
tdaitxcould someone from bug control please nominate LP: #1073478 for Precise and Trusty?04:05
ubot5`Launchpad bug 1073478 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Update squid3 upstart script to kill it with SIGINT and wait longer" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107347804:05
=== tux_ is now known as soupnanodesukar
flexiondotorgCan I request access to errors.ubuntu.com?10:55
flexiondotorgThe upstream MATE team and I have noticed an upward trend in segfaults for Marco, the MATE window manager.10:55
flexiondotorgerrors.ubuntu seems to have captured what could be very useful data for resolving those crashes.10:56
=== JMulholland_ is now known as JMulholland
=== Guest77290 is now known as balloons
=== Logan_ is now known as Logan

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