
lordievaderGood morning.07:53
rperierhi all08:21
Riddellhi rperier09:06
Riddellsgclark: how did apps 15.08.2 go?09:50
Riddellmostly green by the looks of it http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_15.08.2_wily.html09:51
Riddellanyone tested?09:51
vipi could try10:04
vipi've already got staging frameworks and plasma, so one more testing repo should not break anything ;)10:05
Riddellvip: go for it :)10:09
vipi'm only afraid of upggading akonadi, kmail and kwallet ;)10:10
viplast time whole kwallet was, how i could name it, cleaned :-)10:10
Riddellwell this might have some improvements10:19
Riddellfinal freeze tomorrow10:19
ahoneybunthat's a lot of green10:21
Riddellahoneybun: able to help test?10:22
ahoneybunis there a ISO around or do I install Beta2 and add a repo Riddell? 10:22
Riddellyes install wily and add the repo10:23
ahoneybunI'll grab Beta2 ISO and install it on a spare machine10:24
ahoneybunseems I have it already10:24
* ahoneybun makes a USB drive10:25
ahoneybunRiddell: do I need another repo or just staging-applications?10:27
Riddellahoneybun: just that one10:29
vipRiddell: looks fine for me10:56
Riddellvip: kontact still working?10:56
vipRiddell: I use kmail standalone, it works10:58
vip(without using kontact command)10:58
Riddellahoneybun: getting anywhere?10:58
ahoneybungot the ISO made going to install in a min10:58
Riddellwe also need upgrade testing now that the modemmanager issue has gone11:02
vip(oh, last time with kwallet, my knetworkmanager user wifi networks gone too)11:03
vipand i've also googled for backing all networks up, but no success11:03
ahoneybunRiddell: is that Kubuntu logo in the installer a placeholder or forever?11:04
ahoneybunas in the animal design for this release could fit there no?11:04
Riddellahoneybun: forever I guess, VDG design addon11:04
sitterUI is frozen11:04
ahoneybunreally nice stuff though sitter11:06
ahoneybunmorning claus_chr11:27
ahoneybunclivejo: 11:27
ahoneybunRiddell: I'm updating Beta2 now11:28
BluesKajHiyas all11:59
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/job/wily_unstable_kwin/128/parsed_console/job/wily_unstable_kwin/128/parsed_console/log_content.html#WARNING111:59
Riddellsitter: there is no libhybris on amd64 any more, not sure what to do about that12:02
sitterRiddell: if there wasn't I'd think upstream shouldn't look for it :P12:02
Riddelltell it to upstream I guess, he says it's fine to ignore12:03
sitterRiddell: but why would we ignore it?12:03
Riddellbecause libhybris doesn't exist on amd64 now12:04
sitterRiddell: wily disagrees12:04
bshahWe build our own libhybris and libhybris on amd64 makes no sense12:04
Riddellwily is silly, mobile kci wily agrees12:04
sitterbshah: so kwin should stop looking for it on !arm12:04
RiddellI've no idea how to code arch specific stuff in cmake12:05
RiddellI guess it must be possible12:05
soeeRiddell: why here https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-kdeapplications/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.series_filter=wily&field.status_filter=published&batch=75&memo=150&start=150 we have one 15.08.1 pachage when there shoudl be 15.08.2 and it also faisl to build12:18
Riddellsoee: we don't package libkgeomap12:20
soeesgclark: 15.08.2 packages are ready i assume ?12:20
Riddellsoee: go go testing!12:20
soeeRiddell: so shouldn't libkgeomap be removed from staging ppa ?12:21
soeejust to not keep trash there ?12:22
BluesKajis the staging- kdeapplications ppa something we should add to the sources.list?12:26
RiddellBluesKaj: if you want to help out in testing 15.08.2 yes12:27
BluesKajsure, I'll give it a shot12:27
soeeRiddell: quick donwload and smooth upgrade12:39
Riddellsoee: apps still working? tried kontact?12:39
soeeRiddell: one moment have to reboot12:41
BluesKajRiddell, anymore packages in the works for the staging ppas, or should I remove them now that upgrades are done?12:50
