
ahoneybunhey jck7718:47
jck77ahoneybun: hows everything18:51
Garheadeahoneybun: eat your heart out. https://instagram.com/p/8wFVbXBgNN/?taken-by=papa_garheade20:42
ahoneybunI don't have a N5 so... Garheade20:44
GarheadeI've been using Nexus' since the Galaxy Nexus so I get to do a decent amount of playing.20:45
ahoneybunI had the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon so it was not as nice20:46
ahoneybunbut the N4 is still a good phone20:46
mhall119except that damn back glass20:46
ahoneybunI cracked mine20:47
ahoneybunsounds like you did too mhall11920:47
mhall119twice now20:48
mhall119replaced it once, not bothered to replaced it again just yet20:48
ahoneybunI've been thinking of replacing it too20:49
ahoneybunbut dbrand sounds better lol20:49
ahoneybunget a orange one lol20:49
GarheadeI put a bumper on my N4, never had a single issue with the back glass. Course, I killed two bumpers but hey... cheaper than replacing the glass20:50
ahoneybunmhall119: https://dbrand.com/shop/nexus-420:53
mhall119ahoneybun: are those just stick-on covers?20:54
ahoneybunmhall119: they are very tough and nice stickers :)20:54
GarheadeToo bad they don't allow for custom lettering on the back20:54
ahoneybunGarheade: I know they do a lot of custom stuff of YouTubers20:58
ahoneybunmaybe tweet them20:58

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