=== dante_ is now known as hjahsja === hjahsja is now known as juaaaa [01:29] any ideas on how to fix any ideas on how to fix https://sr.ht/g6xQ.txt?? [01:29] when running apt-get dist-upgrade [01:36] Ok. Sometimes I live under a rock. Just hear Jonathan Riddell has been forced out of Kubuntu. I've switched from vanilla Ubuntu to Kubuntu precisely because I felt it was in many ways more in line with the spirit of free software (adoption of wayland, absence of awful things like amazon lens and such). In my opinion, Riddell has been a driving force behind this orientation and his ousting on what seems very dubious motives other than [01:36] non-compliance with Canonical's views makes me wonder: what is the actual prospect of Kubuntu 16.04? (actually, I'd be glad to hear that kubuntu will pack their things and go straight with debian) [02:13] Hey is anyone available to help me? [02:28] Idkidks: just ask [02:29] someone will help if they can [02:29] Yeah I learned that, went to ubuntu channel === Steffstoff is now known as Guest1361 === stg__ is now known as monster === monster is now known as Guest30202 === Guest30202 is now known as Zebitriste === weshgros is now known as ribery83 === stg_ is now known as JewiiQ === stg_ is now known as ComeHere === test is now known as Guest40162 [07:49] how does kubuntu future look like? will there be 16.04 LTS? [08:11] nfk|laptop: most likely yes. More details about that after 15.10 release [08:12] which will be sometime this month? [08:12] yes [08:13] cool [08:14] thanks for re-assurement [09:34] Hiya and thanks for the awesome Kubuntu15 GNU/Linukka OS [09:34] this may be a newb question [09:35] I think I need to move to a Kubuntu14 installed side-by-side with this Kubuntu15 which I apparenlty broke (well the audio at least) [09:35] on this os my homedir is a partition [09:35] on the other OS there is a /home/username on the / partition [09:36] there should a be a straightforward way to mount the /home partition into the Kubuntu14 instead of using the old /home that is there [09:36] jubo2: You can just mount it over the old /home. [09:36] I could dist-upgrade it just to see how it goes [09:36] lordievader: instructions plos [09:37] jubo2: sudo mount /dev/ /home [09:37] and then on Oct 22 I install clean Kubuntu15.10 side-by-side [09:37] ok. thanks lordievader [09:38] now I back up my irc logs so I must quit [09:38] that or tar gonna just return "file changed" and exit [09:43] Yeah.. just wrapping up uploading backups [09:44] I wish I had fibre [09:46] what is the easiest way to check which partition is mounted as what ? [09:46] jubo2: mount [09:46] I see the sda's in /dev [09:46] ok [09:46] ok.. homedir is /dev/sda7 [09:46] been installing side-by-side new stuff [09:47] See you in Kubuntu14 LTS [09:53] excellent [09:53] 'sudo mount /dev/sda7 /home' worked wonders for me [09:54] Now.. [09:54] Should I run 2x dist upgrade on this? [09:54] Now I'd do dist-upgrade to 15.04 and then when 15.10.1 is out I do that [09:54] jubo2: What is it that you are trying to do? [09:54] lordievader: get mah sound working [09:55] Stupid FireFox btw does not return mah tabs even if enabled to store that in cloud [09:55] I have some ancient tab setup [09:55] jubo2: I have no idea what your situation is... [09:55] yes. let's test the sound. === martin-webaaz is now known as webaaz [09:57] flash wont play [09:57] blocked as vulnerable and quite rightly so [09:57] the hell.. 32 bit.. [09:58] Why would I have a 32 bit system.. maybe 64bit was too scary [09:58] AptURL is not working [10:00] internal sound card is working [10:00] and 'tail -f freenode_#kubuntu.log' gib mir stereo vision [10:00] this is much better than Kubuntu15 with no sound [10:01] so Flash isn't up-to-date [10:02] and the FireFox insists on opening the file with AptURL [10:02] But since I have my mind already set on dist-upgrade [10:03] no wait.. let us be rational and start with 'sudo apt upgrade' [10:06] yup.. 236 upgrades [10:06] This is going to take a while but I have fresh coffee [10:06] and besides it is a multitasking OS so I could do other stuff while it is running [10:06] * lordievader slides jubo2 a cup of coffee [10:07] The kids have it so easy these days [10:08] When I was getting mah #1st install rooted by unknown nasties in 1998 the shit wasn't as simple and working as today [10:09] Lol I used GNU/Linukka #1st time in 1995.. in a BBS called pcuf.fi [10:09] took me some time to write 'irc' and press enter being used to traditional key-based BBS UI [10:10] took me even longer to figure out to write "/list" and "/j #channelnamegoeshere" [10:13] after I managed to do that I found myself talking with a Chinese guy that is actually in China and I was sold to this novelty that was called "The Internet" [10:14] some people though I was nuts when I raved to them how this Internet will change the world radically [10:14] Now some people call me nuts when I rave how http://MaidSafe.net will obsolete legacy internet [10:15] "We could try to patch in the legacy internet, but really, why bother?" ~ Some guy in the near future [10:16] i think you're high on coffee [10:17] coffee doesn't get one high. it gets one the tremblings [10:17] if you OD on the stuff [10:17] need to reboot for upgrades. ta ta piippöls [10:20] hi all === shiva is now known as Guest12559 [10:20] when kubuntu 15.10 should be out? [10:20] i have upgraded to 15.10 already, kwin freezes all the time [10:20] is there any chance to get it fixed before therelease? [10:21] matteo: File a bug report. [10:21] matteo: 2015-10-22 [10:22] matteo: < ubottu> A schedule of wily werewolf (15.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule [10:22] but if you wanna dist-upgrade I think you need to wait for 15.10.1 [10:22] jubo2: That would be in the case of LTS'es, 15.10 ain't an LTS. [10:22] ah i c [10:23] I think I wanna dist-upgrade this Kubuntu14 [10:23] twice [10:23] what is the command? [10:23] jubo2: sudo do-release-upgrade [10:24] "No new release found" [10:25] i686 is 32 bit right? [10:25] What version are you running? [10:25] Yes. [10:25] Kubuntu14.04 32 bit [10:25] jubo2: Ah, set it to allow upgrades to non-lts'es. [10:25] where and how to do that? [10:25] jubo2: No idea, google it ;) [10:26] I don't usually google much.. I use https://ixquick.com [10:26] Whatever floats your boat. [10:26] that or https://DuckDuckGo.com [10:27] Keep those "not yet unencrypted SSL traffic"-piles rising and rising in the NSA and GCHQ data silos you know [10:29] seems I need to dun it with the -d switch [10:30] 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' [10:30] Here goes. Knock on wood and cross fingers [10:31] Hmm, can you jump from 14.04 -> 15.10... didn't know. [10:32] now it says "Err Upgrade tool signature" [10:32] that's bad news I gather [10:32] I changed the setting.. [10:33] it was in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades btw lordievader [10:33] the thing to change [10:33] Ah yes, Now I remember. [10:33] now I get a bunch of errors [10:33] jubo2: Could you pastebin them? [10:33] utopic.tar.gz.gpg missing is causing the comotion [10:34] I prlly have something weird in sources.list [10:34] Hmm, no wonder. 14.10 is EOL. [10:34] utopic == 14.10 ? [10:34] Probably easier to install from the iso. [10:34] Yes. [10:34] !utopic [10:34] Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic [10:35] is this now that the dist-upgrade is a no-go? [10:35] At least I have Basso Radio [10:36] the Kubuntu14 look-and-feel looks ancient now that I'm used to Kubuntu15 [10:36] Good stuff going on in the copyleft community [10:40] now I need to dump an AV Linux .iso into a stick [10:40] This should be in my ~/Documents/commands directory somewhere [10:40] it is just friggen impolite to ask for same thing on irc again and again [10:41] when with little effort you can keep .txt files of the commands you gonna need again and again [10:41] jubo2: Or with little effort you look on the web/man-pages/apropos [10:43] Does that go well with sesam oil and steamed broccoli? Will sauce