
PaulW2Uadded article re CC nominations and wrote quick summary05:41
pleia2copying things over to the wiki + adding stats now06:32
=== Guest33335 is now known as Moodoo
pleia2Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue43808:02
Unit193At 4am? :308:03
Moodoolink works though08:04
Unit193Jackpot!  ...Wait, no.  4 broken links.08:05
Unit193http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-or/3231-ubuntu-15.10-corvallis-release-party/ - http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-br-ma/3214-ubuntu-15.10-lan%C3%A7amento-/ - http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-florida/3199-ubuntu-15.10-release-party/ - http://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/10/05/bootstack-your-big-data-cloud/08:05
Moodooyep i'm seieng some too08:06
MoodooI won't repaste :D08:07
PaulW2UFixed LoCo links - each had a unwanted dot. BootStack article had been deleted and replaced by another the following day15:25
PaulW2Ueditorial review done18:43
pleia2thank you18:50
pleia2I usually catch the obvious link mixups, but finishing at 1AM, oof brain :)18:51

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