BluesKajI have them commented atm12:51
Riddellthat's all for now12:52
soeeRiddell: kontact works, but i did not test it a lot13:20
soeeKrunner as alwyas crashes at first search http://paste.ubuntu.com/12780776/13:20
Riddellgood enough for me, I'll upload to archive  ← sgclark13:23
soeeok the crash is because:: [15:22] <d_ed> crash in baloo if baloo indexing is disabled13:23
sgclarkthank you13:23
soeesgclark: thanks - great work, as always :)13:24
soeewhat frameworks version we have in Wily ? 5.15 ?13:26
sgclarkshould be13:28
yofeldidn't I cherry pick some baloo crash fix that was related to disabled indexing13:29
yofelor did that just fix dolphin :/13:30
soeeyofel: i have this crash all the time with indexing disabled13:30
yofelmeh, I guess I'll try that when I get home13:30
yofelbut I do have email indexing enabled, so maybe I'm fine with that13:31
soeehttps://plus.google.com/+AndreaDelSarto88/posts/1WNGjGYEksi :)13:34
geniiI'm not sure what package to report a bug like this against... When I plug my phone into the USB port, it starts rebooting in a loop ( Kubuntu 15.04, Samsung S2 in MTP mode)14:27
Riddellthe phone or the computer?14:29
yofelif it's the connection then I saw that once myself, no idea how I got rid of it though..14:33
alvinkdebase-apps-bin: Is that package installed on a default install, and should it be? Because I'm missing it. I installed Kubuntu 15.10 when beta2 came out.14:45
alvinsorry, kde-baseapps-bin14:46
geniiRiddell: The phone, caight in a reboot loop14:47
Riddellgenii: even less idea then I'm afraid14:47
geniiRiddell: Ah, OK. Guess I'll poke at it when I have some time then14:48
Riddellalvin: no I don't think it is and I can't see anything in it that we'd need14:48
alvinRiddell: Well, it sure explains the bug I filed last week: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=353601 I was wondering why it was still unconfirmed, but I can now see I'm missing kdebookmarks, which is part of kde-baseapps-bin14:49
ubottuKDE bug 353601 in general "Bookmark editor does not open" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:49
geniiyofel: Just went 14.10->15.04 when 14.10 repos got archived, wasn't doing it before, so something specific to Vivid ( same cord even as before)14:50
alvinsorry, 'keditbookmarks'14:50
yofelgenii: I didn't have the phone reboot. In my case it was constantly dis-/connecting every second14:50
Riddellhmm, konsole with kf5 uses bookmarks manager from kdelibs414:50
Riddellalvin: does it work once you install it?14:50
alvinRiddell: Yes, I just tried14:51
alvinEditing Konsole bookmarks and KRDC bookmarks now works again.14:51
RiddellI guess that sound be added to the recommends then14:51
geniiyofel: Any idea what package to file a bug like this against?14:54
Riddellprth: bshah asks if ubiquity is ported to qt5 yet15:41
prthRiddell, It's not. right?16:54
Riddellprth: nope16:54
prthRiddell, I have submitted "Port Ubiquity to Qt5" proposal for KDE SoK 16:54
Riddelljust seen that16:54
prthRiddell, do I need to provide only description of the project in SoK?16:55
RiddellI guess so16:55
prthkb9vqf, thanks16:55
kb9vqfprth: for what?17:03
prthkb9vqf, i just mistakenly hit tab after k17:06
kb9vqfsorry for the noise :-)17:06
alleeHi, Can someone please set bug 1505187 to won't fix (I'm not allowed to do it)  Updating the package README would be a plus ;)17:15
ubottubug 1505187 in digikam (Ubuntu) "missing location search and geotools" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150518717:15
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soeewith slow connection/transfer when doing apt-get update and there are some update available, before the packages gets updates, we will see liek 1000000000 times notfication a"System update available" ... :/20:20

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