be supplied? [10:43] okok.. I haven't written it up [10:43] and there are _many_ ways to do it [10:43] I wish we could have tech that would allow multiple images and also storage space for files on one stick [10:44] There is the Pendrivelinux that gives the 1st one but not the 2nd and besides the 2 times I've tried it it's been broken [10:44] mismatch between what it expects as filenames and version number lists it has [10:44] so so much for that [10:45] 'dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdb' [10:45] or is that sdb1 [10:45] this is one method I seem to recall [10:47] I go with this one [10:47] I checked with 'ls -l /dev/disk/by-id' that I'm writing over the right disk [10:49] I think I am seeing the old /home directory and /home contained in /dev/sda7 being joined (set operation) [10:49] is that supposed to happen / can that happen ? [10:50] what should I do to not see the old /home stuff there too [10:51] I reboot and move the old /home stuff out of the way and then 'sudo mount /dev/sda7 /home' [10:51] I know I know I don't need to reboot for that === ICiubotaru is now known as cebion [11:04] hello [11:06] what are the awesome thing and apps for Kubuntu 15.004? :D [11:07] jubo2: I used to rely on unetbootin, but have had troubles for a few months, so now I sudo dd if=wily-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/sdb [11:07] vutras: can you give more details in what you are looking for ? [11:07] vutras: IMO many KDE apps are the best version of the app for Liunx.. [11:08] vutras: i.e - Dolphin is without doubt the best file manager [11:08] Hiyas all [11:08] vutras: i.e - K3b is probably the best cd/dvd burner - Konversation is probably the best IRC client [11:09] really 15.04 is buggy you are better off with 15.10 (but probably best to wait 10 days for final release) [11:10] too bad K3b errors out everytime I try it, but wodom does the job instead [11:10] wodim even [11:11] BluesKaj: really - have you added yourself to the 'burning group' or changed the group k3b uses ? [11:11] so 15.10 is comming for 10 days? [11:11] yeap i see 15.04 is so buggy [11:11] think its due 22nd Oct [11:11] and unstable [11:11] yossarianuk, why would I need to , I'm the only user [11:12] yes - I changed to 15.10 about a month ago for home+work machines.far more stable (even though 15.10 is not a stable release yet) [11:12] BluesKaj: just so your user has correct perms> [11:12] i.e - settings -> setup system permissions [11:13] worth a check ... [11:13] how tu update to 15.10 now? :D [11:13] haven't made any changes to K3b at all, and I'm on 15.10, and yes I would think the default settings should work [11:14] Reasonable assumption. [11:15] vutras, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/ [11:15] vutras: Or just run 'sudo do-release-upgrade -d' [11:15] mparillo: yeah running it now but the OS is AV GNU/Linukka [11:16] BluesKaj: well if you are having issues its work a check..... -add your users group and change perms on /dev/sr0 (and external programs) [11:16] Wanna to try out if that is better for running Ardour [11:16] implementation-in-silicon is always implementation-in-silicon when it comes to Audio/Video stuff [11:16] Imagine a situation where you are using software multitracker [11:17] then the guitarist or vocalist hits some awesome streak and everyone agrees that was the best take by far and your system crashes [11:18] By that time you wish you would have gone for silicon instead of SW [11:19] I just recently calculated storage bandwidth for 32-bit color 4K uncompressed video [11:19] 17.1Mbit/s [11:20] tnx, im upgrading right now through konsole [11:20] @ 30 fps [11:21] But the professional quality is so good that it must be that they dump raw TV camera data via network to some storage and then only afterwards encode it with non-realtime-required algorithm [11:21] i.e. "take your time"-speed demanded algo [11:21] settings -> setup system permissions??? I don't see anything of the sort [11:24] yossarianuk, dunno which settings>system