
=== anonyzen is now known as criminalzen
deusopusI'm living in Auburn, WA and working down the street at a fast food place since June 2015. I am a creative individual and I am into computers, games, pop culture, music, and comedy. I like to write. I do a lot of reading. I don't watch a lot of TV. I went to school for Computer Science and Graphic Design in Seattle. I'm developing a smart-phone application to help people find work and another to allow users to voice chat and keep00:30
deusopusthem informed of trending events and weather nearby. I like to listen to podcasts and radio and I want to start my own show eventually.00:30
deusopus I like Podhouses, Soylent, Bitcoin, Linux, and The Universe.00:36
geniideusopus: If you have some support question regarding your Kubuntu, this is the channel to ask your question in, for non-support issues, #kubuntu-offtopic would be recommended instead.01:17
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=== Francisco is now known as Guest94161
classyI have a question about Kubuntu 15.04 in a VM06:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:07
classyEverytime i attempt to install a program, it instantly closes the "insert password" prompt and wont let me install a program06:07
hateballnice patience06:09
Replop__How to prevent Kubuntu to switch off the network after a time ?    going to sleep, I presume06:24
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abdullahgood morning06:42
OnkelTem_Hi all. In Kubuntu 14.04 I'm trying to configure keyboard to type extra typographic characters. I've enabled corresponding checkbox in Layout settings and set Compose key to RAlt. Now to type — for example, I have to type ralt+- for the 3 times!07:50
OnkelTem_On my other PC it's not a issue and I can enter "—" by just pressing Ralt+-. it runs Kubuntu 12.0407:51
OnkelTem_Any ideas?07:51
lordievaderGood morning.07:53
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OnkelTem_How to report a bug????08:05
Unit193!bug | OnkelTem_08:05
ubottuOnkelTem_: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.08:05
OnkelTem_I've already been there, and it led me to bugs.kde.org where I can't even find what I need among product list08:07
kubuntu_hi, guys!08:12
kubuntu_I am noobie. And i am testin kubuntu now.08:12
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OnkelTem_I've already been there, and it led me to bugs.kde.org where I can't even find what I need among product list08:17
OnkelTem_So I had to run Dolphin, select Help and then report a bug08:17
OnkelTem_And there is no any bug report filling form if going that way (dolphin > help  > report a bug)08:18
OnkelTem_I need to report a keyboard layout bug08:18
lordievaderOnkelTem_: Against what do you want to file a bug?08:19
OnkelTem_I guess, I'm not sure. There is no program name on Layout configuration form08:21
lordievaderHmm, I cannot find a good category either. I guess kxkb is the best alternative.08:26
yossarianukt minus 8 days !08:33
ejayHow can I make windows to appear on my primary monitor when using two monitors? Right now new windows are always shown on secondary monitor what, of course, is not a behaviour I would excpect. Also - how to make Ark work with context menu in dolphin? I'm on 15.10 up-to-date.08:35
hateballejay: 15.10 is not yet released so support is in #ubuntu+108:41
ejayhateball: it's beta08:44
hateballoh come on :|08:46
ubottuwily werewolf is the codename for Ubuntu 15.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+108:46
Unit193hateball: ;)08:47
hateballSomeone stripped all the good aliases from ubottu, never to be seen again. Like for instance !ask -> !help08:47
hateballThe former even makes more sense! But whatever.08:47
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yossarianukhateball: isn't the best room to ask #kubuntu-devel for 15.1008:56
lordievaderyossarianuk: Depends on the problem.09:00
yossarianuklordievader: ok makes sense...  only a few days left now till its stable...09:31
ejayso no one here know how to make windows appear on primary monitor? ubuntu+1 is not helpful.10:14
hateballejay: Is this for all apps, or what was the original question?10:17
hateballChromium for instance opens new windows on the screen where a chromium window was last active, regardless if I have another screen focused10:18
ejayhateball: every new window I open, every new application I start is shown on secondary. Even kicker.10:19
hateballhmmm, how odd10:19
hateballSadly I am on 14.04 with my dualmonitor setup right now, so I dunno what could be wrong10:19
hateballIf all else fails you could write a kwin rule I guess, that forces newly created apps to screen X10:20
hateballaltho it should obviously work by default10:20
ejayhateball: yeah, it should10:22
yossarianukejay: I understand your problem I think10:40
yossarianukejay: when you login (sddm) does the login box appear on the wrong monitor ?10:40
yossarianukI have to add xrandr options to sddm config or it gets my primary monitor wrong (even though in plasma it knows which one it correct)10:41
lordievaderejay: There are a couple of settings for kwin where to put new windows, I thought by default they appear on the sceen in focus.10:43
