
=== sorinb_ is now known as sorinb
bluesabreUnit193: https://plus.google.com/+WorldofGnomeOrg/posts/WmjGAEyi4Fo?pid=6204686090340725714&oid=11202621339915514282309:59
knomebluesabre, which of the work items are we actually still expecting to fix this cycle?10:19
bluesabreknome: marked the libreoffice item as postponed, the other is a bug report... we have fixed the issue in our configuration, but not the actual upstream issue10:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1462445 in Clutter "Gtk applications start with blank screen (Clutter 1.22.4 and GtkClutter 1.6.2)" [High,Confirmed]10:28
bluesabrewhich will probably not get fixed10:28
flocculantochosi: gvfs fix landed - not seen any recurrence of what I was seeing before at the moment13:45
drcQuick Question:  Has any one used (on a daily, long term basis) XFS instead of EXT2 with Xubuntu?16:09
drcere EXT416:09
flocculantI can answer now then :p - not me ;)16:10
drcA machine has XFS (from Salix)...think I try Xubuntu on it, shouldn't make a difference, but who really knows?16:11
drcflocculant: Looks like whatever "they" did fixed the thunar/gvfs/copying crashes I was having.17:52
flocculantgood - that's the 2 of us who'd seen things not seeing them :)17:53
flocculantochosi bluesabre are we going to change the current parole to the one in staging? 19:01
flocculantthere's a minor irritant in the default, lose menu bar - maximise - normal size has menubar again, fixed in staging19:02
Unit193I'd seen tumblerd and thunar ones.20:20
flocculantirritants? 20:21
Unit193Crashes, can't remember the bug numbers but linked to them at one point.20:22
flocculantoh right 20:22
flocculantwell thunar crashes are few here now - or none in point of fact20:22
flocculantnot seen a tumblerd one for quiet a while20:23
knomequite? :P20:24
Unit193The one is lp 1168558, no idea what for thunar.20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1168558 in tumbler (Ubuntu) "tumblerd crashed with SIGSEGV in tumbler_thumbnailer_create()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/116855820:25
flocculantknome: nope - it's been quiet on that front :p20:25
ochosievening all20:33
knomehello ochosi 20:33
ochosiflocculant: guess bluesabre would have to answer that...20:33
flocculantochosi: I thought so - but hate to not include you too :)20:36
drcflocculant: Just out of curiosity, at what point would it be good to delete that xubuntu-dev ppa to get back to a normal system, before or after a 15.10 upgrade?20:53
flocculantnver thought about that tbh - I just add them and run with them :)20:54
Unit193If those are both equal options, I'd say before upgrade.20:54
knomethey are disabled on upgrade anyway20:55
flocculantthough by delete I'd ppa purge20:55
knomenot update though..20:55
Unit193Exactly, flocculant.20:55
flocculantdrc: not sure if you know, but install ppa-purge then sudo ppa-purge ppa:whatever-ppa-you-added - that will sort the source.list and downgrade properly what needs it20:57
flocculantwhich needs to be added to contribute/qa/ at some point if I remember 20:57
Unit193For a bonus, could check for orphaned files or debsums afterwards.20:57
drcflocculant: Yeah, I knew, was just imprecise in my wording...sorry21:01
flocculantthat's ok - just wanted to be sure :)21:01
flocculantknome: ok so - if I've grabbed the xub docs then done all the build thing to that, how do I then push any changes back? 21:17
flocculantcos - it's all changed now after the build :)21:17
knomemake clean21:17
knomebzr commit21:17
knomebzr push21:17
flocculantty :D21:18
bluesabreflocculant: oh, seems there's been some fixes since the last stable parole21:34
bluesabrewe might get that for wily... :)21:35
ochosihey bluesabre 21:37
bluesabrehey ochosi 21:38
ochosipitty we don't overlap so much lately, time-wise21:38
bluesabreyeah, seems we've been endlessly busy/sleepy21:39
knomepitti? :P21:39
Unit193End of a cycle, so not much going on at this point.21:39
bluesabrejust lots of writing ideally21:41
bluesabreworking on release notes, motu app, etc over the next few days21:41
bluesabreso much support21:43
ochosigo bluesabre!21:43
bluesabrefine, I'll go21:44
bluesabregotta run, bbabl21:44
ochosican any of you test something for me in wily?21:45
ochosimy vbox just ran out of space :'( and it'll take a bit for me to fix that or set up a new one21:45
drcgo....(if I can I will)21:45
ochosiit's a really tiny one, just patch greybird like here: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/pull/107/files21:47
ochosithen you need to install one of these apps: gnome-clocks, gnome-weather, gnome-sudoku (that one should be installed)21:47
drcOK, how would I patch it when I don't have the greybird source?21:49
ochosii havent seen any of those CSD subtitles yet21:49
ochosigreybird is plaintext ;) just edit /usr/share/themes/Greybird/gtk-3.0/gtk-widgets.css21:49
drcI can do that.  wait...out.21:50
* ochosi waits...out.21:50
* drc forgot it was a binary :)21:50
drcok, patched and gnome-sudoku is installed...what now?21:54
ochosirun it and show me a screener of it21:55
ochosibasically we'd need a before/after comparison21:55
ochosiso you can first show me a screener of what it is now, then run "sudo apt-get install greybird-gtk-theme--reinstall" to see the previous/wily state21:56
drchuh, imagebin now requires a login, any other place you wat it put?21:58
Unit193xfce4-screenshooter supports it even.21:59
knomeor email..21:59
Unit193dcc, ochosi likes the dcc.21:59
knomelikes, but what he really LOVES is telnet22:00
Unit193In fact, just paste the base64 here! :P22:00
knomehere === /q Unit193 22:00
Unit193Erm, I'll go back to that rock I was hiding under.22:00
drcochosi: I noticed that the screen was overlapped, you need another one?22:02
ochosithat looks weird22:09
ochosianyway, there's no subtitle in the CSD, so this didnt help unfortunately..22:10
knomewell it's greybird-DRC22:10
ochosidrc: if you can, please install gnome-weather or gnome-clocks to see if they have subtitles22:12
drcHey, I resemble that remark!22:12
drcochosi: https://i.imgur.com/XiZxZkO.png22:15
ochosisorry, i have no idea why that looks so messed up22:16
ochosiwhat did you do to our lovely theme..?22:16
* ochosi fears he'll have trouble sleeping22:16
ochosianyway, thanks for trying22:17
drcI turn off compositor, could that be it?22:17
ochosinah, the dark background in the window title bar is what's bothering me22:17
drcThe only other thing I can think off is an nvidia driver.22:18
ochosii guess in that case dont worry, i'll figure it out when i figure it out ;)22:21
drcSleep tight :)22:21
ochosiand you go and reinstall greybird to get rid of that hideous hideous "thing"22:21
ochosithanks, night everyone22:21
knomenighty ochosi 22:22
drcActually, as knome saw, I copied it to ~/themes and just went back to the normal greybird22:22

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