permissions you're referring to, but wodim works just fine so K3b is redundant [11:26] Hi! I can edit the mime-options in sys-settings - but I can't save them - curious?? Any hints? [11:26] BluesKaj: e.g -> in k3b - main menu -> settings -> setup system permissions [11:27] fair enough if you have an alternative - but maybe would be good to sort the issue as K3b generally rocks. === Guest47262 is now known as Tm_Tr === Tm_Tr is now known as Guest9025 === jemand is now known as Jemand [12:20] Hi! [12:20] I seek for some advice [12:27] !ask [12:27] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience === SpaceHacker is now known as OhmWrecker === kubuntu is now known as Guest81540 [13:22] Hi all.. WiFi in 15.04 will not connect automatically. After booting into desktop, I have to turn it off then on again before it will see any WiFi networks. Anyone run into this before? [13:23] hello [13:24] my dual monitor configuration does not seem to persist across shutdowns/reboots [13:24] if/whenever this happens, is there any config file i can copy & re-write in place so that the correct configuration happens? [13:26] where (what file) does kubuntu keep xrandr settings? [13:36] anyone please? [13:36] !patience [13:36] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [13:38] regedit: But kscreen likely derives its xrandr settings from ~/.local/share/kscreen/* [13:39] lordievader: thanks [13:41] lordievader: i see a bunch of files named by a random ID string. Who decides which one gets used? [13:43] Judging from the contents, they represent situations. I guess kscreen does a situation match and sets it from there (if there is a match) [13:44] mgraesslin in #kde can likely tell you more about this. [13:45] lordievader: ok thanks, i hope i find him and he'd be able to help correcting the mistaken situation matching, i guess === jayhunold is now known as jhunold === rattking_ is now known as rattking === michael__ is now known as Guest50436 [15:07] is there a fix for the kdenlive save crash bug? [15:07] other than using it in a different window manager? [15:16] Hiya from AV Linukka [15:17] there is impressive pre-installed software [15:17] can totally understand the 3.5GB download size [15:17] Hiya blitz00 [15:17] whoops [15:17] Hiya BluesKaj [15:17] stupid x-chat [15:18] I want back to Konversation [15:18] I hear if one h4xes hard enough then Konversation is also available on other WM then KDE [15:18] hi jubo2 [15:18] Hiya hi [15:19] where is mi beer_ [15:19] mi beer is in the freezer [15:19] cools them faster [15:19] any 'buntu apps will run on all flavours and DEs [15:20] BluesKaj, but only if you h4x hard enough [15:20] on Kubuntu I can have it out-of-box [15:21] 'sudo apt install konversation' [15:21] nope, if you install an app from the repos, then the libs/depends will accompany the app [15:21] I need to recover that half-tera disk from the busted Mac [15:21] no hacks needed [15:21] and put that into this laptop [15:22] install clean Kubuntu15.10 [15:22] and use the Kingston provided migration kit to move relevant partitions there [15:22] I bought a too small SSD [15:23] The idea was to have a Linukka in a Windows and a Windows in a Linukka [15:23] the windoozes would work coz they all could connect to SkyDrive or whatevs the M$FT cloud storage is called [15:25] I didn't find a way for the non-virtualized and virtualized Linukka could share storage.. I am not a texy person so I dunno all the tricks [15:27] Now I wait for Kubuntu15.10 [15:27] and wait for MaidSafe Network [15:28] I am so going to donate to the commons all I can [15:28] 2 x physical boxes and 1 x server in Nederland [15:28] dolphin sees the other linux an win dows partitions and drives in network and under devices in the places list [15:29] say [15:29] I can mount /home partition in this Live version of AV Linukka _ [15:30] mais si.. [15:30] lovely [15:32] all this power at my fingertips [15:32] and I thought electric light was something [15:32] today there is the 4th generation of LEDs [15:33] the