ejayyossarianuk: login box appear on both monitors10:44
barmaleyis there any chrome users?10:47
OnkelTem_barmaley: est'10:48
barmaleywhich version do you have?10:49
OnkelTem_barmaley: 45.0.2454.101 (64-bit)10:50
barmaleywhoul you like to update to 46? :) I need to know something... :)10:51
ejaylordievader: where can I change kwin's settings?10:51
yossarianukejay: in my case it was likely nvidia related - so ignore me if your not using that GPU10:53
ejayyossarianuk: ok, I'm on intal hd. Ignoring. ;)10:56
ejayGot another problem with 15.10 - ark is not working with context menu in dolphin. It did work but stoped couple of updates ago.11:05
BluesKajHiyas all11:58
kubuntusome  Dota2 player here ?13:39
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Guest72831any dota2 player ?13:39
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hateballGuest72831: are you taking polls or do you have a question?13:43
yossarianukI assume this is making it to 15.10 ? -> https://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-applications-15.08.2.php13:53
soeeyossarianuk: hes, should be today/tomorrow in archive13:56
yossarianukwhen is final freeze for 15.10.?13:57
yossarianukactually ignore me - providing kubuntu is the same as ubuntu its tomorrow...13:58
=== Vtec234 is now known as Vtec233355
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skritehey all15:09
Vtec234So how many times does one usually mess up their system after switching to linux? i think i'll install debian now, after messing up mint 17.2 and kubuntu 15.0415:41
lordievaderVtec234: Rarely?15:43
lordievaderHaven't messed up my system in years.15:43
Vtec234maybe i'm an idiot, but it took me about a week to break two installations. oh well15:44
EvilRoey<lordievader> Haven't messed up my system in years.15:48
EvilRoeyrun a dist-upgrade. Ah, ha ha!15:48
EvilRoeyVtec234:  dude it happens to me on every upgrade.  It's always painful.15:48
EvilRoeyVtec234:  this was also painful in Debian too15:49
EvilRoeyVtec234:  you're better off with kubuntu though15:49
EvilRoeyVtec234:  the kubuntu community is not snobby15:49
Vtec234EvilRoey: yeah, free software politics and such may not be too nice a place to be in, still i want to try a distribution that comes with very little preinstalled packages, and also test some newer kde stuff. i can always ask for help here even if i'm running debian :)15:50
Vtec234and what broke my kubuntu wasn't actually dist-upgrade, it was that i was trying to reinstall fontconfig15:51
Vtec234and it removed about half of the sytem packages. so now i know not do to that15:51
EvilRoeyoh wow15:51
yossarianukdist-upgrades usually are fine Debian/Ubuntu - unless you have lots of random PPA's that cause a conflict with default system packages15:52
lordievaderEvilRoey: zsh: command not found: apt-get16:04
EvilRoeylordievader:  was that to me?16:07
lordievader14-17:48 < EvilRoey> run a dist-upgrade. Ah, ha ha!16:13
EvilRoeylordievader:  oh I love it when apt and dpkg break during an upgrade16:15
EvilRoeyalso, if nvidia drivers break.16:15
EvilRoeyalso, if X somehow breaks.16:15
EvilRoeyand also if you don't have irssi installed.16:15
EvilRoeythen that really sucks16:15
EvilRoeyI mean a rescue disc will make this easier16:15
EvilRoeybut..meh this sucks16:15
lordievaderEvilRoey: I know you like breakage.16:19
EvilRoeylordievader:  I stick around this channel, don't I? ;)16:24
EvilRoey(for the support I mean)16:24
EvilRoey(which you provide excellently, thanks so much :)16:24
EvilRoeyI have one current issue:  (1) my external backup drive isn't getting detected properly16:25
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jubo2Damn this Kubuntu14 looks retro like 4:3 displays did when the 16:9 to 16:10 displays became dominant18:49
jubo2So I figure I can alter the system with .bashrc and .profile19:03
jubo2what's the difference with these files?19:03
jubo2.profile is executed only on log-in and .bashrc every time a shell is invoked?19:04
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jubo2I'm the real slim shady19:06
jubo2If you're the real slim shady then please stand up19:06
lordievader^ that19:06
jubo2.profile vs. .bashrc lordievader?19:07
lordievaderThat, yes.19:18
tobiasBoraI have just updated from kubuntu 14.10 to 15.04, and my bluetooth isn't recognized any more19:54
tobiasBoraFunnier, I don't have any Bluetooth configuration that appear in the System Configuration, and nothing appears in the tray19:54
marco-parillotobiasBora: I know the bluetooth icon came back into the system tray during the Wily cycle. Did you enable backports in your Vivid (15.04)?20:00
tobiasBoramarco-parillo: I don't think so, I'm checking20:00
tobiasBoramarco-parillo: I have this one : deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ vivid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:01
aoteaHey, running kubuntu now on an asus n55sf, recently installed but seems like every other boot fails. Screen just goes black after kubuntu splash, then as I'm powering it off to try again, I get "Starting 229" followed by the splash screen again20:13
soeeaotea: what Kubuntu version ?20:16
aoteasoee: 15.0420:16
soeeso this is sddm issue - it's not starting :/20:17
soeeaotea: do you have backports ppa enabled ?20:17
