
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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xubuntu53wHello! I'm having trouble with my laptop, after I log in the desktop doesn't load and I can't figure out how to open a terminal. Can anyone help?09:19
jilocasin0morning all13:41
jilocasin0does anyone know how I can fix the bright white screen on screen lock?13:42
jilocasin0(xubuntu 15.04 iMac)13:42
Spiderare you booting from a cd or usb or have you already installed it to your HD?14:02
Spideri assume you can't get it to boot at all.14:02
knomejilocasin0, fwiw, macs aren't officially supported14:05
jilocasin0already installed, working just fine with the exception of lock screen causes both screens to glow bright white and login mirrored across displays.14:10
jilocasin0Spider: needed to install El Captian, which updated the firmware and used the standard Xubuntu 15.04 x64 install disk. Option to get to the boot screen to choose the EFI (not windows) disk image (it displays 2 when it detects them).  The only other issue was to turn off Apple's new 'rootless' mode with it's EFI protection.14:13
jilocasin0Spider: I'm typing this from the Xubuntu session.14:14
jilocasin0Spider: Unlike Kubuntu, Xubuntu seemed to handle the UEFI just fine (or at least the install disk).14:14
jilocasin0I've been googling the white lock screen, and it seems to have been a problem for various people bavck since the 14.x series.14:15
jilocasin0Spider: the few pages that offered links to a proported fix (updated developer launchpad sites) all return errors at this point.14:16
Spideri see14:17
jilocasin0Hence my inquiry here.14:17
jilocasin0Spider: I can't just remove light-dm as that will remove Xubuntu core and a bunch of other fairly critical components.14:18
knomejilocasin0, xubuntu-core is a metapackage, you can safely remove that14:18
jilocasin0Do you know of a setting to be tweaked, or a replacement package?14:19
knomereplacement for what?14:20
jilocasin0the screen blank/lock program?14:20
Spideryour running light locker right?14:20
jilocasin0I believe so14:21
Spiderhave you cjecked settingsd14:21
Spiderchecked settings?14:21
jilocasin0Spider: which?14:21
Spiderlight locker settings?14:21
Spiderlight locker replaced xscreensaver14:22
jilocasin0Locking: ENable Light-locker: On, AUtomatically lock the session = Never, Delay locking after screensaver for = 1 sec, Lock on suspend = off14:23
Spideris xscreensaver on that machine14:24
Spideryou could try removing it14:24
jilocasin0Spider: Nope it isn't.14:25
Spideror try installing it?14:27
jilocasin0Spider: Installing now.14:28
Spiderthere quite a few bugs centered around lock and power managment it seems with xubuntu14:28
Spiderjust looking at all the stuff on launchpad14:29
knomesome of it is related to driver stuff but people think it's the locking.14:29
jilocasin0Spider: It seems to be.  My Dell at dome (i5,  Nvidia, 16GB Ram) occationally flashes to white from the lockscreen, but it usually clears itself after a few seconds and never sits at bright white like the iMac does.14:30
Spidermakes sense i know i have had similar display issues because of driver issues related to my nvidia card14:31
Spideryou would think something like this would be trivial14:32
Spideri have experienced these types of things on other distros so it seems to be driver/kernel related14:33
jilocasin0Spider: you would think.  At this point I think simply having a "blank the screen and present the login dialog" would be a nice workaround to fallback to in situations like this.14:33
knomejilocasin0, patches are welcome...14:34
jilocasin0Now light locker says my screensaver settings are managed by XFce Power Manager.14:34
Spiderah ha14:34
jilocasin0knome: I 've heard that before ;P14:34
a1fai have a mouse acceleration with mouse locker14:35
jilocasin0Spider: After it finished installing xscreensaver.14:35
a1famouse acceleration problem14:35
a1fai'm running a startup script to slow down the mouse /disable mouse acceleration/14:35
jilocasin0knome: C right?  Any particular flavor?14:35
a1faits reverted on locker14:35
knomejilocasin0, https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker14:37
knome*if* it is a light-locker problem, that is14:38
Spider jilocasin0 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-power-manager/+bug/110198214:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1101982 in xfce4-session "inconsistent settings for lock screen between xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager" [Wishlist,Fix released]14:39
Spidermay be related14:39
jilocasin0Spider: when I cntrl-alt-del still get max brightness white, both screens.  Mouse click = mirrored login prompts (display NOT mirrored) and the default back ground.14:39
mohan_hi friends my terminal not showing hello world output for java14:40
mohan_there is no errors or warning messages too14:40
jilocasin0spider: I would actually prefer THAT bug.14:40
bazhang##java mohan_14:41
bazhangthats a channel14:41
mohan_am new to linux itself14:41
bazhang /join ##java14:41
Spiderjilocasin0: well i guess you have been down the list on launchpad then14:42
jilocasin0Spider: Yep, just went back over them.... mostly permissions, security bugs listed.14:47
jilocasin0Spider: at this point, just having the ability to turn off the monitor would do (iMac doesn't have a monitor switch).14:48
Spider$ xset dpms force off14:50
Spider$ xset dpms force on14:51
jilocasin0Spider: seems to be a dead end on the light-locker side.  I guess the only thing left is to switch the video driver from the default newvuo(sp?)14:53
Spidermaybe that can help?14:54
jilocasin0Spider: Well, your comment about driver and switching issue makes me think (hope) it might.14:54
Spideri wish i could help more but i am still a N@@B14:55
jilocasin0Spider: Well any port in a storm.14:55
Spideri hear that14:56
