
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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RAOFOk. I want a new Dell XPS 15.05:31
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anpokthose are nice05:50
RAOFIn a shocking twist, that took longer than I expected :)06:38
RAOFBut there's a kinda-sorta-working multistream demo.06:42
RAOF...and then when you realise that MirGraphicsRegion.stride is in bytes rather than pixels, everything even looks approximately right!06:59
alan_ggreyback_: fixed: https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/qtmir/test-harness-for-MirWindowManager/+merge/27422109:12
greyback_alan_g: just a different MP?09:12
alan_gI couldn't reproduce, but I *think* LP got the prerequisites in a tangle.09:13
alan_gIn the end I overwrote the branch with an identical head and recreated the MP.09:14
greyback_strange, but glad that issue has gone away09:14
* alan_g wishes he could have reproduced but can't justify investing more time into understanding.09:17
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Saviqanpok, pmcgowan has the "screen doesn't go off" issue right now, can you find him and provide any guidance as to how to debug?13:00
Saviqanpok, unping, alf's helping already13:01
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seb128kgunn, do you know what's the status to land a mir version that builds in wily?13:30
alan_gseb128: waiting on QA I think. alf ^?13:32
alfseb128: Mir 0.17 is in "Ready for QA" state in ci-train, if that's what you mean13:34
alan_galf: seb128 actually, that's the "dual" landing to overlay. We also need to copy across to wily.13:37
seb128alan_g, do you need somebody to do the copy for you?13:37
seb128alf, unsure, train landing don't go to distro by default anymore, so maybe the answer is that we need to land that and pocket copy then13:38
alfseb128: alan_g: ah, you mean the real wily, yes we would need to copy after release to the overlays13:38
alan_gseb128: yes, we will.13:38
kgunnack, will help keep an eye on as well13:39
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dandraderanpok, do you happen to know what's the usual value range for the pressure axis?15:12
dandraderanpok, is it something like [0,1]?15:12
anpoki think we might not have normalized the values in the past..15:18
anpokbut with the new input stat it will be [0,1]15:18
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