Chip-on-board or COB [15:33] 4th gen is these COB floodlights [15:33] transistor is nice too [15:34] jubo2, this isn't your personal blog...mabe you join google and start one there [15:35] changing designs from HID lighting fixtures towards COB LED floodlights will save a ton on the electricity [15:35] BluesKaj, you right [15:35] That is why I have started a blog [15:35] and I run WordPress [15:36] Now I boot back to the Kubuntu14 [15:36] got all mi gear there [15:37] ok , maybe you could post your comments there instead of here, since this is supposed to be kubuntu support [15:51] currently attempts to save in Kdenlive caush it to hang. Any fixes? [15:51] Is it fixed in 15.10? [16:38] hello, so i'm looking at my cpu load and cpu2 is loaded 100% most of the time? is that normal? also, the system seems laggy, ie opening a window takes a long time etc [16:39] cpu3 also gets 100% quite often [16:40] Vtec234: check what processes are consuming the resources. You can try ksysguard and sort by cpi [16:40] cpu [16:42] westyvw: checked, xorg is 1-2% and baloo_file_extractor goes to 7% sometimes, others' consumption is not shown [16:45] Vtec234: that is all thats being used then. You could try killing baloo as it is what almost always causes me greif just to see if the monitor is showing that as more activity than it is [16:48] westyvw: yeeah, it was baloo_file_extractor, but i also had to kill baloo_file since it was the parent. and it all runs smoothly now. isn't the process necessary for some kde stuff? [16:49] Vtec234: It is the file indexer. So if you do a search for files it is fast. Its not necessary, but useful. KDE really has a problem with this application. It causes problems for a lot of people. Is it a fresh intall or upgrade? [16:49] fresh install, freshly formatted disk === Guest1011 is now known as rthomsen === Guest17551 is now known as audreeliss [18:16] Hi [18:16] hello [18:17] whats up? [18:21] o/ [18:36] ugh, why is getting poweline to work with bash such a pita? you guys use it? there seems to be references in the binding shell script to inexistent folders [19:16] Now I'm on Kubuntu14 [19:17] it is not bad but looks retro compared to Kubuntu15 [19:18] with 'sudo mount /dev/sda7 /home' I can have my home directory on this till the 2015-10-22 [19:18] If I'm looking for stability and reliablity, like on servers, I go for Debian8.1 [19:19] but If I want a nice GUI'd OS I go for Kubuntu [19:19] I could consider paying money for Kubuntu [19:19] or .. what is that called.. [19:20] The code incentive monies [19:20] You can put like $50 or $100 on some feature in some software you want done [19:21] then if someone does it you are obliged to pay what you promised === kubuntu is now known as Guest8999 === audreeliss is now known as Guest15714 [19:46] jubo2: Bounty something I think [19:47] elementary uses it a lot [19:50] Hello, does anybody know how I can view files on a network share with gThumb in Kubuntu? [19:54] Hello [19:54] Utopic get EOL ... [19:55] so , i use KDE 4 on utopic , so upgrade do install Plasma 5 ? [19:55] sorry for bad english !!! [19:59] mah454: Yes. [19:59] so , won't use plasma 5 !!! [20:00] What can i do ? [20:00] I need stay in KDE 4 [20:01] mah454: Go back to 14.04 LTS perhaps. [20:01] !14.04 [20:01] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu and is the latest !LTS version. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes [20:02] mah454: It's supported till April 2017 anyway. [20:02] OOO , NOOOO [20:02] krytarik: have not other way ? [20:08] mah454: Well, Debian 8 would be an option. :P [20:08] Oh my god ... !!!! :D [20:08] F u c ..... k [20:12] mah454: swearing and cussing is not appreciated by channel rules [20:12] I mean we can go totally Anti-Disney as long as we don't swear [20:12] but hey.. it's irc [20:13] jubo2: Okey , I understand ... [20:13] jubo2: Thank you :) === TheRedQueen is now known as Drone` [21:05] Hey guys. Is there any magic command that allows to install kubuntu without Ubiquity? It crashes all