
Captonjamason_i found i custom icon theme (faenza-icon-theme) how do i install it02:51
Captonjamason_im new to LXDE02:51
Captonjamason_familiar with linux02:51
Unit193!info faenza-icon-theme02:51
ubottufaenza-icon-theme (source: faenza-icon-theme): Faenza icon theme. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-1 (vivid), package size 15183 kB, installed size 66491 kB02:51
Unit193Use synaptic, the software center, or apt-get install faenza-icon-theme02:52
tsimonq2*sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme02:52
Captonjamason_i already have it02:53
Captonjamason_i mean actuelly install it to my  icons02:54
Unit193Not install then, just switch to it.  Open lxappearance and set it.02:54
Captonjamason_i didnt know thats what i had to do02:55
Captonjamason_thanks Unit19302:55
Captonjamason_okay and just one more quick question, how do i remove a repository02:56
Captonjamason_i cant remeber02:56
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html02:57
Captonjamason_i havent used ubuntu in around 3-4 months02:58
Captonjamason_and compleatly new to LXDE02:58
tachibanaim new to03:19
tachibanathe task bar is ugly03:19
tachibanathe clock needs some weird code to not display army time03:19
tachibanaeven when I load a taskbar background color panel image it still looks blocky03:21
tachibanawhat is this windows 9503:21
utu8olubuntu needs to give a warning when the battery is almost empty instead of just shutting down without notice04:40
utu8oor at least go into power saving mode like sleep or hibernate04:41
jiridoHi. I installed ati propertary drivers but dont come true with them.. How do i revert from promt to opencource? Im on the sea and this laptop is al that i have.. so i have hard to check11:52
=== g4mby is now known as PaulW2U
Chicken_Wrapj #lubuntu-offtopic18:58
jotik_workthis too is an offtopic message :D18:58
Chicken_WrapI like ice cream.18:58
Chicken_WrapOnly mint, though. That is all.18:58
* wxl hates mint. Well, peppermint. Spearamint is pretty good.18:59
Chicken_WrapYou fiend.18:59
Chicken_WrapPistachio is pretty good too.19:00
wxlheck yes.19:00
* jotik_work wonders why he is still on this channel... switched back to kubuntu a while ago.19:00
Chicken_WrapI'm having an issue with the live version of Lubuntu (15.04). Sometimes the icons on the desktop won't show up, so I have to {killall pcmanfm} and {pcmanfm --desktop --profile lubuntu} for them to show up. Is anyone else having this problem?21:25
jiridoHi i happened to try to install ati drivers but reverted by uninstall fglrx driver. Now thou video dont play well at all. I need an advice..21:26
ianorlinjirido: did you blacklist the opensource drivers?21:29
jiridoianorlin: no i do not think so.. not activly atleast21:30
ianorlinmaybe wehen you instaleld them?21:30
jiridoi just used the "aditional drivers" and checked in the "using video driver for AMD graphics accelerators from fglrx-updates"21:34
tsimonq2 /win 521:35
jiridoianorlin: After that i used amdconfig --initialice -- infile=/etc/X11/xorg.conf but after uninstalling i deleted the xorg.conf file21:38
jiridoianorlin: video plays but slugish .. what is the driver i should reinstall21:41
jiridoor how do i unblacklist?21:41
ianorlinjirido: do you have a live media you can try booting?21:52
ianorlindid it work with open source before?21:52
ianorlinif it works with live then you might have misconfigured your install to break the graphics driver21:52
jiridoianorlin: os graphics are al alright and video plays alright as long it is the original size... is that the graphics driver then?22:22
jiridoI have live manjaro and that works alright22:23
jiridoand yes it worked good. I have to enter compiz --rplace everytime i reboot to get window decorations even if compiz is my default so i thought changeing video drivers might have had an effect.. :(22:25
jiridoi was reading on this subject and realized that i had fglrx-core still installed.. and uninstalled it and will try to reboot and see if that will help22:27
ianorlinwait you are using compiz?22:56
ianorlinI though lubuntu default was openbox22:56
Unit193Openbox is default.22:57

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