aoteasoee: not sure, how do I check?20:17
soeewell, did you added it after installation ?20:18
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marco-parillotobiasBora: You could try this: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/plasma-532-and-frameworks-5120-backported-kubuntu-1504/20:20
aoteasoee: Did I add what after install? It's a clean install from USB, ran updates and upgrades, and propietary driver installs from nvidia with intel microcontroller something. I haven't added any PPAs in terminal yet.20:20
soeeaotea: nvidia might break sddm than20:21
soeeaotea: anyway add backports ppa: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports20:21
soeeand than: sudo apt full-upgrade20:21
soeethis way you will update Plasma and frameworks20:21
soeethan if this won't help, uninstall nvidia driver and check if system boots20:22
aoteasoee: why aren't those added by default? Quick read and it seems that keeps Plasma up to date :S20:24
soeeaotea: because each release has feature freeze and various packages are released with some version, than only bugfixes for them are shiped with normal updates20:26
soeekubutnu newer version of various packages (like Plasma, applications, framewroks etc.) provides through backports ppa20:27
geniisddm currently pisses me off. My laptop screen backlight is shot so just can use external monitor. sddm doesn't do the nice feature llightdm does of changing login to the monitor the mouse is on20:29
denza242Kontact's Tip of the Day is broken20:31
soeedenza242: in 15.10 or 15.04 ?20:31
denza24215.04 + Kubuntu-CI stable20:32
soeedenza242: check if there is some bug report and if not maybe create new one20:32
soeealso ask on #kde-devel20:32
denza242soee: alright20:36
aoteasoee: Did a couple of reboots and I haven't gotten the same issue so hopefully that solved it, thanks!20:37
denza242also uh20:42
denza242how do I make KMail work with GMail20:42
denza242i enabled the "less secure apps" thing20:42
denza242"If your client does not support SMTP authentication, you won't be able to send mail through your client using your Gmail address."20:52
ejayMan, dual screen handling in plasma5 is just garbage. Applications keep opening on secondary screen even when secondary monitor is not pluged in. WTF?20:59
ejayAny ideas how to prevent that?21:00
lordievaderejay: Dual screen works fine here. Only down side is switching from 1 to 2 or vice versa.21:05
lordievaderejay: To answer your earlier question: Systemsettings -> Window Mangement21:05
aoteaSo, ran into another issue now. After adding backports ppa, and doing upgrades. I now can't start a single program. It boots up fine, allows me to log in, but trying to get into either muon or terminal just freezes the whole system22:16
aoteaThe Icon starts to bounce next to cursor, spinner starts in my panel, but then the icon halts. I can move the cursor just fine around my desktop but system seems unresponsive.22:18
aoteakubuntu 15.04 on Asus N55SF22:19
FritigernTry starting a program from Konsole, it should spew errors.22:20
FritigernThese errors will tell us what's going wrong22:20
aoteawell, how do I open that one, because I tried from the kicker but as I said the system can't open it.22:20
Fritigernokay, let's see. Hit ALt+F2, type "konsole" and hit enter. Let's see if that will work22:21
aoteanope, same result as alt+f1 and trying to run it22:27
aoteano wait, got a terminal open now. Only took about 5min. Still not able to type commands in it though22:31
aoteaWell, seems I can start muon-dicovery just fine from konsole. Don't seem to get the window with red X etc22:37
aoteaGonna try another apt full-upgrade and reboot.22:37
FritigernMy suggestion:install kde-full , this may install a bunch of stuff that you may not want or need, but it may also pull in missing stuff and fix the problem22:39
aoteaPretty sure I went full kde on the install, was few days ago so memory might be fuzzy :S22:49
aoteaGotta say so far it's been my worst linux experience22:51
aoteaWell, at least I get programs to run now. Only everything is missing the window with red X button etc. And everything seem to join into the panel.22:58
FritigernI forgot what part was responsible for drawing the windows decorations, perhaps someone else can help with that22:59
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aoteaFritigern: in giving me the correct glossary for what I had broken you helped me. Was kwin that somehow broke - apparently not the only one who lost window decorations it seems23:16
FritigernAwesome soup! Glad that i managed to help there ;-)23:17
FritigernAnyway, time for me to reboot and see if 15.10 works for me. If I am not back in a few minutes, then the upgrade has failed and I will be working on trying to get my system up and running again.23:18
FritigernAlright, I'm back. The upgrade seems to have succesfully completed. *PHEW!*23:23
bpromptFritigern:    go eat an ice-cream, before it melts and while it's working, before you bork it with some backport update =)23:30
aoteaSo backport updates are known and dreaded :P?23:36
deusopusi keep losing my keyboard23:37
deusopusfor some reason it won't work at all23:37

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