[10:42] Good morning [12:43] <_stink_> yo [12:48] werdupdawgs [13:26] whassap? [13:28] 3d printing is fun. Also there is a lot of Python involved [13:30] That's cool [13:31] I've been impressed with what you can do with 3d printing [13:31] I have a little reminder on my desk. ;) [13:33] Most recent project is designing and printing replacement bumpers for some 80 year old croquet mallets https://goo.gl/photos/MdCyeWoiaq2DoBiV7 [13:34] I had to use a new material: soft PLA. It's sort of in between the hard plastic of your rude gnome and a soft rubber [13:34] That's pretty cool [13:43] Also: Picked up some albums this weekend. BĂș-Tik by ChthoniC currently blowing my mind. [13:49] I'll add it to my list [13:52] cmaloney: Are you familiar with TaskWarrior? [14:21] brousch: seems a lot like TODO.TXT. both are pretty cool [14:24] I don't know it, but cmaloney loves his TODOs. I mention it because rumor has it they'll have an Android client written with Kivy [14:51] morning [15:10] brousch: I've tried Task Warrior. It doesn't work the way that I'd like it to work [15:10] so I'm sticking with TODO.txt. [15:10] But cool re: Kivy client === flipsidecreatio- is now known as flipsidecreation [15:18] cmaloney: it's hard to beat something so venerable [15:18] Yeah [15:18] It's outlasted several attempts to blow it up [15:31] So you need a TODO.txt Android client? [15:32] I have two [15:32] SimpleTasks and The "official" client from Gina [15:33] Oh good. I don't need more stuff on my list [15:33] Sorry, simpletask [15:33] heh [17:09] cmaloney: My latest Legend of Zelda master sword bookmark print https://goo.gl/photos/iFypYeMrj4ANyqpHA [17:54] Very cool [17:57] About how much does it cost to print something like that? [17:59] Maybe $0.05 [18:01] Wow [18:02] * cmaloney wonders if brousch would do requests for some B5 models. :) [18:02] you have the files? [18:03] http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:12730 [18:03] http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:423757 [18:04] Not sure how they'd handle the tender machinations of the mail system though [18:12] It should survive with some newspaper [18:12] I could print it about 7" wide. I have white, gold, or green [18:16] white or gold would be awesome [18:16] Thank you! [18:26] White is nice because you can paint it or sometimes color with sharpies [18:32] Yeah, though I don't trust myself to paint this the right way. :) [18:32] The models on the show were 1990s-era computer models [18:35] I think I'd slide the space station into 4 pieces [18:36] So it will end up about 14" long [18:45] Damn [18:45] That would be awesome though [19:15] so...Linux for 3D printing and model makers at the next MUG? [19:39] If i knew Blender or FreeCAD better [19:39] I use Onshape, which is browser-based [19:48] Same (Was learning blender better) [22:51] Evening