
cyphermoxTheMuso: thanks for n-m-openvpn! :)01:23
TheMusocyphermox: np, just deciding to do some FTBFS work, and I use that on occasion, so I thought why not. :)01:30
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
pittiGood morning04:18
pittilarsu: FYI: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#notify-osd06:54
didrocksgood morning!08:13
qengho[needs citation]08:14
pittihey Laney!08:22
pittibonjour didrocks08:22
pittiça va seb12808:22
didrocksbonjour pitti :)08:22
pittiseb128: FYI, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#notify-osd test regression08:22
larsupitti: thanks :)08:22
larsupitti: und guten morgen aus London08:22
seb128pitti, hey, thanks we were discussing it with Laney08:22
pittilarsu: *wink*08:22
seb128and then larsu mentioned it as well08:22
seb128hey hikiko08:23
hikikohi seb128 :)08:23
desrthello #ubuntu-desktop!08:23
seb128hey desrt!08:23
desrtwhere is everyone today?08:23
seb128hidding in the corner08:24
desrti see seb08:24
larsuI see desrt08:26
desrti don't see larsu08:27
pittihey desrt, wie gehts?08:30
Laneyhey pitti08:30
Laneywhat is up?08:31
pittithe sun again, at last!08:31
larsudesrt: open your eyes!08:31
desrtomg the sun!08:32
Laneylooks good here!08:33
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
Sweet5harkseb128:  "desktop/gnome/interface", "/system/proxy", "/system/http_proxy/host", "/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/mailto", "/apps/openoffice", "/desktop/gnome/lockdown", "/apps/openoffice/lockdown"08:44
seb128Sweet5hark, yeah, those are deprecated08:44
seb128desrt, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75615308:45
ubot5`Gnome bug 756153 in general "Clicking a file-picker dialog in GTK3-enabled Firefox or Epiphany triggers crash and/or GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_connection_is_closed: assertion 'G_IS_DBUS_CONNECTION (connection)' failed" [Normal,New]08:45
Sweet5harkseb128: ok, going to kill this then for LibreOffice 5.1 ...08:45
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks!08:45
seb128I'm surprised nobody did08:45
seb128or at least that nobody filed a bug about stopping using gconf08:46
seb128Sweet5hark, https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41678&redirected_from=fdo08:48
ubot5`bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 41678 in LibreOffice "Use GSetting instead GConf" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]08:48
desrtseb128: it's all shit!!!08:48
seb128Sweet5hark, https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/42653 states that we can build with --disable-lockdown --disable-gconf08:51
seb128robert_ancell, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/1502052 seems new in wily, might be worth upstreaming?09:00
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1502052 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/Xorg:6:_list_del:list_del:__kgem_retire_rq:__kgem_retire_requests_upto:kgem_bo_retire" [Undecided,New]09:00
robert_ancellseb128, I'll have a lock09:00
seb128didrocks, oneconf didn't change so https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/219c680fa886fb16b18c7e8291b66f066cdbeceb is likely an issue in the stack under it?09:08
didrocksseb128: yeah, I feel piston-mini-client in particular09:14
seb128didrocks, weird, that didn't change since trusty09:14
seb128so probably not it09:14
didrocksseb128: hum, maybe the server did change his encoding or anything when sending back the answer?09:15
seb128yeah, I wonder09:15
didrocks(and so, the bug has always been there)09:15
didrocksjust not showing up09:15
Sweet5hark"are you crazy? do you have *any* idea what larsu could do if IRC had audio support?" (paraphrasing https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/quips.cgi?action=show )09:22
larsuSweet5hark: I need to log in to see that (but don't have an account)09:24
Sweet5harklarsu: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qSDWM9az09:26
desrtwhere's till?09:38
desrtthis is his kind of thing09:38
robert_ancelltjaalton, Do you know what sort of stability requirements the Intel driver has for git snapshots? We seem to be getting a few issues since moving from 2.99.917 to 2.99.917+git20150808.10:29
robert_ancellWas there a particular fix we were getting by upgrading?10:30
robert_ancellbug 1502052 seems to be the latest issue.10:30
ubot5`bug 1502052 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/Xorg:6:_list_del:list_del:__kgem_retire_rq:__kgem_retire_requests_upto:kgem_bo_retire" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150205210:30
seb128Trevinho, http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-desktop/unity-bugs.html10:50
seb128Trevinho, https://dev.launchpad.net/Bugs/BugHeat#Algorithm10:55
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: hi, i'm gone until monday, but in general one snapshot before FF, and I checked with upstream that this should've been a stable-ish release10:58
robert_ancelltjaalton, ok, I'll just raise the issues with upstream.10:59
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: ickle is quite responsive in fixing these and/or pointing out commits that fix things10:59
