
bluesabreochosi, as I recall, gtk3 themes don't read correctly from ~/.themes00:59
drcflocculant: Ping...thunar crash, same as before (SIGSEGV in thunar_file_compare_by name) :(01:49
Unit193Awwwh. :(01:53
bluesabrethere we go, I wrote a thing https://smdavis.us/2015/10/12/xfce-panel-switch-introduction/ :)03:54
bluesabrebed time, night all04:00
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slickymasterflocculant, I'll ping tomorrow morning about our email exchange21:11
slickymastertbh, I'm still not completely sure I totally get what you meant 21:12
flocculantdon't worry now :)21:15
flocculantat chapter 10 now btw21:15
slickymasterI'm guessing that you'll drop by, sometime during the morning, right?21:16
flocculantbe later in the day 21:17
flocculantnot intending to push this till after 15.10 releases anyway - this wasn't for now but for 16.04 21:18
slickymasterno problem, if it's before 17:0021:18
slickymasterin our timezone21:19
flocculantI'm just getting ahead because I anticipate being busier next cycle than this one 21:19
slickymasterwell, it's the early bird21:19
flocculantand I said I would look at the whole docs thing for 16.04 21:20
slickymasteryeaps, 21:20
ochosiworks quite well, the gtk3 port of xfce4-notifyd22:20
bluesabreevening all22:23
bluesabrehey ochosi 22:23
bluesabreis that nice and themeable?22:23
ochosioh hey there22:23
ochosiit is22:23
ochosithe default themes have been ported22:23
ochosithe labels are centered, but other than that it's 1:122:24
ochosiso we have a lot of theming freedom now22:24
ochosithe only thing it still doesn't do is draw a shadow22:26
bluesabreand the themes are all css now?22:26
ochosii wonder whether i could hack that in with css though22:26
bluesabrevery nice22:26
ochosiali must've ported it all in one day22:26
ochosibut we should really let some indent-bot go over his code, if you know what i mean ;)22:26
bluesabrejust open it with my current geany config, change all the lines22:27
ochosiyeah, that would be nice, if you could just do that for all the files he touched :D22:27
ochosianyway, the most important fact is that it works and that it's done22:29
ochosiand since it's "just an app" it can be released anytime22:30
ochosii'll prepare greybird so it supports it on day 122:30
bluesabrevery nice22:31
ochosinice blog posts btw22:34
ochosiyou should really do the xubuntu release notes in this style (i know it's a lot of work though)22:34
bluesabregot one or two more today/tomorrow22:34
bluesabreand a whats new in 15.10 on thursday22:35
bluesabrebusy busy22:35
bluesabreideally once I'm done, we'll have lots of screenshots for release notes22:37
ochosiyeah, that sounds lovely22:37
ochosibluesabre: what was your opinion on the time-setting dialog for xfce4-settings btw?22:52
bluesabreochosi: hm?22:53
bluesabrewe do need one22:53
bluesabreand proper user management22:53
ochosididn't you get the "memo"? :)22:55
ochosithere was an email on the xfce4-dev ml from someone who created a time-setting app22:56
ochosiwell "created"22:56
* bluesabre is awful at reading MLs22:56
ochosimore: forked from gnome222:56
bluesabreif forked means without gnome dependencies, thats a good starting point22:57
bluesabreI think it'd be a nice addition22:57
ochosiyeah, it's integrated in xfce4-settings, so there shouldn't be any depends22:58
ochosii guess nick's original point was whether you need the map22:58
ochosifor something you run only once or twice22:58
ochosihave to say i sort of agree with him there22:58
ochosiif the map were re-used in other places somehow, i'd say alright that's nice22:59
bluesabreyeah... but sucks to drop to config file editing or installing gnome-* to change your clock23:00
bluesabrekind of like using mugshot to set your name23:00
* bluesabre googles/mans everytime he has to create a new group or add a user23:02
ochosii guess we should start by testing that branch23:03
Unit193Hardest part is going "Now is that bloody tool useradd, or adduser?!" >_<23:03
Unit193adduser unit193 sudo  is pretty easy to add a group.23:03
bluesabre"or is it some systemctl command now?"23:03
* bluesabre did not know about adduser23:04
Unit193adduser bluesabre   and then it'll simply ask a few questions.23:04
ochosianyway, night all!23:07
ochosibluesabre: if you get around to trying the branch linked in the email lemme know23:08
bluesabreochosi: will try to take it for a spin soon23:08
ochosii'd be curious to know how well it works and whether it's "worth it"23:08

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