
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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biezpalgood morning all04:49
biezpalSeems like we have faced another "random-version-string" problem, similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/149839605:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1498396 in Snappy "Random string in data path breaks application" [Undecided,Fix committed]05:00
biezpalWe have service in snap package with apparmor profile defined like:05:00
biezpalprofile "app_ovs-init-db_0.0.1" {05:00
biezpal  capability,05:00
biezpal  ...05:00
biezpalIn systemd this service exist with name "app_ovs-init-db_IDDSYPEfafNM.service" and seems like apparmor cannot change profile properly because of different names. When we trying to start service through ubuntu-core-launcher we see error:05:00
biezpalaa_change_onexec failed with -105:00
biezpal. errmsg: No such file or directory05:00
biezpalIf we change service name in apparmor profile and start service again - everything works fine.05:00
biezpalHow can we configure apparmor profile to work with random named services?05:00
jjohansenbiezpal: ?05:01
jjohansenbiezpal: within a profile you can specify the name to transition to05:02
jjohansen  /foo px -> bar,05:02
jjohansenor you could use the the change_profile api05:02
jjohansenfrom a shell you can do05:03
jjohansen  aa-exec -p profile_name -- your shell command05:03
jjohansenand that will run your shell command with the specified profile_name05:04
jjohansenaa-exec is just a wrapper around the change_profile api05:04
biezpaljjohansen, but we need valid apparmor profile before snap package installed05:04
biezpalwe have a list of service that should run automatically after package installed and we cannot change all profiles manually from shell05:06
jjohansenbiezpal: so what kind of changes do you need to the profile?  Just changing the name, or do you need to change the profile contents?05:07
jjohansensorry, I am reading the bug now05:08
biezpalapparmor profile that we have in snap package becomes invalid after install because of randow version in service name05:08
jjohansenbiezpal: do you need the random version in the profile name?05:09
biezpalfor example, profile defined for service_0.0.1 but system looking for service_IDDSYPEfafNM05:10
biezpaljjohansen, we don't need random version in profile :)05:11
biezpalcause we cannot define them in advance, before installation05:11
biezpaland because of it our services cannot start05:12
jjohansenso, I  am not sure what the best way to proceed from here, jdstrand will know the snap integration part much better05:13
jjohansenbiezpal: unfortunately jdstrand won't come online for about 8 hours05:14
biezpaljjohansen, yes, we know :)05:14
biezpalthanks anyway05:14
jjohansenbiezpal: my initial reaction is don't do that :)05:15
jjohansenit is possible to make the change_profile rule match multiple versions05:15
jjohansenand I am guessing that will be the route to go, but I'd run it past jdstrand first05:16
biezpalok, waiting for jdstrand05:17
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dholbachgood morning06:36
mvohey dholbach, good morning06:40
dholbachhi mvo06:41
mvoogra_: hi, fwiw, I triggered a new build for vivid from proposed that contains some rest api fixes (just in case you wonder why a new build is happening right now)06:59
fgimenezgood morning07:02
Chipacasomething weird is up with wily07:53
Chipacagetting stuck in emerg mode07:53
Chipacamvo: o/07:58
mvohey Chipaca08:00
Chipacamvo: how's things?08:00
Chipacamvo: did you know wily edge 199 -> 201 lands you in emergency mode right now?08:02
Chipacamvo: (just in case you thought things were ok :-p)08:02
mvoChipaca: uff08:04
mvoChipaca: ok, thats alarming as it most likely affects stable in some way too08:04
longsleepgood morning snappy08:04
Chipacaindeed, I am moderately alarmed by this08:04
ChipacaChipaca code Mauve08:05
* Chipaca steals python *and* perl from under longsleep's feet08:05
Chipacalongsleep: morning :)08:05
longsleephehe i switched from Perl to Python in 200108:08
longsleepso have fun with the Perl but let me keep Python :P08:08
longsleepbut aside from scripting languages, what is the best practice to create an snappy image with many snaps pre installed where some of the snaps are not in the store? I have to start with some build system for this soon - any suggestions?08:11