tjaaltontoo bad there hasn't been a single upstrean snapshot since december..10:59
robert_ancelltjaalton, you mean a release by upstream?11:00
robert_ancellI'm not aware of their release process11:00
tjaaltonright, .917 is the latest and old by now11:00
tjaaltonno stable release in over two years..11:01
robert_ancelltjaalton, did you mean we should have made a snapshot or upstream should have made a .918 release?11:03
robert_ancelltjaalton, just thinking for next cycle, should we regularly update by taking snapshots?11:03
seb128tjaalton, hey, not going to bother you much if you are off, but just one question. is bug #1417980 something we need to fix if we want to use libinput? what happens without the usd/ucc changes? the settings are not working?11:05
ubot5`bug 1417980 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Add support for unified Xorg input driver" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141798011:05
seb128tjaalton, also is that something we want to change in a lts or do we need more testing/feedback?11:05
hikikoTrevinho, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyMbW4Iykqc and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTo2JtBi8so11:07
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: dunno if another snapshot this cycle would've helped. but it doesn't help that upstream is in git-master-forever -mode..11:07
robert_ancelltjaalton, yeah, it's kind of frustrating. Sorry to bother you, enjoy you break!11:08
tjaaltonseb128: yeah, settings won't work, I'd say it would be best to switch early, fedora defaults to it already, and it would then share the same plumbing with mir11:09
seb128tjaalton, k, so on next cycle opening would be good ... how would one test that? install -libinput and change options and see if they work?11:09
tjaaltononly issues I know of is some pointer acceleration issues have been reworked upstream but not released yet, but that should arrive by next month for sure11:10
tjaaltonjust install -libinput11:10
tjaaltonit'll override -evdev and -synaptics then11:10
tjaaltonverify reading Xorg.0.log11:10
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: no worries :)11:10
tjaaltonrobert_ancell: oh, and push xserver git changes when you get a chance ;)11:11
robert_ancelltjaalton, right, I keep forgetting.11:11
tjaaltontoo easy, I know11:11
seb128robert_ancell, useful upstream reply :-/11:44
seb128oh, in fact he's right? ;-)11:45
* desrt hits glib with sticks11:45
seb128beat it!11:45
robert_ancellseb128, actually it was - you sent me on a wild goose chase! I relooked at errors.ubuntu.com and all the reports are from users running 2:1.17.2-1ubuntu9 or earlier.11:45
desrtseb128: please keep the channel G-rated11:45
desrtseb128: also: pay attention to your meeting!11:45
robert_ancellSo it must be fixed I think.11:45
seb128robert_ancell, sorry about that, those users not dist-upgrading daily!11:46
robert_ancellyeah, I reckon11:46
* robert_ancell is hungry11:47
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desrtseb128: so looks like we have a release now13:06
seb128desrt, \o/13:06
desrtmclasen broke the build, then reverted the changes and did a release while i was at lunch13:06
desrtso my morning was a complete waste of time13:06
seb128or not13:07
seb128well, he didn't do the release it seems?13:07
seb128sorry you wasted the morning13:07
desrti still get to type 'make dist', it seems :p13:08
desrthe committed the release commit13:08
* desrt merges the best parts of the two NEWS updates, adds trash fix, etc.13:09
desrtnot a total waste13:09
Trevinhoandyrock, hikiko: if you came back in the room we were before we can continue with looking through bugs... Let's do that at 14:3013:12
Trevinhoseb128: if you want to...13:12
seb128Trevinho, k13:13
andyrockTrevinho: no13:13
desrtTrevinho: hikiko will be unavailable due to taking too many pictures13:13
Trevinhodesrt: eheh, ok that's fine... :)13:14
TrevinhoI want a bug with pictures, then BTW :)13:14
* desrt looks around but fails to see Trevinho 13:14
Trevinhodesrt: in the nearest meeting room13:15
desrtyou just kicked a chair13:15
larsuattente: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Patuoxun%C2%AE-Converter-ThinkPad-Compatible-Ultrabook-7-9x5-5mm-female-plug/dp/B00G3UTBVA13:15
desrti wanted to say that13:17
desrtbut i thought it would be dumb13:17
desrtjust saying' ;)13:17
desrthm.  now i look like the dumb one anyway.13:18
desrtand a meanie to boot13:18
desrtsorry Laney :(13:18
Trevinhoseb128: how often is the rls-w-incoming list updated?13:38
seb128Trevinho, no idea, maybe Laney knows?13:38
Laneytry bdmurray, sorry13:39
robert_ancelldidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/12781248/13:49
popeyrobert_ancell: bug 142157514:13
ubot5`bug 1421575 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Desktop corruption when changing monitor config" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142157514:13
robert_ancellseb128, you were getting bug 1501941, right?14:15
ubot5`bug 1501941 in xf86-video-intel "Screen turned off after X server exits" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/150194114:15
