
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
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Odd_Blokewgrant: cjwatson: Could you bump the priority of https://launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/cpc/+build/40589 for me?12:23
wgrantOdd_Bloke: I think it's already next up.12:23
wgrantBuilding already12:23
Odd_BlokeOh, weird; it was telling me 35 minutes when I first loaded the page.12:23
Odd_BlokeApologies for the noise. :)12:23
wgrantEasy fix :)12:24
Odd_Blokewgrant: Could you bump https://launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/+archive/ubuntu/buildd-test/+build/8116415?13:15
Odd_Bloke*refreshes to check if just asking has fixed the problem again*13:15
wgrantOdd_Bloke: Done.13:15
Odd_Blokewgrant: https://launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/+livefs/ubuntu/wily/cpc/+build/40590 pretty please. :)13:49
wgrantOdd_Bloke: Done!13:51
CarlFKbuilding on ppa error: /«PKGBUILDDIR»/missing: line 81: aclocal-1.13: command not found15:03
CarlFKBuild-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), autotools-dev, autotools-dev, autoconf, automake1.11, libtool,15:03
CarlFKtwice even ...15:03
CarlFKdo I need automake1.13?15:04
dobeyif you want to use aclocal-1.13, yes15:11
dobeyyou should just depend on "automake" though i think, and not a specific version15:11
dobeyyou don't need "autotools-dev" listed twice either15:12
CarlFKdobey: thanks.  I was just using upstream's list. the patches don't touch the build chain, so not sure how it ever worked15:12
cjwatsonCarlFK: This package's build process probably ends up implicitly relying on file timestamps for its behaviour.  I strongly recommend converting to dh-autoreconf to make things more reliable; it may involve a bit of up-front work to make things work properly with current autotools, but it's worth it.15:14
cjwatson(Well, perhaps working with the Debian maintainer to do the above)15:16
CarlFKcjwatson: well.. I am just replacing the current git clone... make install steps with apt-get.  but I'll save your suggestion in my notes and hopefully it will get to the package maintainer15:17
cjwatsonLots of upstreams have dubious or out-of-date recommendations about use of autotools.15:18
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=== Logan_ is now known as Logan
CarlFKthis will prolly make someone cry: /bin/bash: ../src/helper/bin2char.sh: Permission denied  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/221237389/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.openocd_0.8.0-4ubuntu6_BUILDING.txt.gz19:13
CarlFKcan a patch set exe perms?19:20
dobeyCarlFK: you can change whatever runs that command to "chmod +x && foo" or just "sh foo", in a patch19:41
CarlFKdobey: I was thinking of that.    sh or /bin/bash or bash?19:42
dobeyi guess /bin/sh maybe.19:44
dobeyor bash, because it's probably not strictly posix compliant as a script19:44
CarlFKah... bin2char.sh has #!/bin/sh19:48
alkisgHi, is it possible to request a PPA that also builds for arm, to support some educational applications in raspberry pi 2 ?21:07
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pyrocy0hi everyone, I opened a ticket on Oct 8th about deleting my old project and account on Launchpad21:27
pyrocy0unfortunately I deleted my account with Ubuntu One before I could deactivate my launchpad account.21:28
pyrocy0can anyone deactivate my account and delete my old project? thank you in advance.21:29

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