fgimenezhi mvo08:25
mvohey fgimenez08:26
fgimenezi'm trying 15.04/edge r212 on kvm and it doesn't have eth0 up when started08:27
fgimenezmvo, is that a known issue? ^08:27
mvofgimenez: not a know issue :(08:28
fgimenezmvo, i'll try to check again and ping you back, even more after sudo ifconfig eth0 up it only has a ipv6 address08:30
Chipacafgimenez: not any eth0, or not ipv4?08:30
fgimenezChipaca, only lo08:30
Chipacafgimenez: "ifconfig eth0 up", or ifup eth0?08:30
Chipacafgimenez: what do you have in /etc/network/interfaces.d?08:31
fgimenezChipaca, eth0 with: "allow-hotpug eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp"08:32
Chipacafgimenez: and "sudo journalctl -x"?08:33
Chipacafgimenez: anything red in that? :)08:33
mvofgimenez: so it might be the new kernel http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/core-image-stats/vivid/20151013.1.changes08:36
fgimenezChipaca, :) a few about ACPI, EXT4-fs and pkcsslotd, I also get http://paste.ubuntu.com/12771951/08:38
mvoChipaca: hm, I just upgraded rolling and no panic, let me try to reproduce again with the exact versions08:42
ogra_fgimenez, there is actually a \n in the eth0 file ?09:02
fgimenezogra_, no, just for displaying it here :)09:06
ogra_ah, k09:06
Chipacaogra_: excellent question :)09:07
ogra_hah, look ... my test server just started spilling autopilot reboot messages to the console ... it is on 211 ... lets see if it comes up09:08
fgimenezogra_, latest stable was 185 on edge, right?09:15
ogra_fgimenez, yup09:16
Chipacagah! map is not a function, it's a keyword :-(09:18
fgimenezogra_, ok thx, i'll try upgrade and rollback from there09:18
* ogra_ waits for ogra2 to return ...09:18
ogra_there he is09:18
ogra_so looks like my installed/auto-upgraded server comes up fine with 21209:19
ogra_yep, all up09:19
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Tuesday, and happy Ada Lovelace Day! 😃09:19
mvoChipaca: so r199->201 is a 40mb delta update and I strongly suspect it contains a new kernel *but* for me it did not panic :(10:04
mvoChipaca: no new kernel, sorry10:04
mvoChipaca: do you have some more details about the recovery mode you ended up in?10:05
Chipacamvo: it looks recoverish?10:05
Chipacamvo: dunno what details there are to be had :)10:05
Chipacait's a kvm in snapshot mode, so i can drop back to the old thing and redo the update any time10:06
Chipaca(and have, multiple times, and it ends up in emerg mode every time)10:06
Chipacaah, this might be relevant10:06
Chipacafailed to exec /bin/plymouth10:07
mvoChipaca: I thnk the pylmouth is a red-herring10:07
Chipacaok :)10:07
mvoChipaca: does it tell you why its in recovery mode? or is it because of plymouth and its not a red-herring at all :) ?10:07
Chipacaah, charset not found10:07
mvoChipaca: ha!10:07
Chipacafailed to mount /boot/efi10:07
mvoChipaca: so that indicates that the kernel has changed but no modules10:07
Chipacabecause charset not found10:07
mvoChipaca: so a new kernel but no modules, or rather, the filesystem has a new kernel abi and the old kernel is booted which then can not load the nls8859-1 module10:08
ogra_someone dropped vfat stuff ?10:08
ogra_it shouldnt be a module anymore10:08
* ogra_ asked for that ages ago 10:08
mvoChipaca: can you inspect the filesystem?10:08
Chipacamvo: sure, what do i look for?10:09
mvoChipaca: i.e. md5sums of /boot/grub/{a,b}/*10:09
Chipacalet me see if i can bring up ssh10:09
mvoChipaca: and "ls /lib/modules/ /writable/cache/system/"10:09
mvoChipaca: I actually suspect just 199->201 is not enough, something like ?->199->201, i.e. old-kernel->new->new maybe?10:10
ogra_(amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ lsmod |grep vfat10:10
ogra_(amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ cat /proc/filesystems |grep fat10:10
Chipacatrying to bring up ssh froze stuff (?)10:10
Chipacaogra_: what about nls10:10
Chipacaogra_: problem isn't vfat10:10
ogra_nls8859-1 really needs to be compiled in, givcen that vaft is too10:10
mvoyeah, its nls885910:10
ogra_i'm not doubting that :)10:11
ogra_but vfat is useless without nls8859, so it needs to be compiled in too10:11
mvoall good, well, there is a bug in our code somewhere I think10:11
* mvo nods10:12
Chipacawhere was the kernel config stored?10:12