seb128robert_ancell, yeah, that was a compiz issue which has been fixed I think14:15
robert_ancellseb128, no, I worked around that in the intel driver. I need a dmesg log for upstream and mine is fully of touchscreen issues which will be confusing.14:17
seb128robert_ancell, you did? when? I though popey confirmed it was compiz back then by trying their ppa14:18
robert_ancellseb128, this is a different issue. Saviq and others were getting it. I'm sure someone here had it too..14:19
seb128robert_ancell, oh, sorry, I read popey's bug number14:20
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1295908 in unity (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1308037 Sometimes applications stop showing up in the Dash" [High,Triaged]14:20
Laneythat dupe seems wrong14:20
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't have the exit bug, Saviq and olli did14:20
Laneythe "How to fix it" doesn't apply in this case14:20
seb128Laney, come here and participate ;-)14:21
seb128they don't watch IRC14:21
Laneymaybe I just undupe it14:21
seb128if you think it's wrong maybe undup and improve the description14:22
seb128or explain them why you think it's not a dup14:22
desrtseb is brutal14:23
desrtgoes to meetings just to have a nicer chair to IRC from14:23
LaneyI think the description is fine, no?14:23
larsuthe prescription is fine, ya14:23
seb128they both seem "stop listing results" to me14:23
LaneyThis sometimes happens for one search but either re-entering the search or toggling the lens has always fixed it in the past for me. This time neither of these steps work.14:23
LaneyHow to fix it once it happens:14:24
LaneyA)type something and either hit escape or delete what you have typed.14:24
LaneyB)Check "application" in filters in the Dash (it gets unchecked)14:24
seb128titles are identical I guess that's the bit that needs to be better worded14:24
seb128"sometime dash doesn't display results until some action is done"14:26
seb128"sometime dash stop displaying results until unity is restarted"14:26
seb128or whatever the difference is14:26
Laneyok but people should still read the description14:27
Laneyit's not realistic to expect the title to be able to convey all nuances of a particular bug14:28
seb128I guess in an ideal world they would14:28
seb128just not enough hours in the day for that14:29
Laneyto read?14:29
Laneyyou have to understand the problem to fix it14:29
Laneyanyway I changed them, hope you like it more now14:29
seb128well, I'm just said that when you try to clean a buglist that long you can't spent 5 minutes on every bug14:31
seb128so good titles help to avoid errors ;-)14:31
willcookelarsu, https://www.brewdog.com/bars/uk/shoreditch14:32
larsuwillcooke: thanks!14:32
larsuwillcooke: when will we meet there?14:33
qengholondon-turingers, I'll visit Forbidden Planet bookstore on the way to dinner, leaving about 17:30. You're welcome to join me.14:33
willcookelarsu, I'm easy.  I guess we get back to the hotel and then freshen up etc and head over.  I'd suggest we get a cab/Uber because public transport looks like more effort than I'm willing to expend.  Uber will be about 10 GBP each way.  If we Uber then we can come and go as we please14:34
larsuwillcooke: sounds good to me14:35
willcookelarsu, But I think I'll plan to be there for around 193014:35
larsudo they have food?14:35
larsuotherwise I'd probably get something before14:35
willcookethey do, but my mate says it's not great.14:35
willcookeI haven't eaten there though14:36
larsua beer is also some kind of food, eg?14:36
willcookeTrip Advisor agrees that the food "needs work"14:36
willcookethere are no shortage of eating places over there14:37
willcookeI'll get some recommendations14:37
=== Guest77290 is now known as balloons
=== Pharmasolin1 is now known as Pharmasolin
=== Pharmasolin1 is now known as Pharmasolin
jcastroanyone have time to look at #1498658 or #14986655 ? branches are attached15:29
seb128bug #149865815:31
ubot5`bug 1498658 in steam (Ubuntu) "Steam Controller support: need read-write access to /dev/uinput for controller emulation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149865815:31
seb128jcastro, unsure, I've the feeling it's going to be picked, maybe mdeslaur once he's back from holidays?15:33
jcastroah so that's why he's missing, I was looking for him earlier15:33
willcookehey Pharmasolin16:32
Pharmasolinwillcooke: Hello16:32
willcookePharmasolin, so you're looking for a way to help with Desktop QA?16:32
Pharmasolinwillcooke: Yes i have started with bug triaging for 16.04, but now modifying testcases16:33
willcookePharmasolin, I think it would be useful if we can write test cases for the bugs that we are fixing as part of the U7 clear up16:36
willcookeso that we can make test for regressions16:36
willcookeTrevinho, fyi ^^16:36
=== Saviq_ is now known as Saviq
Pharmasolinwillcooke: were afk, i will need to get some fixed bug from Unity bug tracker and write steps for reproduce for specific bug, that were fixed?16:51
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