
orangesoxstill looping... i'm ready to scrub the disk and try again. i think i saved a lot of files from the lost partition but i don't care anymore. ha i'm in over my head00:00
bpromptorangesox:     cp :) is one way.... I usually use zip though ->  zip -9ry myhome.zip ~/*00:00
bpromptyou could just "cp" it as well, -> cp -r ~ SOMEOTHERDIR00:01
orangesoxbprompt:  THANK YOU for your time00:03
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sochayo, anyone else have a problem in konqueror where youtube refuses to go full screen; pops up a message saying it's not supported? I can get it to do it sometimes (or else im hallucinating)05:33
sochaand by pop up, i mean just a lil hover message over the full screen button05:33
denza242socha: try the webkit view05:51
socha@denza242, thx, been using webkit though. bah, guess i will just have to open them in firefox or start a downloading everything05:59
sochaheh, kq webkit cant handle some pages (lifehacker kept freezing my laptop), but khtml doesnt even play youtube (yet plays other video sites which crash webkit!) Was hoping i had missed a setting. mm, will give purging a try. i love konqueror, so will give everything a try... bbl06:02
sochalol, it was google's fault. switching user agent to iesomething fixed it06:15
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lordievaderGood morning07:02
bukai#join #django07:04
Giraffe_hey, so I have sass the css thing installed, and also have sass the assembly compiler08:20
Giraffe_I want `sass` to default to the compiler; how can I do that? (atm the one on my path is the CSS one)08:20
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twsGiraffe - I'm pretty sure you'll get the first executable in your path it finds. You'd have to rename one or the other. Be careful if installed via the repositories though.08:46
Giraffe_they both installed to the same place, and because the last update re-installed ruby, the compiler was replaced08:46
Giraffe_so I just moved the compiler08:47
twsI'd be inclined to make a new link/shell script that calls the one you want08:47
twsodd, in all my years I've never come across a name clash like that. Maybe I'm not as experienced as I like to think.08:47
Giraffe_well im new so d:08:48
Giraffe_I could be wrong, I just think that's what occured08:48
Giraffe_I couldn't just do a `gem uninstall sass` because ruby-sass was installed by the vendor, not by gem08:48
twsDon't really do Ruby, but you could yum / apt-get remove if you don't want it.08:49
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yossarianukhi - is there a way can I view  my machine's present power usage  (on the cli) in Linux?09:01
alvinIs there someone who can confirm a bug on Kubuntu 15.10 beta2? Konsole > Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks. What happens?09:02
lordievaderyossarianuk: Powertop can show you the wattage if you are on battery.09:03
alvinyossarianuk: Maybe some file in /sys/class/power_supply?09:05
yossarianukalvin: lordievader: cheers09:05
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1505246 in plasma-workspace (Ubuntu) "LCD backlight remains off" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:43
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alvinNoone wants to quickly try the bookmarks? (If you have 15.10 somewhere)09:56
yossarianukjust tried a new browser -> http://www.qupzilla.com/  seems really nice10:12
yossarianukfits into KDE theme better than fierefox..10:12
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yossarianuk(new to me)10:12
mparilloyossarianuk: Have you tested spell-check in qupzilla? It was not working with my pretty-generic 32-bit Wily build10:18
yossarianukmparillo: no not yet.. just installed  it - seems quick and lightweight though.10:23
yossarianukmparillo: this may help ? -> https://github.com/QupZilla/qtwebkit-plugins10:23
yossarianukyou have to export 'DICTIONARY' I believe10:24
yossarianukalways nice to try out a new browser - especially a QT based one.10:24
yossarianukI'm not a fan of chrome  - something about the way it copies block of text...10:25
mparilloAhh hunspell. That might be connected to my other spell-check bug on konversation: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34915110:25
ubottuKDE bug 349151 in general "Spell-Check No longer working" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:25
yossarianukI'm on 15.04 on this machine (work desktop) will try on 15.10 tonight at home though10:26
mparilloAnd yes, I have en_US.dic in /usr/share/hunspell10:28
mparilloalvin: When I try Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks, I get  a Bookmarks Editor10:32
yossarianukmparillo: hmm can't see en_GB - I guess this is a subject for #QupZilla (if that exists)10:44
mparilloyossarianuk: Funny thing, when I set my locale to en_GB. spell-check started working in konversation10:50
mparilloI was a different machine, and I never tried that trick with qupzilla. I would rather use British spellings than have no spell checque at all ;-)10:51
alvinmparillo: You are running 15.10?11:48
alvinmparillo: Thanks for trying. I get nothing and I have no idea why. (Same in KRDC)11:53
BluesKajHiyas all11:55
mcyberHola a todos desde EspaƱa12:31
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denza242how do I make konqueror use the Dolphin KPart18:22
Vtec234Hello, so i was looking at Kubuntu on wikipedia, and there is a screenshot https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Kubuntu_15.04_with_a_dark_theme.png of 15.04 there. The system info widget on the right is looking phenomenal, so my question is does anybody know what it is?18:57
denza242Vtec234: i think that's conky19:11
Vtec234denza24: it is indeed that! thanks19:18
ejayHi all. I'm here to say that I'm so impressed of how plasma5 is handling external monitors. Wow. It's like box of chocolates - you can't tell what retarded behavior you will excperience while plugin' in monitor cable.19:36
denza242ejay: thanks19:40
duke_wubba lubba dubdub19:47
CoffeeJsounds like dub dub step19:50
duke_sounds like rick from rick and morty19:50
ejayGuys, how can I make so new windows are open in my main screen not secondary screen while using externatl monitor?20:19
finetundra_Did you make sure the main is set as the primary display?20:22
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ejayfinetundra_: yes, but every window is goin to secondary.20:39
deusopusi am new to ubuntu20:40
deusopusi like it so far20:41
deusopusim using konversation right now20:41
deusopusi found an old compaq presario at goodwill and i maxed out the ram20:41
soeedeusopus: hiho20:41
mparillodeusopus: Congratulations. I love Linux for extending the life of old machines. How much RAM? Are you 64-bit? And IMHO, Kubuntu is far and away the best KDE distro at 1GB of RAM.20:52
Replop__firefox seem even more unstable here :/20:53
Draggin_Good evening! I'm back (which is never  a good thing :P ) I've taken a really long time to get up to date - I only made the move to Kubuntu 15.04 from 14.10 today. Everything seemed to go smoothly, until reboot time, of course...21:02
Draggin_I only have a command prompt upon reboot, and startx throws a whole bunch of errors...21:04
XenothDraggin: What errors?21:49
DragginI've just purged the Nvidia drivers - they seemed to be causing the initial problem, but now I'm stuck on "Starting version 219 Error: /dev/sdb: No medium found" etc21:50
XenothStarting version 219 is a systemd startup message, I think. It almost seems like GRUB or Linux is looking for things in the wrong place. Do you have two harddisks?21:51
DragginXenoth - that's the weird thing - it repeats the error for sdc too, and then once more for each21:52
DragginI only have on drive in this machine - should be sda, partitioned into various partitions21:52
XenothThat is very odd.21:54
XenothPerhaps someone who knows systemd better than I can help :/21:54
DragginThanks for the input though, Xenoth :) Gives me another clue about where to look21:59
geniiI'd suggest removing any usb sticks or external drives and issuing sudo update-grub22:02
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orangesoxhello all... needing some help using the terminal to copy my home directory to an external hd22:51
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orangesoxanyone can help me?22:58
DragginMy kernel log seems to indicate that something might be wrong with my root partition - it's being remounted as read-only. How can I determine what's causing that to happen?23:07

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