ogra_(though it helps finding module issues :P )10:12
ogra_Chipaca, in boot (if you are lucky and the kernel is the same as in the device tarball(10:12
Chipacamvo: before the reboot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772258/10:12
Chipacaogra_: where in boot?10:13
mvoChipaca: what does the module dirs look like?10:14
ogra_Chipaca, in /boot10:14
Chipaca$ ls /lib/modules/10:14
Chipaca$ ls /boot/10:14
ogra_oh !10:14
Chipacaefi  grub10:14
ogra_(amd64)ogra@aleph2:~$ ls /boot/10:14
ogra_System.map-3.19.0-31-generic  efi   initrd.img-3.19.0-31-generic  vmlinuz-3.19.0-31-generic.efi.signed10:14
ogra_abi-3.19.0-31-generic         grub  vmlinuz-3.19.0-31-generic10:14
mvoChipaca: and the other one? /writable/cache ?10:14
ogra_no config anymore ?10:14
mvoChipaca: and the other one? /writable/cache/system/lib/modules ?10:14
Chipaca$ ls /writable/cache/system/lib/modules/10:14
mvoChipaca: so that is before the reboot?10:15
mvoChipaca: what is the content  /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/channel.ini?10:16
mvoChipaca: and /etc/system-image/channel.ini ?10:16
mvoChipaca: so I'm super confused, /lib/modules is different on a/b but the kernel is the same but also the "other" parition has a lower version for the kernel modules than your current partition10:17
Chipacamvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772276/10:17
mvoChipaca: thats puzzling10:17
mvoChipaca: thanks, so other looks correct and yet it has the modules for 4.2.0-14-generic ?10:18
mvoChipaca: it explains the failure, but how the systemd ended up in that state is the interessting part now :)10:19
mvoChipaca: does it make sense so far? what I'm saying?10:19
Chipacamvo: new system has .16 kernel and .14 modules --> how can it i don't even10:20
Chipacamvo: makes sense to me10:20
mvoChipaca: yeah, it does not make any sense, do you still have content in /writable/cache ? i.e. the delta update?10:21
mvoChipaca: the delta update files?10:21
mvoChipaca: so one theory might be that the delta update used the wrong base, e.g. "other" was "185" but the delta update used soemthing later that did no include the kernel change in the filesystem which is still a weak theory because the kernel itself was part of the delta10:22
Chipacamvo: where in /writable/cache should i have content?10:24
Chipacai mean, there's /writable/cache/system :)10:24
Chipacalet me start over, and see what system-image-cli has to say for itself10:25
Chipaca$ sudo system-image-cli -n10:26
ChipacaUpgrade path is 200:20110:26
mvoChipaca: yeah, thanks. if you still have the state of before the upgrade, thats awsome, what revno was "other" before?10:26
Chipacayes, i do still have the before-upgrade; always do kvm -snapshot here10:26
mvoChipaca: we dtive system-image by pointing it to the "other" parition so that we get the delta download relative to this "other"10:26
Chipacabecause i can commit a snapshot, but can't uncommit a non-snapshot :)10:27
Chipacaversion_detail: ubuntu=20151008,raw-device=20151008,version=19710:27
Chipacathat's /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/channel.ini before the upgrade10:27
Chipaca(i mean, it has all the other stuff, but that's got the info you want)10:28
mvoChipaca: could you run system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image -n10:30
mvoChipaca: thats what snappy will do?10:30
mvoChipaca: well, it will not use "-n"10:30
ChipacaI can, but you might not like it10:31
mvoChipaca: this smells like a but in s-i or a bug in the way we drive it10:31
Chipaca$ sudo system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image -n10:31
ChipacaAlready up-to-date10:31
mvoChipaca: oh? well, that would explain the issue, but … but?10:31
mvowhy does it think its up-to-date?10:31
Chipacamvo: wait, we get to blame barry for this?10:31
Chipacathat's always a win!10:32
mvoChipaca: do you have --debug or something in s-i?10:32
mvoChipaca: well, we better have hard data to backup this claim ;)10:32
mvoChipaca: hm, I hope this getprop failure is not the issue :(10:36
mvoChipaca: what does "sudo system-image-cli -n -v" yield?10:36
Chipacai'm assuming that's part of the "check you're on an ubuntu phone" code :)10:36
mvoChipaca: ups, coud you set the -C dir to "/writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d" instead?10:37
