
dufluRAOF: Thanks for fixing Mesa01:39
dufluIt's like nothing was ever broken...01:39
dufluRAOF: Was it actually a Mesa bug or Mir+Weston doing the same bad things?02:02
RAOFduflu: Mesa bug.02:07
RAOFIt was incorrectly rejecting BGRA8888 textures.02:07
dufluRAOF: Oh _the_ Mesa bug?... http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/mesa-announce/2015-October/000179.html02:07
RAOFYeah, that mesa bug.02:08
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* duflu pulls out the big guns (240FPS camera)03:28
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=== Mirv__ is now known as Mirv
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zzarrhello lovely people! how is the MIR display server coming along?11:06
alan_gpretty good. Thanks for asking.11:12
zzarrI read that MIR will support the Vulkan API :D11:13
zzarris there MIR (Android/libhybris I assume) drivers for for RockChip RK 3288?11:14
zzarr-is + are11:15
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alan_gAs you surmise we don't have specific drivers for individual chips. I don't know if that one's been tested.11:21
zzarrokey, thanks for you reply11:41
zzarrI hope to install Ubuntu with MIR/Unity8 on my ASUS ChromeBook Flip in the future11:42
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zzarrdoes anyone know how long until XMIR will be installed in a default Ubuntu?12:17
zzarrIs it likely in the next LTS?12:18
anpok_as long as it is needed I supposed.. and it is neeaded to support X applications, I doubt that we can already estimate when those might disappear from the default install image12:28
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zzarrso what does that mean in a time perspective?13:02
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alan_gNo-one can know. It is matter of where Canonical chooses to put its effort - and that can change as market conditions change.13:04
zzarrokey, thanks for clearing that up :)13:04
alan_gyw ;)13:06
zzarrI long for MIR/Unity8 ;)13:06
alan_gis there a specific reason?13:11
zzarrI love it :)13:12
zzarrI have it on my phone (Meizu MX4 Ubuntu Edition)13:13
Guest42341what happened to mx4?13:13
zzarrhave anything happened to it?13:13
zzarrmy works fine13:14
Guest42341you can't buy one now13:14
alan_gthey sold out13:17
Guest42341and closed the store :))13:19
Guest42341Dear customer, this page (Meizumart.com) is now closed.13:19
zzarrohh, to bad :(13:20
zzarrwill I be able to use a USB/HDMI converter any time soon? (MX4)13:29
ogra_i mean, the USB part might work ... but HDMI wont13:32
zzarrogra_, I know I have asked the same thing before, but it was a long time ago13:34
zzarrthanks for your reply13:34
anpok_Guest42341: the models flashed with ubuntu touch were sold out afaik.14:02
Guest42341anpok_, all 4?14:06
Guest42341i hope they'll sell more mx4 or mx5  :(14:06
Guest42341mx4 is a really nice phone14:07
anpok_well the future will have nicer and hopefully more phones..14:08
anpok_robert_ancell: not necessarily in wily..14:08
anpok_but in the current phone overlay14:08
robert_ancellanpok_, ok, cool. Will leave that until x-series then.14:09
anpok_hm when will the x-series be opened/14:09
anpok_it will be relevant for mir-0.1814:09
anpok_but in the worst case we would just land it with it..14:09
robert_ancellIn a few days I think.14:09
anpok_oh fine14:09
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greybackalan_g: I'm still mystified why your CI job fails. I can't repro locally, no matter what I try15:00
alan_ggreyback: nor I.  I'm narrowing things down by experimenting in CI15:01
greybackpete-woods: have you any tips on debugging qtdbusmock? We get dbus failes on one particular MR, for no obvious reason I can see: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/qtmir-vivid-amd64-ci/194/console15:01
greyback"Connection Timeout: disconnecting client after 300.0 seconds"  <- never seen that error before in CI15:06
pete-woodsgreyback: I have, on occasion seen that error15:31
pete-woodsbut I don't know what the problem is15:31
greybackodd it's stuck to that MR15:32
pete-woodsis dbusmock really not starting?15:32
pete-woods(i.e. check the process list)15:32
pete-woodsif it is starting, then it must be some race type thing in the service init waiting code15:33
pete-woodsokay, read the output now15:35
pete-woodsgreyback: the dbus daemon itself doesn't seem to be starting...15:35
pete-woodsgreyback: I could only suggest gradually reverting bits of the MR until you get something that passes?15:39
greybackalan_g: ^15:40
pete-woodslet me check how libqtdbustest handles dbus failing to start15:40
greybackpete-woods: it's a python script which implements the mock dbus interface, right?15:40
pete-woodsgreyback: yeah, libqtdbusmock tells libqtdbustest to start a python process with the right command line args15:41
greybackcould that be failing to start?15:41
pete-woodsdoesn't look like it15:41
pete-woodslibqtdbustest starts a private instance of dbus before any of thing15:41
pete-woodsdbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.15:41
pete-woodssays that python reckons there's no system dbus15:42
pete-woodsthen libqtdbustest says:15:42
pete-woodsC++ exception with description "Process [python3] for service [com.canonical.powerd] failed to appear on bus" thrown in the test fixture's constructor.15:42
pete-woodswhich means that the python process started, but never successfully connected to the system bus15:42
pete-woodspresumably because it's not there15:42
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pete-woodsso either the system bus isn't starting for some reason (weird environment?)15:43
pete-woodsor there's some security / confinement type policy that is stopping comms with dbus15:43
greybackpete-woods: understood. Can I ask you to consult on #ubuntu-ci-eng if I get someone to look into it?15:46
pete-woodsgreyback: sure15:46
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alan_ggreyback: still waiting on the final CI confirmation, but it seems that the same changes in a new MP don't have the problem. Bizarre!16:58
greybackalan_g: absolutely. Is one of those can't print on Tuesdays bugs16:59
alan_gI'll check findings and tidy up first thing tomorrow.17:00
greybackthank you17:02

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