jilocasin0Spider: reformatting an external hard drive (was 800GB HFS+ journaled) but of course linux can 't mount that R/W.  Shrunk it to 400GB and formatting the other 400GB ext4.14:59
jilocasin0Spider:  it feels like it's taking forever.15:00
Spiderwhat version of light locker are you using?15:02
Spideras well as light locker settings?15:02
jilocasin0Spider: light locker settings 1.5.0-ounbuntu15:03
jilocasin0Spider: light locker settings 1.6.0-0ubuntu215:04
jilocasin0Spider: light locker  1.6.0-0ubuntu215:05
Spiderare you dual booting?15:12
jilocasin0Spider: I could. I've left a small OSX El Capitan partition in the even I needed to update the firmware, etc.15:12
jilocasin0afternoon all19:45
a1faits afternoon somewhere19:47
drcIt's five o'clock somewhere....19:48
jilocasin0so does anyone know how to disable autoresizing in xubuntu?19:54
flocculantjilocasin0: try window manager tweaks - accessibility - turn off tile windows at screen edge - might be what you mean19:55
drcjilocasin0: Are you talking about a window tiling when drug to the edge type of thing?19:55
drcand what flocculant  said19:56
drcif you are.19:56
jilocasin0I'm talking about the window automatically resizing to full screen if I move it too close to an edge19:56
drcjilocasin0: see ^^19:56
jilocasin0Thanks, that's done it.19:57
jilocasin0Now if I can remember how to get arrows back on my scroll bars and edges I can actually resize.19:58
drcwhat version?19:58
jilocasin0Xubuntu 15.04 installed on Apple iMac 27" late 2013.19:59
drcNot sure for 15.04, but 15.10b has a Greybird-accessability theme that helps with that.20:00
jilocasin0Earlier today I was having issues with a bright white lock screen.  I fixed that by switching to the proprietary NVidia driver.20:00
jilocasin015.10.....  almost here.20:00
knomejilocasin0, http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/20:01
jilocasin0knome: thanks (but I have already read that)  I am looking to resize with trackball, not keyboard.20:02
jilocasin0knome: this should be a simple matter of moving pointer to window edge, wait until cursor changes shape, click and resize.20:03
flocculantjilocasin0: try a different theme20:03
jilocasin0knome: unfortunately someone(s) thought that micro thin (but unpractical) widow edges looked 'cooler'.  If/when transparent pixels are supported by the window manager (such that you can have a multi pixel target) that might work.  As it is, it's frustrating.20:05
flocculantand there's stuff on the web somewhere about mucking about with the window styles to make them thicker20:05
jilocasin0knome: even more so on an ultra hi dpi display,where the actual size of the single pixel is nearly microscopic.20:05
knomejilocasin0, they aren't, and making the shadows of windows work as draggable area isn't that simple either.20:06
knomejilocasin0, trust me, i know this issue thorough; the best thing for now is to learn another way to resize20:07
knomejilocasin0, or change the theme as several people have pointed out20:07
jilocasin0flocculant: yep, for my home PC (also running Xubuntu 15.04) I've taken to hand editing hex values to make a version of Greybird with thicker edges20:08
drcjilocasin0: Like I said, there a "thicker" version of Greybird "coming to a screen near you". :)20:10
jilocasin0drc: can't wait.  And why do most of the scroll bars NOT have any arrows at the ends?20:11
flocculantwhy would you need an arrow?20:11
drcDunno, ask the developers. And I really don't care, TBH.20:11
jilocasin0drc: then how to you move the page, just a little bit (especially on a multipage document where a slight mouse move == several paragraphs or pages of movement)?20:12
jilocasin0flocculant: to move the page just a little bit.20:13
drcjilocasin0: Like I said, I really don't care.20:14
jilocasin0drc: I know, I 'heard you'.  I was responding to flocculant's question.20:14
drc<jilocasin0> drc: then how to you....   And with that I'm out.20:15
=== TheRedQueen is now known as Drone`
adrenalineDoes anybody know why, I have the light locker disabled and harddisks and video set to never go dark, why it still goes dark in xubuntu?20:50
mrkrampsadrenaline, screensaver or dpms?20:51
mrkrampsin terms of Xserver features … check with:$ xset q20:52
drcmrkramps: I have seen/had monitors that had a hardwired blanking feature.  Maybe that?20:53
mrkrampsi guess that's called DPMS …20:53
drcDunno, your guess is as good as mine :)20:54
drcIt's been a while.20:54
adrenalinemrkramps: no screensaver20:56
mrkrampsadrenaline, screensaver is not an additional software but a xserver feature20:56
adrenalinedrc: mrkramps this is not happening to you? Or do you not have them set to never?20:56
mrkrampsif i disable DPMS and screensaver there is of course no blanking20:57
adrenalineI have not screensaver option in my settings20:57
drcopps, sorry...confused the two :(20:57
adrenalineI am running 14.04 btw20:57
mrkrampsadrenaline, did you check your screensaver settings with:$ xset q ?20:58
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adrenalinemrkramps: I do have that, but I am  not familiar --checking it out now20:59
adrenalineIt says DPMS is Disabled20:59
mrkrampsadrenaline, which is you DPMS setting but not screensaver20:59
adrenalineI see Screen Saver prefer blanking yes timeout 600 cycle 60021:00
adrenalineHow do I change that to never never21:00
adrenalineThanks for the info btw that is pretty cool.21:00
mrkrampsadrenaline:$ xset s off21:01
mrkrampsjust put it in your autostart to make it permanent21:01
adrenalinenice that set the timeout to 021:01
adrenalinecycle is still 60021:01
flocculanttry setting them in power manager display settings - in AC power on the livesession21:02
adrenalineflocculant: it is already set to never there21:04
adrenalinemrkramps: I just added it to autostart thanks for the advice.21:04
adrenalinethat has been baffling me for a long time.21:04
=== Guest49704 is now known as max12345

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