mvoChipaca: sorry, I think I pasted you the wrong dir10:37
Chipaca“Upgrade path is 201”10:38
mvoChipaca: I wonder what that means, if it means a full download, we are good, if it means just the 200:201 delta not so much10:39
Chipacai think a delta is written m:n10:40
mvoChipaca: if you run it with "--no-apply" instead of "-n", what does it download?10:40
Chipacaas in the 200:201 you get without -C10:40
mvothe download will end up in /writable/cache10:40
Chipacahttp://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-core/rolling/edge/generic_amd64/version-201.tar.xz.asc -> /writable/cache/version-201.tar.xz.asc10:40
mvoi.e. sudo system-image-cli -C /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/ -g -v10:40
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Chipacaincludes: device-2bc2ee8db5cd33e143438171da503c2ce56eeb49adc0617872b9a099d18c2288.tar.xz10:43
Chipacaand that file has lib/modules/4.2.0-16-generic10:43
Chipacaand vmlinuz
Chipacawait, that shouldn't be a problem :)10:44
mvoChipaca: ok, so the next suspect is the upgrader then that applies the upgrade10:44
Chipacamvo: is that also system-image?10:45
mvoChipaca: "sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files" maybe?10:45
mvoChipaca: "sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files --debug" maybe?10:45
ChipacaFailed to read command file: None10:46
mvoChipaca: is there a ubuntu_command file in /writable/cache ?10:46
Chipacamvo: i could send you the kvm image, fwiw :)10:46
mvoChipaca: that might be easier indeed10:46
mvoChipaca: less learning expereince for you :P10:47
Chipacawhich is why i'm not stopping you :)10:47
mvoChipaca: I'm kidding, I will be so happy when this part gets replaced10:47
longsleepDoes it make sense to test for future breakage anything other than 15.04/edge (which works fine). Should i test rolling/edge from time to time?10:47
mvoChipaca: but maybe you will appreciate it more this way when we replace it10:47
mvoChipaca: "sudo ubuntu-core-upgrade --dry-run --leave-files --debug /writable/cache/ubuntu_command"10:49
mvoChipaca: sorry for my mistaken cmdline earlier10:50
mvoChipaca: and feel free to upload your image to people.c.c or something and I can poke it harder10:50
mvoChipaca: this command should give us some hints10:50
Chipacaubuntu-core-upgrade: error: argument --debug: invalid int value: '/writable/cache/ubuntu_command'10:50
* Chipaca goes with 910:52
Chipacawhoa, that was verbose. doing over.10:52
mvoChipaca: I get some lunch but will read scrollback10:54
Chipacamvo: stderr: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12772425/10:56
Chipacamvo: stdout looks like a tar listing, can upload if needed10:56
mvoChipaca: hm, if you run that without --dry-run, does it unpack the right lib/modules? I suspect it will and this means something is missing here :(10:58
mvoChipaca: i.e. somewhere what we did is not what snappy did10:59
* mvo really lunches first10:59
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Chipacamvo: indeed, that worked perfectly11:01
Chipacadoing over with strace11:02
mvoChipaca: yeah, lets figure out what it execve()s :/11:03
Chipacaolli: sergiusens: mo'in11:03
* sergiusens has a nasty cold since yesterday11:04
Chipacaso does the uk11:04
Chipacathey're calling it "autumn"11:04
sergiusensChipaca, it snowed in the Altas Cumbres yesterday!11:04
sergiusenswe are enjoying spring ;-)11:04
Chipacawow, slightly late this year11:05
Chipacausually it's september it snows :)11:05
Chipacaok, lots of trace files :)11:06
Chipacahah, well, that's something that went wrong11:07
Chipaca/tmp/trace.1080:execve("/usr/bin/system-image-cli", ["system-image-cli", "--progress", "json", "-C", "/etc/system-image/config.d"], [/* 23 vars */]) = 011:08
Chipacaand that happens if it can't read the one in /writable/cache11:09
Chipaca$ ls -l /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini11:09
Chipacalrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Oct 13 11:04 /writable/cache/system/etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini -> ../client.ini11:09
Chipacapuzzled, now11:10
ogra_why ?11:12
ogra_the old s-i-cli used /etc/system-image/client.ini by default, the new one uses the files under /etc/system-image/config.d/11:13
Chipacai think this is related to a bug barry already fixed11:17
Chipacawith system-image not really requiring config to work11:17
