
phillwif anyone handy, please check an alternate image whilst the desktop ones re-build... we are looking for the end of bug 148866018:04
ubot93bug 1488660 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "Intermittent bug with additional applets appearing" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148866018:04
phillwwxl: i've just done an install with today's iso build and still see bug 148866019:03
ubot93bug 1488660 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "Intermittent bug with additional applets appearing" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148866019:03
wxlwell just reply to the bug and it will have to be19:04
phillwwxl: what is CLI to list version numbers of all lx stuff ?19:13
wxlphillw: well i think each individual component has its own version but usually -v will do it :)19:17
phillwwxl: save hunting, I did this for the boss :) http://phillw.net/lubuntu.txt19:18
phillwhe wanted a list of what versions i have of all the lx stuff19:19
phillwHe's a good boss and that was his 1st request once i said i could still see the issue.19:20

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