
guipopanyone in here have any experience getting "fakeraid" working on xubuntu?04:18
xubuntu17dhi all, i want my thunar looks transparent, how can it does?05:11
xubuntu08whi, I used to start virtualbox on system start in vannila ubuntu. I switched to xubuntu and I am puzzled, it does not work. Application autostart contains now: bin/bash -c "sleep 5s&&VBoxManage -q startvm vmname". It works in a terminal, not via autostart. Any suggestions? Under what user are autostart thingies run?13:51
=== xubuntu08w is now known as wiebe
mrkrampswiebe, schould be /bin/bash14:01
=== xubuntu14w is now known as wiebe_
wiebe_mrkramps: you're right, typo on irc. Did also put in in shell script, runs fine when fired up from cli or filebrowser. Script simply does not want to run in autostart. What I get is an error of VirtualBox pointing to kerneldriver (which is no problem) or permission problem. That is why I wonder under what user autostart runs.14:23
mrkrampswiebe_, autorun should be $USER14:59
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
=== g4mby is now known as PaulW2U
xubuntu27wAcer Aspire One D270 Drive???????????19:11
xubuntu27wAcer Aspire One D27019:11
knomexubuntu27w, if you have a question, please ask it in a question form19:12
xubuntu27wChi isnuyut driver for the PC19:14
xubuntu27wcer Aspire One D27019:14
knomesorry, but i don't understand the question19:14
knomewhat's your native language?19:14
* drc guesses it's "quit" :)19:16

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