Chipacabut we still treat it like it does11:17
Chipacaand system-image used to crash with a symlink, but he fixed taht11:17
Chipacaogra_: in any case, it's doing the wrong update and getting into trouble11:18
* olli waves at Chipaca11:18
Chipacai'm not sure when using the wrong config for system image is the right thing, but this isn't one of those times :)11:18
ogra_well, whats inside that client.ini  ?11:18
ogra_it should point to the new image11:18
Chipacait's not there ^11:19
Chipacabroken symlink11:19
ogra_ah !11:19
ogra_it should be there11:19
Chipacait refuses to bow to your imperialist views on existentialism11:20
Chipacai don't believe it's necessary any more11:20
ogra_(note that archive_master lives elsewhere in rolling, the above is stable)11:21
ogra_i thik it is still necessary11:21
* Chipaca buys ogra_ a box of chocolates of the wrong ABI11:21
mvoChipaca: ha! so 00_default.ini is a dangling symlink on wily. nice catch. its not on 15.04 fortunately there is a client.ini there but  I think its there because I put it back11:55
mvoChipaca: so the fix is to test for 01_channel.ini I guess (?) or 20_snappy.ini which is safer11:55
mvoChipaca: nice work tracking this one down \o/11:56
Chipacawhat are we actually testing for?11:56
mvoChipaca: that the other partition is "valid" (no-empty)11:56
mvoChipaca: see systemimage.go:22211:57
* mvo needs to vanish again for some seconds11:57
Chipacamvo: if the question is "can system-image build an upgrade path from this", then maybe we should check with barry and update the check11:57
Chipacamvo: there's an XXX just below where you ponted me at in systemimage.go that points at potential trouble; it doesn't say *why* it does two different checks :-/12:09
mvoChipaca: it otherIsEmpty() contains some info, no?12:09
mvoChipaca: i.e. we need(ed) in the old days both client and channnel config, nowdays we don't need a client config but we still need a snappy specific config12:10
Chipacaah, so it does, so it does12:10
mvoso checking for 20_snappy.ini seems prudent (unless I miss something)12:10
longsleepWhen testing snappy on bare metal, how many sdcards have you folks worn out already? These things drive me crazy eventually :/12:36
Chipacalongsleep: hard drives are a consumable; sd cards more so12:44
mvofgimenez: how big is /boot now with the alpha images and the signed kernels?12:44
fgimenezmvo, let me check12:44
longsleepChipaca: yeah, i am just wondering if this happens to other people as well12:45
longsleepi mean, flash 100x, the odds that the card is borked seem to be big12:45
Chipacalongsleep: yes. Fortunately update is usually good enough you only rarely need a full reflash, and that helps12:46
mvolongsleep: how many cards did you loose already? and how often does it happen?12:46
longsleepmvo: this is now the third card out of 5 which stopped working since i started working with snappy in march12:46
Chipacalongsleep: how often do you reflash?12:47
mvolongsleep: all the same batch of cards? just curious if there are differences between manufactors etc12:47
mvolongsleep: seems like a lot indeed12:47
longsleepChipaca: sure they will last longer for normal use case - though the general quality of the sdcards seem like shit, i mean these are all sandisk cards - the normal ones though. The exreme ones seem to be more durable.12:47
longsleepmvo: yes those who give i/o errors are from the same batch12:48
Chipacalongsleep: like these? http://martybugs.net/articles/images/sandisk_box_large.jpg12:48
Chipacaah, those are cf12:49
longsleepChipaca: around 100 times12:49
longsleepChipaca: yes those12:49
Chipacalongsleep: check they aren't fake sandisks12:49
longsleepand i got a broken one from transcend as well12:49
beunolongsleep, FWIW, I trashed an SD card in a single night when I wrote a small app that took pictures when it detected movement, and it rained that night  :)   (it was pointing out the window)12:49
longsleepbeuno: yeah - thats why i ask here, if this is a common thing others must have dead sdcards as well12:50
longsleepor do you all get the expensive ones?12:50
fgimenezmvo, 76M in bbb, 131M in amd6412:50
longsleepChipaca: hard to tell if its a fake12:50
Chipacalongsleep: yep, seems to vary a lot12:51
longsleepChipaca: could be, but they worked fine half a year full capacity and all. So i find it unlikely12:51
