
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== diamond_gr_raspi is now known as eiosifidis
kgcybexhi all10:28
kgcybexI require assistance with 2 topics: 1 - xinput/xorg and 2 - startup app config10:29
LinDolhi all14:22
=== g4mby is now known as PaulW2U
eliaspsdarkxst now that most of GNOME Software is upgraded to 3.18.1 should we build them to replace the 3.18.0 in gnome3-staging PPA? Using the PPA version for update.16:37
=== silen is now known as SilentWalk7
SilentWalk7Hello all. I am experiencing an error. I changed my graphics driver (From additional software) and now when I start the computer, I can only see a black screen and inside it is the terminal. Is it possible to change back to open source driver through the terminal?718:30
SilentWalk7Problem has been fixed: sudo apt-get purge fglrx.*  The result: Defaulted back to the open source driver.18:55
darkxsteliasps, yes of course20:04
JohnnyComeL8lyHi, I'm wondering if there's a way to tell if I'm running Wayland on my Ubuntu GNOME beta release.20:29
JohnnyComeL8lyDoesn't somebody know? :-P20:59

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