the time ;/ [21:06] Where can I find information on Muon Discovery crashes? Like logs and such === Steffstoff is now known as Guest15597 [21:06] sheytan: You can use the mini then install the Kubuntu task. [21:06] Unit193: how to? [21:06] Or, you can manually unsquashfs the filesystem, and purge ubiquity and stuff. :D [21:07] !mini [21:07] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [21:07] well, yeah, but isin't there any installer from command line? [21:07] available in the regular iso [21:08] The 'alternate' installer has been discontinued for Kubuntu. === Vtec234 is now known as Vtec345 [21:09] well, thank you :) [21:09] Sure, g'luck with it. === Vtec345 is now known as Vtec456 === Vtec456 is now known as Vtec567 === Vtec567 is now known as Vtec678 === Vtec678 is now known as Vtec789 === Vtec789 is now known as Vtec === Vtec is now known as Vtec233355 [21:10] Vtec233355: Please stop nickchanging. [21:12] hmm [21:12] Unit193: ah shit, sorry :/ i didn't realize i was already logged in to channels. was registering timeout nicks with nickserv === Vtec233355 is now known as Vtec234 [21:23] Hi guys, I'm having an issue with the subwoofer on my Asus N56VM laptop. I can test it successfully but none of my programs output anything through it. [21:32] If I set my audio to 4.0 I get output on rear right via the subwoofer but this is not ideal. [21:53] Do I need to do something special to get my programs to use my subwoofer? [22:14] Doesn Clementine ignore the audio device preference for music? === ryan is now known as Guest2447 [22:54] hello, i am having trouble with kubuntu. would anyone like to help? [22:55] what sort of trouble are you having? [22:55] i am having major troubles with startx... caught in a login loop for lack of a better term [22:56] my sda is completely full... could this be keeping it from starting? [22:57] been trying to use terminal to delete items from trash but keeps giving me a read only error [23:03] am i lagging or something? anyone to help? [23:06] Good morning [23:07] hello [23:07] i am looking for help with an issue with kubuntu [23:09] orangesox: having a completely full disk is a big problem, you should try sudo rm those trash files, or boot with a USB stick and clean them up, and perhaps try #ubuntu because this is not a problem specific to kubuntu [23:10] hello. anyone here to help with kubuntu problems? [23:12] hello. anyone here to help with kubuntu problems? [23:12] well [23:13] please a little help would be much appreciated [23:13] orangesox: first off, if you disk is full, likely you either have lots of junk or lots of files you can move about, so.... check your ~/ folder and move a few, say movies and mp3s elsewhere, if you just need a bit of space for booting, you can just move 3 or 4 movies, and that'd give enough space, but consider moving them all elsewhere [23:14] orangesox: other spot you can flush things at, is at /var/cache/apt/archives, all those .deb files if any there [23:14] i could empty my trash yes? [23:14] problem is, i keep getting "read only" [23:15] orangesox: sure, I'd think so, but if for whatever reason you couldn 't, just move some of your media files over, a few movies or mp3s will do [23:15] move the files to where? i need to delete to make space [23:16] orangesox: w0t? how big is your hdd? how many partititons? how big is the partition where kubuntu is at? [23:16] also, don't you have an external hdd anyway? [23:17] yes i do but i can't make any commands... i keep getting read-only [23:17] I can see the issue if your hdd were 20gbs, but I strongly doubt it's, so....surely there's media filling it up, that could be moved over [23:18] i can access the terminal without problems but can't seem to make any progress with commands [23:18] hmmm [23:19] orangesox: are you in a root terminal? [23:20] yes [23:21] orangesox: ok... I assume you're using the "recovery" menu root terminal option... so, that means the system is mounted as read-only, thus, so...remount it with read-write --> mount -o remount,rw <--- and then you can delete whatever, but I'd still suggest moving over media files, since likely that's what's filling it up, many dvds can do that rather quickly [23:25] thank you so much bprompt [23:25] np [23:26] any traffic here? [23:27] tazmainiac: well, if there were, you may run the risk of getting run over, no? [23:28] true [23:28] so - upgraded from Kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04 - most everything seems to work [23:28] so i deleted files from my trash in hopes that would open the space, they were large music files [23:28] most everything [23:29] orangesox: /var/cache/apt/archives also may have lots of junk, you can get rid of all those debs as well [23:29] but when I switch users (sessions) when i switch back to first session, I get garbled screen [23:29] orangesox: could just do a -> apt-get clean <- for that as well [23:30] so - first session (me) is fine, create new session for 2nd users (kids), but when I try and switch back to my session, the screen flips and blinks [23:30] like a funky screen saver [23:30] (I have no screen saver configured)) [23:30] this worked find under 14.10 [23:30] i did that one earlier [23:31] how does one delete directories using rm command? [23:31] I've got an Nvidia GPU (NVIDIA Corporation GM107 [GeForce GTX 750 Ti]) [23:31] orangesox: rm -rf SOMEDIR [23:31] rm -r will delete a directory and everything in it [23:31] add -f for "force" [23:31] (-r is for recursive) [23:33] tazmainiac: methinks, reroll the video drivers, or maybe check /etc/X11 for any .conf added, get rid of it, reboot to see if it recreates it with some workable defaults [23:33] I've tried both upgrading and downgrading video drivers already [23:33] reroll === reinstall === whirl them around [23:34] went from nvidia-340 to nvidia-340-updates to nvidia-346 [23:34] tried nvidia-331-updates as well (which seems to give me nvidia-340) [23:35] tazmainiac: if anything I can think of, would be some video .conf file, as opposed to a binary one [23:36] ok removed at least 1 gb worth of trash... [23:37] rebooting now [23:37] still not getting past login window [23:38] could it be a problem with x server? [23:39] orangesox: when you said, the "login screen", is that the kubuntu login screen? or the terminal's? [23:39] kubuntu's [23:40] bprompt: no problem logging in through console terminal window [23:42] orangesox: http://askubuntu.com/questions/213680/how-to-restart-kwin-when-it-is-hung <--- try that, once you get to the kubuntu login screen, ctrl-alt-f1 and then "DISPLAY=:0 kwin --replace" to run kwin, kde window manager, methinks something is making it hung from the last session [23:44] fatal error while trying to open display [23:47] orangesox: any other hmmm options from the login screen for sessions? I know "fail safe" is one, but that'd just give you the terminal, any other session options? [23:48] none of those options will work for me... all lead to the black screen and back to the login again. the loop. [23:48] orangesox: so to be clear, what's hanging is "kwin" it seems, NOT kde itself, kwin is kde window manager, so if all else fails, you can always install something else to run apps or to fix or reinstall or update "kwin" [23:49] when i type startx into terminal it goes black screen [23:49] does that help at all? [23:50] hmm [23:51] orangesox: whatever happened before this anyway? a power outtage? you did a force shutdown? a driver update? [23:52] using testdisk [23:52] and photorec [23:54] orangesox: could try giving it an "fsck" in root terminal from the recovery menu [23:55] may just be xserver then, as opposed to kde [23:55] i feel like it's xserver... but wtf do i know really nada ;) [23:57] /dev/sda6: clean when i type fsck [23:58] orangesox: k.. reboot, see if it gets stuck again [23:58] orangesox: worse case scenario, you'd reinstall.... you can always just backup your home folder, and your settings will be kept for any installed apps [23:59] i know this is a dumb question but how to back up home folder from terminal?