Chipacalongsleep: ah, ok :)12:51
Chipacalongsleep: these days i mostly just get the expensive ones12:51
Chipacalongsleep: but if i were working with them in bulk i'd probably be ok wiht the cheaper ones12:52
longsleepChipaca: right, thats why i am testing the cheap ones12:52
longsleepbut the Transcend one which broke today is an expensive one, only 8GB though12:52
longsleepthey give 30 years limited guarantee on that one12:53
longsleephaha they do not give that guarantee for write intensive applications12:55
Chipacai'd be tempted to get it rma'd :)12:56
longsleepthey explicitly list "servers" as write intensive or continuous use case in their warranty agreement12:56
longsleepso basically they know that the card can just fail when used in a server12:56
longsleepand that is for a card which is called "Premium"12:57
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mvoChipaca: do we have a bug for the upgrade issue or should we have one? I want to ensure its tracked because I will likely forget about it because of release and all this other stuff that is going on13:02
Chipacamvo: filing i tnow13:03
Chipacamvo: do you know why it failed for me and not for you?13:03
mvoChipaca: \o/ please add the relevant bits from irc so that we know how to fix it too :)13:03
mvoChipaca: no idea yet, in a meeting right now so I can't check, will check tonight13:04
Chipacabeuno: +113:04
Chipacamvo: bug 150568213:07
ubottubug 1505682 in Snappy "upgrade wily/edge 199->201 failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150568213:07
Chipacamvo: let me know if i should expand it any13:07
mvoChipaca: looks good13:18
Chipacaand wily.img.xz made it up13:18
sergiusenselopio, can you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snapcraft/1500902/+merge/273444 again? or are we good already?13:36
elopiosergiusens: we are good.13:41
sergiusenselopio, \o/13:41
elopioI saw Chipaca's +1 but forgot to push mine.13:41
barrymvo: hi.  what's up?13:45
mvohey barry, we tracked down  a issue in snappy to a broken /etc/system-image/config.d/00_default.ini symlink. this may be snappy specific I need to look further into it13:47
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barrymvo: cool.  si 3.0.2 in wily at least no longer crashes on dangling symlinks, but i don't think we ever tracked down why the symlink is dangling13:49
barry(don't think it is on touch)13:49
mvobarry: ok, thanks! thats good to know13:49
* mvo adds it to the bug13:50
barrymvo: i'm around all day so ping me if needed13:50
mvobarry: thanks, busy with $stuff today :( but much appreciated that offer13:52
barrymvo: i hear ya :)13:52
plarsogra_:  is pi2_0.15_all.snap still available somewhere?13:52
ogra_there is an achive folder in the download dir13:53
plarsogra_: got it, thanks!13:54
elopioChipaca: are you getting a vet error on trunk?14:10
Chipacaelopio: negatory14:10
Chipacawell, i could get *actual* trunk14:10
Chipacaand see14:10
Chipacagive me a mo'14:10
sergiusensChipaca, a month?14:11
ogra_no, he typoed mvo14:11
Chipacayes, tests are slow14:11
elopioChipaca: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12773266/14:11
Chipacadefinitely not getting that14:12
Chipacaand would be disappointed with everything if i did14:12
mvoogra_: heh14:12
elopiotarmac is not getting that either, so might be a wily thing.14:14
Chipacai'm on wily14:15
Chipacabut haven't updated14:15
Chipacaon it now14:16
Chipacaelopio: i guess i can rewrite that test to use reflect instead of the lazier printf14:18
elopioChipaca: that might be clearer, because I'm not sure what you are testing there.14:22
Chipacaelopio: pointer equality14:22
Chipacaelopio: i want to know they're the same *actual object*14:22
Chipacaelopio: but go won't let you compare functions, it protects you from thinking two functions that compare different give different values for the same inputs14:23
Chipacaor somehting, i don't know why it doesn't let you14:23
elopioChipaca: got it. It might be nicer to actually excercise that d.router.NotFoundHandler instead of just checking the references.14:26
elopiobut I'm not sure how hard it would be to write that test.14:26
elopioand I don't understand the vet error anyway. I'm upgrading here too.14:26
Chipacaelopio: updated, still not getting that14:27
Chipacaelopio: your vet probably comes from source14:27
