
czajkowskitdr112: read the tog post and at first glace I thought TOG was closing it's doors for good after 5 years, had to re read it to see you're moving locations09:15
tdr112czajkowski: I did see that, it is not well written09:17
czajkowskiI love the image thye used it's nice09:17
czajkowskiand a lovely blog post, and great to see you folks grow to a newer place09:18
czajkowskilong time since meetings in smithfield09:18
tdr112czajkowski: yep we are moving from a 200sqM to a 550 sq M,09:21
tdr112More space than we know what to do with09:21
zerglesswheres the new one?09:21
czajkowskitdr112: impressive, I'm sure it'll be filled with ducks in no time :)09:21
tdr11222 Blackpitts, Dublin 8, D08 P3K409:22
czajkowskiOMG you used a postcode!09:22
czajkowskiI've yet to see it being used in real life!09:22
tdr112czajkowski: I added it to the site the day it came out09:22
ebelI'm going to have to do some clever editing of OSM after the move. To ensure the OSM data history is preserved! :)09:23
czajkowskiebel: editing for the maps, or TOG or the postcode?09:24
ebelfor tog09:25
czajkowskiahh gotcha09:26

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