 in sponsorship-requests "RFS: lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings/1.2.0-1 [ITP] -- Settings Editor for LightDM Gtk+ Greeter" [Wishlist,Open] | 12:24 |
knome | Unit193, does SwissBot still do the s/this/that/ output? | 12:26 |
Unit193 | Noooo. | 12:27 |
knome | Unit193, ta | 12:27 |
Unit193 | ...Yes. | 12:27 |
knome | :D | 12:27 |
knome | Unit193 is silly. | 12:27 |
knome | s/silly/nice/ | 12:27 |
SwissBot | knome meant: "Unit193 is nice." | 12:27 |
knome | nope. | 12:27 |
knome | can we turn that off? | 12:27 |
flocculant | s/off/on | 12:27 |
flocculant | :p | 12:28 |
knome | sigh | 12:28 |
knome | :) | 12:28 |
flocculant | :) | 12:28 |
Unit193 | a | 12:34 |
Unit193 | s/a/b/ | 12:34 |
SwissBot | Unit193 meant: "b" | 12:34 |
Unit193 | Hrm. | 12:34 |
knome | yep. | 12:36 |
Unit193 | a | 12:43 |
Unit193 | s/a/b/ | 12:43 |
SwissBot | Unit193 meant: "b" | 12:43 |
knome | great! | 12:43 |
knome | now it works! | 12:43 |
knome | ;) | 12:43 |
* knome slaps SwissBot | 12:43 | |
Unit193 | a | 12:45 |
Unit193 | s/a/b/ | 12:45 |
SwissBot | Unit193 meant: "b" | 12:45 |
Unit193 | Well it's not supposed to do that now, but oh well. | 12:45 |
knome | sigh | 12:46 |
knome | fix the code then! | 12:46 |
Unit193 | It's supposed to blacklist this channel, but it doesn't exactly support blacklisting. | 12:52 |
knome | great. | 12:53 |
knome | flocculant, from #xfce-dev: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBzP0baOBM | 12:56 |
flocculant | good lord | 12:57 |
flocculant | nope - not a chance | 12:57 |
knome | :D | 12:57 |
knome | watch it | 12:57 |
Unit193 | a | 12:59 |
Unit193 | s/a/b/ | 12:59 |
SwissBot | Unit193 meant: "b" | 12:59 |
flocculant | SwissBot: I think we got what he meant | 13:14 |
flocculant | ochosi bluesabre - not of any great importance (and would propose fix if I knew where and how) bug 1504958 | 15:02 |
ubottu | bug 1504958 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Minor wording issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1504958 | 15:02 |
flocculant | nor have I upstreamed it as yet - tell me if you want me to do that | 15:02 |
drc | So, something good came out of all that :) | 15:14 |
flocculant | :) | 15:17 |
flocculant | no idea how to grab the xfce source | 15:35 |
flocculant | yes I do ... | 15:38 |
flocculant | I think :p | 15:38 |
knome | lol | 15:41 |
knome | don't think, do! | 15:41 |
flocculant | I did | 15:42 |
knome | :) | 15:42 |
flocculant | I also found the text string :) | 15:42 |
flocculant | what I do next I've no idea :D | 15:42 |
knome | hahah | 15:43 |
flocculant | especially given I've not even done the buczilla one yet :p | 15:43 |
flocculant | really either need to learn to touch type properly or get a kbd that's not worn out in places ... | 15:44 |
knome | hahah | 15:50 |
flocculant | meh - trying to compile it and it says I've no glib2 | 15:50 |
knome | :P | 15:50 |
flocculant | mmm | 15:55 |
flocculant | well that's not playing nicely with me :( | 15:56 |
flocculant | of course I don't actually know if me changing something then configuring it would even work :D | 15:56 |
flocculant | make etc | 15:56 |
knome | developers will hate me for this, but if you plan to change a string only, then it should be relatively safe to not even test build... | 15:58 |
flocculant | yea - but practice :) | 16:00 |
knome | sure | 16:00 |
flocculant | fighting gtk now :p | 16:00 |
knome | building xfce isn't the easiest one | 16:00 |
knome | yep | 16:00 |
flocculant | sigh - now can't find gtk3 dev package I assume | 16:02 |
knome | ;) | 16:03 |
flocculant | \o/ | 16:19 |
flocculant | got to the end of those dependencies :D | 16:19 |
knome | huzzah | 16:20 |
flocculant | http://i.imgur.com/sO2RU9m.png | 16:23 |
flocculant | wow - I did it :D | 16:23 |
knome | ;) | 16:23 |
flocculant | whether anyone is interested is of course a different question :p | 16:24 |
flocculant | and how to get that from local to not ofc | 16:24 |
Unit193 | I feel like now would be a bad time to remind you of apt-get build-dep $pkg then. | 16:48 |
flocculant | not really | 16:48 |
flocculant | now would be a good time to remind me - though probably 4 weeks would be better when I forget and this install is xx ... :p | 16:49 |
Unit193 | foo bar baz | 17:07 |
Unit193 | s/baz/biz/ | 17:07 |
flocculant | does that count as \o/ then :p | 17:08 |
Unit193 | Apathy from me. | 17:08 |
flocculant | :) | 17:09 |
Unit193 | Worst case, I drop SwissBot back into #xubuntu-verbose and merge that channel into this one in Irssi. :P | 17:09 |
knome | Unit193, the notifications are okay, the "i'll correct you" stuff not so much | 17:28 |
knome | ...or games that are verbose on the channel :P | 17:28 |
knome | botsnack | 17:37 |
knome | Unit193, nope. | 17:37 |
knome | :P | 17:37 |
Unit193 | SwissBot: botsnack | 17:37 |
SwissBot | Unit193: thanks :) | 17:37 |
knome | Unit193, related; | 17:46 |
knome | Unit193, can some of the -core related work items be closed now? | 17:47 |
Unit193 | As far as I'm concerned, months ago. | 17:47 |
knome | why aren't they? :P | 17:47 |
Unit193 | Because they're not merged in, just proposed. | 17:48 |
knome | but the changes are done | 17:48 |