Guest42341omg what am i doing here???14:31
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Chipacaogra_: https://pastebin.canonical.com/141658/ <- know issue of rpi2 on rolling?14:46
* ogra_ grumbles about 2fa14:46
Chipacaogra_: sorry, comes from somebody working on server side, always 2fa'd in :)14:47
ogra_definitely not known, no14:47
Chipacaogra_: anything verterok could try?14:47
mvoChipaca: "failed to find user uid/gid"  hu? no clickpkg or snappypkg user on this system?14:48
ogra_works flawless here14:49
verterokChipaca: o/14:49
Chipacaverterok: you did install the tools ppa, didn't you?14:49
ogra_(copy pasted the command)14:49
Chipacamvo: i'd guess an old u-d-f14:49
Chipacapre the switch14:49
ogra_is what i use atm14:49
Chipacaverterok: ppa:snappy-dev/tools is what i mean14:50
verterokChipaca: I have the ppa, checking the installed version14:50
Chipacaah, ok14:50
ogra_newer should work too14:50
verterokChipaca: I have http://ppa.launchpad.net/snappy-dev/beta/ubuntu14:50
* Chipaca also builds just in case14:50
Chipacaverterok: ah! no, not that one14:50
Chipacai thought we'd deleted that one already14:50
verterokChipaca: ok, removing and adding the new one14:50
Chipacathat has 0.2314:51
Chipacatools has 0.3114:51
ogra_just for reference14:51
ogra_sergiusens, can we tunr off that azure warning for RPi builds ?14:52
Chipacaogra_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/12773489/14:52
ogra_wut ?!?14:52
Chipacaogra_: $ sudo tail -n1 /etc/sudoers14:53
Chipacaogra_: just in case you thought sudo was all serious and only about security14:53
qenghoI'm accustomed to, and like, having only a debian/ directory in source control and giving that to some kind of System that creates deb packages in architectures I don't own. Am I right in thinking that, in snappy, there are about five things missing from that kind of workflow?14:57
Chipacaqengho: not sure what you mean, but I'd start with "no, you are not right"14:57
Chipacaqengho: for example, lp:~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-examples has a bunch of sources of snaps in source control15:00
qenghoThanks, Chipaca. I'll look.15:00
qenghoOkay, so cross-compiling is normal and expected, in this new world. And fabricating the programs for a package involves knowing something of the package, in this world too; there is no debian/rules kind of standard interface. I wish those facts were in the docs on the web site.15:05
sergiusensqengho, you want a snapcraft.yaml which defines everything, launchpad will build snaps from that15:06
sergiusensqengho, it is not open to public building just yet though15:06
sergiusensqengho, more context maybe?15:07
sergiusensor huh to your huh ;-)15:07
ogra_huh huh15:07
qenghoOkay, I've read most of the web site, and haven't heard of snapcraft yet.15:09
sergiusensqengho, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/snapcraft/15:11
qenghosergiusens: I think that deserves to be merged into guides, pretty early.15:14
FacuHi all! Question... we're installing the standard image in a raspberry pi 2... all works ok, and we can see the raspi in 'webdm.local'15:14
Facuit's nice, it works15:14
sergiusensqengho, right, Thibaut is working on that with dholbach15:14
Facuhowever, we want to start a *second* one, how we can change that name so we don't get BOTH trying to use webdm.local?15:14
sergiusensFacu, with snappy config and changing the hostname I think/hope15:15
verterokChipaca: FYI, now its working  (building rolling)15:15
qenghoFacu: this isn't a snappy answer, but: mdns should append numbers to avoid name collisions.   webdm.local, webdm1.local, webdm2.local15:16
Facusergiusens, that is using u-d-f, or after it?15:16
Facuqengho, and there you don't know which one is which one :) (it will depend on boot order, right?)15:17
sergiusensFacu, after, on a running image15:17
sergiusensqengho, right there is a plan15:17
sergiusensto be fair, webdm needs lots of catching up to do15:18
Facusergiusens, but to do that, I'd need to ssh into the raspi, and for that I'd need the IP ;)15:18
qenghoFacu: Something like that. Also, there's probably a hyphen before the number, now that I think about it.15:18
sergiusensFacu, it might just be easier to connect your rpi2 to your network socket in your laptop and setup nm to share the connection15:18
