=== wojdev_ is now known as wojdev [06:05] jwitk0: see https://askubuntu.com/questions/310153/how-do-i-get-maas-and-juju-to-recognize-proxy-settings-in-a-deployment - basically you need to set the HTTP proxy during the image import. [06:05] jwitk0: my other suggestion was going to be to create a local mirror of the images and point MAAS to that instead, which you could try if that doesn't work [07:36] hey, any maas guys around? [07:37] I have an old 1.5.4 maas cluster on 14.04 which I need to upgrade to 1.9 - should I do it in a special way (e.g. first to 1.6 then 1.9 etc.) ? I seem to recall people having issues with upgrading from 1.5 [07:51] dimitern: this is the only thing I know about - https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1495064 - fixed in the latest 1.9 alpha, and also 1.8.3 (unreleased) === matsubara_ is now known as matsubara [13:19] Bug #1506053 opened: Data Loggers PDU unit does not shutdown outlet after commissioning or deploying a connected node [13:42] HI [13:43] I am curious if anyone has experienced SSL cert issues with MAAS during enlistment? [13:43] I get 'SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain' [14:02] Anyone awake? [14:28] Bug #1424549 opened: enlisting of nodes: seed_random fails due to self signed certificate [14:28] Bug #1506087 opened: The leases parser needs some cleanup [16:05] Anyone available? [16:39] Bug #1506143 opened: ipaddresses?op=release only releases one address === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver === wolverin_ is now known as wolverineav