Unit193 | Sure, just not effectivly. | 17:49 |
knome | so maybe close the current ones and add one for "make sure patches are merged" | 17:49 |
knome | i know that we're in the middle of the process, but so does everybody else in the team | 17:49 |
knome | however, if you are not in the team, the situation looks like it's not being proposed | 17:49 |
knome | or can look like | 17:49 |
Unit193 | Don't really care one way or another, whatever works and is least messing around. | 17:50 |
knome | the whole idea in the tracker is that we... yes, you guessed it, track the progress | 17:52 |
Unit193 | Progress: Not moving. :P | 17:53 |
knome | progress is: something is done, we're waiting for feedback from others | 17:54 |
knome | really, you said it yourself: | 17:54 |
knome | 20:47 Unit193: As far as I'm concerned, months ago. | 17:54 |
knome | then close them | 17:54 |
knome | if you feel there needs to be one item open, then create new that describes the situation better than the original ones | 17:54 |
Unit193 | As I said, I don't really care, whatever works best and is least busy work. And, already did that, figured you'd see the mail. | 17:55 |
knome | :P | 17:55 |
knome | re: tracking i think clarity and accuracy is the most important thing | 17:55 |
knome | channging items isn't busy work, so | 17:56 |
knome | -n | 17:56 |
knome | but thanks | 17:56 |
Unit193 | Proposed by Unit 193 (unit193) on 2015-08-12 Oh, I wasn't overstating then... | 17:56 |
knome | sigh, that's not even a long time :) | 17:56 |
knome | i was waiting a three-line change on a CSS file for the planet over 6 months | 17:57 |
Unit193 | No, but does actually fit "months" | 17:57 |
knome | and the other side to the thing is that keeping poking people helps | 17:57 |
knome | and talking with them about it | 17:57 |
knome | we waited for two months and nobody looked, now we actually poked them and they gave feedback that let us progress | 17:58 |
knome | i'm not saying that we should instapoke people, but at some point, just stop waiting and do it | 17:58 |
krytarik | knome: Unit193 poked infinity three times during that time though. | 17:59 |
knome | what was the response to that? | 17:59 |
krytarik | "I'll look." | 17:59 |
knome | and how long did we wait after that reply before asking again? | 17:59 |
knome | Unit193, one more thing: feel free to assign the work item for ubuntu-debian-cd (or whatever team is) | 18:01 |
knome | that's also valuable information | 18:02 |
Unit193 | Talked to him at least twice, and simply poked once. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, more so since you aren't even in that channel. | 18:02 |
knome | sure | 18:02 |
knome | maybe we should just poke more | 18:03 |
knome | i don't know | 18:03 |
Unit193 | Also, clearly shouldn't have poked slangasek. >_> | 18:03 |
Unit193 | :P | 18:03 |
knome | because? | 18:03 |
knome | he totally gave good feedback. | 18:03 |
knome | i would be scared if everything we propose would be merged as is | 18:03 |
knome | imo, putting the two ISOs under the same product is a good idea | 18:04 |
knome | getting that kind of feedback also feels to me that they care | 18:05 |
knome | you don't get that every time. | 18:05 |
knome | that feeling, that is | 18:05 |
knome | Unit193, and sorry if something i said offended you; it was a bit unfair to say that we didn't do poking before because obviously i don't know what happens on "every" channel | 18:07 |
knome | if poking doesn't seem to give any results in the future, let's try to take action before to try to fix that situation | 18:09 |
knome | s/before/earlier/ | 18:10 |
flocculant | looks like gvfs fix coming associated with the thunar issues of late | 19:41 |
ochosi | flocculant: oh nice! is that in one of the linked reports? | 19:50 |
knome | hullo ochosi | 19:50 |
ochosi | hey knome | 19:50 |
flocculant | ochosi: the thunar/gvfs thing? | 19:50 |
ochosi | yeah | 19:50 |
flocculant | https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756153 | 19:51 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 756153 in general "Clicking a file-picker dialog in GTK3-enabled Firefox or Epiphany triggers crash and/or GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_connection_is_closed: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed" [Normal,New] | 19:51 |
flocculant | and bug 1504542 | 19:51 |
ubottu | bug 1504542 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/thunar:11:g_dbus_connection_is_closed:_g_dbus_connection_get_sync:create_proxy_for_file2:create_proxy_for_file:g_daemon_file_query_info" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1504542 | 19:51 |
flocculant | I just noticed - cos I check out proposed to see what's coming | 19:51 |
flocculant | and hi ochosi :) | 19:51 |
flocculant | hopefully it will also fix what I've been seeing the last few days | 19:52 |
ochosi | that'd be nice | 19:53 |
flocculant | it would - drove me nuts the other day :p | 19:54 |
flocculant | I was seeing SIGSEGV in g_dbus_connection_is_closed() | 19:57 |
flocculant | all started showing up at the same time though | 19:57 |
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