
* aedend is learning a lot about iptables and how openvpn refuses to accept his authority lol00:32
aedendcould one of you fine people have a look at my ip r results and possibly suggest a resource I can use to fix this connection issue?00:34
aedendI've basically messed around with iptables to the point I can't connect to anything on my ubuntu install00:44
aedendaaahhhh, the fun of learning about networking...00:45
* aedend admits, it's the small things in life... but I'm happy I got the vpn to work02:30
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
cyberangeraedend: sorry, think you and I hadn't been around at the same time21:48
cyberangeryou got it worked out?21:48
aedendcyberanger, vpn is up but I have some dns leaks I think22:24
cyberangerWhat's your route, and dns servers?22:24
cyberanger/sbin/route -n22:24
cyberangercat /etc/resolv.conf22:25

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