
thatgraemeguymorning all06:17
thatgraemeguyMaaz_: seen kilos06:18
Maaz_thatgraemeguy: kilos was last seen 2 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes and 14 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-10-10 11:44:45 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-10-10 11:44:56 PDT06:18
superflygood eveningh07:01
inetprohullo superfly07:50
inetprooh and hi everyone else07:50
inetproheatwave is killing me here07:52
superflyinetpro: heatwave? It's not a heatwave till it's above 40.08:01
superflyinetpro: the winter cold has muddled your brains 😛08:02
magespawngood afternoon15:01
Kilosgreetings all, in hospital bed haha15:24
magespawnhi Kilos15:24
Kiloshi magespawn 15:24
Kilosand good telkom mobile connection here15:24
Kiloswill still see if i can find wifi15:25
magespawnpublic or private hospital/15:28
Kiloseating pap and cabbage stew15:39
Kilosluckily i brought salt15:39
bushtech_sterkte Kilos15:40
magespawni know some of the private ones offer wifi, saw wifi in king edward in durban (Public) but that was apparently only for hospital management15:41
Kilosdankie bushtech_ 15:41
Kiloswell ill see what i can find magespawn 15:41
Kilosif there is wifi ill see whats involved in becoming management15:42
Kilosconverted 1 guy to kde so far15:42
bushtech_becoming manangement very easy, just steal some money15:43
magespawnhome time for me chat later16:07
Kiloscheers magespawn 16:10
Kiloswb skokkk 17:16
skokkkthanks Kilos 17:16
Kiloshas anyone chatted to you yet17:16
Kilosi used to greet everyone and learn about them but been out of sorts for a while17:16
skokkkhaven't really started a chat yet, been busy so just lurking mainly17:17
Kilostell us a bit about yourself17:17
Kiloslike where you are, what you do , and what system you are using17:17
Kilosohi superfly inetpro 17:18
skokkkI work most of the servers at specternetworks.com, use arch mainly but most of my pc's are ubuntu. I code websites and add SDK's to programs/games we need for scripts etc17:19
Kilosthats wonderful17:19
Kiloshave you joined our mailing list yet17:20
skokkkI find it rather fun, no I haven't. Link/addr?17:20
Kilosand seen our site17:20
skokkklooking now17:20
Kilosthere should be a link in there to join the mailing list17:21
Kilosand we have a launchpad group17:21
skokkkit doesn't seem to be very active?17:22
Kiloswell for the last 2 years or so everyones work has kinda doubled or more17:23
Kiloseven here it has got quiet17:23
Kiloshi Tonberry 17:24
superflyHi Kilos 17:40
Kiloshi gremble 18:41
grembleHey Kilos 18:49
grembleHow are you?18:49
Kilosgood ty , lying in kalafong18:50
grembleThat doesn't sound like a lot of fun18:50
gremblePre or post op?18:50
Kilosop on the 15th18:51
grembleYou're in early18:51
Kilosactually not bad here so far18:51
Kilosya tests sigh18:51
Kilosthey have to test everything to be sure a little cut dont stop heart or something18:52
grembleYou should use this time to learn how to program in Python18:52
Kiloswhew now you starting18:52
grembleIt's either that or mathematics 18:52
Kilosi first want to see if i can find wifi18:53
Kilosi love maths when the teacher has nice legs18:53
grembleHaha then you just love the teacher's legs18:53
Kilosthat why i failed mahs in matric18:54
grembleI also nearly failed maths in matric18:54
Kiloshave you seen inetpro online18:55
grembleI am not sure why the university let me study maths, but now I am getting distinctions. So I might not be able to do highschool mathematics but I can do this18:55
Kilosi just wanna see if he is ok then i can sleep18:55
grembleYes, I saw him yesterday I think.18:55
grembleSend him an email?18:55
Kilosnono he must reply here18:55
grembleOh alright18:55
Kiloshim and fly pulled me from mails to here so i gotta get them back18:56
* Kilos waves to tumbleweed18:56
Kilosenjoy lunch18:57
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:08
inetproMaaz_: tell Kilos I'm here all the time, it is you who is missing most of the time19:20
Maaz_inetpro: Got it, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:20

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