ogra_sergiusens, i dont think webdm picks up the hostname15:19
ogra_it still uses webdm.local in any case15:20
ogra_(unless something changed recently)15:20
Chipacaogra_: it only uses webdm if hostname is localhost15:22
Chipacayou need to restart the service though15:22
ogra_oh, i didnt know that !15:22
Chipacaecho "config: {ubuntu-core: {hostname: potato}}" | sudo snappy config ubuntu-core - | grep hostname15:22
Chipacasudo snappy service restart15:22
ChipacaFacu: ^ those two should get you sorted15:22
ogra_creeezie ... it works !15:23
sergiusensogra_, imagine that ;-)15:23
sergiusensogra_, it was done for MWC fwiw15:23
FacuChipaca, do you know if I can choose a different hostname at the u-d-f step?15:23
ogra_not at the u-d-f step15:24
ChipacaFacu: not unless you want to write your own oem snap15:24
ogra_you can pre-define settings inside the oem snap (but that would mean you need to use your own and are bound to always use --developer-mode )15:24
Chipacaogra_: jinx, i guess15:24
Facuwe're using developer mode already15:25
FacuChipaca, ogra_, sergiusens, qengho, thanks!!15:25
elopiofgimenez: so, what are we testing? 15.04 alpha?15:29
fgimenezelopio, yep, 14 for amd64 and 13 for armhf are the candidates15:30
elopiofgimenez: ok. And we are only missing some exploratory to see if we catch the ip issue again?15:30
fgimenezelopio, yes, the suite is passing on both (with eventual failures of the rollback test, but that's a test problem), i've tried -rollback and -update on amd64 too15:31
fgimenezelopio, also 13->14->13->14... oon amd64, i'm currently doing the same for bbb15:32
elopiofgimenez: awesome.15:32
fgimenezelopio, there's also this branch https://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/fix-activate-test, activate is not present in the rc images15:33
fgimenezelopio, and setupsuite does funny things on reboot :)15:33
elopiofgimenez: yeah, the setup has become scary15:34
verterokChipaca, ogra_: hey, it's working now, old tools was the reason of my error.15:49
verterokChipaca, ogra_: We are now seeing that the dhcp client is not starting on boot (no IP assigned to the device)...in case it's relevant let me know if you need more info about it15:50
ogra_verterok, weird, works here15:51
Chipacaverterok: more info plz :)15:51
ogra_do you use snapy config to modify the eth0 settings somehow ?15:51
verterokogra_: no, we are sideloading a test snap. no other changes besides that15:51
verterokChipaca, ogra_: looking at syslog15:52
ogra_oh, wait, you are using rolling15:52
ogra_that can indeed have unexpected breakage15:52
elopiofgimenez: oh, sorry, we were in the middle of something in the meeting.15:52
verterokogra_: yes, we are on rolling15:52
ogra_(at any time)15:52
elopiofgimenez: ah, ovmf, this is the card: https://trello.com/c/I1BSZ6iV/130-run-tests-for-snappy-personal-and-uefi-boot15:53
fgimenezelopio, my connection was ugly, we can join again15:53
verterokyup, we know :)15:53
elopiofgimenez: no, don't worry. That was the last thing I wanted to mention.15:53
elopiowe need to give it a try.15:54
elopiosergiusens: did you uplad the example snap?15:54
fgimenezelopio, ok thanks, there's the link you mentioned15:54
sergiusenselopio, oh sorry, no; which one was it?15:55
elopiosergiusens: bash config.15:55
sergiusenselopio, hah, you didn't update the version ;-15:57
elopiosergiusens: I haven't made any changes to it.15:57
sergiusenselopio, ah, so it is a new package?15:57
elopiosergiusens: yes, it's not in the store.15:57
sergiusenselopio, uploaded15:58
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fgimeneznice evening everyone o/16:09
elopiosergiusens: thanks!16:17
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tasdomasa quick question regarding hw-assign19:27
tasdomaslet's say my snap specifies a service that requires access to a device (a pi-glow in this instance)19:28
tasdomaswhen I install it, the service does not have access19:28
tasdomasbut even after performing hw-assign, it seems I need to restart the service for the settings to take effect19:28
tasdomasis there a nicer way of doing this?19:29
ogra_tasdomas, sadly not, there is a bug open that services should be auto-restarted though20:05
jdstrandbeuno: hey, this isn't urgent-- at the next store rollout can you pull in the latest review tools?21:41

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