[02:30] hey there, i'm having trouble with touch gestures getting in the way of bitwig on 15.10, both in gnome and unity [02:30] specifically, 3 finger gestures are eating my three finger chords on the multitouch music keyboard in bitwig [02:55] hi, I have been trying to get this going for about an hour now, I am following this guide: http://is.gd/jmoO2p , so I cannot install espeak for anything! I tried the Ubuntu repos and I get a dependency error because I cannot install libspeak1, and installing from source is giving me a headache as it is not laid out correctly in the readme...can someone help me please? [02:55] and I am using -proposed if it helps [02:57] my sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12770341/ [02:57] and the output of sudo apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12770343/ [02:58] and when I do sudo apt-get install -y espeak I get Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package espeak [02:59] can anyone help? [03:02] and festival doesn't work either [03:03] !info espeak [03:03] espeak (source: espeak): Multi-lingual software speech synthesizer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.48.04+dfsg-1 (wily), package size 59 kB, installed size 234 kB [03:03] !info festival [03:03] festival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.4~release-2 (wily), package size 824 kB, installed size 2677 kB [03:04] I am going to go to bed. It would be great if someone could get back to me on this [03:04] thank you in advance [03:27] Nevermind [03:27] I figured it out [03:27] it was an ap-get problem [03:28] all solved [03:28] *apt-get [06:28] switching from intel to nvidia gives me a black screen with closed driver [06:28] i can still hear lightdm boot sound [07:03] Good morning [08:49] Hi Guys, need help tracking a wily problem: after update and reboot today, keyboard/mouse unresponsive when DM starts [08:49] turning off DM (remotely using ssh), console works fine [08:50] when in DM, even numlock isn't triggering keyboard led [08:50] any idea how to figure out what's going on? I'm using a standard intel rig with no dedicated graphics. [08:51] Problem reproduces in both lightdm and sddm [08:59] vconsoles? startx? Empty xorg.conf? sysrq+raw keyboard? [09:00] see the logs [09:00] dont use startx [09:01] ssdm means you use kubuntu? [09:01] vconsoles work, though while DM is running, I can't CTRL-ALT switch to them [09:01] startx fails, as well as Xorg -configure (I can show the output) [09:02] Xorg.conf had something about trapping keys, I removed it and still reproduces [09:02] regarding sysreq, the system isn't frozen - I can SSH in and if I kill the DM everything else works. [09:02] I initially installed kubuntu. I've installed lightdm to try to see if its an SDDM issue [09:03] kubuntu needs sddm since plasma5 iirc [09:03] which logs do you want to see? I looked at journalctl and syslog and nothing seemed wrong to me [09:03] possibly, but unless I can log in with lightdm I can't verify that claim :-) [09:04] guss77: sysrq+r is supposed to take control away from X and make e.g. vconsoles work again, but I have no idea if it will work in your case. [09:05] I will try. just a min [09:05] When I try that on SDDM, syslog says: sysrq: SysRq : This sysrq operation is disabled. [09:06] I'll try to put back the trap xorg.conf [09:06] just a min [09:07] putting back NoTrapSignals true doesn't change anything... [09:14] Any ideas? Are there any logs that you want to look at? [09:18] setting auto-login, the Plasma session starts and looks fine, but no keyboard/mouse input [09:19] Looks to be an Xorg issue? [10:10] Perusing the Xorg log file, I found the problem: xserver-xorg-input-libinput wasn't installed [10:11] I reinstalled, which required knocking off some elementary packages (which I had lying around since I tried installing pantheon on Kubuntu 15.04) [10:11] and now everything works. [10:13] BTW - lightdm works fine with the Plasma desktop session, in case anyone was wondering [11:55] Hiyas all [12:00] Lets see how far my Wily is behind... [12:06] Oh, only 741 updates... [12:41] "October 22, 2015 — that's the planned release date of Ubuntu 15.10 'Wily Werewolf'." [12:42] i think i can't wait for another nine days [12:42] Waiting two days for the next (imaginary) freeze might be worthwhile. [12:43] hmm === milton_ is now known as milton [12:52] Is upgrading from non-freeze version of pre-release to stable painful? [12:53] Very few upgrades are painful; just dist-upgrade to victory (imo). Officially, no idea. === milton_ is now known as milton [13:38] * milton is downloading ubuntu-15.10-beta2-desktop-amd64.iso === g4mby is now known as PaulW2U === _dv_ is now known as dv_ === JanC_ is now known as JanC